Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
** Copyright 1991-1996 Apple Computer. All rights reserved. |
** |
** You may incorporate this sample code into your applications without |
** restriction, though the sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the |
** responsibility for its operation is 100% yours. However, what you are |
** not permitted to do is to redistribute the source as "DSC Sample Code" |
** after having made changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, |
** we require that you make it clear in the source that the code was |
** descended from Apple Sample Code, but that you've made changes. |
*/ |
#include <QuickDraw.h> |
#include <Dialogs.h> |
#include <Printing.h> |
#include <Resources.h> |
#include <Errors.h> |
#include <Memory.h> |
#include <TextUtils.h> |
#include <OSUtils.h> |
#include "DriverTypes.h" |
pascal void HandleStyleItems(TPPrDlg theDlg, short ItemHit); |
pascal void HandleJobItems(TPPrDlg theDlg, short ItemHit); |
pascal void FilePrintDefault(THPrint hPrint); |
pascal Boolean FilePrStlDialog(THPrint hPrint); |
pascal Boolean FilePrJobDialog(THPrint hPrint); |
pascal TPPrDlg FilePrStlInit(THPrint hPrint); |
pascal TPPrDlg FilePrJobInit(THPrint hPrint); |
pascal Boolean FilePrDlgMain(THPrint hPrint, PDlgInitProcPtr initFunc); |
pascal Boolean FilePrValidate(THPrint hPrint); |
pascal void FilePrJobMerge(THPrint hPrintSrc, THPrint hPrintDst); |
#if defined(__MWERKS__) |
asm void __Startup__ (void); |
asm void __Startup__ (void) |
{ |
JMP FilePrintDefault |
JMP FilePrStlDialog |
JMP FilePrJobDialog |
JMP FilePrStlInit |
JMP FilePrJobInit |
JMP FilePrDlgMain |
JMP FilePrValidate |
JMP FilePrJobMerge |
} |
#endif |
void SetDialogControlValue(DialogPtr theDialog, short theItem, short theValue) |
{ |
short theType; |
Handle theHandle; |
Rect theRect; |
GetDialogItem(theDialog, theItem, &theType, &theHandle, &theRect); |
if (!theHandle) return; |
SetCtlValue((ControlHandle)theHandle, theValue); |
} |
short GetDialogControlValue(DialogPtr theDialog, short theItem) |
{ |
short theType; |
Handle theHandle; |
Rect theRect; |
GetDialogItem(theDialog, theItem, &theType, &theHandle, &theRect); |
if (!theHandle) return -1; |
return GetCtlValue((ControlHandle)theHandle); |
} |
void SetDialogItemString(DialogPtr theDialog, short theItem, StringPtr theString) |
{ |
short theType; |
Handle theHandle; |
Rect theRect; |
GetDialogItem(theDialog, theItem, &theType, &theHandle, &theRect); |
if (!theHandle) return; |
SetIText(theHandle, theString); |
} |
void GetDialogItemString(DialogPtr theDialog, short theItem, StringPtr theString) |
{ |
short theType; |
Handle theHandle; |
Rect theRect; |
GetDialogItem(theDialog, theItem, &theType, &theHandle, &theRect); |
if (!theHandle) return; |
GetIText(theHandle, theString); |
} |
void SetDialogItemNumber(DialogPtr theDialog, short theItem, long theValue) |
{ |
short theType; |
Handle theHandle; |
Rect theRect; |
Str255 theStr; |
GetDialogItem(theDialog, theItem, &theType, &theHandle, &theRect); |
