CodeWarrior (OS 9)/FX.c

    File:       FX.c
    Written by: EL  
    Copyright:  Copyright © 1992-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
                You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without
                restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the
                responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute
                this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made
                changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make
                it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source
                code, but that you've made changes.
    Change History (most recent first):
                08/2000     JM              Carbonized, non-Carbon code is commented out
                                            for demonstration purposes.
                7/13/1999   KG              Updated for Metrowerks Codewarror Pro 2.1
#include "FX.h"
long drawFXImage()
    int     exampleNumber, exampleItem;
    Rect    rect, rect2;
    Rect    outlineRect;
    long    startTicks, endTicks;
    Point   point = { 0, 0 };
    Rect    frame;
    Rect    windowRect, gWorldRect;
    /*SetRect( &rect, (*gWindow).portRect.right - (*gGWorld).portRect.right - 20, 37,
                (*gWindow).portRect.right - 20, 37 + (*gGWorld).portRect.bottom );*/
    GetPortBounds(GetWindowPort(gWindow), &windowRect);
    GetPortBounds(gGWorld, &gWorldRect);
    SetRect( &rect, windowRect.right - gWorldRect.right - 20, 37,
                windowRect.right - 20, 37 + gWorldRect.bottom );
    outlineRect = rect;
    InsetRect( &outlineRect, -5, -5 );
    drawDeepBox( &outlineRect );
    frame = rect;
    if (settings.bItem == 1)
        ForeColor( whiteColor );
        PaintRect( &rect );
    else if (settings.bItem == 2)
        ForeColor( blackColor );
        PaintRect( &rect );
        rect2 = rect;
        rect2.right = (rect2.right - rect2.left) / 2 + rect2.left;
        ForeColor( whiteColor );
        PaintRect( &rect2 );
        rect2.left = rect2.right;
        rect2.right = rect.right;
        ForeColor( blackColor );
        PaintRect( &rect2 );
    ForeColor( blackColor );
    BackColor( whiteColor );
    exampleNumber = gCurrentExample / 10;
    exampleItem = gCurrentExample % 10;
    startTicks = TickCount();
    if (exampleNumber == 1)
        transferExample( &rect, exampleItem );
    else if (exampleNumber == 2)
        arithmeticExample( &rect, exampleItem );
    else if (exampleNumber == 3)
        ditherExample( &rect, exampleItem );
    else if (exampleNumber == 4)
        colorizationExample( &rect, exampleItem );
    else if (exampleNumber == 5)
        mappingExample( &rect, exampleItem );
    else if (exampleNumber == 6)
        paintBucketExample( &rect, exampleItem, point );
    else if (exampleNumber == 7)
        lassoToolExample( &rect, exampleItem, &frame );
    else if (exampleNumber == 8)
        pixelAverageExample( &rect, exampleItem );
    else if (exampleNumber == 9)
        customExample( &rect, exampleItem );
    endTicks = TickCount();
    return (endTicks - startTicks);
void transferExample( Rect *rect, int item )
    int     transferMode;
    settings.tItem = item;
    transferMode = setTransferMode( item );
    /*CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(*gGWorld).portPixMap), &gWindow->portBits,
                &(**(*gGWorld).portPixMap).bounds, rect, transferMode, nil );*/
    CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(GetPortPixMap(gGWorld))), GetPortBitMapForCopyBits(GetWindowPort(gWindow)),
                &((**(GetPortPixMap(gGWorld))).bounds), rect, transferMode, nil );
