Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
** Apple Macintosh Developer Technical Support |
** |
** StandardFileIcons: A sample control panel changing behavior of StandardFile. |
** |
** by Gordon Sheridan and Jim Luther |
** modified by Brian Bechtel |
** |
** File: RamDiskCommon.h |
** |
** Copyright © 1992-1996 Apple Computer, Inc. |
** All rights reserved. |
** |
** You may incorporate this sample code into your applications without |
** restriction, though the sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the |
** responsibility for its operation is 100% yours. However, what you are |
** not permitted to do is to redistribute the source as "DTS Sample Code" |
** after having made changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, |
** we require that you make it clear in the source that the code was |
** descended from Apple Sample Code, but that you've made changes. |
** |
** Change History (most recent first): |
** |
** <1.4> 970207 Quinn Renamed to RamDiskCommon.h. Now only contains stuff |
** that actually needs to be shared. The other stuff |
** has been made private to the corresponding source file. |
** <4> 960807 BL¡B Added DriverGestalt.h, set no OLDROUTINENAMES |
** <3> 10/14/93 JML Added Panic debug macros and changed preprocessor constants |
** to enums. |
** <2> 6/13/93 gs Move dCtlFlag bits from RamDRVR.c and cleanup header. |
** <1> 8/24/92 gs first checked in |
**/ |
#endif |
#include <Types.h> |
#if __DebugVersion |
extern pascal void Panic (unsigned char * Message) = 0xABFF; |
#define PanicIf(condition, message) if (condition) Panic(message) |
#else |
#define Panic(param) |
#define PanicIf(param1,param2) |
#endif |
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// |
// Our driver specific _Control and _Status code. Shared between |
// the INIT and the DRVR. Note that by saying we support DriverGestalt |
// (in our dctlFlags) we guarantee that (amongst other things) our driver |
// won't use control or status code below 128 for private calls. Hence |
// the choice of control codes here. |
enum { |
setGlobalsCC = 128, /* copy data pointed to by csParam to driver globals */ |
getGlobalsSC = 128 /* return pointer to driver globals */ |
}; |
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// |
// Driver globals structure created by INIT and passed to DRVR. |
struct DrvrGlobals |
{ |
Ptr ramDisk; |
long ramSize; |
short driveNumber; |
Str255 volumeName; |
long physicalIcon[kLargeIconSize/4]; /* IMPORTANT: icon and whereString must be */ |
Str255 locationStr; /* end-to-end in memory! */ |
long mediaIcon[kLargeIconSize/4]; |
Boolean driveNeedsFlush; |
NumVersion driverVersion; |
}; |
typedef struct DrvrGlobals DrvrGlobals, *DrvrGlobalsPtr, **DrvrGlobalsHandle; |
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// |
// Configuration record, created and put into the resource fork by the cdev, |
// read out and used by the INIT. |
struct ConfigRec |
{ |
short install; /* boolean true/false */ |
long size; |
Str255 volumeName; |
}; |
typedef struct ConfigRec ConfigRec, *ConfigRecPtr, **ConfigRecHandle; |
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// |
// Common resource definitions. |
enum { |
// RDcf |
rConfiguration = 0, // Resource ID of the 'RDcf' configuration resource. |
// STR# |
rStringList = -4033, |
strLocationStr = 1, /* The "where" string used in the Get Info dialog */ |
strDefaultNameStr = 2 /* The initial default volume name */ |
}; |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-01-14