
/*                              SCSISimpleSample.h                              */
 * SCSISimpleSample.h
 * Copyright © 1992-94 Apple Computer Inc. All Rights Reserved.
#ifdef REZ
#define kApplicationCreator '????'          /* Rez can't deal with long hex     */
#define kApplicationCreator 0x3F3F3F3FL     /* '????' without trigraphs         */
#define MBAR_MenuBar        1000
#define MENU_Apple          1
#define MENU_File           128
#define MENU_Edit           129
#define MENU_Test           130
#define MENU_CurrentBus     131
#define MENU_CurrentTarget  132
#define MENU_CurrentLUN     133
#define STRS_SenseBase      1000
#define DLOG_About          128
#define kMinWindowWidth     200
#define kMinWindowHeight    300
#define kLogLines           512
#ifndef REZ
 * These definitions are only for the code files.
#ifndef THINK_C             /* MPW includes         */
#include <Errors.h>
#include <Script.h>
#include <Types.h>
#include <Resources.h>
#include <QuickDraw.h>
#include <Fonts.h>
#include <Events.h>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <ToolUtils.h>
#include <Memory.h>
#include <Menus.h>
#include <Lists.h>
#include <Printing.h>
#include <Dialogs.h>
#include <Packages.h>
#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE    1
#define FALSE   0
#ifndef EXTERN
#define EXTERN  extern
#include "MacSCSICommand.h"
#include "LogManager.h"
#define kScrollBarWidth     16
#define kScrollBarOffset    (kScrollBarWidth - 1)
 * Items in the Apple Menu
enum {
    kAppleAbout = 1
 * Items in the File Menu
enum {
    kFileCreateLogFile = 1,
enum EditMenu {
    kEditUndo               = 1,
 * Items in the test Menu
enum {
    kTestEnableNewManager = 1,
 * This is a parameter block for DoSCSICommandWithSense that contains all of the
 * data needed to perform a SCSI command on either the original or asynchronous
 * SCSI Managers. Note: some of this is used only by one or the other manager.
struct ScsiCmdBlock {
    DeviceIdent         scsiDevice;             /* -> Bus/target/LUN            */
    Ptr                 bufferPtr;              /* -> data buffer               */
    unsigned long       transferSize;           /* -> bytes to transfer         */
    unsigned long       transferQuantum;        /* -> polled or blocksize       */
    unsigned short      statusByte;             /* <- From Status Phase         */
    unsigned long       actualTransferCount;    /* <- Transfer count            */
    Boolean             writeToDevice;          /* -> Need data out?            */
    unsigned long       scsiFlags;              /* -> asynch flags              */
    OSErr               status;                 /* <- Current OSErr             */
    OSErr               requestSenseStatus;     /* <- From RequestSense         */
    SCSI_Command        command;                /* -> Current command           */
    SCSI_Sense_Data     sense;                  /* <- Gets Sense data           */
typedef struct ScsiCmdBlock ScsiCmdBlock, *ScsiCmdBlockPtr;
 * Notes on the above:
 *  scsiDevice          Used for both managers, but the original manager
 *                      ignores the bus and LUN designations. The caller
 *                      must stuff the LUN into the command data block.
 *  bufferPtr           If NULL, no read/write is performed.
 *  transferSize        If zero, no read/write is performed.
 *  transferQuantum     This is used by the handshake and TIB setup. Note:
 *                      we support only the simplest "512, 0" handshake
 *                      and TIB. The following values are useful:
 *                          0       transferQuantum := transferSize
 *                          1       force polled read/write
 *                          > 1     blocked read (for example, 512)
 *  statusByte          Returned from the device
 *  actualTransfercount Returned in bytes (transferQuantum sets granularity)
 *  scsiFlags           Set special flags (scsiDontDisconnect) here.
 *  status              Overall operation status (note special status values)
 *  requestSenseStatus  Has status of Request Sense (only if status was
 *                      statusErr, indicating that "Check condition" status.
