
/*                                  LogManager.h                                */
 * LogManager.h
 * Copyright © 1993 Apple Computer Inc. All rights reserved.
 * These functions manage a logging display for error messages and other text.
 * The log is implemented as a ListManager list that can hold nLogItems. This
 * module is intentionally more-or-less self-contained so it can easily be
 * exported to other applications.
#ifndef __LogManager__
#define __LogManager__
#ifndef THINK_C             /* MPW includes         */
#include <Errors.h>
#include <Script.h>
#include <Types.h>
#include <Resources.h>
#include <QuickDraw.h>
#include <Fonts.h>
#include <Events.h>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <ToolUtils.h>
#include <Memory.h>
#include <Lists.h>
#include <Printing.h>
 * Usage:
 *      ListHandle                  CreateLog(
 *              const Rect              *viewRect,
 *              short                   listFontNumber,
 *              short                   listFontSize,
 *              short                   nLogLines
 *          );
 *  Create a new log display in the current window. To define a log, first
 *  SetPort to the window, and pass viewRect in window coordinates. Returns
 *  NULL on errors. if nLogLines is zero, a default value (128) will be used.
 *  Note: the log will be displayed with a horizontal and vertical scrollbar.
 *  Be sure to dimension the viewRect to leave room for both: they are not
 *  included in the viewRect (for compatibility with other ListManager calls).
 *      void                        DisposeLog(
 *              ListHandle              logListHandle
 *          );
 *  Dispose of the log. logListHandle may be NULL without disasterous results.
 *      Boolean                     DoClickInLog(
 *              ListHandle              logListHandle,
 *              const EventRecord       *eventRecord
 *          );
 *  Called on a mouse-down in the log viewRect. Returns FALSE if the mouse-down
 *  wasn't in the viewRect (this isn't really an error, but lets you call
 *  DoClickInLog on all mouseDown's). Note: the port should be set to the log
 *  window. You cannot select text in the log. This is a limitation:
 *  Copy to the Clipboard would be useful.
 *      void                        UpdateLog(
 *              ListHandle              logListHandle
 *          );
 *  Called on update events in the log window. UpdateLog passes the window
 *  visRgn to the List Manager.
 *      void                        UpdateLogWindow(
 *              ListHandle              logListHandle
 *          );
 *  Called to update the log area without an update event. This may be used
 *  after displaying a dialog or alert that might have obscured the window.
 *      void                        ActivateLog(
 *              ListHandle              logListHandle,
 *              Boolean                 activating
 *          );
 *  Called on activate, deactivate, suspend and resume events.
 *      void                        MoveLog(
 *              ListHandle              logListHandle,
 *              short                   leftEdge,
 *              short                   topEdge
 *          );
 *  Called to move the log within the window (after resizing the window)
 *  LeftEdge and topEdge are in window coordinates.
 *      void                        SizeLog(
 *              ListHandle              logListHandle,
 *              short                   newWidth,
 *              short                   newHeight
 *          );
 *  Resize the log area (after resizing the window). NewWidth and NewHeight
 *  are in window coordinates.
 * The following calls display data in the log.
 *      void                        LogStatus(
 *              ListHandle              logListHandle,
 *              OSErr                   theError,
 *              ConstStr255Param        infoText
 *          );
 *  If theError is not noErr, display the error value and infoText in the log.
 *      void                        DisplayLogString(
 *              ListHandle              logListHandle,
 *              ConstStr255Param        theString
 *          );
 *  Display the argument string in the log.
 * File I/O
 *      OSErr                       SaveLogFile(
 *              ListHandle              logListHandle,
 *              ConstStr255Param        dialogPromptString,
 *              ConstStr255Param        defaultFileName,
 *              OSType                  creatorType
 *          );
 *  Prompt the user for a file name and write the current log contents
 *  to the chosen file. Returns an error status (noErr is ok). This function
 *  returns userCanceledErr if the user cancelled the SFPutFile dialog.
 *      OSErr                       CreateLogFile(
 *              ListHandle              logListHandle,
 *              OSType                  creatorType,
 *              ConstStr255Param        fileName,
 *              short                   vRefNum
 *          );
 *  Create a log on the specified file and volume. Normally, called only
 *  by SaveLogFile.
 *      void                        WriteCurrentLog(
 *              ListHandle              logListHandle
 *          );
 *  Write the current log to the file. This is called when the log file
 *  is first created.
 *      void                        WriteLogLine(
 *              ListHandle              logListHandle,
 *              ConstStr255Param        theText
 *          );
 *  Write a single line of text to the currently-open log, if any.
 *  Any errors are stored in the INFO structure. WriteLogLine is
 *  called to "dribble" new text into the log file.
 *      OSErr                       CloseLogFile(
 *              ListHandle              logListHandle
 *          );
 *  Close the currently active log file (if any). Returns the earliest
 *  status (i.e., if the disk filled during a "dribble" operation, it
 *  will return a device full error).
