Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
CodeWarrior (OS 9)/FX.c
/* |
File: FX.c |
Contains: |
Written by: EL |
Copyright: Copyright © 1992-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved. |
You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without |
restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the |
responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute |
this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made |
changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make |
it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source |
code, but that you've made changes. |
Change History (most recent first): |
08/2000 JM Carbonized, non-Carbon code is commented out |
for demonstration purposes. |
7/13/1999 KG Updated for Metrowerks Codewarror Pro 2.1 |
*/ |
#include "FX.h" |
long drawFXImage() |
{ |
int exampleNumber, exampleItem; |
Rect rect, rect2; |
Rect outlineRect; |
long startTicks, endTicks; |
Point point = { 0, 0 }; |
Rect frame; |
Rect windowRect, gWorldRect; |
/*SetRect( &rect, (*gWindow).portRect.right - (*gGWorld).portRect.right - 20, 37, |
(*gWindow).portRect.right - 20, 37 + (*gGWorld).portRect.bottom );*/ |
GetPortBounds(GetWindowPort(gWindow), &windowRect); |
GetPortBounds(gGWorld, &gWorldRect); |
SetRect( &rect, windowRect.right - gWorldRect.right - 20, 37, |
windowRect.right - 20, 37 + gWorldRect.bottom ); |
outlineRect = rect; |
InsetRect( &outlineRect, -5, -5 ); |
drawDeepBox( &outlineRect ); |
frame = rect; |
if (settings.bItem == 1) |
{ |
ForeColor( whiteColor ); |
PaintRect( &rect ); |
} |
else if (settings.bItem == 2) |
{ |
ForeColor( blackColor ); |
PaintRect( &rect ); |
} |
else |
{ |
rect2 = rect; |
rect2.right = (rect2.right - rect2.left) / 2 + rect2.left; |
ForeColor( whiteColor ); |
PaintRect( &rect2 ); |
rect2.left = rect2.right; |
rect2.right = rect.right; |
ForeColor( blackColor ); |
PaintRect( &rect2 ); |
} |
ForeColor( blackColor ); |
BackColor( whiteColor ); |
exampleNumber = gCurrentExample / 10; |
exampleItem = gCurrentExample % 10; |
startTicks = TickCount(); |
if (exampleNumber == 1) |
transferExample( &rect, exampleItem ); |
else if (exampleNumber == 2) |
arithmeticExample( &rect, exampleItem ); |
else if (exampleNumber == 3) |
ditherExample( &rect, exampleItem ); |
else if (exampleNumber == 4) |
colorizationExample( &rect, exampleItem ); |
else if (exampleNumber == 5) |
mappingExample( &rect, exampleItem ); |
else if (exampleNumber == 6) |
paintBucketExample( &rect, exampleItem, point ); |
else if (exampleNumber == 7) |
lassoToolExample( &rect, exampleItem, &frame ); |
else if (exampleNumber == 8) |
pixelAverageExample( &rect, exampleItem ); |
else if (exampleNumber == 9) |
customExample( &rect, exampleItem ); |
endTicks = TickCount(); |
return (endTicks - startTicks); |
} |
void transferExample( Rect *rect, int item ) |
{ |
int transferMode; |
resetItems(); |
settings.tItem = item; |
transferMode = setTransferMode( item ); |
/*CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(*gGWorld).portPixMap), &gWindow->portBits, |
&(**(*gGWorld).portPixMap).bounds, rect, transferMode, nil );*/ |
CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(GetPortPixMap(gGWorld))), GetPortBitMapForCopyBits(GetWindowPort(gWindow)), |
&((**(GetPortPixMap(gGWorld))).bounds), rect, transferMode, nil ); |
} |
int setTransferMode(int item ) |