if (!theHandle) return; |
NumToString(theValue, theStr); |
SetIText(theHandle, theStr); |
} |
long GetDialogItemNumber(DialogPtr theDialog, short theItem) |
{ |
Str255 theStr; |
long theValue; |
GetDialogItemString(theDialog, theItem, theStr); |
StringToNum(theStr, &theValue); |
return theValue; |
} |
Rect GetDialogItemRect(DialogPtr theDialog, short theItem) |
{ |
short theType; |
Handle theHandle; |
Rect theRect; |
GetDialogItem(theDialog, theItem, &theType, &theHandle, &theRect); |
return theRect; |
} |
void SelectDialogItemString(DialogPtr theDialog, short theItem) |
{ |
SelIText(theDialog, theItem, startSelectAll, endSelectAll); |
} |
void InvertDialogItem(DialogPtr theDialog, short theItem) |
{ |
Rect theRect; |
theRect = GetDialogItemRect(theDialog, theItem); |
InvertRect(&theRect); |
} |
void DialogPosition(DialogPtr theDialog) |
{ |
#pragma unused(theDialog) |
/* this is a no-op here, since we're specifying the swell |
** system 7 dialog positioning in the DLOG resources. If |
** you want to support System 6, or have a position other |
** than "Alert position, main screen", you'll need to flesh |
** out this function. |
*/ |
} |
Handle ReallyGetResource(ResType theType, short resID) |
{ |
Handle theRes = GetResource(theType,resID); |
if(!theRes) return 0; |
LoadResource(theRes); |
return theRes; |
} |
void FrameDialogItem(DialogPtr theDialog, short theItem) |
{ |
GrafPtr oldPort; |
Rect itsBox = GetDialogItemRect((DialogPtr)theDialog, theItem); |
GetPort(&oldPort); |
SetPort((GrafPtr)theDialog); |
PenSize(3, 3); |
InsetRect(&itsBox, -4, -4); |
{ |
short radius = ( - itsBox.bottom) / 2; |
if (radius < 16) radius = 16; |
FrameRoundRect(&itsBox, radius, radius); |
} |
SetPort(oldPort); |
} |
pascal void FilePrintDefault(THPrint hPrint) |
{ |
// the default in is the resource PREC 0, and we also initialize some important fields |
THPrint theDefault; |
theDefault = (THPrint)ReallyGetResource('PREC', 0); |
if (theDefault == NULL) { |
setPrintErr(resNotFound); |
return; |
} |
**hPrint = **theDefault; |
if (StripAddress((Ptr)*hPrint) != StripAddress((Ptr)*theDefault)) |
ReleaseResource((Handle)theDefault); |
} |
pascal Boolean FilterNumPrStlAndJob(DialogPtr theDialog, EventRecord *theEvent, short *ItemHit) |
{ |
#pragma unused(theDialog) |
if ((theEvent->what == keyDown) || (theEvent->what == autoKey)) { |
char theChar; |
theChar = theEvent->message & charCodeMask; |
if ((theChar == enterKey) || (theChar == returnKey)) { |
*ItemHit = printOkButton; |
return true; |
} else if ((theChar!=backspaceKey)&&(theChar!=tabKey)&&(!isdigit(theChar))) { |
SysBeep(1); |
*ItemHit = printInvalidItem; |
return true; |
} |
} |
return false; |
} |
void StlHideCustomSizeItems(DialogPtr theDialog) |
{ |
short item; |
if (!theDialog) return; |
for(item = stlHorizTitleID; item <= stlPixelsButtonID; item++) |
HideDItem(theDialog, item); |
} |
void StlShowCustomSizeItems(DialogPtr theDialog) |
{ |
short item; |
if (!theDialog) return; |
for (item = stlHorizTitleID; item <= stlPixelsButtonID; item++) |