int setTransferMode(int  item )
    return item;
void arithmeticExample( Rect *rect, int item )
    int         arithmeticMode;
    RGBColor    color;
    settings.aItem = item;
    arithmeticMode = setArithmeticMode( item );
    /*CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(*gGWorld).portPixMap), &gWindow->portBits,
                &(**(*gGWorld).portPixMap).bounds, rect, arithmeticMode, nil );*/
    CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(GetPortPixMap(gGWorld))), GetPortBitMapForCopyBits(GetWindowPort(gWindow)),
                &((**(GetPortPixMap(gGWorld))).bounds), rect, arithmeticMode, nil );
            = = = 0;
    OpColor( &color );
int setArithmeticMode(int item)
    RGBColor    color;
    if (item <= 4)
        item = 31 + item;
    else if (item == 9)
        item = transparent;
        item = 32 + item; = = = 0xffff / 2;
    OpColor( &color );
    return item;
void colorizationExample(Rect *rect, int item )
    int         i;
    Rect        srcRect, dstRect;
    RGBColor    color;
    settings.cItem = item;
    //srcRect = (**(*gGWorld).portPixMap).bounds;
    srcRect = (**(GetPortPixMap(gGWorld))).bounds;
    srcRect.right = srcRect.left + (srcRect.right - srcRect.left) / 3;
    dstRect = *rect;
    dstRect.right = dstRect.left + (dstRect.right - dstRect.left) / 3;
    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        if (item == 1)
            ForeColor( blackColor );
            BackColor( whiteColor );
        else if (item == 2)
            ForeColor( whiteColor );
            BackColor( blackColor );
   = = = 0;
            if (i == 0)
       = 0xffff;
            else if (i == 1)
       = 0xffff;
            else if (i == 2)
       = 0xffff;
            if (item == 3)
                RGBForeColor( &color );
                BackColor( whiteColor );
                RGBBackColor( &color );
                ForeColor( blackColor );
        /*CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(*gGWorld).portPixMap), &gWindow->portBits,
                &srcRect, &dstRect, srcCopy, nil );*/
        CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(GetPortPixMap(gGWorld))), GetPortBitMapForCopyBits(GetWindowPort(gWindow)),
                &srcRect, &dstRect, srcCopy, nil );
        OffsetRect( &srcRect, srcRect.right - srcRect.left, 0 );
        OffsetRect( &dstRect, dstRect.right - dstRect.left, 0 );
void ditherExample(Rect * rect,int item )
    #pragma unused(rect)
    int     ditherMode;
    /* This function shows an example of using copybits with the dithering. */
    settings.dItem = item;
    ditherMode = setDitherMode( item );
    /*CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(*gGWorld).portPixMap), &gWindow->portBits,
                &(**(*gGWorld).portPixMap).bounds, rect, srcCopy + ditherMode, nil );*/
    CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(GetPortPixMap(gGWorld))), GetPortBitMapForCopyBits(GetWindowPort(gWindow)),
                &(**(GetPortPixMap(gGWorld))).bounds, rect, srcCopy + ditherMode, nil );
int setDitherMode(int item)
    if (item == 1)
        return 0;
        return ditherCopy;
void mappingExample(Rect * rect, int    item )
    int         i;
    GWorldPtr   gworld;
    CTabHandle  ictable;
    Rect        tempRect1;
    settings.mItem = item;
    if (item == 1)
        /*CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(*gGWorld).portPixMap), &gWindow->portBits,
            &(**(*gGWorld).portPixMap).bounds, rect, srcCopy, nil );*/
        CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(GetPortPixMap(gGWorld))), GetPortBitMapForCopyBits(GetWindowPort(gWindow)),
