
    File:       RTPRssmIMAAudio.c
    Contains:   Definition of IMA Audio RTPReassembler
    Copyright:  © 1997-1998 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
    QuickTime Streaming software uses an RTPReassembler to extract sample data
    from incoming RTP packets.  A base RTPReassembler defined by QuickTime
    Streaming does much of the work of reassembling.  A derived RTPReassembler
    extends the base to interpret a specific RTP payload format, to select an
    appropriate StreamHandler to process reassembled sample data, and to
    handle network packet loss.
    This reassembler extends or fully implements the following interface and
    delegates all other calls to its base.
        CallComponentOpen()             Allocate and initialize storage for
                                        instance variables.
        CallComponentClose()            Reverse the effects of
        CallComponentVersion()          Return the instance's version.
        CallComponentTarget()           Update the instance's inheritance graph.
        RTPRssmInitialize()             Prepare to reassemble sample data.
        RTPRssmComputeChunkSize()       Determine the size of buffer needed for
                                        the data in a list of network packets.
        RTPRssmAdjustPacketParams()     Adjust fields of an RTPRssmPacket to
                                        reflect the properties of its payload.
        RTPRssmCopyDataToChunk()        Copy sample data from a packet list to
                                        a data buffer.
        RTPRssmSendPacketList()         Prepare to process or discard a list of
        RTPRssmHasCharacteristic()      Indicate whether the reassembler has the
                                        specified characteristic.
        RTPRssmReset()                  End processing of the current stream of
                                        network packets.
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *      H E A D E R S
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "RTPRssmIMAAudio.h"
#include "RTPRssmIMAAudioResources.h"
#include <FixMath.h>
#include <string.h>
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *      R T P    R E A S S E M B L E R    P R O T O T Y P E S
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  QTStreamingComponents.k.h uses these macros to declare prototypes for
 *  the RTPReassembler calls defined in this file.
#define RTPRSSM_BASENAME()              RTPRssmIMAAudio_
#define RTPRSSM_GLOBALS()               RTPRssmIMAAudioInstanceData **
#include <QTStreamingComponents.k.h>
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *      C O M P O N E N T    D I S P A T C H    H E L P E R
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  ComponentDispatchHelper.c uses these macros to define a dispatcher and to
 *  declare prototypes for the core component calls defined in this file.  For
 *  Mac OS, it defines the routine descriptor that serves as the component
 *  entry point.  The name of the routine descriptor is the macro expansion of
 *      CALLCOMPONENT_BASENAME()##ComponentDispatchRD
 *  The name of the dispatcher is the macro expansion of
 *      CALLCOMPONENT_BASENAME()##ComponentDispatch
#define COMPONENT_DISPATCH_FILE         "RTPRssmIMAAudioDispatch.h"
#define COMPONENT_C_DISPATCHER          1
#define GET_DELEGATE_COMPONENT()        ( ( **storage ).itsBase )
#include <ComponentDispatchHelper.c>
#pragma mark *        INTERNAL IMPLEMENTATION
#pragma mark -
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *      I N T E R N A L    I M P L E M E N T A T I O N
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *      __GetNewSampleDescription()
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Create a new SampleDescription for this reassembler's payload using the
 *  given payload attributes.
    const IMAAudioPayload *     inPayloadAttributes,
    SampleDescriptionHandle *   outDescription )
    ComponentResult         theResult = noErr;
    SoundDescriptionHandle  theDescription;
    theDescription =
        REINTERPRET_CAST( SoundDescriptionHandle )(
            NewHandleClear( sizeof( **theDescription ) ) );
    if( theDescription )
        *outDescription = REINTERPRET_CAST( SampleDescriptionHandle )( theDescription );
        ( **theDescription ).descSize = sizeof( **theDescription );
        ( **theDescription ).dataFormat = kIMAAudioDataFormat;
        ( **theDescription ).resvd1 = 0;
        ( **theDescription ).resvd2 = 0;
        ( **theDescription ).dataRefIndex = 0;
        ( **theDescription ).version = 0;
        ( **theDescription ).revlevel = 0;
        ( **theDescription ).vendor = kComponentManufactureType;
        ( **theDescription ).numChannels =
            IMAAudioPayloadChannelCount( inPayloadAttributes );
        ( **theDescription ).sampleSize = 16;
        ( **theDescription ).compressionID = 0;
        ( **theDescription ).packetSize = 0;
        ( **theDescription ).sampleRate =
            IMAAudioPayloadSampleRate( inPayloadAttributes );;
        *outDescription = 0;
        theResult = MemError();
        if( theResult == noErr )
            theResult = memFullErr;
    return( theResult );
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *      __GetPayload()
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Return a pointer to the start of a packet's payload.
