
/*      QD3D SUPPORT.C      */
/* By Brian Greenstone      */
/*    EXTERNALS             */
#include <NumberFormatting.h>
#include <Resources.h>
#include <QD3D.h>
#include <QD3DGroup.h>
#include <QD3DLight.h>
#include <QD3DTransform.h>
#include <QD3DStorage.h>
#include <QD3DMath.h>
#include <QD3DErrors.h>
#include <Rave.h>
#include <ImageCompression.h>
#include <timer.h>
#include "myglobals.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include "qd3d_support.h"
extern  EventRecord         gTheEvent;
extern  WindowPtr           gModelWindow;
/*    PROTOTYPES            */
static void CreateDrawContext(QD3DViewDefType *viewDefPtr);
static void SetStyles(QD3DStyleDefType *styleDefPtr);
static void CreateCamera(QD3DCameraDefType *cameraDefPtr);
static void CreateLights(QD3DLightDefType *lightDefPtr);
static void CreateView(QD3DSetupInputType *setupDefPtr);
static void CreateTexturePixmap(PicHandle pict,unsigned long mapSizeX,
                             unsigned long mapSizeY, TQ3StoragePixmap *bMap);
static void GWorldToBMap(GWorldPtr pGWorld, TQ3StoragePixmap *bMap);
static void DrawPICTIntoPixmap(PicHandle pict,unsigned long width, unsigned long height, TQ3StoragePixmap *bMap);
static TQ3SurfaceShaderObject   QD3D_PICTToTexture(PicHandle picture);
static TQ3SurfaceShaderObject   QD3D_GWorldToTexture(GWorldPtr theGWorld);
/*    CONSTANTS             */
/*    VARIABLES      */
static TQ3CameraObject          gQD3D_CameraObject;
static TQ3GroupObject           gQD3D_LightGroup;
static TQ3ViewObject            gQD3D_ViewObject;
static TQ3DrawContextObject     gQD3D_DrawContext;
static TQ3RendererObject        gQD3D_RendererObject;
static TQ3ShaderObject          gQD3D_ShaderObject;
static  TQ3StyleObject          gQD3D_BackfacingStyle;
static  TQ3StyleObject          gQD3D_FillStyle;
static  TQ3StyleObject          gQD3D_InterpolationStyle;
float   gFramesPerSecond = DEFAULT_FPS;             // this is used to maintain a constant timing velocity as frame rates differ
//=============================== VIEW WINDOW SETUP STUFF ===============================================
/************** SETUP QD3D WINDOW *******************/
void QD3D_SetupWindow(QD3DSetupInputType *setupDefPtr, QD3DSetupOutputType *outputPtr)
    Q3InteractiveRenderer_SetDoubleBufferBypass(gQD3D_RendererObject,kQ3True);      // let hardware go fast 
    CreateCamera(&setupDefPtr->camera);                                     // create new CAMERA object
                /* DISPOSE OF EXTRA REFERENCES */
    Q3Object_Dispose(gQD3D_RendererObject);             // (is contained w/in gQD3D_ViewObject)
                /* PASS BACK INFO */
    outputPtr->viewObject = gQD3D_ViewObject;
    outputPtr->interpolationStyle = gQD3D_InterpolationStyle;
    outputPtr->fillStyle = gQD3D_FillStyle;
    outputPtr->backfacingStyle = gQD3D_BackfacingStyle;
    outputPtr->shaderObject = gQD3D_ShaderObject;
    outputPtr->cameraObject = gQD3D_CameraObject;
    outputPtr->lightGroup = gQD3D_LightGroup;
    outputPtr->drawContext = gQD3D_DrawContext;
    outputPtr->window = setupDefPtr->view.displayWindow;        // remember which window
    outputPtr->paneClip = setupDefPtr->view.paneClip;
/***************** QD3D_DisposeWindowSetup ***********************/
// Disposes of all data created by QD3D_SetupWindow
void QD3D_DisposeWindowSetup(QD3DSetupOutputType *data)
/******************* CREATE GAME VIEW *************************/