{ |
item--; |
return item; |
} |
void arithmeticExample( Rect *rect, int item ) |
{ |
int arithmeticMode; |
RGBColor color; |
resetItems(); |
settings.aItem = item; |
arithmeticMode = setArithmeticMode( item ); |
/*CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(*gGWorld).portPixMap), &gWindow->portBits, |
&(**(*gGWorld).portPixMap).bounds, rect, arithmeticMode, nil );*/ |
CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(GetPortPixMap(gGWorld))), GetPortBitMapForCopyBits(GetWindowPort(gWindow)), |
&((**(GetPortPixMap(gGWorld))).bounds), rect, arithmeticMode, nil ); | = = = 0; |
OpColor( &color ); |
} |
int setArithmeticMode(int item) |
{ |
RGBColor color; |
if (item <= 4) |
item = 31 + item; |
else if (item == 9) |
item = transparent; |
else |
item = 32 + item; | = = = 0xffff / 2; |
OpColor( &color ); |
return item; |
} |
void colorizationExample(Rect *rect, int item ) |
{ |
int i; |
Rect srcRect, dstRect; |
RGBColor color; |
resetItems(); |
settings.cItem = item; |
//srcRect = (**(*gGWorld).portPixMap).bounds; |
srcRect = (**(GetPortPixMap(gGWorld))).bounds; |
srcRect.right = srcRect.left + (srcRect.right - srcRect.left) / 3; |
dstRect = *rect; |
dstRect.right = dstRect.left + (dstRect.right - dstRect.left) / 3; |
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) |
{ |
if (item == 1) |
{ |
ForeColor( blackColor ); |
BackColor( whiteColor ); |
} |
else if (item == 2) |
{ |
ForeColor( whiteColor ); |
BackColor( blackColor ); |
} |
else |
{ | = = = 0; |
if (i == 0) | = 0xffff; |
else if (i == 1) | = 0xffff; |
else if (i == 2) | = 0xffff; |
if (item == 3) |
{ |
RGBForeColor( &color ); |
BackColor( whiteColor ); |
} |
else |
{ |
RGBBackColor( &color ); |
ForeColor( blackColor ); |
} |
} |
/*CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(*gGWorld).portPixMap), &gWindow->portBits, |
&srcRect, &dstRect, srcCopy, nil );*/ |
CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(GetPortPixMap(gGWorld))), GetPortBitMapForCopyBits(GetWindowPort(gWindow)), |
&srcRect, &dstRect, srcCopy, nil ); |
OffsetRect( &srcRect, srcRect.right - srcRect.left, 0 ); |
OffsetRect( &dstRect, dstRect.right - dstRect.left, 0 ); |
} |
} |
void ditherExample(Rect * rect,int item ) |
{ |
#pragma unused(rect) |
int ditherMode; |
/* This function shows an example of using copybits with the dithering. */ |
resetItems(); |
settings.dItem = item; |
ditherMode = setDitherMode( item ); |
/*CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(*gGWorld).portPixMap), &gWindow->portBits, |
&(**(*gGWorld).portPixMap).bounds, rect, srcCopy + ditherMode, nil );*/ |
CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(GetPortPixMap(gGWorld))), GetPortBitMapForCopyBits(GetWindowPort(gWindow)), |
&(**(GetPortPixMap(gGWorld))).bounds, rect, srcCopy + ditherMode, nil ); |
} |
int setDitherMode(int item) |
{ |
if (item == 1) |
return 0; |
else |
return ditherCopy; |
} |
void mappingExample(Rect * rect, int item ) |
{ |
int i; |
GWorldPtr gworld; |
CTabHandle ictable; |
Rect tempRect1; |
resetItems(); |
settings.mItem = item; |
if (item == 1) |
/*CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(*gGWorld).portPixMap), &gWindow->portBits, |
&(**(*gGWorld).portPixMap).bounds, rect, srcCopy, nil );*/ |
CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(GetPortPixMap(gGWorld))), GetPortBitMapForCopyBits(GetWindowPort(gWindow)), |