                &((**(GetPortPixMap(gGWorld))).bounds), rect, srcCopy, nil );
    else if (item == 2)
        ColorSearchUPP searchProcUPP=NewColorSearchProc(searchProc);
        /*CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(*gGWorld).portPixMap), &gWindow->portBits,
            &(**(*gGWorld).portPixMap).bounds, rect, srcCopy, nil );*/
        CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(GetPortPixMap(gGWorld))), GetPortBitMapForCopyBits(GetWindowPort(gWindow)),
                &((**(GetPortPixMap(gGWorld))).bounds), rect, srcCopy, nil );
    else if (item == 3)
        //NewGWorld( &gworld, 8, &(*gGWorld).portRect, GetCTable( 8 + 64 ), nil, 0 );
        NewGWorld( &gworld, 8, GetPortBounds(gGWorld, &tempRect1), GetCTable( 8 + 64 ), nil, 0 );
        /*CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(*gGWorld).portPixMap), (BitMap *)(*(*gworld).portPixMap),
                    &(**(*gGWorld).portPixMap).bounds, &(**(*gworld).portPixMap).bounds,
                    srcCopy, nil );*/
        CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(GetPortPixMap(gGWorld))), (BitMap *)(*(GetPortPixMap(gworld))),
                    &((**(GetPortPixMap(gGWorld))).bounds), &((**(GetPortPixMap(gworld))).bounds), 
                    srcCopy, nil );
        ictable = GetCTable( 8 );
        /*for (i = 0; i <= (**(**(*gworld).portPixMap).pmTable).ctSize; i++)
            (**(**(*gworld).portPixMap).pmTable).ctTable[i].rgb =
                    (**ictable).ctTable[255 - i].rgb;
        (**(**(*gworld).portPixMap).pmTable).ctSeed = 67;
    //          (**(**(*(CGrafPtr)gWindow).portPixMap).pmTable).ctSeed; 
        CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(*gworld).portPixMap), &gWindow->portBits,
            &(**(*gworld).portPixMap).bounds, rect, srcCopy, nil );*/
        for (i = 0; i <= (**(**(GetPortPixMap(gworld))).pmTable).ctSize; i++)
            (**(**(GetPortPixMap(gworld))).pmTable).ctTable[i].rgb =
                    (**ictable).ctTable[255 - i].rgb;
        (**(**(GetPortPixMap(gworld))).pmTable).ctSeed = 67;
        CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(GetPortPixMap(gworld))), GetPortBitMapForCopyBits(GetWindowPort(gWindow)),
            &(**(GetPortPixMap(gworld))).bounds, rect, srcCopy, nil );
        DisposeGWorld( gworld );
pascal Boolean searchProc( RGBColor * color, long       *position )
    #pragma unused(position)
    (*color).red = 0;
    return false;
void paintBucketExample(Rect *rect, int exampleItem, Point point )
    #pragma unused(exampleItem)
    GrafPtr     mask;
    Point       newPoint;
    GWorldPtr   gworld;
    Rect        tempRect1;
    newPoint.h = point.h - 20;
    newPoint.v = point.v - 37;
    /*if (newPoint.h < 0 || newPoint.v < 0 ||
        newPoint.h > ((**(*gGWorld).portPixMap).bounds.right - (**(*gGWorld).portPixMap).bounds.left) ||
        newPoint.v > ((**(*gGWorld).portPixMap).bounds.bottom - (**(*gGWorld).portPixMap)
    tempRect1 = (**(GetPortPixMap(gGWorld))).bounds;
    if (newPoint.h < 0 || newPoint.v < 0 ||
        newPoint.h > tempRect1.right - tempRect1.left ||
        newPoint.v > tempRect1.bottom -
    //mask = CreateGrafPort( &(*gGWorld).portRect );
    mask = CreateGrafPort(GetPortBounds(gGWorld, &tempRect1));
    ForeColor( redColor );
    MoveTo( point.h - 2, point.v );
    LineTo( point.h + 2, point.v );
    MoveTo( point.h, point.v - 2 );
    LineTo( point.h, point.v + 2 );
    ForeColor( blackColor );
    //NewGWorld( &gworld, 8, &(*gGWorld).portRect, GetCTable( 8 + 64 ), nil, 0 );
    NewGWorld( &gworld, 8, GetPortBounds(gGWorld, &tempRect1), GetCTable( 8 + 64 ), nil, 0 );
