
    File:       scsi.h
    Copyright:  © 1984-1994 by Apple Computer, Inc.
                All rights reserved.
    Version:    Built by:           Tom Wilson
                From:               scsi.i
                With Interfacer:    1.1d4
    Bugs:       Report bugs to Radar component ÒSystem InterfacesÓ, ÒLatestÓ
                List the version information from above in Problem Description.
#ifndef __SCSI__
#define __SCSI__
#ifndef __TYPES__
#include <Types.h>
/*  #include <ConditionalMacros.h>                              */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#ifndef _SCSIAtomic
enum {
    _SCSIAtomic                 = 0xA089
enum {
    scInc                       = 1,
    scNoInc                     = 2,
    scAdd                       = 3,
    scMove                      = 4,
    scLoop                      = 5,
    scNop                       = 6,
    scStop                      = 7,
    scComp                      = 8
/* SCSI Manager errors */
enum {
    scCommErr                   = 2,                            /* communications error, operation timeout */
    scArbNBErr                  = 3,                            /* arbitration timeout waiting for not BSY */
    scBadParmsErr               = 4,                            /* bad parameter or TIB opcode */
    scPhaseErr                  = 5,                            /* SCSI bus not in correct phase for attempted operation */
    scCompareErr                = 6,                            /* data compare error */
    scMgrBusyErr                = 7,                            /* SCSI Manager busy  */
    scSequenceErr               = 8,                            /* attempted operation is out of sequence */
    scBusTOErr                  = 9,                            /* CPU bus timeout */
    scComplPhaseErr             = 10                            /* SCSI bus wasn't in Status phase */
/* Signatures */
enum {
    sbSIGWord                   = 0x4552,                       /* signature word for Block 0 ('ER') */
    sbMac                       = 1,                            /* system type for Mac */
    pMapSIG                     = 0x504D,                       /* partition map signature ('PM') */
    pdSigWord                   = 0x5453
enum {
    oldPMSigWord                = pdSigWord,
    newPMSigWord                = pMapSIG
/* Driver Descriptor Map */
#if defined(powerc) || defined (__powerc)
#pragma options align=mac68k
struct Block0 {
    unsigned short                  sbSig;                      /* unique value for SCSI block 0 */
    unsigned short                  sbBlkSize;                  /* block size of device */
    unsigned long                   sbBlkCount;                 /* number of blocks on device */
    unsigned short                  sbDevType;                  /* device type */
    unsigned short                  sbDevId;                    /* device id */
    unsigned long                   sbData;                     /* not used */
    unsigned short                  sbDrvrCount;                /* driver descriptor count */
    unsigned long                   ddBlock;                    /* 1st driver's starting block */
    unsigned short                  ddSize;                     /* size of 1st driver (512-byte blks) */
    unsigned short                  ddType;                     /* system type (1 for Mac+) */
    unsigned short                  ddPad[243];                 /* ARRAY[0..242] OF INTEGER; not used */
#if defined(powerc) || defined(__powerc)
#pragma options align=reset
typedef struct Block0 Block0;
/* Partition Map Entry */
#if defined(powerc) || defined (__powerc)
#pragma options align=mac68k
struct Partition {
    unsigned short                  pmSig;                      /* unique value for map entry blk */
    unsigned short                  pmSigPad;                   /* currently unused */
    unsigned long                   pmMapBlkCnt;                /* # of blks in partition map */
    unsigned long                   pmPyPartStart;              /* physical start blk of partition */
    unsigned long                   pmPartBlkCnt;               /* # of blks in this partition */
    unsigned char                   pmPartName[32];             /* ASCII partition name */
    unsigned char                   pmParType[32];              /* ASCII partition type */
    unsigned long                   pmLgDataStart;              /* log. # of partition's 1st data blk */
    unsigned long                   pmDataCnt;                  /* # of blks in partition's data area */
    unsigned long                   pmPartStatus;               /* bit field for partition status */
    unsigned long                   pmLgBootStart;              /* log. blk of partition's boot code */
    unsigned long                   pmBootSize;                 /* number of bytes in boot code */
    unsigned long                   pmBootAddr;                 /* memory load address of boot code */
    unsigned long                   pmBootAddr2;                /* currently unused */
    unsigned long                   pmBootEntry;                /* entry point of boot code */
    unsigned long                   pmBootEntry2;               /* currently unused */
    unsigned long                   pmBootCksum;                /* checksum of boot code */
    unsigned char                   pmProcessor[16];            /* ASCII for the processor type */
    unsigned short                  pmPad[188];                 /* 512 bytes long currently unused */
#if defined(powerc) || defined(__powerc)
#pragma options align=reset
typedef struct Partition Partition;
/* TIB instruction */
#if defined(powerc) || defined (__powerc)
#pragma options align=mac68k
struct SCSIInstr {
    unsigned short                  scOpcode;
    unsigned long                   scParam1;
    unsigned long                   scParam2;
#if defined(powerc) || defined(__powerc)
#pragma options align=reset
typedef struct SCSIInstr SCSIInstr;
extern pascal OSErr SCSIReset(void)
 TWOWORDINLINE(0x4267, 0xA815);
extern pascal OSErr SCSIGet(void)
 THREEWORDINLINE(0x3F3C, 0x0001, 0xA815);
extern pascal OSErr SCSISelect(short targetID)
 THREEWORDINLINE(0x3F3C, 0x0002, 0xA815);
extern pascal OSErr SCSICmd(Ptr buffer, short count)
 THREEWORDINLINE(0x3F3C, 0x0003, 0xA815);
extern pascal OSErr SCSIRead(Ptr tibPtr)
 THREEWORDINLINE(0x3F3C, 0x0005, 0xA815);
extern pascal OSErr SCSIRBlind(Ptr tibPtr)
 THREEWORDINLINE(0x3F3C, 0x0008, 0xA815);
extern pascal OSErr SCSIWrite(Ptr tibPtr)
 THREEWORDINLINE(0x3F3C, 0x0006, 0xA815);
