
// qd3d_support.h
#ifndef QD3D_SUP
#define QD3D_SUP
#include <QD3D.h>
#include <QD3DCamera.h>
#include <QD3DDrawContext.h>
#include <QD3DRenderer.h>
#include <QD3DShader.h>
#include <QD3DStyle.h>
#include <QD3DView.h>
#define DEFAULT_FPS         3
#define MAX_FILL_LIGHTS     4
typedef struct
    WindowPtr               displayWindow;
    TQ3ObjectType           rendererType;
    TQ3ColorARGB            clearColor;
    Rect                    paneClip;           // not pane size, but clip:  left = amount to clip off left
typedef struct
    TQ3InterpolationStyle   interpolation;
    TQ3BackfacingStyle      backfacing;
    TQ3FillStyle            fill;
    TQ3ObjectType           illuminationType;
typedef struct
    TQ3Point3D              from;
    TQ3Point3D              to;
    TQ3Vector3D             up;
    float                   hither;
    float                   yon;
    float                   fov;
typedef struct
    float           ambientBrightness;
    TQ3ColorRGB     ambientColor;
    long            numFillLights;
    TQ3Vector3D     fillDirection[MAX_FILL_LIGHTS];
    TQ3ColorRGB     fillColor[MAX_FILL_LIGHTS];
    float           fillBrightness[MAX_FILL_LIGHTS];
        /* QD3DSetupInputType */
typedef struct
    QD3DViewDefType         view;
    QD3DStyleDefType        styles;
    QD3DCameraDefType       camera;
    QD3DLightDefType        lights;
        /* QD3DSetupOutputType */
typedef struct
    TQ3ViewObject           viewObject;
    TQ3ShaderObject         shaderObject;
    TQ3StyleObject          interpolationStyle;
    TQ3StyleObject          backfacingStyle;
    TQ3StyleObject          fillStyle;
    TQ3CameraObject         cameraObject;   // another ref is in viewObject, this one's just for convenience!
    TQ3GroupObject          lightGroup;     // another ref is in viewObject, this one's just for convenience!
    TQ3DrawContextObject    drawContext;    // another ref is in viewObject, this one's just for convenience!
    WindowPtr               window;
    Rect                    paneClip;           // not pane size, but clip:  left = amount to clip off left
extern  void QD3D_SetupWindow(QD3DSetupInputType *setupDefPtr, QD3DSetupOutputType *outputPtr);
extern  void QD3D_DisposeWindowSetup(QD3DSetupOutputType *data);
extern  void QD3D_ChangeDrawSize(QD3DSetupOutputType *setupInfo);
extern  void QD3D_DrawScene(QD3DSetupOutputType *setupInfo, void (*drawRoutine)(QD3DSetupOutputType *));
extern  float   QD3D_CalcFramesPerSecond(void);
extern  Boolean QD3D_ShowError(Str255 errString, Boolean showWarnings);
extern  void QD3D_ShowRecentError(void);
extern  void QD3D_DoMemoryError(void);
extern  TQ3SurfaceShaderObject  QD3D_GetTextureMap(long textureRezID, FSSpec *);