
    File:       TextureMap.c
    Contains:   Contains code to create a QD3D shader object
    Written by: Scott Kuechle, based on original Gerbils code by Brian Greenstone
    Copyright:  © 1998 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved
    Change History (most recent first)
        <1>     9/1/98      srk     first file
*                                                           *
*    INCLUDE FILES                                          *
*                                                           *
#include "TextureMap.h"
*                                                           *
*    FUNCTION PROTOTYPES                                    *
*                                                           *
static void TextureMap_CreateTexturePixmap(PicHandle pict, short mapSizeX, short mapSizeY, TQ3StoragePixmap *bMap);
static void TextureMap_TexturePixmap(PicHandle pict,short mapSizeX, short mapSizeY, TQ3StoragePixmap *bMap);
*                                                           *
*    FUNCTION:  TextureMap_Get                              *
*                                                           *
*    PURPOSE:   Loads a PICT resource and returns a shader  *
*               object which is based on the PICT          *
*               PICT converted to a texture map.            *
*                                                           *
*                                                           *
TQ3ShaderObject TextureMap_Get(PicHandle picH, Rect *picRect)
    TQ3StoragePixmap    pixmap;
    TQ3TextureObject    texture;
    TQ3ShaderObject     shader = NULL;
        if (picH != NULL)
                    /* MAKE INTO STORAGE PIXMAP */
            pixmap.image = NULL;
            TextureMap_TexturePixmap (picH,
                                    (short)(picRect->right  - picRect->left),
                                    (short)(picRect->bottom - picRect->top),
            if (pixmap.image == NULL)
                Utils_DisplayErrorMsg("Error Texturing Pixmap!");
                goto bail;
                    /* MAKE NEW PIXMAP TEXTURE */
            texture = Q3PixmapTexture_New (&pixmap);
            if (texture == nil)
                Utils_DisplayErrorMsg("Error calling Q3PixmapTexture_New!");
                goto bail;
            shader = Q3TextureShader_New (texture);
            if (shader == nil)
                Utils_DisplayErrorMsg("Error calling Q3TextureShader_New!");
                goto bail;
            Q3Object_Dispose (texture);
                /* disposes of extra reference to storage obj from CreateTexturePixmap */
            Q3Object_Dispose (pixmap.image);
        return( shader );
            if (texture)
                Q3Object_Dispose (texture);
            if (pixmap.image)
                Q3Object_Dispose (pixmap.image);    // disposes of extra reference to storage obj from CreateTexturePixmap
            return ( NULL );
*                                                           *
*    FUNCTION:  TextureMap_TexturePixmap                    *
*                                                           *
*    PURPOSE:   Create a new memory storage object based    *
*               on the PICT file passed as an input         *
*                                                           *
*                                                           *
*                                                           *
static void TextureMap_TexturePixmap(PicHandle pict,
                                    short mapSizeX,
                                    short mapSizeY,
                                    TQ3StoragePixmap *bMap)
    unsigned long           pictMapAddr;
    Rect                    rectGW;
    GWorldPtr               pGWorld = NULL;
    PixMapHandle            hPixMap = NULL;
    unsigned long           pictRowBytes;
    OSErr                   myErr;
    GDHandle                oldGD;
    GWorldPtr               oldGW;
    long                    width, height;
    Boolean                 success = false;
        bMap->image = NULL;
        if (mapSizeY > 512)
            mapSizeY = 512;
        if (mapSizeX > 512)
            mapSizeX = 512;
        GetGWorld(&oldGW, &oldGD);          /* save current port */
        MacSetRect(&rectGW, 0, 0, mapSizeX, mapSizeY);      /* set dimensions */
        width = rectGW.right - rectGW.left;
        height = rectGW.bottom - rectGW.top;
        myErr = NewGWorld(&pGWorld, 0, &rectGW, 0, 0, 0L);          /* make gworld */
        if (myErr != noErr)
            Utils_DisplayErrorMsg("Offscreen GWorld creation failed!");
            goto bail;
        hPixMap = GetGWorldPixMap(pGWorld);         /* calc addr & rowbytes */
        if (hPixMap != NULL)
            pictMapAddr = (unsigned long)GetPixBaseAddr(hPixMap);
            pictRowBytes = (unsigned long)(**hPixMap).rowBytes & 0x3fff;
                    /* DRAW PICTURE INTO GWORLD */
            SetGWorld(pGWorld, nil);    
            success = LockPixels(hPixMap);
            if (success == false)
                Utils_DisplayErrorMsg("Offscreen pixel image has been purged!");
                goto bail;
            DrawPicture(pict, &rectGW);
                        /* SET MORE PIXELMAP INFO */
            bMap->image = Q3MemoryStorage_New ((unsigned char *) pictMapAddr, pictRowBytes * mapSizeY);
            if( bMap->image != NULL)
                PixMapHandle pmHndl;
                    pmHndl = pGWorld->portPixMap;
                    bMap->width     = mapSizeX;
                    bMap->height    = mapSizeY;
                    bMap->rowBytes  = pictRowBytes;
                    bMap->pixelSize = (**pmHndl).pixelSize; /* use current pixel size */
                    bMap->pixelType = ((**pmHndl).pixelSize == 16) ? kQ3PixelTypeRGB16 : kQ3PixelTypeRGB32;
                    #if TARGET_OS_MAC
                        bMap->bitOrder  = kQ3EndianBig;
                        bMap->byteOrder = kQ3EndianBig;
                    #else if TARGET_OS_WIN32
                        bMap->bitOrder  = kQ3EndianLittle;
                        bMap->byteOrder = kQ3EndianLittle;
                Utils_DisplayErrorMsg("Could not create new memory storage object!");
        /* Clean up */
        SetGWorld (oldGW, oldGD);
        if (hPixMap != NULL)
            UnlockPixels (hPixMap);
        if (pGWorld != NULL)
            DisposeGWorld (pGWorld);