&((**(GetPortPixMap(gGWorld))).bounds), rect, srcCopy, nil ); |
else if (item == 2) |
{ |
ColorSearchUPP searchProcUPP=NewColorSearchProc(searchProc); |
AddSearch(searchProcUPP); |
/*CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(*gGWorld).portPixMap), &gWindow->portBits, |
&(**(*gGWorld).portPixMap).bounds, rect, srcCopy, nil );*/ |
CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(GetPortPixMap(gGWorld))), GetPortBitMapForCopyBits(GetWindowPort(gWindow)), |
&((**(GetPortPixMap(gGWorld))).bounds), rect, srcCopy, nil ); |
DelSearch(searchProcUPP); |
} |
else if (item == 3) |
{ |
//NewGWorld( &gworld, 8, &(*gGWorld).portRect, GetCTable( 8 + 64 ), nil, 0 ); |
NewGWorld( &gworld, 8, GetPortBounds(gGWorld, &tempRect1), GetCTable( 8 + 64 ), nil, 0 ); |
/*CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(*gGWorld).portPixMap), (BitMap *)(*(*gworld).portPixMap), |
&(**(*gGWorld).portPixMap).bounds, &(**(*gworld).portPixMap).bounds, |
srcCopy, nil );*/ |
CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(GetPortPixMap(gGWorld))), (BitMap *)(*(GetPortPixMap(gworld))), |
&((**(GetPortPixMap(gGWorld))).bounds), &((**(GetPortPixMap(gworld))).bounds), |
srcCopy, nil ); |
ictable = GetCTable( 8 ); |
/*for (i = 0; i <= (**(**(*gworld).portPixMap).pmTable).ctSize; i++) |
(**(**(*gworld).portPixMap).pmTable).ctTable[i].rgb = |
(**ictable).ctTable[255 - i].rgb; |
(**(**(*gworld).portPixMap).pmTable).ctSeed = 67; |
// (**(**(*(CGrafPtr)gWindow).portPixMap).pmTable).ctSeed; |
CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(*gworld).portPixMap), &gWindow->portBits, |
&(**(*gworld).portPixMap).bounds, rect, srcCopy, nil );*/ |
for (i = 0; i <= (**(**(GetPortPixMap(gworld))).pmTable).ctSize; i++) |
(**(**(GetPortPixMap(gworld))).pmTable).ctTable[i].rgb = |
(**ictable).ctTable[255 - i].rgb; |
(**(**(GetPortPixMap(gworld))).pmTable).ctSeed = 67; |
CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(GetPortPixMap(gworld))), GetPortBitMapForCopyBits(GetWindowPort(gWindow)), |
&(**(GetPortPixMap(gworld))).bounds, rect, srcCopy, nil ); |
DisposeGWorld( gworld ); |
} |
} |
pascal Boolean searchProc( RGBColor * color, long *position ) |
{ |
#pragma unused(position) |
(*color).red = 0; |
return false; |
} |
void paintBucketExample(Rect *rect, int exampleItem, Point point ) |
{ |
#pragma unused(exampleItem) |
GrafPtr mask; |
Point newPoint; |
GWorldPtr gworld; |
Rect tempRect1; |
resetItems(); |
newPoint.h = point.h - 20; |
newPoint.v = point.v - 37; |
/*if (newPoint.h < 0 || newPoint.v < 0 || |
newPoint.h > ((**(*gGWorld).portPixMap).bounds.right - (**(*gGWorld).portPixMap).bounds.left) || |
newPoint.v > ((**(*gGWorld).portPixMap).bounds.bottom - (**(*gGWorld).portPixMap) |
return;*/ |
tempRect1 = (**(GetPortPixMap(gGWorld))).bounds; |
if (newPoint.h < 0 || newPoint.v < 0 || |
newPoint.h > tempRect1.right - tempRect1.left || |
newPoint.v > tempRect1.bottom - |
return; |
//mask = CreateGrafPort( &(*gGWorld).portRect ); |
mask = CreateGrafPort(GetPortBounds(gGWorld, &tempRect1)); |
ForeColor( redColor ); |
MoveTo( point.h - 2, point.v ); |
LineTo( point.h + 2, point.v ); |
MoveTo( point.h, point.v - 2 ); |
LineTo( point.h, point.v + 2 ); |
ForeColor( blackColor ); |
//NewGWorld( &gworld, 8, &(*gGWorld).portRect, GetCTable( 8 + 64 ), nil, 0 ); |
NewGWorld( &gworld, 8, GetPortBounds(gGWorld, &tempRect1), GetCTable( 8 + 64 ), nil, 0 ); |