 * These are the things the user can choose from the menu:
 *  ListSCSIDevices             Scan all busses and display info for all
 *                              devices (all targets, all LUNs)
 *  DeviceInquiry               Execute an Inquiry command for this device
 *                              and display the results.
 *  TestUnitReady               Execute a Test Unit Ready command for this
 *                              device and display the results.
void                        DoListSCSIDevices(void);
void                        DoGetDriveInfo(
        DeviceIdent             scsiDevice,             /* -> Bus/target/LUN    */
        Boolean                 noIntroMsg,
        Boolean                 useAsynchManager
void                        DoTestUnitReady(
        DeviceIdent             scsiDevice              /* -> Bus/target/LUN    */
void                        DoReadBlockZero(
        DeviceIdent             scsiDevice              /* -> Bus/target/LUN    */
 * These are low-level commands that are needed to scan the bus.
Boolean                     SCSICheckForDevicePresent(
        DeviceIdent             scsiDevice,
        Boolean                 enableAsynchSCSI
 * Check whether the asynchronous SCSI Manager may be called for this bus.
 * This will return a status error if the bus is inaccessable. If successful,
 * it will set useAsynchManager FALSE only if this bus is managed by a
 * third-party SCSI hardware interface that operates by patching the
 * original SCSI Manager traps, or uses some other private interface.
        DeviceIdent             scsiDevice,
        Boolean                 *useAsynchManager
 * Get the maximum target for a specified bus.
        DeviceIdent                     scsiDevice,
        unsigned short                  *maxTarget
 * Return the number of SCSI busses on this system.
OSErr                       SCSIGetHighHostBusAdaptor(
        unsigned short          *lastHostBus
 * Return the SCSI bus ID of the initiator (Macintosh) on this bus. This will
 * normally return 7. It always returns 7 if the asynchronous SCSI Manager is
 * not present on this machine. Errors are serious.
OSErr                       SCSIGetInitiatorID(
        DeviceIdent             scsiDevice,
        unsigned short          *initiatorID
 * TRUE if the asynchronous SCSI Manager is running on this machine.
Boolean                     AsyncSCSIPresent(void);
 * All commands are performed by this function. If the asynchronous SCSI Manager
 * is present, it is called directly. If it is not present, the original SCSI
 * Manager is called and, if the device returns Check Condition, a Request
 * Sense command is issued.
void                        DoSCSICommandWithSense(
        register ScsiCmdBlockPtr    scsiCmdBlockPtr,
        Boolean                 displayError,
        Boolean                 enableAsynchSCSI
 * The following functions display operation results.
void                        ShowSCSIBusID(
        DeviceIdent             scsiDevice,             /* -> Bus/target/LUN    */
        ConstStr255Param        commandText
void                        ShowRequestSense(
        register ScsiCmdBlockPtr    scsiCmdBlockPtr
 * This does the actual formatting and display of the Request Sense results
void                        DoShowRequestSense(
        DeviceIdent             scsiDevice,
        OSErr                   operationStatus,
        OSErr                   requestSenseStatus,
        const SCSI_CommandPtr   scsiCommand,
        const SCSI_Sense_Data   *sensePtr
void                        ShowStatusError(
        DeviceIdent             scsiDevice,             /* -> Bus/target/LUN    */
        OSErr                   errorStatus,
        const SCSI_CommandPtr   scsiCommand
void                        DoShowSCSICommand(
        const SCSI_CommandPtr   cmdBlock,           /* -> SCSI command          */
        ConstStr255Param        message
 * The inquiry data is stored in SCB.bufferPtr
void                        ShowInquiry(
        register ScsiCmdBlockPtr    scsiCmdBlockPtr
void                        DoShowInquiry(
        DeviceIdent             scsiDevice,             /* -> Bus/target/LUN    */
        const SCSI_Inquiry_Data *inquiry
void                        ShowDeviceState(
        register ScsiCmdBlockPtr    scsiCmdBlockPtr
void                        AppendDeviceID(
        StringPtr               result,
        DeviceIdent             scsiDevice              /* -> Bus/target/LUN    */
void                        DisplaySCSIErrorMessage(
        OSErr                   errorStatus,
        ConstStr255Param        errorText
 * Use the SCSI-II command class to determine the command length. Returns
 * zero if the length could not be determined.
