
// AbstractSocket.h
// SmallSockets Library (
// Copyright (C) 2001 Steven Frank (
// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied 
// warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages 
// arising from the use of this software.
// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, 
// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it 
// freely, subject to the following restrictions:
//     1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must 
//        not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this 
//        software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product 
//        documentation (and/or about box) would be appreciated but is not 
//        required.
//     2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must
//        not be misrepresented as being the original software.
//     3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source 
//        distribution.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
// SMALLSOCKETS_VERSION is the version number of SmallSockets in binary-coded
// decimal.  (ie; version 1.3.2 == 0x0132)
// SOCKET_DEFAULT_READ_BUFFER_SIZE is the default size of the buffer 
// used by readData, which all the other read calls are built upon.  
// readData will not read more than this amount in a single call.
// You can change this buffer size on a per-socket basis by
// calling -setReadBufferSize
// SOCKET_MAX_PENDING_CONNECTIONS is the maximum number of pending connections
// that should be allowed during a listen operation before connections start
// being refused.  You can specify a different number by using 
// -listenOnPort:maxPendingConnections: instead of -listenToPort: which will
// use this default value.
// The following defines are strings used to raise exceptions.
// The _F versions are formatting strings for the exception's description.
// The %s is replaced by the value of strerror(errno) which usually gives
// a pretty good idea of what went wrong.
#define SOCKET_EX_ACCEPT_FAILED             @"Socket: Accept failed"
#define SOCKET_EX_ACCEPT_FAILED_F           @"Socket: Accept failed: %s"
#define SOCKET_EX_ALREADY_CONNECTED         @"Socket: Already connected"
#define SOCKET_EX_BAD_SOCKET_DESCRIPTOR     @"Socket: Bad socket descriptor"
#define SOCKET_EX_BIND_FAILED               @"Socket: Bind failed"
#define SOCKET_EX_BIND_FAILED_F             @"Socket: Bind failed: %s"
#define SOCKET_EX_CANT_CREATE_SOCKET        @"Socket: Can't create socket"
#define SOCKET_EX_CANT_CREATE_SOCKET_F      @"Socket: Can't create socket: %s"
#define SOCKET_EX_CONNECT_FAILED            @"Socket: Connect failed"
#define SOCKET_EX_CONNECT_FAILED_F          @"Socket: Connect failed: %s"
#define SOCKET_EX_FCNTL_FAILED              @"Socket: Fcntl failed"
#define SOCKET_EX_FCNTL_FAILED_F            @"Socket: Fcntl failed: %s"
#define SOCKET_EX_HOST_NOT_FOUND            @"Socket: Host not found"
#define SOCKET_EX_HOST_NOT_FOUND_F          @"Socket: Host not found: %s"
#define SOCKET_EX_INVALID_BUFFER            @"Socket: Invalid buffer"
#define SOCKET_EX_LISTEN_FAILED             @"Socket: Listen failed"
#define SOCKET_EX_LISTEN_FAILED_F           @"Socket: Listen failed: %s"
#define SOCKET_EX_MALLOC_FAILED             @"Socket: Malloc failed"
#define SOCKET_EX_NOT_CONNECTED             @"Socket: Not connected"
#define SOCKET_EX_NOT_LISTENING             @"Socket: Not listening"
#define SOCKET_EX_RECV_FAILED               @"Socket: Recv failed"
#define SOCKET_EX_RECV_FAILED_F             @"Socket: Recv failed: %s"
#define SOCKET_EX_SELECT_FAILED             @"Socket: Select failed"
#define SOCKET_EX_SELECT_FAILED_F           @"Socket: Select failed: %s"
#define SOCKET_EX_SEND_FAILED               @"Socket: Send failed"
#define SOCKET_EX_SEND_FAILED_F             @"Socket: Send failed: %s"
#define SOCKET_EX_SETSOCKOPT_FAILED         @"Socket: Setsockopt failed"
#define SOCKET_EX_SETSOCKOPT_FAILED_F       @"Socket: Setsockopt failed: %s"
// Default, uninitialized values for instance variables
// AbstractSocket interface
// AbstractSocket is an abstract base class, intended to provide functionality
// that is common to its subclasses.  You should not be creating AbstractSockets
// in your code.  More likely, you want to create a Socket or BufferedSocket,
// both of which inherit from this class.
@interface AbstractSocket : NSObject 
    BOOL            connected;
    BOOL            listening;
    void*           readBuffer;
    unsigned int    readBufferSize;
    NSString*       remoteHostName;
    unsigned short  remotePort;
    int             socketfd;
// Class utilities
+ (NSString*)dottedIPFromAddress:(struct in_addr*)address;
// Designated initializer
- (id)init;
// Private initializer, do not use
- (id)initWithFD:(int)fd remoteAddress:(struct sockaddr_in*)remoteAddress;
// Accessor functions
- (unsigned int)readBufferSize;
- (NSString*)remoteHostName;
- (unsigned short)remotePort;
// Connection management
- (void)close;
- (BOOL)isConnected;
// Making connections
- (void)connectToHostName:(NSString*)hostName port:(unsigned short)port;
// Receiving connections
- (void)acceptConnection;
- (void)bindTo:(u_int32_t)address port:(unsigned short)port;
- (void)listenOnPort:(unsigned short)port;
- (void)listenOnPort:(unsigned short)port maxPendingConnections:(unsigned int)maxPendingConnections;
// Reading and writing data
- (BOOL)isReadable;
- (BOOL)isWritable;
- (int)readData:(NSMutableData*)data;
- (void)writeData:(NSData*)data;
- (void)writeString:(NSString*)string;
// Utility functions
- (void)setBlocking:(BOOL)shouldBlock;
- (void)setReadBufferSize:(unsigned int)size;
// Internal utility function.  You should not call this from client code.
- (void)allocReadBuffer;