extern pascal OSErr SCSIWBlind(Ptr tibPtr)
 THREEWORDINLINE(0x3F3C, 0x0009, 0xA815);
extern pascal OSErr SCSIComplete(short *stat, short *message, unsigned long wait)
 THREEWORDINLINE(0x3F3C, 0x0004, 0xA815);
extern pascal short SCSIStat(void)
 THREEWORDINLINE(0x3F3C, 0x000A, 0xA815);
extern pascal OSErr SCSISelAtn(short targetID)
 THREEWORDINLINE(0x3F3C, 0x000B, 0xA815);
extern pascal OSErr SCSIMsgIn(short *message)
 THREEWORDINLINE(0x3F3C, 0x000C, 0xA815);
extern pascal OSErr SCSIMsgOut(short message)
 THREEWORDINLINE(0x3F3C, 0x000D, 0xA815);
enum {
    scsiVERSION                 = 43
/* SCSI Manager function codes */
enum {
    SCSINop                     = 0x00,                         /* Execute nothing                                      */
    SCSIExecIO                  = 0x01,                         /* Execute the specified IO                             */
    SCSIBusInquiry              = 0x03,                         /* Get parameters for entire path of HBAs               */
    SCSIReleaseQ                = 0x04,                         /* Release the frozen SIM queue for particular LUN      */
    SCSIAbortCommand            = 0x10,                         /* Abort the selected Control Block                     */
    SCSIResetBus                = 0x11,                         /* Reset the SCSI bus                                   */
    SCSIResetDevice             = 0x12,                         /* Reset the SCSI device                                */
    SCSITerminateIO             = 0x13,                         /* Terminate any pending IO                             */
    SCSIGetVirtualIDInfo        = 0x80,                         /* Find out which bus old ID is on                      */
    SCSILoadDriver              = 0x82,                         /* Load a driver for a device ident                     */
    SCSIOldCall                 = 0x84,                         /* XPT->SIM private call for old-API                    */
    SCSICreateRefNumXref        = 0x85,                         /* Register a DeviceIdent to drvr RefNum xref           */
    SCSILookupRefNumXref        = 0x86,                         /* Get DeviceIdent to drvr RefNum xref                  */
    SCSIRemoveRefNumXref        = 0x87,                         /* Remove a DeviceIdent to drvr RefNum xref             */
    SCSIRegisterWithNewXPT      = 0x88,                         /* XPT has changed - SIM needs to re-register itself    */
    vendorUnique                = 0xC0                          /* 0xC0 thru 0xFF */
/* SCSI Callback Procedure Prototypes */
typedef pascal void (*CallbackProc)(void *scsiPB);
typedef void (*AENCallbackProc)(void);
typedef OSErr (*SIMInitProc)(Ptr SIMinfoPtr);
typedef void (*SIMActionProc)(void *scsiPB, Ptr SIMGlobals);
typedef void (*SCSIProc)(void);
typedef void (*MakeCallbackProc)(void *scsiPB);
typedef long (*InterruptPollProc)(Ptr SIMGlobals);
/* Allocation length defines for some of the fields */
enum {
    handshakeDataLength         = 8,                            /* Handshake data length */
    maxCDBLength                = 16,                           /* Space for the CDB bytes/pointer */
    vendorIDLength              = 16                            /* ASCII string len for Vendor ID  */
/* Define DeviceIdent structure */
#if defined(powerc) || defined (__powerc)
#pragma options align=mac68k
struct DeviceIdent {
    unsigned char                           diReserved;                 /* reserved                 */
    unsigned char                           bus;                        /* SCSI - Bus Number        */
    unsigned char                           targetID;                   /* SCSI - Target SCSI ID    */
    unsigned char                           LUN;                        /* SCSI - LUN               */
#if defined(powerc) || defined(__powerc)
#pragma options align=reset
typedef struct DeviceIdent DeviceIdent;
/* Command Descriptor Block structure */
union CDB {
    unsigned char                           *cdbPtr;                    /* ptr to the CDB bytes to send, orÉ */
    unsigned char                           cdbBytes[maxCDBLength];     /* actual CDB to send */
#if 0   //** MM
typedef CDB CDB, *CDBPtr;
typedef union CDB CDB, *CDBPtr;
/* Scatter/gather list element */
#if defined(powerc) || defined (__powerc)
#pragma options align=mac68k
struct SGRecord {
    Ptr                             SGAddr;
    unsigned long                           SGCount;
#if defined(powerc) || defined(__powerc)
#pragma options align=reset
typedef struct SGRecord SGRecord;
/* SCSI Phases (used by SIMs to support the Original SCSI Manager */
enum {
    kDataOutPhase,                                              /* Encoded MSG, C/D, I/O bits */
    kBusFreePhase,                                              /* Additional Phases */
    kMessageInPhaseNACK                                         /* Message In Phase with ACK hanging on the bus */
#if defined(powerc) || defined (__powerc)
#pragma options align=mac68k
struct SCSIHdr {
    struct SCSIHdr                  *qLink;
    short                           scsiReserved1;
    unsigned short                          scsiPBLength;
    unsigned char                           scsiFunctionCode;
    unsigned char                           scsiReserved2;
    OSErr                           scsiResult;
    DeviceIdent                     scsiDevice;
    CallbackProc                    scsiCompletion;
    unsigned long                           scsiFlags;
    unsigned char                           *scsiDriverStorage;
    Ptr                             scsiXPTprivate;
    long                            scsiReserved3;
#if defined(powerc) || defined(__powerc)
#pragma options align=reset
typedef struct SCSIHdr SCSIHdr;
#if defined(powerc) || defined (__powerc)
#pragma options align=mac68k
struct SCSI_PB {
    struct SCSIHdr                  *qLink;
    short                           scsiReserved1;
    unsigned short                          scsiPBLength;
    unsigned char                           scsiFunctionCode;
    unsigned char                           scsiReserved2;
    OSErr                           scsiResult;
    DeviceIdent                     scsiDevice;
    CallbackProc                    scsiCompletion;
    unsigned long                           scsiFlags;
    unsigned char                           *scsiDriverStorage;
    Ptr                             scsiXPTprivate;
    long                            scsiReserved3;
#if defined(powerc) || defined(__powerc)