 *      OSErr                       GetLogFileError(
 *              ListHandle              logListHandle
 *          );
 *  Return the last file error stored in the log record.
 *      Boolean                     HasLogFile(
 *              ListHandle              logListHandle
 *          );
 *  TRUE if a log file is currently open.
 * This function prints the log
 *      OSErr                       PrintLog(
 *              ListHandle              logListHandle,
 *              THPrint                 hPrint
 *          );
 *  Print the current contents of the log. if hPrint is non-null, it will
 *  be used to configure the printer. Otherwise, a Print Handle will be
 *  allocated (and disposed) internally. No page numbers or headers or
 *  other useful stuff. Sorry.
 * This record is stored in the userHandle variable in the list. The values are
 * needed to specify the font, limit the number of error log lines that are stored,
 * and preserve the log area color. We also hide the horizontal scrollbar here
 * because, if we leave it in the ListRecord, the ListManager will decide to
 * permanently un-hilite it.
 * Note: the LogInfoRecord is private to the LogManager routines.
typedef struct LogInfoRecord {
        ControlHandle       hScroll;
        short               logLines;
        short               fontNumber;
        short               fontSize;
        RGBColor            foreColor;
        RGBColor            backColor;
        short               logFileRefNum;      /* Non-zero if log file open    */
        short               logFileVRefNum;     /* Log file volume refNum       */
        OSErr               logFileStatus;      /* noError or last log file err */
} LogInfoRecord, *LogInfoPtr, **LogInfoHdl;
 * CreateLog
 *      Create a new log display in the current window. To define a log, first
 *      SetPort to the window, and pass viewRect in window coordinates. Returns
 *      NULL on errors. if nLogLines is zero, a default value (128) will be used.
 *      Note: the log will be displayed with a horizontal and vertical scrollbar.
 *      Be sure to dimension the viewRect to leave room for both.
ListHandle                          CreateLog(
        const Rect                      *viewRect,
        short                           listFontNumber,
        short                           listFontSize,
        short                           nLogLines
 * DisposeLog
 *      Dispose of the log. logListHandle may be NULL.
void                                DisposeLog(
        ListHandle                      logListHandle
 * DoClickInLog
 *      Call on a mouse-down in the log viewRect. Returns FALSE if the mouse-down
 *      wasn't in the viewRect (this isn't really an error, but lets you call
 *      DoClickInLog on all mouseDown's). Note: the port should be set to the log
 *      window. You cannot select text in the log.
Boolean                             DoClickInLog(
        ListHandle                      logListHandle,
        const EventRecord               *eventRecord
 * UpdateLog
 *      Call on update events in the log window.
void                                UpdateLog(
        ListHandle                      logListHandle
 * UpdateLogWindow
 *      Call to force an update on the log's window. This may be used after
 *      displaying a dialog or alert that might have obscured the window.
void                                UpdateLogWindow(
        ListHandle                      logListHandle
 * ActivateLog
 *      Call on activate, suspend, and resume events.
void                                ActivateLog(
        ListHandle                      logListHandle,
        Boolean                         activating
 * MoveLog
 *      Move the log area within the window.
void                                MoveLog(
        ListHandle                      logListHandle,
        short                           leftEdge,
        short                           topEdge
 * SizeLog
 *      Change the size of the log area.
void                                SizeLog(
        ListHandle                      logListHandle,
        short                           newWidth,
        short                           newHeight
 * LogStatus
 *      Call with an error status code and some text to display.
void                                LogStatus(
        ListHandle                      logListHandle,
        OSErr                           theError,
        const StringPtr                 infoText
 * DisplayLogString
 *      Call with some text to display.
void                                DisplayLogString(
        ListHandle                      logListHandle,
        const StringPtr                 theString
StringHandle                        GetLogStringHandle(
        ListHandle                      logListHandle,
        short                           theRow
 * Log file functions.
OSErr                               SaveLogFile(
        ListHandle                      logListHandle,
        ConstStr255Param                dialogPromptString,
        ConstStr255Param                defaultFileName,
        OSType                          creatorType
OSErr                               CreateLogFile(
        ListHandle                      logListHandle,
        OSType                          creatorType,
        ConstStr255Param                fileName,
        short                           vRefNum
void                                WriteCurrentLog(
        ListHandle                      logListHandle
void                                WriteLogLine(
        ListHandle                      logListHandle,
        ConstStr255Param                theText
OSErr                               CloseLogFile(
        ListHandle                      logListHandle
OSErr                               GetLogFileError(
        ListHandle                      logListHandle
Boolean                             HasLogFile(
        ListHandle                      logListHandle
 * Print the log.
OSErr                               PrintLog(
        ListHandle                      logListHandle,
        THPrint                         hPrint
#endif /* __LogManager__ */