static void CreateView(QD3DSetupInputType *setupDefPtr)
TQ3Status   myErr;
unsigned long   hints;
                /* CREATE NEW VIEW OBJECT */
    gQD3D_ViewObject = Q3View_New();
    if (gQD3D_ViewObject == nil)
        DoFatalAlert("\pQ3View_New failed!");
            /* CREATE & SET DRAW CONTEXT */
    CreateDrawContext(&setupDefPtr->view);                              // init draw context
    myErr = Q3View_SetDrawContext(gQD3D_ViewObject, gQD3D_DrawContext);         // assign context to view
    if (myErr == kQ3Failure)
        DoFatalAlert("\pQ3View_SetDrawContext Failed!");
            /* CREATE & SET RENDERER */
    gQD3D_RendererObject = Q3Renderer_NewFromType(setupDefPtr->view.rendererType);  // create new RENDERER object
    if (gQD3D_RendererObject == nil)
        QD3D_ShowError("\pQ3Renderer_NewFromType Failed!", true);
    myErr = Q3View_SetRenderer(gQD3D_ViewObject, gQD3D_RendererObject);             // assign renderer to view
    if (myErr == kQ3Failure)
        DoFatalAlert("\pQ3View_SetRenderer Failed!");
    Q3InteractiveRenderer_GetRAVEContextHints(gQD3D_RendererObject, &hints);
    hints &= ~kQAContext_NoZBuffer;                 // Z buffer is on 
    hints &= ~kQAContext_DeepZ;                     // Z buffer is not deep, ergo it's shallow 
    hints |= kQAContext_NoDither;                   // No Dither 
    Q3InteractiveRenderer_SetRAVEContextHints(gQD3D_RendererObject, hints); 
    Q3InteractiveRenderer_SetRAVETextureFilter(gQD3D_RendererObject,kQATextureFilter_Mid);  // fast texturing
/**************** CREATE SKELETON DRAW CONTEXT *********************/
static void CreateDrawContext(QD3DViewDefType *viewDefPtr)
TQ3DrawContextData      drawContexData;
TQ3MacDrawContextData   myMacDrawContextData;
Rect                    r;
    r = viewDefPtr->displayWindow->portRect;
            /* FILL IN DRAW CONTEXT DATA */
    drawContexData.clearImageMethod = kQ3ClearMethodWithColor;              // how to clear
    drawContexData.clearImageColor = viewDefPtr->clearColor;                // color to clear to
    drawContexData.pane.min.x = r.left+viewDefPtr->paneClip.left;           // set bounds?
    drawContexData.pane.max.x = r.right-viewDefPtr->paneClip.right;
    drawContexData.pane.min.y =>;
    drawContexData.pane.max.y = r.bottom-viewDefPtr->paneClip.bottom;
    drawContexData.paneState = kQ3True;                                     // use bounds?
    drawContexData.maskState = kQ3False;                                    // no mask
    drawContexData.doubleBufferState = kQ3True;                             // double buffering
    myMacDrawContextData.drawContextData = drawContexData;                  // set MAC specifics
    myMacDrawContextData.window = (CWindowPtr)viewDefPtr->displayWindow;    // assign window to draw to
    myMacDrawContextData.library = kQ3Mac2DLibraryNone;                     // use standard QD libraries (no GX crap!)
    myMacDrawContextData.viewPort = nil;                                    // (for GX only)
    myMacDrawContextData.grafPort = (CWindowPtr)viewDefPtr->displayWindow;  // assign grafport
            /* CREATE DRAW CONTEXT */
    gQD3D_DrawContext = Q3MacDrawContext_New(&myMacDrawContextData);
    if (gQD3D_DrawContext == nil)
        DoFatalAlert("\pQ3MacDrawContext_New Failed!");
/**************** SET STYLES ****************/
// Creates style objects which define how the scene is to be rendered.
// It also sets the shader object.
