
    File:       IMAAudioPayload.h
    Contains:   Declaration of IMAAudioPayload datatype and its operations
    Copyright:  © 1997-1999 by Apple Computer Inc. all rights reserved.
    X-Sample-IMA-ADPCM-4-1-v0 Payload
    RTP clock rate: 55125 Hz
        220500 Hz is the least common mutiple of the frame rates
        (sample rate divided by samples per frame) this payload
        format uses.  At this clock rate, the duration of a frame at
        any sample rate would be an exact integer number of clock
        cycles.  This frequency is somewhat high, though, given the
        available timestamp precision.  But removing two factors of
        2, yielding 55125 Hz, gives a reasonable clock rate and still
        allows for integer durations using multiples of, at worst,
        four (i.e., two factors of 2) frames.
    Payload Format:
     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
    |  SR   | CC  | IC  | IX  | IT  |
    :           Audio Data          :
    SR - 4 bits
        RFC 1890 recommended sample rate as follows:
                0 =  8000 Hz
                1 = 11025
                2 = 16000
                3 = 22050
                4 = 24000
                5 = 32000
                6 = 44100
                7 = 48000
             8-15 - reserved
        Although this payload encoding uses the sample rates
        recommended by RFC 1890, other payload encodings are not
        restricted to these rates.  An encoding may use any sample
        rates it requires.
    CC - 3 bits
        One less than the channel count.  That is, 0 = mono,
        1 = stereo, 2 = 3 channels, etc.
    IC - 3 bits
        One less than the count of network packets in the current
        interleave group.
    IX - 3 bits
        Interleave index.  Position, from zero to IC, of this network
        packet in the current interleave group.
    IT - 3 bits
        Interleave tail.  Interleave index (IX) of the network packet
        that contains the last frame of data in the current
        interleave group.
    Audio Data - 1 or more 34-octet frames
        IMA 4:1 ADPCM encoded audio data.  The total frame count in
        an interleave group is a multiple of the channel count
        (i.e., CC + 1).
    E X A M P L E
    Deriving the first interleave group for the described audio data
    according to the given user settings:
    Audio Data
    Sample rate = 11025 Hz
    Channels    = 2
    Length      = 2000 frames
    Start time  = 3 seconds
    Duration    = 5.805 seconds (1000 frames)
    +------+------+------+------+------+   +------+------+------+
    |  L0  |  R0  |  L1  |  R1  |  L2  |...| R998 | L999 | R999 |
    +------+------+------+------+------+   +------+------+------+
    User Settings
    Interleaving          = 3
    Packet length limit   = 1460 bytes (header and 42 frames)
    Packet duration limit = 100 ms (17 frames)
    Interleave Group 1
    Timestamp = 165375 (55125 Hz x 3 seconds)
    Length    = 50 frames (17 x 3 packets rounded to 2-channel multiple)
    Packet 1             Packet 2             Packet 3
    Timestamp = 165375   Timestamp = 165375   Timestamp = 165375
    Length    = 17 fr    Length    = 17 fr    Length    = 16 fr
    Duration  = 0        Duration  = 0        Duration  = 8000 (25 fr)
    Header:              Header:              Header:
    SR = 1               SR = 1               SR = 1
    CC = 1               CC = 1               CC = 1
    IC = 2               IC = 2               IC = 2
    IX = 0               IX = 1               IX = 2
    IT = 1               IT = 1               IT = 1
    Data:                Data:                Data:
    +------+             +------+             +------+
    |  L0  |             |  R0  |             |  L1  |
    +------+             +------+             +------+
    |  R1  |             |  L2  |             :      :
    +------+             +------+             :      :
    :      :             :      :             :      :
    :      :             :      :             +------+
    :      :             :      :             |  R23 |
    +------+             +------+             +------+
    |  L24 |             |  R24 |
    +------+             +------+
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *      H E A D E R S
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <MacTypes.h>
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *      M A C R O S
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifndef REZ
#   if __cplusplus
#       define C_CAST( aType )              ( aType )
#       define REINTERPRET_CAST( aType )    reinterpret_cast< aType >
#       define STATIC_CAST( aType )         static_cast< aType >
#       define CONST_CAST( aType )          const_cast< aType >
#   else
#       define __CAST( anExpression )       ( anExpression )
#       define C_CAST( aType )              ( aType ) __CAST
#       define REINTERPRET_CAST( aType )    C_CAST( aType )
#       define STATIC_CAST( aType )         C_CAST( aType )
#       define CONST_CAST( aType )          C_CAST( aType )
#   endif /* __cplusplus */
#endif /* REZ */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *      C O N S T A N T S
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    kIMAAudioPayloadRTPTimeScale = 55125UL
    kIMAAudioPayloadFixedHeaderWordCount = 1
    kIMAAudioPayloadFrameSampleCount        = 64UL,
    kIMAAudioPayloadWordSampleCount         = 4,
    kIMAAudioPayloadInterleaveCountLimit    = 8
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *      D A T A T Y P E S
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  The IMAAudioPayload structure represents the payload format defined
 *  above.  Unfortunately, the position of bit fields in C data structures is
 *  implementation-dependent, so the data structure cannot declare individual
 *  fields of the payload format.
typedef struct
    UInt16  itsPredictor;
    UInt16  itsAudioData[
                kIMAAudioPayloadFrameSampleCount / kIMAAudioPayloadWordSampleCount ];
} IMAAudioFrame;
typedef struct
    UInt16          itsFixedHeader[ kIMAAudioPayloadFixedHeaderWordCount ];
    IMAAudioFrame   itsAudioFrames[ 1 ];
} IMAAudioPayload;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *      P R O T O T Y P E S
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  These functions get and set fields of the IMAAudioPayload.  Some functions
 *  use values that differ from the representation encoded in the payload:
 *      IMAAudioPayloadChannelCountLimit()
 *      IMAAudioPayloadSetChannelCount()
 *      IMAAudioPayloadChannelCount()       These functions expect or return
 *                                          actual count of channels, not one
 *                                          less than the channel count.
 *      IMAAudioPayloadSetSampleRate()
 *      IMAAudioPayloadSampleRate()         These functions expect or return
 *                                          actual UnsignedFixed sample rates,
 *                                          not symbolic constants.
 *                                          IMAAudioPayloadSetSampleRate()
 *                                          returns the rate actually encoded,
 *                                          which might differ from the rate
 *                                          given.
 *      IMAAudioPayloadSetInterleaving()
 *      IMAAudioPayloadInterleaveCount()    These functions expect or return
 *                                          actual count of interleaved
 *                                          packets, not one less than the
 *                                          interleave count.
    void );
    void );
IMAAudioPayload *
    IMAAudioPayload *   inPayload );
    IMAAudioPayload *   inPayload,
    UInt32              inChannelCount );
    IMAAudioPayload *   inPayload,
    UnsignedFixed       inSampleRate );
    IMAAudioPayload *   inPayload,
    UInt32              inInterleaveCount,
    UInt32              inInterleaveGroupFrameCount );
    IMAAudioPayload *   inPayload );
    const IMAAudioPayload *     inPayload );
    const IMAAudioPayload *     inPayload );
    const IMAAudioPayload *     inPayload );
    const IMAAudioPayload *     inPayload );
    const IMAAudioPayload *     inPayload );