IMAAudioPayload *
    RTPRssmPacket *     inPacket )
        REINTERPRET_CAST( IMAAudioPayload * )(
            &inPacket->streamBuffer->rptr[ inPacket->transportHeaderLength ] ) );
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *      __FillMissingData()
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Synthesize data for missing audio frames.  This implementation zeros out
 *  missing frames to synthesize silence.
    RTPRssmPacket *     inPackets,
    UInt16              inGroupStartSequenceNumber,
    UInt32              inInterleaveCount,
    SHChunkRecord *     inChunk )
    IMAAudioFrame *     theFrames;
    UInt32              theFrameCount;
    UInt16              theExpectedSequenceNumber;
    RTPRssmPacket *     thePacket;
    UInt16              theMissingPacketCount;
    UInt32              theIndex;
        For now, this function is just for looks, as it doesn't actually
        produce the desired audible effect.  The problem is that the
        decompressor doesn't use all data in each frame, so it doesn't
        necessarily decode zeroed frames as silence, and inserting zeroed
        frames into the data stream usually distorts the decoding of some
        subsequent frames.
        IMPORTANT   The sequence number computations in this function work
                    because the packets are in order and the separation
                    between the packets is guaranteed to be within the
                    precision of the RTP sequence number field (i.e., less
                    than 16 bits, or 65536 packets).  When computing with
                    sequence numbers of packets that might be separated by
                    more than 65535 packets, a reassembler must extend the
                    precision of the sequence numbers, for instance by
                    using the inNumWraparounds parameter of
                    RTPRssmHandleNewPacket() or by using the timeStamp
                    field of RTPRssmPacket structures.
    theFrames =
        REINTERPRET_CAST( IMAAudioFrame * )( CONST_CAST( UInt8 * )( inChunk->dataPtr ) );
    theFrameCount = inChunk->dataSize / sizeof( IMAAudioFrame );
    theExpectedSequenceNumber = inGroupStartSequenceNumber;
    for( thePacket = inPackets; thePacket; thePacket = thePacket->next )
        theMissingPacketCount = thePacket->sequenceNum - theExpectedSequenceNumber;
        if( theMissingPacketCount )
                theIndex = theExpectedSequenceNumber - inGroupStartSequenceNumber;
                theIndex < theFrameCount; theIndex += inInterleaveCount )
                    &theFrames[ theIndex ], 0,
                    theMissingPacketCount * sizeof( IMAAudioFrame ) );
        theExpectedSequenceNumber = thePacket->sequenceNum + 1;
    theMissingPacketCount =
        inGroupStartSequenceNumber + inInterleaveCount - theExpectedSequenceNumber;
    if( theMissingPacketCount )
            theIndex = theExpectedSequenceNumber - inGroupStartSequenceNumber;
            theIndex < theFrameCount; theIndex += inInterleaveCount )
                &theFrames[ theIndex ], 0,
                theMissingPacketCount * sizeof( IMAAudioFrame ) );
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *      __InterleaveGroupDataSize()
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Compute the number of octets of data in the interleave group to which the
 *  given packet belongs.
    RTPRssmPacket *     inPacket )
    UInt32                      theResult;
    const IMAAudioPayload *     thePayload;
    UInt32                      theInterleaveCount;
    UInt32                      theInterleaveIndex;
    UInt32                      theInterleaveTail;
    thePayload = __GetPayload( inPacket );
    theInterleaveCount = IMAAudioPayloadInterleaveCount( thePayload );
    theInterleaveIndex = IMAAudioPayloadInterleaveIndex( thePayload );
    theInterleaveTail = IMAAudioPayloadInterleaveTail( thePayload );
    theResult = theInterleaveCount * inPacket->dataLength;
    if( theInterleaveIndex <= theInterleaveTail )
        theResult -=
            sizeof( IMAAudioFrame ) * ( theInterleaveCount - theInterleaveTail - 1 );
        theResult += sizeof( IMAAudioFrame ) * ( theInterleaveTail + 1 );
    return( theResult );
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark -
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *      S T A N D A R D    C O M P O N E N T    I N T E R F A C E
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *      + CallComponentOpen() implementation
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Allocate and initialize storage for instance variables.  When a
 *  reassembler is opened, it is not always called to reassemble data, so this
 *  function doesn't perform any allocations or time-consuming operations that
 *  are needed only to reassemble sample data.  The RTPRssmInitialize()
 *  implementation performs such operations.
EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
    RTPRssmIMAAudioInstanceData **  inGlobals,
    ComponentInstance               self )
    ComponentResult     theResult = noErr;
    RTPReassembler      theBase;
    inGlobals =
        REINTERPRET_CAST( RTPRssmIMAAudioInstanceData ** )(
            NewHandleClear( sizeof( **inGlobals ) ) );
    if( inGlobals )
        ( **inGlobals ).itself = self;
        ( **inGlobals ).itsFinalDerivation = self;
        SetComponentInstanceStorage( self, REINTERPRET_CAST( Handle )( inGlobals ) );
        theResult =
                kRTPReassemblerType, kRTPBaseReassemblerType, &theBase );
        if( theResult == noErr )
            ( **inGlobals ).itsBase = theBase;
            theResult = CallComponentTarget( ( **inGlobals ).itsBase, self );
        theResult = MemError();
        if( theResult == noErr )
            theResult = memFullErr;
    return( theResult );
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *      + CallComponentClose() implementation
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Reverse the effects of the CallComponentOpen() implementation.
EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
    RTPRssmIMAAudioInstanceData **  inGlobals,
    ComponentInstance               self )
#pragma unused( self )
    if( inGlobals )
        if( ( **inGlobals ).itsBase )
            CloseComponent( ( **inGlobals ).itsBase );
        DisposeHandle( REINTERPRET_CAST( Handle )( inGlobals ) );
    return( noErr );
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *      + CallComponentVersion() implementation
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Return the instance's version.
EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
    RTPRssmIMAAudioInstanceData **  inGlobals )
#pragma unused( inGlobals )
    return( kComponentVersion );
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *      + CallComponentTarget() implementation
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Update the instance's inheritance graph with a new most-derived instance.
EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
    RTPRssmIMAAudioInstanceData **  inGlobals,
    ComponentInstance               target )
    ComponentResult     theResult;
    if( ( **inGlobals ).itsBase )
        theResult = CallComponentTarget( ( **inGlobals ).itsBase, target );
        theResult = noErr;
    if( theResult == noErr )
        ( **inGlobals ).itsFinalDerivation = target;
    return( theResult );
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark *        RTP REASSEMBLER INTERFACE
#pragma mark -
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *      R T P    R E A S S E M B L E R    I N T E R F A C E
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *      + RTPRssmInitialize() implementation
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Prepare to reassemble sample data.  This implementation initializes
 *  instance variables that represent the payload state, opens a new
 *  StreamHandler to process reassembled sample data, and sets options that
 *  determine how its base reassembler handles network packets.
EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
    RTPRssmIMAAudioInstanceData **  inGlobals,
    RTPRssmInitParams *             inInitParams )
    ComponentResult             theResult = noErr;
    IMAAudioPayload             thePayloadAttributes;
    SampleDescriptionHandle     theDescription;
    if( CallComponentCanDo( ( **inGlobals ).itsBase, kRTPRssmInitializeSelect ) )
        theResult = RTPRssmInitialize( ( **inGlobals ).itsBase, inInitParams );
    if( theResult == noErr )
        IMAAudioPayloadInitialize( &thePayloadAttributes );
        theResult =
            __GetNewSampleDescription( &thePayloadAttributes, &theDescription );
        ( **inGlobals ).itsPayloadAttributes = thePayloadAttributes;
        if( theResult == noErr )
            theResult =
                    ( **inGlobals ).itsFinalDerivation, SoundMediaType,
                    theDescription, kIMAAudioPayloadRTPTimeScale, NULL );
            DisposeHandle( REINTERPRET_CAST( Handle )( theDescription ) );
            if( theResult == noErr )
                theResult =
                        ( **inGlobals ).itsFinalDerivation,
                        kRTPRssmTrackLostPacketsFlag | kRTPRssmQueueAndUseMarkerBitFlag,
                        -1L );
    return( theResult );
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *      + RTPRssmComputeChunkSize() implementation
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Use the packet list to determine the size of the data buffer needed to
 *  pass data from these network packets to the StreamHandler.