#pragma options align=reset
typedef struct SCSI_PB SCSI_PB;
#if defined(powerc) || defined (__powerc)
#pragma options align=mac68k
struct SCSI_IO {
    struct SCSIHdr                  *qLink;
    short                           scsiReserved1;
    unsigned short                          scsiPBLength;
    unsigned char                           scsiFunctionCode;
    unsigned char                           scsiReserved2;
    OSErr                           scsiResult;
    DeviceIdent                     scsiDevice;
    CallbackProc                    scsiCompletion;
    unsigned long                           scsiFlags;
    unsigned char                           *scsiDriverStorage;
    Ptr                             scsiXPTprivate;
    long                            scsiReserved3;
    unsigned short                          scsiResultFlags;
    unsigned short                          scsiReserved3pt5;
    unsigned char                           *scsiDataPtr;
    unsigned long                           scsiDataLength;
    unsigned char                           *scsiSensePtr;
    unsigned char                           scsiSenseLength;
    unsigned char                           scsiCDBLength;
    unsigned short                          scsiSGListCount;
    unsigned long                           scsiReserved4;
    unsigned char                           scsiSCSIstatus;
    char                            scsiSenseResidual;
    unsigned short                          scsiReserved5;
    long                            scsiDataResidual;
    CDB                             scsiCDB;
    long                            scsiTimeout;
    unsigned char                           *scsiReserved5pt5;
    unsigned short                          scsiReserved5pt6;
    unsigned short                          scsiIOFlags;
    unsigned char                           scsiTagAction;
    unsigned char                           scsiReserved6;
    unsigned short                          scsiReserved7;
    unsigned short                          scsiSelectTimeout;
    unsigned char                           scsiDataType;
    unsigned char                           scsiTransferType;
    unsigned long                           scsiReserved8;
    unsigned long                           scsiReserved9;
    unsigned short                          scsiHandshake[handshakeDataLength];
    unsigned long                           scsiReserved10;
    unsigned long                           scsiReserved11;
    struct SCSI_IO                  *scsiCommandLink;
    unsigned char                           scsiSIMpublics[8];
    unsigned char                           scsiAppleReserved6[8];
    unsigned short                          scsiCurrentPhase;
    short                           scsiSelector;
    OSErr                           scsiOldCallResult;
    unsigned char                           scsiSCSImessage;
    unsigned char                           XPTprivateFlags;
    unsigned char                           XPTextras[12];
#if defined(powerc) || defined(__powerc)
#pragma options align=reset
typedef struct SCSI_IO SCSI_IO;
/* Bus inquiry PB */
#if defined(powerc) || defined (__powerc)
#pragma options align=mac68k
struct SCSIBusInquiryPB {
    struct SCSIHdr                  *qLink;
    short                           scsiReserved1;
    unsigned short                          scsiPBLength;
    unsigned char                           scsiFunctionCode;
    unsigned char                           scsiReserved2;
    OSErr                           scsiResult;
    DeviceIdent                     scsiDevice;
    CallbackProc                    scsiCompletion;
    unsigned long                           scsiFlags;
    unsigned char                           *scsiDriverStorage;
    Ptr                             scsiXPTprivate;
    long                            scsiReserved3;
    unsigned short                          scsiEngineCount;            /* <- Number of engines on HBA                      */
    unsigned short                          scsiMaxTransferType;        /* <- Number of transfer types for this HBA         */
    unsigned long                           scsiDataTypes;              /* <- which data types are supported by this SIM    */
    unsigned short                          scsiIOpbSize;               /* <- Size of SCSI_IO PB for this SIM/HBA           */
    unsigned short                          scsiMaxIOpbSize;            /* <- Size of max SCSI_IO PB for all SIM/HBAs       */
    unsigned long                           scsiFeatureFlags;           /* <- Supported features flags field                */
    unsigned char                           scsiVersionNumber;          /* <- Version number for the SIM/HBA                */
    unsigned char                           scsiHBAInquiry;             /* <- Mimic of INQ byte 7 for the HBA               */
    unsigned char                           scsiTargetModeFlags;        /* <- Flags for target mode support                 */
    unsigned char                           scsiScanFlags;              /* <- Scan related feature flags                    */
    unsigned long                           scsiSIMPrivatesPtr;         /* <- Ptr to SIM private data area                  */
    unsigned long                           scsiSIMPrivatesSize;        /* <- Size of SIM private data area                 */
    unsigned long                           scsiAsyncFlags;             /* <- Event cap. for Async Callback                 */
    unsigned char                           scsiHiBusID;                /* <- Highest path ID in the subsystem              */
    unsigned char                           scsiInitiatorID;            /* <- ID of the HBA on the SCSI bus                 */
    unsigned short                          scsiBIReserved0;            /*                                                  */
    unsigned long                           scsiBIReserved1;            /* <-                                               */
    unsigned long                           scsiFlagsSupported;         /* <- which scsiFlags are supported                 */
    unsigned short                          scsiIOFlagsSupported;       /* <- which scsiIOFlags are supported               */
    unsigned short                          scsiWeirdStuff;             /* <-                                               */
    unsigned short                          scsiMaxTarget;              /* <- maximum Target number supported               */