/*CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(*gGWorld).portPixMap), (BitMap *)(*(*gworld).portPixMap), |
&(**(*gGWorld).portPixMap).bounds, &(**(*gworld).portPixMap).bounds, |
srcCopy, nil );*/ |
CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(GetPortPixMap(gGWorld))), (BitMap *)(*(GetPortPixMap(gworld))), |
&((**(GetPortPixMap(gGWorld))).bounds), &((**(GetPortPixMap(gworld))).bounds), |
srcCopy, nil ); |
// GetGWorld( ¤tPort, ¤tDevice ); |
// SetGWorld( gworld, nil ); |
/*SeedCFill( (BitMap *)(*(*gworld).portPixMap), &mask->portBits, |
&(**(*gworld).portPixMap).bounds, &mask->portRect, |
newPoint.h, newPoint.v, nil, 0 );*/ |
SeedCFill( (BitMap *)(*(GetPortPixMap(gworld))), GetPortBitMapForCopyBits(mask), |
&((**(GetPortPixMap(gworld))).bounds), GetPortBounds(mask, &tempRect1), |
newPoint.h, newPoint.v, nil, 0 ); |
// SetGWorld( currentPort, currentDevice ); |
/*CopyMask( (BitMap *)(*(*gworld).portPixMap), &mask->portBits, &gWindow->portBits, |
&(**(*gworld).portPixMap).bounds, &mask->portRect, rect );*/ |
CopyMask( (BitMap *)(*(GetPortPixMap(gworld))), GetPortBitMapForCopyBits(mask), GetPortBitMapForCopyBits(GetWindowPort(gWindow)), |
&(**(GetPortPixMap(gworld))).bounds, GetPortBounds(mask, &tempRect1), rect ); |
DisposeGrafPort( mask ); |
} |
void lassoToolExample(Rect * rect, int exampleItem,Rect *frame ) |
{ |
#pragma unused(exampleItem,frame) |
GrafPtr mask; |
RGBColor color; |
CGrafPtr currentPort; |
GDHandle currentDevice; |
Rect tempRect1; |
pascal Boolean matchProc(); |
resetItems(); |
//mask = CreateGrafPort( &(*gGWorld).portRect ); |
mask = CreateGrafPort(GetPortBounds(gGWorld, &tempRect1)); |
GetGWorld( ¤tPort, ¤tDevice ); |
SetGWorld( gGWorld, nil ); | = = = 0; |
/*CalcCMask( (BitMap *)(*(*gGWorld).portPixMap), &mask->portBits, |
&(**(*gGWorld).portPixMap).bounds, &mask->portRect, |
&color, NewColorSearchProc(matchProc), 0 );*/ |
CalcCMask( (BitMap *)(*(GetPortPixMap(gGWorld))),GetPortBitMapForCopyBits(mask), |
&(**(GetPortPixMap(gGWorld))).bounds, GetPortBounds(mask, &tempRect1), |
&color, NewColorSearchProc(matchProc), 0 ); |
SetGWorld( currentPort, currentDevice ); |
/*CopyMask( (BitMap *)(*(*gGWorld).portPixMap), &mask->portBits, &gWindow->portBits, |
&(**(*gGWorld).portPixMap).bounds, &mask->portRect, rect );*/ |
CopyMask( (BitMap *)(*(GetPortPixMap(gGWorld))), GetPortBitMapForCopyBits(mask), GetPortBitMapForCopyBits(GetWindowPort(gWindow)), |
&(**(GetPortPixMap(gGWorld))).bounds, GetPortBounds(mask, &tempRect1), rect ); |
/* |
bounds = *frame; |
OffsetRect( &bounds, -bounds.left, ); |
mask = CreateGrafPort( &bounds ); |
GetGWorld( ¤tPort, ¤tDevice ); |
SetGWorld( gGWorld, nil ); | = = = 0; |
CalcCMask( (BitMap *)(*(*gGWorld).portPixMap), &mask->portBits, |
&bounds, &mask->portRect, &color, matchProc, 0 ); |
SetGWorld( currentPort, currentDevice ); |
CopyMask( (BitMap *)(*(*gGWorld).portPixMap), &mask->portBits, &gWindow->portBits, |
&bounds, &mask->portRect, frame ); |
*/ |
DisposeGrafPort( mask ); |
} |
pascal Boolean matchProc(RGBColor *color, long *position ) |
{ |
GDHandle currDevice; |
MatchRec *matchInfo; |
currDevice = GetGDevice(); |
matchInfo = (MatchRec *)(**currDevice).gdRefCon; |
if (matchInfo->red == color->red && matchInfo->green == color->green && |
matchInfo->blue == color->blue) |
*position = 0; |
else |
*position = 1; |
return true; |
} |