    /*CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(*gGWorld).portPixMap), (BitMap *)(*(*gworld).portPixMap),
                    &(**(*gGWorld).portPixMap).bounds, &(**(*gworld).portPixMap).bounds,
                    srcCopy, nil );*/
    CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(GetPortPixMap(gGWorld))), (BitMap *)(*(GetPortPixMap(gworld))),
                    &((**(GetPortPixMap(gGWorld))).bounds), &((**(GetPortPixMap(gworld))).bounds), 
                    srcCopy, nil );
//  GetGWorld( &currentPort, &currentDevice );
//  SetGWorld( gworld, nil );
    /*SeedCFill( (BitMap *)(*(*gworld).portPixMap), &mask->portBits,
                &(**(*gworld).portPixMap).bounds, &mask->portRect,
                newPoint.h, newPoint.v, nil, 0 );*/
    SeedCFill( (BitMap *)(*(GetPortPixMap(gworld))), GetPortBitMapForCopyBits(mask),
                &((**(GetPortPixMap(gworld))).bounds), GetPortBounds(mask, &tempRect1),
                newPoint.h, newPoint.v, nil, 0 );
//  SetGWorld( currentPort, currentDevice );
    /*CopyMask( (BitMap *)(*(*gworld).portPixMap), &mask->portBits, &gWindow->portBits,
                &(**(*gworld).portPixMap).bounds, &mask->portRect, rect );*/
    CopyMask( (BitMap *)(*(GetPortPixMap(gworld))), GetPortBitMapForCopyBits(mask), GetPortBitMapForCopyBits(GetWindowPort(gWindow)),
                &(**(GetPortPixMap(gworld))).bounds, GetPortBounds(mask, &tempRect1), rect );
    DisposeGrafPort( mask );
void lassoToolExample(Rect  * rect, int exampleItem,Rect *frame )
    #pragma unused(exampleItem,frame)
    GrafPtr     mask;
    RGBColor    color;
    CGrafPtr    currentPort;
    GDHandle    currentDevice;
    Rect        tempRect1;
    pascal Boolean matchProc();
    //mask = CreateGrafPort( &(*gGWorld).portRect );
    mask = CreateGrafPort(GetPortBounds(gGWorld, &tempRect1));
    GetGWorld( &currentPort, &currentDevice );
    SetGWorld( gGWorld, nil ); = = = 0;
    /*CalcCMask( (BitMap *)(*(*gGWorld).portPixMap), &mask->portBits,
                &(**(*gGWorld).portPixMap).bounds, &mask->portRect,
                &color, NewColorSearchProc(matchProc), 0 );*/
    CalcCMask( (BitMap *)(*(GetPortPixMap(gGWorld))),GetPortBitMapForCopyBits(mask),
                &(**(GetPortPixMap(gGWorld))).bounds, GetPortBounds(mask, &tempRect1),
                &color, NewColorSearchProc(matchProc), 0 );
    SetGWorld( currentPort, currentDevice );
    /*CopyMask( (BitMap *)(*(*gGWorld).portPixMap), &mask->portBits, &gWindow->portBits,
                &(**(*gGWorld).portPixMap).bounds, &mask->portRect, rect );*/
    CopyMask( (BitMap *)(*(GetPortPixMap(gGWorld))), GetPortBitMapForCopyBits(mask), GetPortBitMapForCopyBits(GetWindowPort(gWindow)),
                &(**(GetPortPixMap(gGWorld))).bounds, GetPortBounds(mask, &tempRect1), rect );
    bounds = *frame;
    OffsetRect( &bounds, -bounds.left, );
    mask = CreateGrafPort( &bounds );
    GetGWorld( &currentPort, &currentDevice );
    SetGWorld( gGWorld, nil ); = = = 0;
    CalcCMask( (BitMap *)(*(*gGWorld).portPixMap), &mask->portBits,
                &bounds, &mask->portRect, &color, matchProc, 0 );
    SetGWorld( currentPort, currentDevice );
    CopyMask( (BitMap *)(*(*gGWorld).portPixMap), &mask->portBits, &gWindow->portBits,
                &bounds, &mask->portRect, frame );
    DisposeGrafPort( mask );
pascal Boolean matchProc(RGBColor *color, long      *position )
    GDHandle    currDevice;
    MatchRec    *matchInfo;
    currDevice = GetGDevice();
    matchInfo = (MatchRec *)(**currDevice).gdRefCon;
    if (matchInfo->red == color->red && matchInfo->green == color->green &&
        matchInfo->blue == color->blue)
        *position = 0;
        *position = 1;
    return true;