ShowDItem(theDialog, item); |
} |
pascal Boolean FilePrValidate(THPrint hPrint) |
{ |
// if the signature mySignature is present in the hPrint, then I |
// consider that the values are ok else we just load anew the |
// resource PREC 0 |
// this would be a bit more robust in a real driver |
THPrint theDefault; |
Boolean changedIt = false; |
theDefault = (THPrint)ReallyGetResource('PREC', 0); |
if (theDefault == NULL) { |
DebugStr("\pCouldn't find the PREC 0 resource. That doesn't seem good."); |
setPrintErr(resNotFound); |
return false; |
} |
if ((**hPrint).printX[7] != mySignature) { |
**hPrint = **theDefault; |
changedIt = true; |
} |
ReleaseResource((Handle)theDefault); |
(**hPrint).prJob.iCopies = 1; |
(**hPrint).prJob.pIdleProc = NULL; |
(**hPrint).prJob.pFileName = NULL; |
(**hPrint).prJob.iFileVol = 0; |
(**hPrint).prJob.bFileVers = 0; |
return changedIt; |
} |
pascal TPPrDlg FilePrStlInit(THPrint hPrint) |
{ |
// we initialize the dialog items with the right settings coming from hPrint |
TPPrDlg theDlg; |
DialogPtr aDlg; |
THPrint theDefault; |
theDefault = (THPrint)ReallyGetResource('PREC', 1); |
if (theDefault != NULL) |
**hPrint = **theDefault; |
theDlg = (TPPrDlg)NewPtr(sizeof(TPrDlg)); |
if (theDlg == NULL) { |
setPrintErr(iMemFullErr); |
return 0; |
} |
theDlg->pFltrProc = NewModalFilterProc(FilterNumPrStlAndJob); |
theDlg->pItemProc = NewPItemProc(HandleStyleItems); |
theDlg->fDoIt = false; |
theDlg->fDone = false; |
theDlg->hPrintUsr = hPrint; |
aDlg = GetNewDialog(printDialogID, theDlg, (WindowPtr)-1L); |
if (aDlg == NULL) { |
setPrintErr(resNotFound); |
DisposePtr((Ptr)theDlg); |
return 0; |
} |
DialogPosition(aDlg); |
switch((**hPrint).printX[0]) { |
default: |
DebugStr("\pBad value for paper size"); |
(**hPrint).printX[0] = printOnA4; |
// fall through |
case printOnA4: |
SetDialogControlValue(aDlg, stlPaperA4SizeButtonID, 1); |
SetDialogControlValue(aDlg, stlPaperLetterSizeButtonID, 0); |
SetDialogControlValue(aDlg, stlPaperCustomSizeButtonID, 0); |
StlHideCustomSizeItems(aDlg); |
break; |
case printOnLetter: |
SetDialogControlValue(aDlg, stlPaperA4SizeButtonID, 0); |
SetDialogControlValue(aDlg, stlPaperLetterSizeButtonID, 1); |
SetDialogControlValue(aDlg, stlPaperCustomSizeButtonID, 0); |
StlHideCustomSizeItems(aDlg); |
break; |
case printOnCustom: |
SetDialogControlValue(aDlg, stlPaperA4SizeButtonID, 0); |
SetDialogControlValue(aDlg, stlPaperLetterSizeButtonID, 0); |
SetDialogControlValue(aDlg, stlPaperCustomSizeButtonID, 1); |
StlShowCustomSizeItems(aDlg); |
break; |
} |
SetDialogItemNumber(aDlg, stlHorizTextID, (**hPrint).printX[2]); |
SetDialogItemNumber(aDlg, stlVertTextID, (**hPrint).printX[3]); |
switch((**hPrint).printX[4]) { |
default: |
DebugStr("\pBad value for units...repairing..."); |
(**hPrint).printX[4] = unitsMilliInch; |
// fall through |
case unitsMilliInch: |
SetDialogControlValue(aDlg, stlMilliInchButtonID, 1); |
SetDialogControlValue(aDlg, stlMilliMeterButtonID, 0); |
SetDialogControlValue(aDlg, stlPixelsButtonID, 0); |