unsigned short              SCSIGetCommandLength(
        const Ptr               cmdBlock
 * These two functions are called by DoSCSICommandWithSense to perform the
 * actual operation. OriginalSCSI uses the Inside Mac IV SCSI Manager, while
 * AsyncSCSI uses SCSI Manager 4.3.
 * Return codes:
 *  noErr           normal
 *  unimpErr        AsyncSCSI called, but SCSI Manager 4.3 not installed.
 *  scCommErr       Could not select this device or bus busy (Original only)
 *  statusErr       Device returned "Check condition"
 *  controlErr      Device returned "Busy" (Note: device error)
 *  ioErr           Other (serious) device status -- bug.
 *  sc...           Other (Inside Mac IV) SCSI Manager error
 *  scsi...         Other (SCSI Manager 4.3) error.
OSErr                       OriginalSCSI(
        unsigned short          targetID,           /* Device ID on this bus    */
        const SCSI_CommandPtr   scsiCommand,        /* The actual scsi command  */
        unsigned short          cmdBlockLength,     /* -> Length of CDB         */
        Boolean                 writeToDevice,      /* TRUE to write            */
        Ptr                     bufferPtr,          /* -> user data buffer      */
        unsigned long           transferSize,       /* How much to transfer     */
        unsigned long           transferQuantum,    /* TIB setup parameter      */
        unsigned long           completionTimeout,  /* Ticks to wait            */
        unsigned short          *stsBytePtr,        /* <- status phase byte     */
        unsigned long           *actualTransferCount
 * AsyncSCSI returns unimpErr if the _SCSIAtomic (SCSI Manager 4.3)
 * trap is not present. If so, just call the "old" OriginalSCSI.
OSErr                       AsyncSCSI(
        DeviceIdent             scsiDevice,         /* -> Bus/target/LUN        */
        const SCSI_CommandPtr   scsiCommand,        /* The actual scsi command  */
        unsigned short          cmdBlockLength,     /* -> Length of CDB         */
        Boolean                 writeToDevice,      /* TRUE to write            */
        Ptr                     bufferPtr,          /* -> user data buffer      */
        unsigned long           transferSize,       /* How much to transfer     */
        unsigned short          scsiHandshake[handshakeDataLength],
        SCSI_Sense_Data         *senseDataPtr,      /* Request Sense results    */
        unsigned long           senseDataSize,      /* Request Sense data size  */
        unsigned long           completionTimeout,  /* Ticks to wait            */
        unsigned short          *stsBytePtr,        /* <- status phase byte     */
        unsigned long           *actualTransferCount
 * String formatting utilities (for debugging/display)
 * AppendChar writes a character into the string. Note that
 * it wraps around if the string size exceeds 255 bytes.
#define AppendChar(result, c) (result[++result[0]] = (c))
void                        AppendUnsigned(
        StringPtr               result,
        unsigned long           value
void                        AppendSigned(
        StringPtr               result,
        signed long             value
void                        AppendUnsignedLeadingZeros(
        StringPtr               result,
        unsigned long           value,
        short                   fieldWidth,
        short                   terminatorChar
void                        AppendHexLeadingZeros(
        StringPtr               result,
        unsigned long           value,
        short                   fieldWidth
void                        AppendUnsignedInField(
        StringPtr               result,
        unsigned long           value,
        short                   fieldWidth
void                        AppendBytes(
        StringPtr               result,
        const Ptr               source,
        unsigned short          length
void                        AppendPascalString(
        StringPtr               result,
        const StringPtr         value
void                        AppendCString(
        StringPtr               result,
        const char              *source,
        unsigned short          maxLength       /* Ignored if zero  */
void                        AppendOSType(
        StringPtr               result,
        OSType                  value
 * Window Utilities
void                        DoZoomWindow(
        WindowPtr               theWindow,
        short                   whichPart
Boolean                     DoGrowWindow(
        WindowPtr               theWindow,
        Point                   eventWhere,
        short                   minimumWidth,
        short                   minimumHeight
void                        MyDrawGrowIcon(
        WindowPtr               theWindow
 * Format a block of data into the log.