    unsigned short                          scsiMaxLUN;                 /* <- maximum Logical Unit number supported         */
    char                            scsiSIMVendor[vendorIDLength]; /* <- Vendor ID of SIM (or XPT if bus<FF)        */
    char                            scsiHBAVendor[vendorIDLength]; /* <- Vendor ID of the HBA                       */
    char                            scsiControllerFamily[vendorIDLength]; /* <- Family of SCSI Controller               */
    char                            scsiControllerType[vendorIDLength]; /* <- Specific Model of SCSI Controller used    */
    char                            scsiXPTversion[4];          /* <- version number of XPT                         */
    char                            scsiSIMversion[4];          /* <- version number of SIM                         */
    char                            scsiHBAversion[4];          /* <- version number of HBA                         */
    unsigned char                           scsiHBAslotType;            /* <- type of "slot" that this HBA is in            */
    unsigned char                           scsiHBAslotNumber;          /* <- slot number of this HBA                       */
    unsigned short                          scsiSIMsRsrcID;             /* <- resource ID of this SIM                       */
    unsigned short                          scsiBIReserved3;            /* <-                                               */
    unsigned short                          scsiAdditionalLength;       /* <- additional BusInquiry PB len                  */
#if defined(powerc) || defined(__powerc)
#pragma options align=reset
typedef struct SCSIBusInquiryPB SCSIBusInquiryPB;
/* Abort SIM Request PB */
#if defined(powerc) || defined (__powerc)
#pragma options align=mac68k
struct SCSIAbortCommandPB {
    struct SCSIHdr                  *qLink;
    short                           scsiReserved1;
    unsigned short                          scsiPBLength;
    unsigned char                           scsiFunctionCode;
    unsigned char                           scsiReserved2;
    OSErr                           scsiResult;
    DeviceIdent                     scsiDevice;
    CallbackProc                    scsiCompletion;
    unsigned long                           scsiFlags;
    unsigned char                           *scsiDriverStorage;
    Ptr                             scsiXPTprivate;
    long                            scsiReserved3;
    SCSI_IO                         *scsiIOptr;                 /* Pointer to the PB to abort                       */
#if defined(powerc) || defined(__powerc)
#pragma options align=reset
typedef struct SCSIAbortCommandPB SCSIAbortCommandPB;
/* Terminate I/O Process Request PB */
#if defined(powerc) || defined (__powerc)
#pragma options align=mac68k
struct SCSITerminateIOPB {
    struct SCSIHdr                  *qLink;
    short                           scsiReserved1;
    unsigned short                          scsiPBLength;
    unsigned char                           scsiFunctionCode;
    unsigned char                           scsiReserved2;
    OSErr                           scsiResult;
    DeviceIdent                     scsiDevice;
    CallbackProc                    scsiCompletion;
    unsigned long                           scsiFlags;
    unsigned char                           *scsiDriverStorage;
    Ptr                             scsiXPTprivate;
    long                            scsiReserved3;
    SCSI_IO                         *scsiIOptr;                 /* Pointer to the PB to terminate                   */
#if defined(powerc) || defined(__powerc)
#pragma options align=reset
typedef struct SCSITerminateIOPB SCSITerminateIOPB;
/* Reset SCSI Bus PB */
#if defined(powerc) || defined (__powerc)
#pragma options align=mac68k
struct SCSIResetBusPB {
    struct SCSIHdr                  *qLink;
    short                           scsiReserved1;
    unsigned short                          scsiPBLength;
    unsigned char                           scsiFunctionCode;
    unsigned char                           scsiReserved2;
    OSErr                           scsiResult;
    DeviceIdent                     scsiDevice;
    CallbackProc                    scsiCompletion;
    unsigned long                           scsiFlags;
    unsigned char                           *scsiDriverStorage;
    Ptr                             scsiXPTprivate;
    long                            scsiReserved3;
#if defined(powerc) || defined(__powerc)
#pragma options align=reset
typedef struct SCSIResetBusPB SCSIResetBusPB;
/* Reset SCSI Device PB */
#if defined(powerc) || defined (__powerc)
#pragma options align=mac68k
struct SCSIResetDevicePB {
    struct SCSIHdr                  *qLink;
    short                           scsiReserved1;
    unsigned short                          scsiPBLength;
    unsigned char                           scsiFunctionCode;
    unsigned char                           scsiReserved2;
    OSErr                           scsiResult;
    DeviceIdent                     scsiDevice;
    CallbackProc                    scsiCompletion;
    unsigned long                           scsiFlags;
    unsigned char                           *scsiDriverStorage;
    Ptr                             scsiXPTprivate;
    long                            scsiReserved3;
#if defined(powerc) || defined(__powerc)
#pragma options align=reset
typedef struct SCSIResetDevicePB SCSIResetDevicePB;
/* Release SIM Queue PB */
#if defined(powerc) || defined (__powerc)
#pragma options align=mac68k
struct SCSIReleaseQPB {
    struct SCSIHdr                  *qLink;
    short                           scsiReserved1;
    unsigned short                          scsiPBLength;
    unsigned char                           scsiFunctionCode;
    unsigned char                           scsiReserved2;
    OSErr                           scsiResult;
    DeviceIdent                     scsiDevice;
    CallbackProc                    scsiCompletion;
    unsigned long                           scsiFlags;
    unsigned char                           *scsiDriverStorage;
    Ptr                             scsiXPTprivate;
    long                            scsiReserved3;
#if defined(powerc) || defined(__powerc)
#pragma options align=reset
typedef struct SCSIReleaseQPB SCSIReleaseQPB;
/* SCSI Get Virtual ID Info PB */
#if defined(powerc) || defined (__powerc)
#pragma options align=mac68k
struct SCSIGetVirtualIDInfoPB {
    struct SCSIHdr                  *qLink;
    short                           scsiReserved1;