static void SetStyles(QD3DStyleDefType *styleDefPtr)
                /* SET INTERPOLATION (FOR SHADING) */
    gQD3D_InterpolationStyle = Q3InterpolationStyle_New(styleDefPtr->interpolation);
    if (gQD3D_InterpolationStyle == nil)
        DoFatalAlert("\pQ3InterpolationStyle_New Failed!");
                    /* SET BACKFACING */
    gQD3D_BackfacingStyle = Q3BackfacingStyle_New(styleDefPtr->backfacing);
    if (gQD3D_BackfacingStyle == nil )
        DoFatalAlert("\pQ3BackfacingStyle_New Failed!");
                /* SET POLYGON FILL STYLE */
    gQD3D_FillStyle = Q3FillStyle_New(styleDefPtr->fill);
    if ( gQD3D_FillStyle == nil )
        DoFatalAlert("\p Q3FillStyle_New Failed!");
                    /* SET THE SHADER TO USE */
        case    kQ3IlluminationTypePhong:
                gQD3D_ShaderObject = Q3PhongIllumination_New();
                if ( gQD3D_ShaderObject == nil )
                    DoFatalAlert("\p Q3PhongIllumination_New Failed!");
        case    kQ3IlluminationTypeLambert:
                gQD3D_ShaderObject = Q3LambertIllumination_New();
                if ( gQD3D_ShaderObject == nil )
                    DoFatalAlert("\p Q3LambertIllumination_New Failed!");
        case    kQ3IlluminationTypeNULL:
                gQD3D_ShaderObject = Q3NULLIllumination_New();
                if ( gQD3D_ShaderObject == nil )
                    DoFatalAlert("\p Q3NullIllumination_New Failed!");
/****************** CREATE CAMERA *********************/
static void CreateCamera(QD3DCameraDefType *cameraDefPtr)
TQ3CameraData                   myCameraData;
TQ3ViewAngleAspectCameraData    myViewAngleCameraData;
TQ3Area                         pane;
TQ3Status                       status;
TQ3Status   myErr;
    status = Q3DrawContext_GetPane(gQD3D_DrawContext,&pane);                // get window pane info
    if (status == kQ3Failure)
        DoFatalAlert("\pQ3DrawContext_GetPane Failed!");
                /* FILL IN CAMERA DATA */
    myCameraData.placement.cameraLocation = cameraDefPtr->from;         // set camera coords
    myCameraData.placement.pointOfInterest = cameraDefPtr->to;          // set target coords
    myCameraData.placement.upVector = cameraDefPtr->up;                 // set a vector that's "up"
    myCameraData.range.hither = cameraDefPtr->hither;                   // set frontmost Z dist
    myCameraData.range.yon = cameraDefPtr->yon;                         // set farthest Z dist
    myCameraData.viewPort.origin.x = -1.0;                              // set view origins?
    myCameraData.viewPort.origin.y = 1.0;
    myCameraData.viewPort.width = 2.0;
    myCameraData.viewPort.height = 2.0;
    myViewAngleCameraData.cameraData = myCameraData;
    myViewAngleCameraData.fov = cameraDefPtr->fov;                      // larger = more fisheyed
    myViewAngleCameraData.aspectRatioXToY =
    gQD3D_CameraObject = Q3ViewAngleAspectCamera_New(&myViewAngleCameraData);    // create new camera
    if (gQD3D_CameraObject == nil)
        DoFatalAlert("\pQ3ViewAngleAspectCamera_New failed!");
    myErr = Q3View_SetCamera(gQD3D_ViewObject, gQD3D_CameraObject);     // assign camera to view
    if (myErr == kQ3Failure)
        DoFatalAlert("\pQ3View_SetCamera Failed!");
/********************* CREATE LIGHTS ************************/
static void CreateLights(QD3DLightDefType *lightDefPtr)
TQ3GroupPosition        myGroupPosition;
TQ3LightData            myLightData;
TQ3DirectionalLightData myDirectionalLightData;
TQ3LightObject          myLight;
short                   i;
TQ3Status   myErr;
            /* CREATE NEW LIGHT GROUP */
    gQD3D_LightGroup = Q3LightGroup_New();                      // make new light group
    if ( gQD3D_LightGroup == nil )
        DoFatalAlert("\p Q3LightGroup_New Failed!");
    myLightData.isOn = kQ3True;                                 // light is ON
            /* CREATE AMBIENT LIGHT */
    if (lightDefPtr->ambientBrightness != 0)                        // see if ambient exists
        myLightData.color = lightDefPtr->ambientColor;              // set color of light
        myLightData.brightness = lightDefPtr->ambientBrightness;    // set brightness value
        myLight = Q3AmbientLight_New(&myLightData);                 // make it
        if ( myLight == nil )
            DoFatalAlert("\pQ3AmbientLight_New Failed!");
        myGroupPosition = Q3Group_AddObject(gQD3D_LightGroup, myLight); // add to group
        if ( myGroupPosition == 0 )
            DoFatalAlert("\p Q3Group_AddObject Failed!");
        Q3Object_Dispose(myLight);                                  // dispose of light
            /* CREATE FILL LIGHTS */
    for (i=0; i < lightDefPtr->numFillLights; i++)
        myLightData.color = lightDefPtr->fillColor[i];                      // set color of light
        myLightData.brightness = lightDefPtr->fillBrightness[i];            // set brightness
        myDirectionalLightData.lightData = myLightData;                     // refer to general light info
        myDirectionalLightData.castsShadows = kQ3False;                     // no shadows
        myDirectionalLightData.direction =  lightDefPtr->fillDirection[i];  // set fill vector
        myLight = Q3DirectionalLight_New(&myDirectionalLightData);          // make it
        if ( myLight == nil )
            DoFatalAlert("\p Q3DirectionalLight_New Failed!");
        myGroupPosition = Q3Group_AddObject(gQD3D_LightGroup, myLight);     // add to group
        if ( myGroupPosition == 0 )
            DoFatalAlert("\p Q3Group_AddObject Failed!");
        Q3Object_Dispose(myLight);                                          // dispose of light
            /* ASSIGN LIGHT GROUP TO VIEW */
    myErr = Q3View_SetLightGroup(gQD3D_ViewObject, gQD3D_LightGroup);       // assign light group to view
    if (myErr == kQ3Failure)
        DoFatalAlert("\pQ3View_SetLightGroup Failed!");     
/******************** QD3D CHANGE DRAW SIZE *********************/
// Changes size of stuff to fit new window size.