void                        DisplayDataBlock(
        Ptr                     dataPtr,
        unsigned short          dataLength
 * Cheap 'n dirty pascal string copy routine.
#define pstrcpy(dst, src) do {                          \
        StringPtr   _src = (StringPtr) (src);           \
        BlockMove(_src, dst, _src[0] + 1);              \
    } while (0)
 * Cheap 'n dirty pascal string concat.
#define pstrcat(dst, src) do {                          \
        StringPtr       _dst = (dst);                   \
        StringPtr       _src = (StringPtr) (src);       \
        short           _len;                           \
        _len = 255 - _dst[0];                           \
        if (_len > _src[0]) _len = _src[0];             \
        BlockMove(&_src[1], &_dst[1] + _dst[0], _len);  \
        _dst[0] += _len;                                \
    } while (0)
 * Cheap 'n dirty memory clear routine.
#define CLEAR(record) do {                              \
        register char   *ptr = (char *) &record;        \
        register long   size;                           \
        for (size = sizeof record; size > 0; --size)    \
            *ptr++ = 0;                                 \
    } while (0)
#define width(r)    ((r).right - (r).left)
#define height(r)   ((r).bottom - (r).top)
#define LOG(what)   DisplayLogString(gLogListHandle, (what))
#define VERBOSE(what) do {                              \
        if (gVerboseDisplay)                            \
            LOG(what);                                  \
    } while (0)
 * Global variables.
EXTERN WindowPtr                gMainWindow;
EXTERN EventRecord              gCurrentEvent;
#define EVENT                   (gCurrentEvent)
EXTERN ListHandle               gLogListHandle;
EXTERN THPrint                  gPrintHandle;
EXTERN Boolean                  gQuitNow;
EXTERN Boolean                  gUpdateMenusNeeded;
EXTERN Boolean                  gInForeground;
 * These flags are set/cleared by menu options to control the asynchronous SCSI
 * Manager -- they are not used if the asynchronous manager is not present.
 *  gEnableNewSCSIManager       FALSE to always use the original manager,
 *                              even if the new manager is present.
 *  gEnableSelectWithATN        FALSE to supress Select With ATN.
 *  gDoDisconnect               Set the scsibDoDisconnect flag
 *  gDontDisconnect             Set the scsibDontDisconnect flag.
 *                              Note: both "do" and "don't" may be set.
EXTERN Boolean                  gEnableNewSCSIManager;
EXTERN Boolean                  gEnableSelectWithATN;
EXTERN Boolean                  gDoDisconnect;
EXTERN Boolean                  gDontDisconnect;
EXTERN Boolean                  gVerboseDisplay;
EXTERN MenuHandle               gAppleMenu;
EXTERN MenuHandle               gFileMenu;
EXTERN MenuHandle               gEditMenu;
EXTERN MenuHandle               gTestMenu;
EXTERN MenuHandle               gCurrentBusMenu;
EXTERN MenuHandle               gCurrentTargetMenu;
EXTERN MenuHandle               gCurrentLUNMenu;
EXTERN DeviceIdent              gCurrentDevice;
EXTERN unsigned short           gMaxLogicalUnit;
EXTERN DeviceIdent              *gDeviceList;
EXTERN unsigned short           gMaxDevice;     /* Number of items in gDeviceList   */
#endif      /* REZ          */