Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
•Instrument Editor/Instrument Tests.c
#include "BigEasy2.h" |
#include "BigEasyDialogs.h" |
#include "Instrument Editor.h" |
static long gScale = 12; |
void PitchBendDoc(short n, short menuItem, short menuRef) |
{ |
long t; |
long i; |
long x; |
TDoc *d; |
ComponentResult result; |
d = &gDoc[n - kFirstDocWindow]; |
x = EasyDialogGetNumber("\pScale", |
"\pNumber of notes in equal tempered octave:", |
&gScale); |
if(x && gScale > 0 && gScale < 100) |
{ |
GoWatch(); |
result = MusicPlayNote(d->ci,1,60,100); |
Delay(15,&t); |
for(i = -gScale; i <= gScale; i++) |
{ |
MusicSetController(d->ci,1,kControllerPitchBend,i * (12<<8) / gScale); |
Delay(12,&t); |
} |
result = MusicPlayNote(d->ci,1,60,0); |
MusicSetController(d->ci,1,kControllerPitchBend,0); |
} |
GoArrow(); |
} |
void MicrotoneDoc(short n, short menuItem, short menuRef) |
{ |
long t; |
long i; |
long x; |
long p; |
TDoc *d; |
ComponentResult result; |
d = &gDoc[n - kFirstDocWindow]; |
x = EasyDialogGetNumber("\pScale", |
"\pNumber of notes in equal tempered octave:", |
&gScale); |
if(x && gScale > 0 && gScale < 100) |
{ |
GoWatch(); |
Delay(15,&t); |
for(i = -gScale; i <= gScale; i++) |
{ |
p = (60<<8) + (i * (12<<8) / gScale); |
result = MusicPlayNote(d->ci,1, p,100); |
Delay(12,&t); |
result = MusicPlayNote(d->ci,1, p,0); |
Delay(3,&t); |
} |
} |
GoArrow(); |
} |
void NotesOnDoc(short n, short menuItem, short menuRef) |
{ |
ComponentResult result; |
TDoc *d; |
d = &gDoc[n - kFirstDocWindow]; |
result = MusicPlayNote(d->ci,1,60,100); |
result = MusicPlayNote(d->ci,1,67,70); |
} |
void NotesOffDoc(short n, short menuItem, short menuRef) |
{ |
ComponentResult result; |
TDoc *d; |
d = &gDoc[n - kFirstDocWindow]; |
result = MusicPlayNote(d->ci,1,60,0); |
result = MusicPlayNote(d->ci,1,67,0); |
} |
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