void QD3D_ChangeDrawSize(QD3DSetupOutputType *setupInfo)
Rect            r;
TQ3Area         pane;
TQ3ViewAngleAspectCameraData    cameraData;
    r = setupInfo->window->portRect;                            // get size of window
    pane.min.x = r.left+setupInfo->paneClip.left;                                       // set pane size
    pane.max.x = r.right-setupInfo->paneClip.right;
    pane.min.y =>;
    pane.max.y = r.bottom-setupInfo->paneClip.bottom;
    Q3DrawContext_SetPane(setupInfo->drawContext,&pane);        // update pane in draw context
                /* CHANGE CAMERA ASPECT RATIO */
    Q3ViewAngleAspectCamera_GetData(setupInfo->cameraObject,&cameraData);           // get camera data
    cameraData.aspectRatioXToY = (pane.max.x-pane.min.x)/(pane.max.y-pane.min.y);   // set new aspect ratio
    Q3ViewAngleAspectCamera_SetData(setupInfo->cameraObject,&cameraData);           // set new camera data
/******************* QD3D DRAW SCENE *********************/
void QD3D_DrawScene(QD3DSetupOutputType *setupInfo, void (*drawRoutine)(QD3DSetupOutputType *))
TQ3Status               myStatus;
TQ3ViewStatus           myViewStatus;
            /* START RENDERING */
    myStatus = Q3View_StartRendering(setupInfo->viewObject);            
    if ( myStatus == kQ3Failure )
        DoFatalAlert("\p Q3View_StartRendering Failed!");
            /* RENDER LOOP */
                /* DRAW STYLES */
        myStatus = Q3Style_Submit(setupInfo->interpolationStyle,setupInfo->viewObject);
        if ( myStatus == kQ3Failure )
            DoFatalAlert("\p Q3Style_Submit Failed!");
        myStatus = Q3Style_Submit(setupInfo->backfacingStyle,setupInfo->viewObject);
        if ( myStatus == kQ3Failure )
            DoFatalAlert("\p Q3Style_Submit Failed!");
        myStatus = Q3Style_Submit(setupInfo->fillStyle, setupInfo->viewObject);
        if ( myStatus == kQ3Failure )
            DoFatalAlert("\p Q3Style_Submit Failed!");
        myStatus = Q3Shader_Submit(setupInfo->shaderObject, setupInfo->viewObject);
        if ( myStatus == kQ3Failure )
            DoFatalAlert("\p Q3Shader_Submit Failed!");
            /* CALL INPUT DRAW FUNCTION */
        myViewStatus = Q3View_EndRendering(setupInfo->viewObject);
    } while ( myViewStatus == kQ3ViewStatusRetraverse );
//=============================== MISC ==================================================================
/************** QD3D CALC FRAMES PER SECOND *****************/
float   QD3D_CalcFramesPerSecond(void)
UnsignedWide    wide;
unsigned long   now;
static  unsigned long then = 0;
    now = wide.lo;
    if (then != 0)
        gFramesPerSecond = (float)1000000.0/(float)(now-then);
        if (gFramesPerSecond < DEFAULT_FPS)         // (avoid divide by 0's later)
            gFramesPerSecond = DEFAULT_FPS;
        gFramesPerSecond = DEFAULT_FPS;
    then = now;                             // remember time    
#pragma mark ========== error stuff ===========
/******************* QD3D: SHOW ERROR *************************/
// Returns true if Error, false if just a warning.
