Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
#include <Types.h> |
#include <Lists.h> |
#include <Devices.h> |
#include <Controls.h> |
#include <TextUtils.h> |
#include <Resources.h> |
#include <Printing.h> |
#include <Files.h> |
#include "SettingsUtils.h" |
#include "driverTypes.h" |
typedef struct { |
short size; |
ControlHandle leftButton; |
ControlHandle rightButton; |
ControlHandle onButton; |
ControlHandle offButton; |
} controlsList, *controlsListPtr, **controlsListHandle; |
typedef enum { |
leftButtonID = 1, |
rightButtonID, |
onButtonID, |
offButtonID, |
byteMask = 0xff |
} buttonID; |
/* control utilities */ |
static void MySetControlVal(ControlHandle theControl,short value); |
static void SaveControls(controlsListPtr theControls); |
static controlsListHandle RetrieveControls(void); |
static void DisposeControls(void); |
/* other util functions */ |
static void ShowAbout(void); |
/* chooser message handlers */ |
static OSErr DoInit(controlsListPtr theControls,StringPtr zoneName); |
static OSErr DoAddSelection(StringPtr zoneName, ListHandle theList); |
static OSErr DoFillList(StringPtr zoneName, ListHandle theList); |
static OSErr DoGetSelection(StringPtr zoneName, StringPtr objName, |
ListHandle theList); |
static OSErr DoSelect(StringPtr zoneName, StringPtr objName, ListHandle theList, |
long rowNum); |
static OSErr DoDeselect(StringPtr zoneName, StringPtr objName, ListHandle theList, |
long rowNum); |
static OSErr DoCleanup(StringPtr zoneName, ListHandle theList); |
static OSErr DoLeftButton(StringPtr zoneName, StringPtr objName, |
ListHandle theList, short modifiers); |
static OSErr DoButtons(StringPtr zoneName, StringPtr objName, ListHandle theList, |
buttonID whichButton, short modifiers); |
pascal OSErr ChooserMain(short msg, short caller, StringPtr objName, |
StringPtr zoneName, ListHandle theList, long data); |
#if defined(__MWERKS__) |
asm void __Startup__ (void); |
asm void __Startup__ (void) |
{ |
BRA.S @1 |
DC.W 0x5346 |
DC.L 0x5041434B |
DC.W 0xF000 |
DC.W 0x0201 |
DC.L 0x0C13F800 |
@1: |
JMP ChooserMain |
} |
#endif /* __MWERKS */ |
/*********************************************************************************/ |
/* control utilities */ |
static void MySetControlVal(ControlHandle theControl, short value) |
{ |
if (theControl) { |
SetControlValue(theControl,value); |
} else { |
DebugStr("\pBogus control handle in MySetControlVal"); |
} |
} |
static void SaveControls(controlsListPtr theControls) |
{ |
Str255 foo; |
Handle savedControls = NewHandleClear(sizeof(controlsList)); |
foo[0] = 0; |
BlockMove((void *)theControls,(void *)(*savedControls),sizeof(controlsList)); |
AddResource(savedControls,'CtLs',-4080,foo); |
} |
static controlsListHandle RetrieveControls(void) |
{ |
return((controlsListHandle)GetResource('CtLs',-4080)); |
} |
static void DisposeControls(void) |
{ |
Handle theControls = (Handle)RetrieveControls(); |
if (theControls) { |
RemoveResource(theControls); |
DisposeHandle(theControls); |
UpdateResFile(CurResFile()); |
} else { |
DebugStr("\pD'Ohh! We lost the controls!"); |
} |
} |
/*********************************************************************************/ |
/* other util functions */ |
static void ShowAbout(void) |
{ |
Alert(-4080, nil); |
} |
/*********************************************************************************/ |
/* chooser message handlers */ |
static OSErr DoInit(controlsListPtr theControls,StringPtr zoneName) |
{ |
short state = GetSavedRadioOption(); |
if (!theControls) { |
DebugStr("\pBad controls in DoInit"); |
return(nilHandleErr); |
} |
ShowControl(theControls->onButton); |
ShowControl(theControls->offButton); |
MySetControlVal(theControls->onButton,!!state); |
MySetControlVal(theControls->offButton,!state); |
SaveControls(theControls); |
return(noErr); |
} |
static OSErr DoAddSelection(StringPtr zoneName, ListHandle theList) |
{ |
DebugStr("\pGot Add selection message"); |
return(noErr); |
} |
static OSErr DoFillList(StringPtr zoneName, ListHandle theList) |
{ |
int i,total; |
Str255 theString; |
total = countChooserStrings; |
for(i=0;i<total;i++) { |
Cell theCell; |
GetIndString(theString,chooserStrings,i+1); |
LAddRow(1,i+1,theList); |
SetPt(&theCell,0,i); |
LSetCell(&(theString[1]),(short)(theString[0]),theCell,theList); |
} |
return(noErr); |
} |
static OSErr DoGetSelection(StringPtr zoneName, StringPtr objName, |
ListHandle theList) |
{ |
// This is called when our driver is first chosen in the chooser to |