    unsigned short                          scsiPBLength;
    unsigned char                           scsiFunctionCode;
    unsigned char                           scsiReserved2;
    OSErr                           scsiResult;
    DeviceIdent                     scsiDevice;
    CallbackProc                    scsiCompletion;
    unsigned long                           scsiFlags;
    unsigned char                           *scsiDriverStorage;
    Ptr                             scsiXPTprivate;
    long                            scsiReserved3;
    unsigned short                          scsiOldCallID;              /* -> SCSI ID of device in question             */
    Boolean                         scsiExists;                 /* <- true if device exists                     */
#if defined(powerc) || defined(__powerc)
#pragma options align=reset
typedef struct SCSIGetVirtualIDInfoPB SCSIGetVirtualIDInfoPB;
/* Create/Lookup/Remove RefNum for Device PB */
#if defined(powerc) || defined (__powerc)
#pragma options align=mac68k
struct SCSIDriverPB {
    struct SCSIHdr                  *qLink;
    short                           scsiReserved1;
    unsigned short                          scsiPBLength;
    unsigned char                           scsiFunctionCode;
    unsigned char                           scsiReserved2;
    OSErr                           scsiResult;
    DeviceIdent                     scsiDevice;
    CallbackProc                    scsiCompletion;
    unsigned long                           scsiFlags;
    unsigned char                           *scsiDriverStorage;
    Ptr                             scsiXPTprivate;
    long                            scsiReserved3;
    short                           scsiDriver;                 /* -> DriverRefNum, For SetDriver, <- For GetNextDriver */
    unsigned short                          scsiDriverFlags;            /* <> Details of driver/device                  */
    DeviceIdent                     scsiNextDevice;             /* <- DeviceIdent of the NEXT Item in the list  */
#if defined(powerc) || defined(__powerc)
#pragma options align=reset
typedef struct SCSIDriverPB SCSIDriverPB;
/* Load Driver PB */
#if defined(powerc) || defined (__powerc)
#pragma options align=mac68k
struct SCSILoadDriverPB {
    struct SCSIHdr                  *qLink;
    short                           scsiReserved1;
    unsigned short                          scsiPBLength;
    unsigned char                           scsiFunctionCode;
    unsigned char                           scsiReserved2;
    OSErr                           scsiResult;
    DeviceIdent                     scsiDevice;
    CallbackProc                    scsiCompletion;
    unsigned long                           scsiFlags;
    unsigned char                           *scsiDriverStorage;
    Ptr                             scsiXPTprivate;
    long                            scsiReserved3;
    short                           scsiLoadedRefNum;           /* <- SIM returns refnum of driver                  */
    Boolean                         scsiDiskLoadFailed;         /* -> if true, indicates call after failure to load */
#if defined(powerc) || defined(__powerc)
#pragma options align=reset
typedef struct SCSILoadDriverPB SCSILoadDriverPB;
/* Defines for the scsiTransferType field */
enum {
    scsiTransferBlind           = 0,
/* Defines for the scsiDataType field */
enum {
    scsiDataBuffer              = 0,                            /* single contiguous buffer supplied                */
    scsiDataTIB                 = 1,                            /* TIB supplied (ptr in scsiDataPtr)                */
    scsiDataSG                  = 2                             /* scatter/gather list supplied                     */
/* Defines for the SCSIMgr scsiResult field in the PB header. */
/*  $E100 thru  E1FF */
/* -$1EFF thru -1E00 */
/* -#7935 thru -7681  */
/* = 0xE100 */
enum {
    scsiErrorBase               = -7936
enum {
    scsiRequestInProgress       = 1,                            /* 1     = PB request is in progress            */
/* Execution failed  00-2F */
    scsiRequestAborted          = scsiErrorBase + 2,            /* -7934 = PB request aborted by the host       */
    scsiUnableToAbort           = scsiErrorBase + 3,            /* -7933 = Unable to Abort PB request           */
    scsiNonZeroStatus           = scsiErrorBase + 4,            /* -7932 = PB request completed with an err     */
    scsiUnused05                = scsiErrorBase + 5,            /* -7931 =                                      */
    scsiUnused06                = scsiErrorBase + 6,            /* -7930 =                                      */
    scsiUnused07                = scsiErrorBase + 7,            /* -7929 =                                      */
    scsiUnused08                = scsiErrorBase + 8,            /* -7928 =                                      */
    scsiUnableToTerminate       = scsiErrorBase + 9,            /* -7927 = Unable to Terminate I/O PB req       */
    scsiSelectTimeout           = scsiErrorBase + 10,           /* -7926 = Target selection timeout             */
    scsiCommandTimeout          = scsiErrorBase + 11,           /* -7925 = Command timeout                      */
    scsiIdentifyMessageRejected = scsiErrorBase + 12,           /* -7924 =                                      */
    scsiMessageRejectReceived   = scsiErrorBase + 13,           /* -7923 = Message reject received              */
    scsiSCSIBusReset            = scsiErrorBase + 14,           /* -7922 = SCSI bus reset sent/received         */
    scsiParityError             = scsiErrorBase + 15,           /* -7921 = Uncorrectable parity error occured   */
    scsiAutosenseFailed         = scsiErrorBase + 16,           /* -7920 = Autosense: Request sense cmd fail    */
    scsiUnused11                = scsiErrorBase + 17,           /* -7919 =                                      */
    scsiDataRunError            = scsiErrorBase + 18,           /* -7918 = Data overrun/underrun error          */
    scsiUnexpectedBusFree       = scsiErrorBase + 19,           /* -7917 = Unexpected BUS free                  */
    scsiSequenceFailed          = scsiErrorBase + 20,           /* -7916 = Target bus phase sequence failure    */
    scsiWrongDirection          = scsiErrorBase + 21,           /* -7915 = Data phase was in wrong direction    */
    scsiUnused16                = scsiErrorBase + 22,           /* -7914 =                                      */
