
    OpenWindow by Cameron
    (OpenWindow? Cameron? What's going on here?)
    OK, intrepid developer-like objects, we admit it! We don't
    know where this sample came from and we don't know anything about
    its original intent. However, since we're super-geniuses, we were
    able to make up a plausible story.
    Say you're a terminal emulator. And you have to run on a Mac Plus.
    With us so far? Now, the Plus doesn't have a control key, but you'd
    really like to pretend it does. So you use the option key. Here's where
    the problem comes in.
    The default behavior of KeyTrans is to support umlauts and other
    fun letter modifiers by making option-U, for example, into a
    "dead" key which results in no keystrokes but modifies subsequent
    keystrokes. So when you type option-U followed by a u, you get: 'Ÿ'.
    And there was much rejoicing, except in Terminal Emulator Land.
    There, the people were downtrodden, as they had no way to tell
    their UNIX command line to clear.
    So, you ask, why don't I just install my own keymap? Well, that'd
    be swell for all us qwerty people, but the people who type on those
    keyboards with all the keys rearranged would really hate it (Hi Quinn!)
    and they'd have to relearn the icky qwerty (try typing that 5 times
    fast) layout again after they'd gone to all the effort of rearranging
    their keycaps on the keyboard so they'd feel funny (they're not all
    the same shape, you know). So...
    This sample shows how to patch KeyTrans in order to completely
    ignore the dead-key processing that goes on and lets you type those
    fancy accented characters. You're back in 7-bit ASCII days now,
    bucko. Enjoy.
#include <String.h>
/* Type 1 includes */
#include <Types.h>
#include <QuickDraw.h>
/* Type 2 includes */
#include <Controls.h>
#include <Events.h>
#include <Fonts.h>
#include <Memory.h>
#include <Menus.h>
#include <OSUtils.h>
#include <Resources.h>
#include <SegLoad.h>
#include <TextEdit.h>
#include <ToolUtils.h>
#include <Traps.h>
#include <Script.h>
/* Type 3 includes */
#include <Desk.h>
#include <Files.h>
#include <OSEvents.h>
#include <Windows.h>
/* Type 4 includes */
#include <Dialogs.h>
/* Type BITE ME includes */
#include <Traps.h>
#include <Assembler.h>
/*  Global Variables  */
Str255          WindTitle;
WindowPtr       MyWindow,aWindPtr;
short           err,keycode,StartV,StartH;
EventRecord     MyEvent;
Boolean         quit,DrawOn;
Rect            WindRect,Rect1,Rect2;
Point           aPoint,lastPoint;
long            KCHRID,newKey,state;
Handle          KCHRHdl;
static asm pascal UniversalProcPtr KeyTransPatcher (UniversalProcPtr)
    // compute patch code size
    LEA     endPatch,A1
    LEA     patch,A0
    MOVE.L  A1,D0
    SUB.L   A0,D0
    MOVE.L  D0,-(A7)                // save size for later
    _NewPtrSys                      // alloc block in sys heap for patch
    MOVE.L  (A7)+,D0                // restore size for BlockMove
    MOVE.L  A0,D1                   // set up CCR (I thought 68K was CISC!)
    BEQ.S   fail                    // if'n (_NewPtrSys) didn't work, give up
    MOVE.L  A0,A1                   // new block is BlockMove dest
    // hijack A0 temporarily, thank you
    LEA     oldTrapAddress,A0       // point to PC-relative storage
    MOVE.L  4(A7),(A0)              // set PC-relative storage
    LEA     patch,A0                // source for BlockMove
    _BlockMove                      // copy patch to system heap
    BRA.S   out                     // skip exception handling
    SUB.L   A1,A1                   // tell caller we're hosed
    MOVE.L  (A7)+,A0                // get return address
    ADDQ.L  #4,A7                   // drop arg
    MOVE.L  A1,(A7)                 // set return value
    JMP     (A0)                    // phone home
    // set the up/down bit - KeyTrans won't process
    // "dead" up strokes. Currently, this does not
    // affect the event record up/down state.
    BSET    #7,9(SP)
    MOVE.L  oldTrapAddress,-(A7)
    DC.L    'hack'
static void InitMac(void)
    quit = false;
    DrawOn = false;
    StartV = 25;
    StartH = 5;
static void DoCR(void)
    if (lastPoint.v > (*MyWindow).portRect.bottom-15)
        lastPoint.v = StartV;
        lastPoint.h = StartH;
        lastPoint.v = lastPoint.v+14;
        lastPoint.h = StartH;
static void DoKeyDown(void)
    if (BitAnd(MyEvent.message,charCodeMask) == 'q'     // if the user typed the magic "cmd-q" sequence,
    && BitAnd(MyEvent.modifiers,0x0100))
        { quit = true; }                                // it's Miller time!
    else    {
        newKey = BitAnd(MyEvent.message,keyCodeMask);   // Strip out all but the keycode
        newKey = BitShift(newKey,-8);                   // move the keycode down to the low byte
        keycode = LoWord(newKey);                       // extract the low word of the event message (ignore modifier bits)
        keycode = keycode & 0xFF7F;                     // make sure it looks like a key down stroke
        newKey = KeyTranslate(*KCHRHdl, keycode, (UInt32*)&state);  // have KeyTrans translate the key code to ASCII
        keycode = LoWord(newKey);                       // now get the ASCII 2 value (IM5, p195 has it backward!)
        DrawChar(keycode);                              // just to make sure, let's have a look
        GetPen(&lastPoint);                             // now make sure we stay inside the content region
        if (lastPoint.h > ((*MyWindow).portRect.right-10))  // if we're getting to close to the edge,
            {   DoCR(); }                               // go fix it up
void main()
    MyWindow = GetNewWindow(2009,nil,(WindowPtr)-1);
    if (MyWindow)
        lastPoint.h = StartH;
        lastPoint.v = StartV;
        KCHRID = GetScriptVariable(smRoman, smScriptKeys);  /* returns resource ID of KCHR being used by system */
        KCHRHdl = GetResource('KCHR',KCHRID);
        if (KCHRHdl)
            UniversalProcPtr    oldKeyTrans = GetToolTrapAddress (_KeyTrans),
                                newKeyTrans = KeyTransPatcher (oldKeyTrans);
            if (newKeyTrans)
                SetToolTrapAddress (newKeyTrans, _KeyTrans);
                while (quit != true)
                    if (DrawOn)
                        if (StillDown())
                        else { DrawOn = false; }
                        if (WaitNextEvent(everyEvent,&MyEvent,0,nil))
                            switch (MyEvent.what)
                                case mouseDown:
                                    Rect boundsRect = qd.screenBits.bounds;
                                    switch (FindWindow(MyEvent.where,&aWindPtr))
                                        case inGoAway :
                                            quit = TrackGoAway (aWindPtr,MyEvent.where);
                                        case inDrag :
                                            InsetRect (&boundsRect,4,4);
                                            DragWindow (aWindPtr,MyEvent.where,&boundsRect);
                                case keyDown:
                                case autoKey:
                SetToolTrapAddress (oldKeyTrans, _KeyTrans);
                DisposePtr ((Ptr) newKeyTrans);