Boolean QD3D_ShowError(Str255 errString, Boolean showWarnings)
TQ3Error    err;
TQ3Warning  warning;
Str255      numStr;
        /* DO ERRORS */
    err = Q3Error_Get(nil);
    if (err != 0)
            case    kQ3ErrorViewNotStarted:
            case    kQ3ErrorOutOfMemory:
        /* DO WARNINGS */
        if (!showWarnings)
        warning = Q3Warning_Get(nil);
            case    kQ3WarningFunctionalityNotSupported:
                    DoAlert("\pWarning: kQ3WarningFunctionalityNotSupported");
                    NumToString(err, numStr);
                    DoAlert (numStr);
/************ QD3D: SHOW RECENT ERROR *******************/
void QD3D_ShowRecentError(void)
TQ3Error    q3Err;
Str255      s;
    q3Err = Q3Error_Get(nil);
    if (q3Err == kQ3ErrorOutOfMemory)
    if (q3Err == kQ3ErrorMacintoshError)
    if (q3Err != 0)
/***************** QD3D: DO MEMORY ERROR **********************/
void QD3D_DoMemoryError(void)
#pragma mark =========== textures =================
/**************** QD3D GET TEXTURE MAP ***********************/
// Loads a PICT resource and returns a shader object which is
// based on the PICT converted to a texture map.
// INPUT: textureRezID = resource ID of texture PICT to get.
//          myFSSpec != nil if want to load PICT from file instead
// OUTPUT: TQ3ShaderObject = shader object for texture map.
TQ3SurfaceShaderObject  QD3D_GetTextureMap(long textureRezID, FSSpec *myFSSpec)
PicHandle           picture;
TQ3SurfaceShaderObject      shader;
long                pictSize,headerSize;
OSErr               iErr;
short               fRefNum;
char                pictHeader[512];
    if (myFSSpec == nil)
                    /* LOAD PICT REZ */
        picture = GetPicture (textureRezID);
        if (picture == nil)
            DoFatalAlert("\pUnable to load texture PICT resource");
                /* LOAD PICT FROM FILE */
        iErr = FSpOpenDF(myFSSpec,fsCurPerm,&fRefNum);
        if (iErr)
            DoFatalAlert("\pError reading PICT file!");
        if  (GetEOF(fRefNum,&pictSize) != noErr)        // get size of file     
            DoFatalAlert("\pError reading PICT file!");
        headerSize = 512;                   // check the header                 
        if (FSRead(fRefNum,&headerSize,pictHeader) != noErr)
            DoFatalAlert("\pError reading PICT file!");
        if ((pictSize -= 512) <= 0)
            DoFatalAlert("\pError reading PICT file!");
        if ((picture = (PicHandle)NewHandle(pictSize)) == nil)
            DoFatalAlert("\pNot enough memory to read PICT file!");
        if (FSRead(fRefNum,&pictSize,*picture) != noErr)
            DoFatalAlert("\pError reading PICT file!");
    shader = QD3D_PICTToTexture(picture);
    if (myFSSpec == nil)
        ReleaseResource ((Handle) picture);
/**************** QD3D PICT TO TEXTURE ***********************/
// INPUT: picture = handle to PICT.
// OUTPUT: TQ3ShaderObject = shader object for texture map.
static TQ3SurfaceShaderObject   QD3D_PICTToTexture(PicHandle picture)
TQ3StoragePixmap    pixmap;
TQ3TextureObject    texture;
TQ3SurfaceShaderObject      shader;
            /* MAKE INTO STORAGE PIXMAP */
    pixmap.image = nil;
    CreateTexturePixmap (picture,
                (**picture).picFrame.right  - (**picture).picFrame.left,
                (**picture).picFrame.bottom - (**picture),
            /* MAKE NEW PIXMAP TEXTURE */
    texture = Q3PixmapTexture_New (&pixmap);
    if (texture == nil)
        DoFatalAlert("\pError calling Q3PixmapTexture_New!");
    shader = Q3TextureShader_New (texture);
    if (shader == nil)
        DoFatalAlert("\pError calling Q3TextureShader_New!");
    Q3Object_Dispose (texture);
    Q3Object_Dispose (pixmap.image);            // disposes of extra reference to storage obj from CreateTexturePixmap
/**************** QD3D GWORLD TO TEXTURE ***********************/
// INPUT: picture = handle to PICT.