void pixelAverageExample(Rect   *rect, int   item )
    #pragma unused(item)
    Rect        bounds;
    GWorldPtr   gworld;
    GWorldPtr   source;
    Rect        tempRect1;
    /* Create 8-bit gworld from 32-bit original. */
    //NewGWorld( &source, 8, &(*gGWorld).portRect, GetCTable( 8 + 64 ), nil, 0 );
    NewGWorld( &source, 8, GetPortBounds(gGWorld, &tempRect1), GetCTable( 8 + 64 ), nil, 0 );
    /*CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(*gGWorld).portPixMap), (BitMap *)(*(*source).portPixMap),
            &(**(*gGWorld).portPixMap).bounds, &(**(*source).portPixMap).bounds,
            srcCopy, nil );*/
    CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(GetPortPixMap(gGWorld))), (BitMap *)(*(GetPortPixMap(source))),
                    &((**(GetPortPixMap(gGWorld))).bounds), &((**(GetPortPixMap(source))).bounds), 
                    srcCopy, nil );
    /* Create another 8-bit gworld at quarter size of original. */
    /*SetRect( &bounds, 0, 0, (*gGWorld).portRect.right / 4,
                (*gGWorld).portRect.bottom / 4 );*/
    GetPortBounds(gGWorld, &tempRect1);
    SetRect( &bounds, 0, 0, tempRect1.right / 4,
                tempRect1.bottom / 4);
    NewGWorld( &gworld, 8, &bounds, GetCTable( 8 + 64 ), nil, 0 );
    /* Copy the 8-bit original to 8-bit quarter image without pixel averaging. */
    //bounds = (*source).portRect;
    GetPortBounds(source, &bounds);
    /*CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(*source).portPixMap), (BitMap *)(*(*gworld).portPixMap),
            &(**(*source).portPixMap).bounds, &(**(*gworld).portPixMap).bounds,
            srcCopy, nil );*/
    CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(GetPortPixMap(source))), (BitMap *)(*(GetPortPixMap(gworld))),
                    &((**(GetPortPixMap(source))).bounds), &((**(GetPortPixMap(gworld))).bounds), 
                    srcCopy, nil );
    /* Copy the quarter image to screen. */
    OffsetRect( &bounds, 20, 37 );
    /*CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(*gworld).portPixMap), &(*gWindow).portBits,
            &(**(*gworld).portPixMap).bounds, &bounds, srcCopy, nil );*/
    CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(GetPortPixMap(gworld))), GetPortBitMapForCopyBits(GetWindowPort(gWindow)),
            &(**(GetPortPixMap(gworld))).bounds, &bounds, srcCopy, nil );
    /* Now, copy the 8-bit original to 8-bit quarter image with pixel averaging. */
    //bounds = (*source).portRect;
    GetPortBounds(source, &bounds);
    /*CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(*source).portPixMap), (BitMap *)(*(*gworld).portPixMap),
            &(**(*source).portPixMap).bounds, &(**(*gworld).portPixMap).bounds,
            srcCopy + ditherCopy, nil );*/
    CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(GetPortPixMap(source))), (BitMap *)(*(GetPortPixMap(gworld))),
                    &((**(GetPortPixMap(source))).bounds), &((**(GetPortPixMap(gworld))).bounds), 
                    srcCopy + ditherCopy, nil );
    /* Finally, copy pixel averaged quarter image to screen. */
    OffsetRect( &bounds, (*rect).left, (*rect).top );
    /*CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(*gworld).portPixMap), &(*gWindow).portBits,
            &(**(*gworld).portPixMap).bounds, &bounds, srcCopy, nil );*/
    CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(GetPortPixMap(gworld))), GetPortBitMapForCopyBits(GetWindowPort(gWindow)),
            &(**(GetPortPixMap(gworld))).bounds, &bounds, srcCopy, nil );
    DisposeGWorld( source );
    DisposeGWorld( gworld );
void customExample(Rect * rect,int  item )
    #pragma unused(item)