 *  For this reassembler, the chunk size is the audio data size for the entire
 *  interleave group to which the given packets belong.  (The data is
 *  packetized such that the base reassembler can automatically group
 *  incoming packets by interleave group, so the packets in the list will be
 *  all those packets, and only those packets, from a single interleave
 *  group.)  The size cannot be computed by summing the data sizes of network
 *  packets received, since some packets might be lost.  Instead, the size is
 *  determnined, through a call to __InterleaveGroupDataSize() defined above,
 *  by inspecting the payload header and data size of the first packet.
 *  This function also updates the StreamHandler's SampleDescription when the
 *  sample rate or channel count changes.
EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
    RTPRssmIMAAudioInstanceData **  inGlobals,
    RTPRssmPacket *                 inPacketListHead,
    SInt32                          inFlags,
    UInt32 *                        outChunkDataSize )
#pragma unused( inFlags )
    ComponentResult             theResult = noErr;
    const IMAAudioPayload *     thePayload;
    UInt32                      theChannelCount;
    UnsignedFixed               theSampleRate;
    SampleDescriptionHandle     theDescription;
    thePayload = __GetPayload( inPacketListHead );
    theChannelCount = IMAAudioPayloadChannelCount( &( **inGlobals ).itsPayloadAttributes );
    theSampleRate = IMAAudioPayloadSampleRate( &( **inGlobals ).itsPayloadAttributes );
        IMAAudioPayloadChannelCount( thePayload ) != theChannelCount  ||
        IMAAudioPayloadSampleRate( thePayload ) != theSampleRate )
        theResult = __GetNewSampleDescription( thePayload, &theDescription );
        if( theResult == noErr )
            theResult =
                    ( **inGlobals ).itsFinalDerivation, theDescription );
            if( theResult == noErr )
                ( **inGlobals ).itsPayloadAttributes = *thePayload;
            DisposeHandle( REINTERPRET_CAST( Handle )( theDescription ) );
    *outChunkDataSize = __InterleaveGroupDataSize( inPacketListHead );
    return( theResult );
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *      + RTPRssmAdjustPacketParams() implementation
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Adjust fields of the RTPRssmPacket to reflect the properties of its
 *  payload.  The payload format used by this reassembler defines a
 *  fixed-length header that immediately precedes the audio data.  Overriding
 *  RTPRssmAdjustPacketParams() gives the reassembler a chance to update the
 *  RTPRssmPacket data structure for each packet to reflect its payload header
 *  length and audio data length.
EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
    RTPRssmIMAAudioInstanceData **  inGlobals,
    RTPRssmPacket *                 inPacket,
    SInt32                          inFlags )
#pragma unused( inGlobals, inFlags )
    UInt32              theHeaderSize;
    IMAAudioPayload *   thePayload;
    theHeaderSize = sizeof( thePayload->itsFixedHeader );
    inPacket->payloadHeaderLength = theHeaderSize;
    inPacket->dataLength -= theHeaderSize;
    return( noErr );
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *      + RTPRssmCopyDataToChunk() implementation
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Copy sample data from a packet list to the data buffer described by an
 *  SHChunkRecord.  The payloads processed by this reassembler indicate where
 *  interleave audio data from each payload.  This function iterates through
 *  the packets, copying the data to the correct position in the chunk.  The
 *  function then calls __FillMissingData(), defined above, to synthesize lost
 *  packet data.
EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
    RTPRssmIMAAudioInstanceData **  inGlobals,
    RTPRssmPacket *                 inPacketListHead,
    UInt32                          inMaxChunkDataSize,
    SHChunkRecord *                 inChunk,
    SInt32                          inFlags )
#pragma unused( inGlobals, inFlags )
    ComponentResult             theResult = noErr;
    UInt32                      theFrameCount;
    IMAAudioFrame *             theFrames;
    RTPRssmPacket *             thePacket;
    const IMAAudioPayload *     thePayload;
    UInt16                      theGroupStartSequenceNumber;
    UInt32                      theInterleaveCount;
    UInt32                      theInterleaveIndex;
    UInt32                      thePacketFrameCount;
    UInt32                      theSourceIndex;
    UInt32                      theTargetIndex;
    /*  IMPORTANT   The sequence number computations in this function work
                    because the packets are in order and the separation
                    between the packets is guaranteed to be within the
                    precision of the RTP sequence number field (i.e., less
                    than 16 bits, or 65536 packets).  When computing with
                    sequence numbers of packets that might be separated by
                    more than 65535 packets, a reassembler must extend
                    the precision of the sequence numbers, for instance by
                    using the inNumWraparounds parameter of
                    RTPRssmHandleNewPacket() or by using the timeStamp
                    field of RTPRssmPacket structures.