// OUTPUT: TQ3ShaderObject = shader object for texture map.
static TQ3SurfaceShaderObject   QD3D_GWorldToTexture(GWorldPtr theGWorld)
TQ3StoragePixmap            pixmap;
TQ3TextureObject            texture;
TQ3SurfaceShaderObject      shader;
            /* MAKE NEW PIXMAP TEXTURE */
    texture = Q3PixmapTexture_New (&pixmap);
    if (texture == nil)
        DoFatalAlert("\pError calling Q3PixmapTexture_New!");
    shader = Q3TextureShader_New(texture);
    if (shader == nil)
        DoFatalAlert("\pError calling Q3TextureShader_New!");
    Q3Object_Dispose (texture);
    Q3Object_Dispose (pixmap.image);            // possible memory leak if dont call this?!?!
/******************** CREATE TEXTURE PIXMAP ********************/
static void CreateTexturePixmap(PicHandle pict,unsigned long mapSizeX,
                             unsigned long mapSizeY, TQ3StoragePixmap *bMap)
    bMap->image = NULL;
    if (mapSizeY > 512)
        mapSizeY = 512;
    if (mapSizeX > 512)
        mapSizeX = 512;
    DrawPICTIntoPixmap (pict, mapSizeX, mapSizeY, bMap);
/******************** DRAW PICT INTO PIXMAP ********************/
// OUTPUT: bMap = new bitmap holding texture image
static void DrawPICTIntoPixmap(PicHandle pict,unsigned long width, unsigned long height, TQ3StoragePixmap *bMap)
    #define k80K        (80000)
Rect                    rectGW;
GWorldPtr               pGWorld;
PixMapHandle            hPixMap;
OSErr                   myErr;
GDHandle                oldGD;
GWorldPtr               oldGW;
long                    bytesNeeded;
    GetGWorld(&oldGW, &oldGD);                                      // save current port
                /* CREATE A GWORLD TO DRAW INTO */
    SetRect(&rectGW, 0, 0, width, height);                      // set dimensions
    bytesNeeded = (width * height * 4) + k80K;
    if (bytesNeeded < MaxBlock())
        myErr = NewGWorld(&pGWorld, 16, &rectGW, 0, 0, 0L);         // make gworld
        myErr = -43;
    if (myErr)
        DoFatalAlert("\pError making texture GWorld!");
    hPixMap = GetGWorldPixMap(pGWorld);                         // calc addr & rowbytes
            /* DRAW PICTURE INTO GWORLD */
    SetGWorld(pGWorld, nil);    
    DrawPicture(pict, &rectGW);
            /* MAKE A PIXMAP FROM GWORLD */
    SetGWorld (oldGW, oldGD);
    UnlockPixels (hPixMap);
    DisposeGWorld (pGWorld);
/******************** GWORLD TO BMAP ********************/
// Creates a TQ3StoragePixmap from an existing GWorld
// NOTE: Assumes that GWorld is 16bit!!!!
// OUTPUT: bMap = new bitmap holding texture image
static void GWorldToBMap(GWorldPtr pGWorld, TQ3StoragePixmap *bMap)
unsigned long           pictMapAddr;
PixMapHandle            hPixMap;
unsigned long           pictRowBytes;
long                    width, height;
TQ3Status               status;
    hPixMap = GetGWorldPixMap(pGWorld);                             // calc addr & rowbytes
    if ((**hPixMap).pixelSize != 16)                                    // verify bitdepth
        DoFatalAlert("\pGworlds must be 16bit when converting to textures!");
    pictMapAddr = (unsigned long )GetPixBaseAddr(hPixMap);
    pictRowBytes = (unsigned long)(**hPixMap).rowBytes & 0x3fff;
    width = ((**hPixMap).bounds.right - (**hPixMap).bounds.left);
    height = ((**hPixMap).bounds.bottom - (**hPixMap);
                /* SET MORE PIXELMAP INFO */
    if (bMap->image != NULL)
        DoAlert("\pReplacing PixelMap : (remove this Alert if I want this");
        status = Q3MemoryStorage_Set (bMap->image, (unsigned char *) pictMapAddr,
                             pictRowBytes * height);
        if (status == kQ3Failure)
            DoFatalAlert("\pQ3MemoryStorage_Set Failed!");
        bMap->image = Q3MemoryStorage_New ((unsigned char *) pictMapAddr, pictRowBytes * height);
        if (bMap->image == nil)
            DoFatalAlert("\pQ3MemoryStorage_New Failed!");
    bMap->width     = width;
    bMap->height    = height;
    bMap->rowBytes  = pictRowBytes;
    bMap->pixelSize = 16;
    bMap->pixelType = kQ3PixelTypeRGB16;
    bMap->bitOrder  = kQ3EndianBig;
    bMap->byteOrder = kQ3EndianBig;