
    Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    Application Image view controller.
import UIKit
import GLKit
import ImageIO
import Photos
import CoreImage
        This UIViewController displays an image processed using
        the CoreImage CIRawFilter in a GLKView.
        It also allows the user to perform simple edit, like
        adjusting exposure, temperature and tint.
class ImageViewController: UIViewController, GLKViewDelegate {
    // MARK: Properties
    /// Outlet to sliders used to edit the image.
    @IBOutlet weak var exposureSlider : UISlider!
    @IBOutlet weak var tempSlider : UISlider!
    @IBOutlet weak var tintSlider : UISlider!
        View used to display the CoreImage output produced by the
    @IBOutlet weak var imageView : GLKView!
    // Asset containing the image to render.
    var asset : PHAsset?
    // Original values of temperature and tint from the image.
    var originalTemp : Float = 0.0
    var originalTint : Float = 0.0
    // CIRawFilter used to process the Raw image
    var ciRawFilter : CIFilter?
    // Size of the processed image.
    var imageNativeSize : CGSize?
    // Context used to render the CIImage to display.
    var ciContext : CIContext?
    // MARK: Image load
    /// On load, construct the CIRawFilter
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        guard let asset = asset else { return }
        // Setup options to request original image.
        let options = PHImageRequestOptions()
        options.version = .original
        options.isSynchronous = true
        // Request the image data and UTI type for the image.
        PHImageManager.default().requestImageData(for: asset, options: options) { imageData, dataUTI, _, _ in
            guard let imageData = imageData, let dataUTI = dataUTI else { return }
                    Create a CIRawFilter from original image data.
                    UTI type is passed in to provide the CIRawFilter with
                    a hint about the UTI type of the Raw file.
            let rawOptions = [ String(kCGImageSourceTypeIdentifierHint) : dataUTI ]
            self.ciRawFilter = CIFilter(imageData: imageData as Data, options: rawOptions)
            guard let ciRawFilter = self.ciRawFilter else { return }
            // Get the native size of the image produced by the CIRawFilter.
            if let value = ciRawFilter.value(forKey: kCIOutputNativeSizeKey) as? CIVector {
                self.imageNativeSize = CGSize(width: value.x, height: value.y)
            // Record the original value of the temperature, and setup the editing slider.
            if let value = ciRawFilter.value(forKey: kCIInputNeutralTemperatureKey) {
                self.originalTemp = (value as AnyObject).floatValue
                self.tempSlider.setValue((value as AnyObject).floatValue, animated: false)
            // Record the original value of the tint, and setup the editing slider.
            if let value = ciRawFilter.value(forKey: kCIInputNeutralTintKey) {
                self.originalTint = (value as AnyObject).floatValue
                self.tintSlider.setValue((value as AnyObject).floatValue, animated: false)
        // Create EAGL context used to render the CIImage produced by the CIRawFilter to display.
        imageView.context = EAGLContext(api : .openGLES3)
        ciContext = CIContext(eaglContext: imageView.context, options:[ kCIContextWorkingFormat : Int(kCIFormatRGBAh) ])
    // MARK: Image edit actions
    /// Resets the CIRawFilter to the original values.
    @IBAction func resetSettings(_ sender: UIBarButtonItem) {
        guard let ciRawFilter = ciRawFilter else { return }
        ciRawFilter.setValue(0.0, forKey: kCIInputEVKey)
        exposureSlider.setValue(0.0, animated: false)
        ciRawFilter.setValue(originalTemp, forKey: kCIInputNeutralTemperatureKey)
        tempSlider.setValue(originalTemp, animated: false)
        ciRawFilter.setValue(originalTint, forKey: kCIInputNeutralTintKey)
        tintSlider.setValue(originalTint, animated: false)
    /// Adjust the exposure of the image
    @IBAction func exposureAdjusted(sender: UISlider) {
        guard let ciRawFilter = ciRawFilter else { return }
        ciRawFilter.setValue(sender.value, forKey: kCIInputEVKey)
    /// Adjust the temperature of the image
    @IBAction func temperatureAdjusted(sender: UISlider) {
        guard let ciRawFilter = ciRawFilter else { return }
        ciRawFilter.setValue(sender.value, forKey: kCIInputNeutralTemperatureKey)
    /// Adjust the tint of the image
    @IBAction func tintAdjusted(sender: UISlider) {
        guard let ciRawFilter = ciRawFilter else { return }
        ciRawFilter.setValue(sender.value, forKey: kCIInputNeutralTintKey)
    /// Update the image when the device is rotated.
    override func viewWillTransition(to size: CGSize, with coordinator: UIViewControllerTransitionCoordinator) {
    /// Render image to display.
    func glkView(_ view: GLKView, drawIn rect: CGRect) {
        guard let context = ciContext, let ciRawFilter = ciRawFilter, let imageNativeSize = imageNativeSize else { return }
        // OpenGLES drawing setup.
        glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
        // Set the blend mode to "source over" so that CI will use that.
        glBlendFunc(GLenum(GL_ONE), GLenum(GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA))
        // Calculate scale to show the image at.
        let contentScaledRect = rect.applying(CGAffineTransform(scaleX: view.contentScaleFactor, y: view.contentScaleFactor))
        let scale = min(contentScaledRect.width / imageNativeSize.width, contentScaledRect.height / imageNativeSize.height)
        // Set scale factor of the CIRawFilter to size it correctly for display.
        ciRawFilter.setValue(scale, forKey: kCIInputScaleFactorKey)
        // Calculate rectangle to display image in.
        var displayRect = CGRect(x:0, y:0, width:imageNativeSize.width, height:imageNativeSize.height).applying(CGAffineTransform(scaleX: scale, y: scale))
        // Ensure the image is centered.
        displayRect.origin.x = (contentScaledRect.width - displayRect.width) / 2.0
        displayRect.origin.y = (contentScaledRect.height - displayRect.height) / 2.0
        guard let image = ciRawFilter.outputImage else { return }
        // Display the image scaled to fit.
        context.draw(image, in:displayRect, from:image.extent)