    scsiBDRsent                 = scsiErrorBase + 23,           /* -7913 = A SCSI BDR msg was sent to target    */
    scsiTerminated              = scsiErrorBase + 24,           /* -7912 = PB request terminated by the host    */
    scsiNoNexus                 = scsiErrorBase + 25,           /* -7911 = Nexus is not established             */
    scsiCDBReceived             = scsiErrorBase + 26,           /* -7910 = The SCSI CDB has been received       */
/* Couldn't begin execution  30-3F */
    scsiTooManyBuses            = scsiErrorBase + 48,           /* -7888 = Register failed because we're full   */
    scsiBusy                    = scsiErrorBase + 49,           /* -7887 = SCSI subsystem is busy               */
    scsiProvideFail             = scsiErrorBase + 50,           /* -7886 = Unable to provide requ. capability   */
    scsiDeviceNotThere          = scsiErrorBase + 51,           /* -7885 = SCSI device not installed/there      */
    scsiNoHBA                   = scsiErrorBase + 52,           /* -7884 = No HBA detected Error                */
    scsiDeviceConflict          = scsiErrorBase + 53,           /* -7883 = sorry, max 1 refNum per DeviceIdent  */
    scsiNoSuchXref              = scsiErrorBase + 54,           /* -7882 = no such RefNum xref                  */
    scsiQLinkInvalid            = scsiErrorBase + 55,           /* -7881 = pre-linked PBs not supported         
                                                                   (The QLink field was nonzero)        */
/* Parameter errors  40-7F */
    scsiPBLengthError           = scsiErrorBase + 64,           /* -7872 = (scsiPBLength is insuf'ct/invalid    */
    scsiFunctionNotAvailable    = scsiErrorBase + 65,           /* -7871 = The requ. func is not available      */
    scsiRequestInvalid          = scsiErrorBase + 66,           /* -7870 = PB request is invalid                */
    scsiBusInvalid              = scsiErrorBase + 67,           /* -7869 = Bus ID supplied is invalid           */
    scsiTIDInvalid              = scsiErrorBase + 68,           /* -7868 = Target ID supplied is invalid        */
    scsiLUNInvalid              = scsiErrorBase + 69,           /* -7867 = LUN supplied is invalid              */
    scsiIDInvalid               = scsiErrorBase + 70,           /* -7866 = The initiator ID is invalid          */
    scsiDataTypeInvalid         = scsiErrorBase + 71,           /* -7865 = scsiDataType requested not supported */
    scsiTransferTypeInvalid     = scsiErrorBase + 72,           /* -7864 = scsiTransferType field is too high   */
    scsiCDBLengthInvalid        = scsiErrorBase + 73            /* -7863 = scsiCDBLength field is too big       */
enum {
    scsiExecutionErrors         = scsiErrorBase,
    scsiNotExecutedErrors       = scsiTooManyBuses,
    scsiParameterErrors         = scsiPBLengthError
/* Defines for the scsiResultFlags field */
enum {
    scsiSIMQFrozen              = 0x0001,                       /* The SIM queue is frozen w/this err           */
    scsiAutosenseValid          = 0x0002,                       /* Autosense data valid for target              */
    scsiBusNotFree              = 0x0004                        /* At time of callback, SCSI bus is not free    */
/* Defines for the bit numbers of the scsiFlags field in the PB header for the SCSIExecIO function */
enum {
    kbSCSIDisableAutosense      = 29,                           /* Disable auto sense feature                   */
    kbSCSIFlagReservedA         = 28,                           /*                                              */
    kbSCSIFlagReserved0         = 27,                           /*                                              */
    kbSCSICDBLinked             = 26,                           /* The PB contains a linked CDB                 */
    kbSCSIQEnable               = 25,                           /* Target queue actions are enabled             */
    kbSCSICDBIsPointer          = 24,                           /* The CDB field contains a pointer             */
    kbSCSIFlagReserved1         = 23,                           /*                                              */
    kbSCSIInitiateSyncData      = 22,                           /* Attempt Sync data xfer and SDTR              */
    kbSCSIDisableSyncData       = 21,                           /* Disable sync, go to async                    */
    kbSCSISIMQHead              = 20,                           /* Place PB at the head of SIM Q                */
    kbSCSISIMQFreeze            = 19,                           /* Return the SIM Q to frozen state             */
    kbSCSISIMQNoFreeze          = 18,                           /* Disallow SIM Q freezing                      */
    kbSCSIDoDisconnect          = 17,                           /* Definitely do disconnect                     */
    kbSCSIDontDisconnect        = 16,                           /* Definitely don't disconnect                  */
    kbSCSIDataReadyForDMA       = 15,                           /* Data buffer(s) are ready for DMA             */
    kbSCSIFlagReserved3         = 14,                           /*                                              */
    kbSCSIDataPhysical          = 13,                           /* SG/Buffer data ptrs are physical             */
    kbSCSISensePhysical         = 12,                           /* Autosense buffer ptr is physical             */
    kbSCSIFlagReserved5         = 11,                           /*                                              */
    kbSCSIFlagReserved6         = 10,                           /*                                              */
    kbSCSIFlagReserved7         = 9,                            /*                                              */
    kbSCSIFlagReserved8         = 8,                            /*                                              */
    kbSCSIDataBufferValid       = 7,                            /* Data buffer valid                            */
    kbSCSIStatusBufferValid     = 6,                            /* Status buffer valid                          */
    kbSCSIMessageBufferValid    = 5,                            /* Message buffer valid                         */
    kbSCSIFlagReserved9         = 4                             /*                                              */
/* Defines for the bit masks of the scsiFlags field */
enum {
    scsiDirectionMask           = 0xC0000000,                   /* Data direction mask                      */
    scsiDirectionNone           = 0xC0000000,                   /* Data direction (11: no data)             */