break; |
case unitsMilliMeter: |
SetDialogControlValue(aDlg, stlMilliInchButtonID, 0); |
SetDialogControlValue(aDlg, stlMilliMeterButtonID, 1); |
SetDialogControlValue(aDlg, stlPixelsButtonID, 0); |
break; |
case unitsPixels: |
SetDialogControlValue(aDlg, stlMilliInchButtonID, 0); |
SetDialogControlValue(aDlg, stlMilliMeterButtonID, 0); |
SetDialogControlValue(aDlg, stlPixelsButtonID, 1); |
break; |
} |
ShowWindow(aDlg); |
DrawDialog(aDlg); |
SetPort(aDlg); |
theDlg->lUser1 = (**hPrint).printX[5]; |
if ((**hPrint).printX[5]) |
InvertDialogItem(aDlg,stlLandscapeIconID); |
else |
InvertDialogItem(aDlg,stlPortraitIconID); |
ValidRect(&(aDlg->portRect)); |
return theDlg; |
} |
// redraw the frame around the ok button, and pay attention to the orientation icons |
void RefreshDialog(TPPrDlg thePrDlg) |
{ |
DrawDialog((DialogPtr)thePrDlg); |
FrameDialogItem((DialogPtr)thePrDlg,printOkButton); |
if (thePrDlg->lUser1) |
InvertDialogItem((DialogPtr)thePrDlg,stlLandscapeIconID); |
else |
InvertDialogItem((DialogPtr)thePrDlg,stlPortraitIconID); |
ValidRect(&(((GrafPtr)thePrDlg)->portRect)); |
} |
void HandleStlHelp(void) { |
short item; |
DialogPtr helpDlg = GetNewDialog(helpDialogID, NULL, (WindowPtr)-1); |
if (!helpDlg) { |
SysBeep(1); |
return; |
} |
for(item = 6; item <= 11; item++) |
HideDItem(helpDlg, item); |
ShowWindow(helpDlg); |
DrawDialog(helpDlg); |
SetPort((GrafPtr)helpDlg); |
ValidRect(&(helpDlg->portRect)); |
TextFont(1); |
TextSize(9); |
for(item = 6; item <= 11; item++) |
ShowDItem(helpDlg, item); |
FrameDialogItem(helpDlg,1); |
while(item!=printOkButton) |
ModalDialog(NULL, &item); |
DisposeDialog(helpDlg); |
} |
// the paper sizes in the following routines come from the LaserWriter ppd |
// I've used the full-paper size as the size for the PICT. You'll probably |
// want to use something like the imageable area, but by making them this |
// size, it'll get you to look here to fix up the sizes. All the sizes |
// could be stored in resources (use the 'pgsz' maybe) as well, but this is |
// a simple sample. |
static void SetPaperA4(long *height, long *width, Boolean isLandscape) |
{ |
const short a4PaperWidth = 595; |
const short a4PaperHeight = 842; |
if (!isLandscape) { |
*width = a4PaperWidth; |
*height = a4PaperHeight; |
} else { |
*width = a4PaperHeight; |
*height = a4PaperWidth; |
} |
} |
static void SetPaperLetter(long *height, long *width, Boolean isLandscape) |
{ |
const short letterPaperWidth = 612; |
const short letterPaperHeight = 792; |
if (!isLandscape) { |
*width = letterPaperWidth; |
*height = letterPaperHeight; |
} else { |
*width = letterPaperHeight; |
*height = letterPaperWidth; |
} |
} |
static void SetPaperLegal(long *height, long *width, Boolean isLandscape) |
{ |
const short legalPaperWidth = 612; |
const short legalPaperHeight = 1008; |
if (!isLandscape) { |
*width = legalPaperWidth; |
*height = legalPaperHeight; |
} else { |
*width = legalPaperHeight; |
*height = legalPaperWidth; |
} |
} |