void pixelAverageExample(Rect *rect, int item ) |
{ |
#pragma unused(item) |
Rect bounds; |
GWorldPtr gworld; |
GWorldPtr source; |
Rect tempRect1; |
resetItems(); |
/* Create 8-bit gworld from 32-bit original. */ |
//NewGWorld( &source, 8, &(*gGWorld).portRect, GetCTable( 8 + 64 ), nil, 0 ); |
NewGWorld( &source, 8, GetPortBounds(gGWorld, &tempRect1), GetCTable( 8 + 64 ), nil, 0 ); |
/*CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(*gGWorld).portPixMap), (BitMap *)(*(*source).portPixMap), |
&(**(*gGWorld).portPixMap).bounds, &(**(*source).portPixMap).bounds, |
srcCopy, nil );*/ |
CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(GetPortPixMap(gGWorld))), (BitMap *)(*(GetPortPixMap(source))), |
&((**(GetPortPixMap(gGWorld))).bounds), &((**(GetPortPixMap(source))).bounds), |
srcCopy, nil ); |
/* Create another 8-bit gworld at quarter size of original. */ |
/*SetRect( &bounds, 0, 0, (*gGWorld).portRect.right / 4, |
(*gGWorld).portRect.bottom / 4 );*/ |
GetPortBounds(gGWorld, &tempRect1); |
SetRect( &bounds, 0, 0, tempRect1.right / 4, |
tempRect1.bottom / 4); |
NewGWorld( &gworld, 8, &bounds, GetCTable( 8 + 64 ), nil, 0 ); |
/* Copy the 8-bit original to 8-bit quarter image without pixel averaging. */ |
//bounds = (*source).portRect; |
GetPortBounds(source, &bounds); |
/*CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(*source).portPixMap), (BitMap *)(*(*gworld).portPixMap), |
&(**(*source).portPixMap).bounds, &(**(*gworld).portPixMap).bounds, |
srcCopy, nil );*/ |
CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(GetPortPixMap(source))), (BitMap *)(*(GetPortPixMap(gworld))), |
&((**(GetPortPixMap(source))).bounds), &((**(GetPortPixMap(gworld))).bounds), |
srcCopy, nil ); |
/* Copy the quarter image to screen. */ |
OffsetRect( &bounds, 20, 37 ); |
/*CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(*gworld).portPixMap), &(*gWindow).portBits, |
&(**(*gworld).portPixMap).bounds, &bounds, srcCopy, nil );*/ |
CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(GetPortPixMap(gworld))), GetPortBitMapForCopyBits(GetWindowPort(gWindow)), |
&(**(GetPortPixMap(gworld))).bounds, &bounds, srcCopy, nil ); |
/* Now, copy the 8-bit original to 8-bit quarter image with pixel averaging. */ |
//bounds = (*source).portRect; |
GetPortBounds(source, &bounds); |
/*CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(*source).portPixMap), (BitMap *)(*(*gworld).portPixMap), |
&(**(*source).portPixMap).bounds, &(**(*gworld).portPixMap).bounds, |
srcCopy + ditherCopy, nil );*/ |
CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(GetPortPixMap(source))), (BitMap *)(*(GetPortPixMap(gworld))), |
&((**(GetPortPixMap(source))).bounds), &((**(GetPortPixMap(gworld))).bounds), |
srcCopy + ditherCopy, nil ); |
/* Finally, copy pixel averaged quarter image to screen. */ |
OffsetRect( &bounds, (*rect).left, (*rect).top ); |
/*CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(*gworld).portPixMap), &(*gWindow).portBits, |
&(**(*gworld).portPixMap).bounds, &bounds, srcCopy, nil );*/ |
CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(GetPortPixMap(gworld))), GetPortBitMapForCopyBits(GetWindowPort(gWindow)), |
&(**(GetPortPixMap(gworld))).bounds, &bounds, srcCopy, nil ); |
DisposeGWorld( source ); |
DisposeGWorld( gworld ); |
} |
void customExample(Rect * rect,int item ) |
{ |
#pragma unused(item) |
int transferMode; |