    scsiDirectionReserved       = 0x00000000,                   /* Data direction (00: reserved)            */
    scsiDirectionOut            = 0x80000000,                   /* Data direction (10: DATA OUT)            */
    scsiDirectionIn             = 0x40000000,                   /* Data direction (01: DATA IN)             */
    scsiDisableAutosense        = 0x20000000,                   /* Disable auto sense feature               */
    scsiFlagReservedA           = 0x10000000,                   /*                                          */
    scsiFlagReserved0           = 0x08000000,                   /*                                          */
    scsiCDBLinked               = 0x04000000,                   /* The PB contains a linked CDB             */
    scsiQEnable                 = 0x02000000,                   /* Target queue actions are enabled         */
    scsiCDBIsPointer            = 0x01000000,                   /* The CDB field contains a pointer         */
    scsiFlagReserved1           = 0x00800000,                   /*                                          */
    scsiInitiateSyncData        = 0x00400000,                   /* Attempt Sync data xfer and SDTR          */
    scsiDisableSyncData         = 0x00200000,                   /* Disable sync, go to async                */
    scsiSIMQHead                = 0x00100000,                   /* Place PB at the head of SIM Q            */
    scsiSIMQFreeze              = 0x00080000,                   /* Return the SIM Q to frozen state         */
    scsiSIMQNoFreeze            = 0x00040000,                   /* Disallow SIM Q freezing                  */
    scsiDoDisconnect            = 0x00020000,                   /* Definitely do disconnect                 */
    scsiDontDisconnect          = 0x00010000,                   /* Definitely don't disconnect              */
    scsiDataReadyForDMA         = 0x00008000,                   /* Data buffer(s) are ready for DMA         */
    scsiFlagReserved3           = 0x00004000,                   /*  */
    scsiDataPhysical            = 0x00002000,                   /* SG/Buffer data ptrs are physical         */
    scsiSensePhysical           = 0x00001000,                   /* Autosense buffer ptr is physical         */
    scsiFlagReserved5           = 0x00000800,                   /*                                          */
    scsiFlagReserved6           = 0x00000400,                   /*                                          */
    scsiFlagReserved7           = 0x00000200,                   /*                                          */
    scsiFlagReserved8           = 0x00000100                    /*                                          */
/* bit masks for the scsiIOFlags field in SCSIExecIOPB */
enum {
    scsiNoParityCheck           = 0x0002,                       /* disable parity checking                          */
    scsiDisableSelectWAtn       = 0x0004,                       /* disable select w/Atn                             */
    scsiSavePtrOnDisconnect     = 0x0008,                       /* do SaveDataPointer upon Disconnect msg           */
    scsiNoBucketIn              = 0x0010,                       /* donÕt bit bucket in during this I/O              */
    scsiNoBucketOut             = 0x0020,                       /* donÕt bit bucket out during this I/O             */
    scsiDisableWide             = 0x0040,                       /* disable wide transfer negotiation                */
    scsiInitiateWide            = 0x0080,                       /* initiate wide transfer negotiation               */
    scsiRenegotiateSense        = 0x0100,                       /* renegotiate sync/wide before issuing autosense   */
    scsiIOFlagReserved0080      = 0x0080,                       /*                                                  */
    scsiIOFlagReserved8000      = 0x8000                        /*                                                  */
/* Defines for the SIM/HBA queue actions.  These values are used in the */
/* SCSIExecIOPB, for the queue action field. [These values should match the */
/* defines from some other include file for the SCSI message phases.  We may */
/* not need these definitions here. ] */
enum {
    scsiSimpleQTag              = 0x20,                         /* Tag for a simple queue                               */
    scsiHeadQTag                = 0x21,                         /* Tag for head of queue                                */
    scsiOrderedQTag             = 0x22                          /* Tag for ordered queue                                */
/* Defines for the Bus Inquiry PB fields. */
/* scsiHBAInquiry field bits */
enum {
    scsiBusMDP                  = 0x80,                         /* Supports Modify Data Pointer message                     */
    scsiBusWide32               = 0x40,                         /* Supports 32 bit wide SCSI                                */
    scsiBusWide16               = 0x20,                         /* Supports 16 bit wide SCSI                                */
    scsiBusSDTR                 = 0x10,                         /* Supports Sync Data Transfer Req message                  */
    scsiBusLinkedCDB            = 0x08,                         /* Supports linked CDBs                                     */
    scsiBusTagQ                 = 0x02,                         /* Supports tag queue message                               */
    scsiBusSoftReset            = 0x01                          /* Supports soft reset                                      */
/* scsiDataTypes field bits  */
/*  bits 0->15 Apple-defined, 16->30 3rd-party unique, 31 = reserved */
enum {
    scsiBusDataTIB              = (1 << scsiDataTIB),           /* TIB supplied (ptr in scsiDataPtr)        */
    scsiBusDataBuffer           = (1 << scsiDataBuffer),        /* single contiguous buffer supplied        */
    scsiBusDataSG               = (1 << scsiDataSG),            /* scatter/gather list supplied             */
    scsiBusDataReserved         = 0x80000000                    /*                                          */
/* scsiScanFlags field bits */
enum {
    scsiBusScansDevices         = 0x80,                         /* Bus scans for and maintains device list          */
    scsiBusScansOnInit          = 0x40,                         /* Bus scans performed at power-up/reboot           */
    scsiBusLoadsROMDrivers      = 0x20                          /* may load ROM drivers to support targets          */