// select the zone and object name that we want selected. Since I'm |
// not saving that information, I can't very well set it to anything |
// so I just return noErr. |
// given that for non-appletalk devices, zoneName and objName aren't |
// very useful, the API for this function doesn't seem optimal. |
// DebugStr("\pGot get selection message"); |
return(noErr); |
} |
static OSErr DoSelect(StringPtr zoneName, StringPtr objName, ListHandle theList, |
long rowNum) |
{ |
// note: if we don't accept the fillListMsg, the last param to this is |
// undefined. If we do accept it, the objName param is undefined, and |
// the last param is the row # of the list item that was chosen. |
// If we're an appletalk device, the last param is a pointer to the |
// AddrBlock for the device. Isn't that simple? |
// DebugStr("\pGot select message"); |
return(noErr); |
} |
static OSErr DoDeselect(StringPtr zoneName, StringPtr objName, ListHandle theList, |
long rowNum) |
{ |
// note: if we don't accept the fillListMsg, the last param to this is |
// undefined. If we do accept it, the objName param is undefined, and |
// the last param is the row # of the list item that was chosen. |
// If we're an appletalk device, the last param is a pointer to the |
// AddrBlock for the device. Isn't that simple? |
// DebugStr("\pGot deselect message"); |
return(noErr); |
} |
static OSErr DoCleanup(StringPtr zoneName, ListHandle theList) |
{ |
controlsListHandle theControls = RetrieveControls(); |
// notice that I only save the setting when I get the terminate |
// this is to save the pounding on the ResFile if I had a LOT |
// more stuff to save |
if (!theControls) { |
DebugStr("\pBad controls in DoCleanup"); |
return(nilHandleErr); |
} |
SaveRadioOption(GetControlValue((**theControls).onButton)); |
DisposeControls(); |
return(noErr); |
} |
static OSErr DoLeftButton(StringPtr zoneName, StringPtr objName, |
ListHandle theList, short modifiers) |
{ |
Str255 theString; |
short whichItem; |
Cell theCell; |
theCell.h = theCell.v = 0; |
// figure out which is selected -- for an appletalk device, the |
// zoneName and objName would be what you'd probably want to |
// look at. |
// I could also save this away when I get the select message |
// and then read it back here, but the settings already |
// display how to handle global data. |
if (LGetSelect(true,&theCell,theList)) whichItem = theCell.v; |
else return(noErr); |
GetIndString(theString,longerStrings,whichItem+1); |
ParamText(theString,nil,nil,nil); |
Alert(-4081, nil); |
return(noErr); |
} |
static OSErr DoButtons(StringPtr zoneName, StringPtr objName, ListHandle theList, |
buttonID whichButton, short modifiers) |
{ |
controlsListHandle theControls = RetrieveControls(); |
if (!theControls) { |
DebugStr("\pEEK! Can't retrieve the control handles"); |
return(ResError()); |
} |
switch(whichButton) { |
case leftButtonID: // we've got a selection, do something with it |
return(DoLeftButton(zoneName,objName,theList,modifiers)); |
break; |
case rightButtonID: |
ShowAbout(); |
break; |
case onButtonID: |
// notice that I don't save the setting every time it changes |
SetControlValue((**theControls).onButton,1); |
SetControlValue((**theControls).offButton,0); |
break; |
case offButtonID: |
SetControlValue((**theControls).onButton,0); |
SetControlValue((**theControls).offButton,1); |
break; |
default: |
DebugStr("\pWhat the heck kind of button is that?"); |
break; |
} |
return(noErr); |
} |
pascal OSErr ChooserMain(short msg, short caller, StringPtr objName, |
StringPtr zoneName, ListHandle theList, long data) |
{ |
OSErr error = noErr; |
if (caller != chooserID) { |
DebugStr("\pHmm. We got called by someone that isn't the chooser"); |
} |
switch(msg) { |
case chooserInitMsg: |
error = DoInit((controlsListPtr)objName,zoneName); |
break; |
case newSelMsg: |
error = DoAddSelection(zoneName,theList); |
break; |
case fillListMsg: |
error = DoFillList(zoneName, theList); |
break; |
case getSelMsg: |
error = DoGetSelection(zoneName, objName, theList); |
break; |
case selectMsg: |
error = DoSelect(zoneName, objName, theList, data); |
break; |
case deselectMsg: |
error = DoDeselect(zoneName, objName, theList, data); |
break; |
case terminateMsg: |
error = DoCleanup(zoneName, theList); |
break; |
case buttonMsg: |
error = DoButtons(zoneName, objName, theList, (data & byteMask), |
(short)(data >> 16)); |
break; |
default: |
DebugStr("\pWhat the heck message was that?"); |
break; |
} |
return(error); |
} |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-03-26