int ditherMode; |
RGBColor color; |
ColorSearchUPP searchProcUPP=NewColorSearchProc(searchProc); |
transferMode = setTransferMode( settings.tItem ); |
ditherMode = setDitherMode( settings.dItem ); |
if (settings.cItem == 1) |
{ |
ForeColor( blackColor ); |
BackColor( whiteColor ); |
} |
else if (settings.cItem == 2) |
{ |
ForeColor( whiteColor ); |
BackColor( blackColor ); |
} |
else if (settings.cItem == 3) |
{ | = 0xffff; | = = 0; |
RGBForeColor( &color ); |
BackColor( whiteColor ); |
} |
else if (settings.cItem == 4) |
{ | = 0xffff; | = = 0; |
ForeColor( blackColor ); |
RGBBackColor( &color ); |
} |
if (settings.mItem == 2) |
AddSearch(searchProcUPP); |
/*CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(*gGWorld).portPixMap), &gWindow->portBits, |
&(**(*gGWorld).portPixMap).bounds, rect, |
transferMode + ditherMode, nil );*/ |
CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(GetPortPixMap(gGWorld))), GetPortBitMapForCopyBits(GetWindowPort(gWindow)), |
&(**(GetPortPixMap(gGWorld))).bounds, rect, |
transferMode + ditherMode, nil ); |
if (settings.mItem == 2) |
DelSearch(searchProcUPP); |
} |
GrafPtr CreateGrafPort( Rect *bounds ) /* CreateGrafPort originally written by Forrest Tanaka. */ |
{ |
GrafPtr savedPort; /* Saved GrafPtr for later restore. */ |
GrafPtr newPort; /* New GrafPort. */ |
Rect localBounds; /* Local copy of bounds. */ |
RgnHandle rgnHandle = NewRgn(); // Used for carbonization |
GetPort( &savedPort ); |
/* Set the top-left corner of bounds to (0,0). */ |
localBounds = *bounds; |
OffsetRect( &localBounds, -bounds->left, -bounds->top ); |
/* Allocate a new GrafPort. */ |
//newPort = (GrafPtr)NewPtrClear( sizeof( GrafPort ) ); |
newPort = CreateNewPort(); |
if (newPort != nil) |
{ |
/* Initialize the new port and make the current port. */ |
//OpenPort( newPort ); |
SetPort( newPort); |
/* Initialize and allocate the bitmap. */ |
/*newPort->portBits.bounds = localBounds; |
newPort->portBits.rowBytes = ((localBounds.right + 15) >> 4) << 1; |
newPort->portBits.baseAddr = NewPtrClear( newPort->portBits.rowBytes * |
(long)localBounds.bottom );*/ |
(*(GetPortPixMap(newPort)))->bounds = localBounds; |
(*(GetPortPixMap(newPort)))->rowBytes = ((localBounds.right + 15) >> 4) <<1; |
(*(GetPortPixMap(newPort)))->baseAddr = NewPtrClear(GetPortBitMapForCopyBits(newPort)->rowBytes * |
(long)localBounds.bottom ); |
//if (newPort->portBits.baseAddr != nil) |
if (GetPortBitMapForCopyBits(newPort)->baseAddr != nil) |
{ |
/* Clean up the new port. */ |
//newPort->portRect = localBounds; |
SetPortBounds(newPort, &localBounds); |
ClipRect( &localBounds ); |
//RectRgn( newPort->visRgn, &localBounds ); |
RectRgn( GetPortVisibleRegion(newPort, rgnHandle), &localBounds ); |
EraseRect( &localBounds ); |
} |
else |
{ |
/* Allocation failed; deallocate the port. */ |
/*ClosePort( newPort ); |
DisposePtr( (Ptr)newPort );*/ |
DisposePort( newPort ); |
newPort = nil; |
} |
} |
DisposeRgn(rgnHandle); |
SetPort( savedPort ); |
return newPort; |
} |
void DisposeGrafPort( GrafPtr doomedPort ) /* DisposeGrafPort originally written by Forrest Tanaka. */ |
{ |
//ClosePort( doomedPort ); |
//DisposePtr( doomedPort->portBits.baseAddr ); |
DisposePtr( GetPortBitMapForCopyBits(doomedPort)->baseAddr ); |
//DisposePtr( (Ptr)doomedPort ); |
DisposePort( doomedPort ); |
} |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-10-27