    int         transferMode;
    int         ditherMode;
    RGBColor    color;
    ColorSearchUPP searchProcUPP=NewColorSearchProc(searchProc);
    transferMode = setTransferMode( settings.tItem );
    ditherMode = setDitherMode( settings.dItem );
    if (settings.cItem == 1)
        ForeColor( blackColor );
        BackColor( whiteColor );
    else if (settings.cItem == 2)
        ForeColor( whiteColor );
        BackColor( blackColor );
    else if (settings.cItem == 3)
    { = 0xffff; = = 0;
        RGBForeColor( &color );
        BackColor( whiteColor );
    else if (settings.cItem == 4)
    { = 0xffff; = = 0;
        ForeColor( blackColor );
        RGBBackColor( &color );
    if (settings.mItem == 2)
    /*CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(*gGWorld).portPixMap), &gWindow->portBits,
                &(**(*gGWorld).portPixMap).bounds, rect,
                transferMode + ditherMode, nil );*/
    CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*(GetPortPixMap(gGWorld))), GetPortBitMapForCopyBits(GetWindowPort(gWindow)),
                &(**(GetPortPixMap(gGWorld))).bounds, rect,
                transferMode + ditherMode, nil );
    if (settings.mItem == 2)
GrafPtr CreateGrafPort( Rect *bounds )  /* CreateGrafPort originally written by Forrest Tanaka. */
    GrafPtr savedPort;      /* Saved GrafPtr for later restore. */
    GrafPtr newPort;        /* New GrafPort. */
    Rect    localBounds;    /* Local copy of bounds. */
    RgnHandle       rgnHandle = NewRgn();   // Used for carbonization
    GetPort( &savedPort );
    /* Set the top-left corner of bounds to (0,0). */
    localBounds = *bounds;
    OffsetRect( &localBounds, -bounds->left, -bounds->top );
    /* Allocate a new GrafPort. */
    //newPort = (GrafPtr)NewPtrClear( sizeof( GrafPort ) );
    newPort = CreateNewPort();
    if (newPort != nil)
        /* Initialize the new port and make the current port. */
        //OpenPort( newPort );
        SetPort( newPort);
        /* Initialize and allocate the bitmap. */
        /*newPort->portBits.bounds = localBounds;
        newPort->portBits.rowBytes = ((localBounds.right + 15) >> 4) << 1;
        newPort->portBits.baseAddr =  NewPtrClear( newPort->portBits.rowBytes *
                                                    (long)localBounds.bottom );*/
        (*(GetPortPixMap(newPort)))->bounds = localBounds;
        (*(GetPortPixMap(newPort)))->rowBytes = ((localBounds.right + 15) >> 4) <<1;
        (*(GetPortPixMap(newPort)))->baseAddr = NewPtrClear(GetPortBitMapForCopyBits(newPort)->rowBytes *
                                                        (long)localBounds.bottom );
        //if (newPort->portBits.baseAddr != nil)
        if (GetPortBitMapForCopyBits(newPort)->baseAddr != nil)
            /* Clean up the new port. */
            //newPort->portRect = localBounds;
            SetPortBounds(newPort, &localBounds);
            ClipRect( &localBounds );
            //RectRgn( newPort->visRgn, &localBounds );
            RectRgn( GetPortVisibleRegion(newPort, rgnHandle), &localBounds );
            EraseRect( &localBounds );
            /* Allocation failed; deallocate the port. */
            /*ClosePort( newPort );
            DisposePtr( (Ptr)newPort );*/
            DisposePort( newPort );
            newPort = nil;
    SetPort( savedPort );
    return newPort;
void DisposeGrafPort( GrafPtr doomedPort )  /* DisposeGrafPort originally written by Forrest Tanaka. */
    //ClosePort( doomedPort );
    //DisposePtr( doomedPort->portBits.baseAddr );
    DisposePtr( GetPortBitMapForCopyBits(doomedPort)->baseAddr );
    //DisposePtr( (Ptr)doomedPort );
    DisposePort( doomedPort );