
 Copyright (C) 2017 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
 A UIView subclass that is the super class of the other demonstration views in this sample.
import UIKit
extension CGContext {
    func savingGState<Result>(_ body: () throws -> Result) rethrows -> Result {
        defer {
        return try body()
class QuartzView: UIView {
    // center and optionally scale the drawing
    func centerDrawing(inContext: CGContext,  drawingExtent: CGRect, scaleToFit: Bool = false) {
        let xScale = bounds.width / drawingExtent.width
        let yScale = bounds.height / drawingExtent.height
        let doScale = scaleToFit ? min(xScale, yScale) : 1.0
        let xExtra = bounds.width - drawingExtent.width*doScale
        let yExtra = bounds.height - drawingExtent.height*doScale
        inContext.translateBy(x: xExtra/2, y: yExtra/2)
        inContext.scaleBy(x: doScale, y: doScale)
    // As a matter of convinience we'll do all of our drawing here in subclasses of QuartzView.
    func drawInContext(_ ctx: CGContext) {
        // Default is to do nothing.
    override func draw(_ rect: CGRect) {
        drawInContext( UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()! )