    inChunk->dataSize = __InterleaveGroupDataSize( inPacketListHead );
    if( inChunk->dataSize > inMaxChunkDataSize )
        /* this should never happen */
        theResult = buffersTooSmall;
        theFrameCount = inChunk->dataSize / sizeof( IMAAudioFrame );
        theFrames =
            REINTERPRET_CAST( IMAAudioFrame * )(
                CONST_CAST( UInt8 * )( inChunk->dataPtr ) );
        thePayload = __GetPayload( inPacketListHead );
        theInterleaveCount = IMAAudioPayloadInterleaveCount( thePayload );
        theGroupStartSequenceNumber =
            inPacketListHead->sequenceNum - IMAAudioPayloadInterleaveIndex( thePayload );
        for( thePacket = inPacketListHead; thePacket; thePacket = thePacket->next )
            thePayload = __GetPayload( thePacket );
            theInterleaveIndex = thePacket->sequenceNum - theGroupStartSequenceNumber;
            thePacketFrameCount = thePacket->dataLength / sizeof( IMAAudioFrame );
            for( theSourceIndex = 0; theSourceIndex < thePacketFrameCount; theSourceIndex++ )
                theTargetIndex =
                    ( theSourceIndex * theInterleaveCount ) + theInterleaveIndex;
                if( theTargetIndex < theFrameCount )
                    theFrames[ theTargetIndex ] =
                        thePayload->itsAudioFrames[ theSourceIndex ];
            inPacketListHead, theGroupStartSequenceNumber, theInterleaveCount, inChunk );
    return( theResult );
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *      + RTPRssmSendPacketList() implementation
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Prepare to process or discard a list of packets.  If the base detects that
 *  some network packets were lost, overriding RTPRssmSendPacketList() gives
 *  the reassembler a chance to decide whether it can handle the remaining
 *  packets.  This reassembler tolerates any amount of packet loss, so this
 *  function simply clears the kRTPRssmLostSomePackets flag before delegating
 *  to the base.  When a reassembler is able to recover from packet loss,
 *  turning off the kRTPRssmLostSomePackets flag before delegating the call to
 *  the base reassembler prevents the base from discarding the packets.
EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
    RTPRssmIMAAudioInstanceData **  inGlobals,
    RTPRssmPacket *                 inPacketListHead,
    const TimeValue64 *             inLastChunkPresentationTime,
    SInt32                          inFlags )
            ( **inGlobals ).itsBase, inPacketListHead, inLastChunkPresentationTime,
            inFlags &= ~kRTPRssmLostSomePackets ) );
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *      + RTPRssmHasCharacteristic() implementation
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Indicate whether the reassembler has the specified characteristic.  This
 *  reassembler requires ordered packet lists.  All other characteristics are
 *  delegated to the base.
EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
    RTPRssmIMAAudioInstanceData **  inGlobals,
    OSType                          inCharacteristic,
    Boolean *                       outHasIt )
    ComponentResult     theResult;
    if( inCharacteristic == kRTPRssmRequiresOrderedPacketsCharacteristic )
        *outHasIt = true;
        theResult = noErr;
        theResult =
            RTPRssmHasCharacteristic( ( **inGlobals ).itsBase, inCharacteristic, outHasIt );
    return( theResult );
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *      + RTPRssmReset() implementation
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  End processing of the current stream of network packets and prepare to
 *  process a new, possibly unrelated, stream.  This implementation simply
 *  resets its base.
EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
    RTPRssmIMAAudioInstanceData **  inGlobals,
    SInt32                          inFlags )
    ComponentResult     theResult;
    if( CallComponentCanDo( ( **inGlobals ).itsBase, kRTPRssmResetSelect ) )
        theResult = RTPRssmReset( ( **inGlobals ).itsBase, inFlags );
        theResult = noErr;
    return( theResult );