
    File:       ComponentVideoPayload.h
    Contains:   Declaration of ComponentVideoPayload datatype and its operations
    Copyright:  © 1997-1999 by Apple Computer Inc. all rights reserved.
    X-Sample-YUV-422-v0 Payload Format
                         1                   2                   3
     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
    |D|                      Description Seed                       |
    |                        Offset                         |  MBZ  |
    :                      Payload Description                      :
    :                          Image Data                           :
    D - 1 bit
        Set if, and only if, Payload Description is present.
    Description Seed - 31 bits
        A payload description seed that increments cyclically
        whenever the payload description changes.
    Offset - 28 bits
        Positive offset from the start of the current frame to the
        start of image data contained in this payload as counted in
        32-bit words. Multiply by 4 to compute the offset in octets.
    MBZ - 4 bits
        Reserved.  Must be zero.
    Payload Description - described below
        Present if, and only if, the D bit is set.
    Image Data - 0 or more 32-bit words
        YUV 4:2:2 encoded image data.  Might be omitted if Payload
        Description is present.
    Payload Description Format
                         1                   2                   3
     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
    | Z |            Width            |            Height           |
    Z - 2 bits
        Reserved.  Must be zero.
    Width - 15 bits
        Positive integer specifying width of current frame in pixels.
    Height - 15 bits
        Positive integer specifying height of current frame in pixels.
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *      H E A D E R S
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <MacTypes.h>
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *      C O N S T A N T S
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    kComponentVideoPayloadFixedHeaderWordCount  = 2,
    kComponentVideoPayloadDescriptionWordCount  = 1
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *      D A T A T Y P E S
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  The ComponentVideoPayload structure represents the payload format defined
 *  above.  Unfortunately, the position of bit fields in C data structures is
 *  implementation-dependent, so the data structure cannot declare individual
 *  fields of the payload format.
typedef struct
    UInt32  itsFixedHeader[ kComponentVideoPayloadFixedHeaderWordCount ];
        UInt32  itsDescription[ kComponentVideoPayloadDescriptionWordCount ];
        UInt32  itsImageData[ 1 ];
} ComponentVideoPayload;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *      P R O T O T Y P E S
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  These functions get and set fields of the ComponentVideoPayload.  Some
 *  functions affect multiple fields, and some functions expect or return
 *  values that differ from the representation encoded in the payload:
 *      ComponentVideoPayloadSetOffset()
 *      ComponentVideoPayloadOffset()           These functions expect or
 *                                              return the offset in octets,
 *                                              not 32-bit words
 *      ComponentVideoPayloadSetDescription()   This function implicitly sets
 *                                              the description flag (D) field
 *                                              if inWidth and inHeight are
 *                                              both non-zero.  If inWidth or
 *                                              inHeight is zero, this
 *                                              function clears the
 *                                              description flag, but does not
 *                                              modify the Width or Height
 *                                              fields in the given
 *                                              ComponentPayloadDescription.
 *      ComponentVideoPayloadCopyDescription()  This function copies the
 *                                              description flag (D) and
 *                                              Description Seed fields as
 *                                              well as the Payload
 *                                              Description field.
    void );
ComponentVideoPayload *
    ComponentVideoPayload *     inPayload,
    UInt16                      inWidth,
    UInt16                      inHeight );
    ComponentVideoPayload *     inPayload,
    UInt32                      inOffset );
    ComponentVideoPayload *     inPayload,
    UInt16                      inWidth,
    UInt16                      inHeight );
    ComponentVideoPayload *         inTargetPayload,
    const ComponentVideoPayload *   inSourcePayload );
    const ComponentVideoPayload *   inPayload );
    const ComponentVideoPayload *   inPayload );
    const ComponentVideoPayload *   inPayload );
    const ComponentVideoPayload *   inPayload );
    const ComponentVideoPayload *   inPayload );