/* scsiFeatureFlags field bits */
enum {
    scsiBusInternalExternalMask = 0x000000C0,                   /* bus internal/external mask                   */
    scsiBusInternalExternalUnknown = 0x00000000,                /* not known whether bus is inside or outside   */
    scsiBusInternalExternal     = 0x000000C0,                   /* bus goes inside and outside the box          */
    scsiBusInternal             = 0x00000080,                   /* bus goes inside the box                      */
    scsiBusExternal             = 0x00000040,                   /* bus goes outside the box                     */
    scsiBusCacheCoherentDMA     = 0x00000020,                   /* DMA is cache coherent                        */
    scsiBusOldCallCapable       = 0x00000010,                   /* SIM is old call capable                      */
    scsiBusDifferential         = 0x00000004,                   /* Single Ended (0) or Differential (1)         */
    scsiBusFastSCSI             = 0x00000002,                   /* HBA supports fast SCSI                       */
    scsiBusDMAavailable         = 0x00000001                    /* DMA is available                             */
/* scsiWeirdStuff field bits */
enum {
    scsiOddDisconnectUnsafeRead1 = 0x0001,                      /* Disconnects on odd byte boundries are unsafe with DMA and/or blind reads */
    scsiOddDisconnectUnsafeWrite1 = 0x0002,                     /* Disconnects on odd byte boundries are unsafe with DMA and/or blind writes */
    scsiBusErrorsUnsafe         = 0x0004,                       /* Non-handshaked delays or disconnects during blind transfers may cause a crash */
    scsiRequiresHandshake       = 0x0008,                       /* Non-handshaked delays or disconnects during blind transfers may cause data corruption */
    scsiTargetDrivenSDTRSafe    = 0x0010                        /* Targets which initiate synchronous negotiations are supported */
/* scsiHBAslotType values */
enum {
    scsiMotherboardBus          = 0x01,                         /* A built in Apple supplied bus                    */
    scsiNuBus                   = 0x02,                         /* A SIM on a NuBus card                            */
    scsiPDSBus                  = 0x03,                         /*    "  on a PDS card                              */
    scsiPCIBus                  = 0x04,                         /*    "  on a PCI bus card                          */
    scsiPCMCIABus               = 0x05,                         /*    "  on a PCMCIA card                           */
    scsiFireWireBridgeBus       = 0x06                          /*    "  connected through a FireWire bridge        */
/* Defines for the scsiDriverFlags field (in SCSIDriverPB) */
enum {
    scsiDeviceSensitive         = 0x0001,                       /* Only driver should access this device                */
    scsiDeviceNoOldCallAccess   = 0x0002                        /* no old call access to this device                    */
/*  SIMInitInfo PB */
/* directions are for SCSIRegisterBus call ( -> parm, <- result)            */
#if defined(powerc) || defined (__powerc)
#pragma options align=mac68k
struct SIMInitInfo {
    unsigned char                           *SIMstaticPtr;              /* <- alloc. ptr to the SIM's static vars               */
    long                            staticSize;                 /* -> num bytes SIM needs for static vars               */
    SIMInitProc                     SIMInit;                    /* -> pointer to the SIM init routine                   */
    SIMActionProc                   SIMAction;                  /* -> pointer to the SIM action routine                 */
    SCSIProc                        SIM_ISR;                    /*    reserved                                          */
    InterruptPollProc               SIMInterruptPoll;           /* -> pointer to the SIM interrupt poll routine         */
    SIMActionProc                   NewOldCall;                 /* -> pointer to the SIM NewOldCall routine             */
    unsigned short                          ioPBSize;                   /* -> size of SCSI_IO_PBs required for this SIM         */
    Boolean                         oldCallCapable;             /* -> true if this SIM can handle old-API calls         */
    unsigned char                           simInfoUnused1;             /*    reserved                                          */
    long                            simInternalUse;             /* xx not affected or viewed by XPT                     */
    SCSIProc                        XPT_ISR;                    /*    reserved                                          */
    SCSIProc                        EnteringSIM;                /* <- ptr to the EnteringSIM routine                    */
    SCSIProc                        ExitingSIM;                 /* <- ptr to the ExitingSIM routine                     */
    MakeCallbackProc                MakeCallback;               /* <- pointer to the XPT layerÕs MakeCallback routine   */
    unsigned short                          busID;                      /* <- bus number for the registered bus                 */
    unsigned short                          simInfoUnused3;             /* <- reserved                                          */
    long                            simInfoUnused4;             /* <- reserved                                          */
#if defined(powerc) || defined(__powerc)
#pragma options align=reset
typedef struct SIMInitInfo SIMInitInfo;
/* Glue between SCSI calls and SCSITrap format */
enum {
    xptSCSIAction               = 0x0001,
    xptSCSIRegisterBus          = 0x0002,
    xptSCSIDeregisterBus        = 0x0003,
    xptSCSIReregisterBus        = 0x0004,
    xptSCSIKillXPT              = 0x0005                        /* kills Mini-XPT after transition */
/* moveq #kSCSIx, D0;  _SCSIAtomic */
#pragma parameter __D0 SCSIAction(__A0)
extern OSErr SCSIAction(SCSI_PB *)
 TWOWORDINLINE(0x7001, _SCSIAtomic);
#pragma parameter __D0 SCSIRegisterBus(__A0)
extern OSErr SCSIRegisterBus(SIMInitInfo *)
 TWOWORDINLINE(0x7002, _SCSIAtomic);
#pragma parameter __D0 SCSIDeregisterBus(__A0)
extern OSErr SCSIDeregisterBus(SCSI_PB *)
 TWOWORDINLINE(0x7003, _SCSIAtomic);
#pragma parameter __D0 SCSIReregisterBus(__A0)
extern OSErr SCSIReregisterBus(SIMInitInfo *)
 TWOWORDINLINE(0x7004, _SCSIAtomic);
#pragma parameter __D0 SCSIKillXPT(__A0)
extern OSErr SCSIKillXPT(SIMInitInfo *)
 TWOWORDINLINE(0x7005, _SCSIAtomic);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __SCSI__ */