static void SetPaperCustom(long *height, long *width, Boolean isLandscape, |
short units, long rawHeight, long rawWidth) |
{ |
float scaleFactor; |
long scaleWidth,scaleHeight; |
switch (units) { |
case unitsMilliInch: scaleFactor = 0.072; break; |
case unitsMilliMeter: scaleFactor = 720.0/254; break; |
case unitsPixels: scaleFactor = 1.0; break; |
default: scaleFactor = 1.0; break; // have to set it to SOMETHING |
} |
scaleWidth = rawWidth * scaleFactor; |
scaleHeight = rawHeight * scaleFactor; |
if (!isLandscape) { |
*width = rawWidth; |
*height = rawHeight; |
} else { |
*width = rawHeight; |
*height = rawWidth; |
} |
} |
static Boolean SetPaperSize(THPrint hPrintUsr) |
{ |
long height=0,width=0; |
switch((**hPrintUsr).printX[0]) { |
case printOnA4: |
SetPaperA4(&height,&width,(**hPrintUsr).printX[5]); |
break; |
case printOnLetter: |
SetPaperLetter(&height,&width,(**hPrintUsr).printX[5]); |
break; |
case printOnCustom: |
SetPaperCustom(&height,&width,(**hPrintUsr).printX[5], |
(**hPrintUsr).printX[4],(**hPrintUsr).printX[3],(**hPrintUsr).printX[2]); |
break; |
case printOnLegal: |
SetPaperLegal(&height,&width,(**hPrintUsr).printX[5]); |
break; |
default: |
return false; |
break; |
} |
SetRect(&((**hPrintUsr).rPaper), 0, 0, width, height); |
(**hPrintUsr).prInfo.rPage = (**hPrintUsr).rPaper; |
(**hPrintUsr).prInfoPT.rPage = (**hPrintUsr).rPaper; |
(**hPrintUsr).prStl.iPageV = (height * iPrPgFract) / 72; |
(**hPrintUsr).prStl.iPageH = (width * iPrPgFract) / 72; |
return true; |
} |
pascal void HandleStyleItems(TPPrDlg thePrDlg, short ItemHit) |
{ |
THPrint hPrintUsr = thePrDlg->hPrintUsr; |
DialogPtr theDialog = (DialogPtr)(thePrDlg); |
switch (ItemHit) { |
case printOkButton: |
if (GetDialogControlValue(theDialog, stlPaperA4SizeButtonID) == 1) { |
(**hPrintUsr).printX[0] = printOnA4; |
(**hPrintUsr).printX[2] = 0; |
(**hPrintUsr).printX[3] = 0; |
(**hPrintUsr).printX[4] = unitsUndefined; |
} else if (GetDialogControlValue(theDialog, stlPaperLetterSizeButtonID) == 1) { |
(**hPrintUsr).printX[0] = printOnLetter; |
(**hPrintUsr).printX[2] = 0; |
(**hPrintUsr).printX[3] = 0; |
(**hPrintUsr).printX[4] = unitsUndefined; |
} else if (GetDialogControlValue(theDialog, stlPaperCustomSizeButtonID) == 1) { |
(**hPrintUsr).printX[0] = printOnCustom; |
if (GetDialogControlValue(theDialog, stlMilliInchButtonID) == 1) |
(**hPrintUsr).printX[4] = unitsMilliInch; |
if (GetDialogControlValue(theDialog, stlMilliMeterButtonID) == 1) |
(**hPrintUsr).printX[4] = unitsMilliMeter; |
if (GetDialogControlValue(theDialog, stlPixelsButtonID) == 1) |
(**hPrintUsr).printX[4] = unitsPixels; |
(**hPrintUsr).printX[2] = GetDialogItemNumber(theDialog, stlHorizTextID); |
(**hPrintUsr).printX[3] = GetDialogItemNumber(theDialog, stlVertTextID); |
} else { |
(**hPrintUsr).printX[0] = printOnUndefined; |
(**hPrintUsr).printX[2] = 0; |
(**hPrintUsr).printX[3] = 0; |
(**hPrintUsr).printX[4] = unitsUndefined; |
} |
(**hPrintUsr).printX[5] = (thePrDlg->lUser1 != 0); |
if (SetPaperSize(hPrintUsr)) { |
thePrDlg->fDone = true; |
thePrDlg->fDoIt = true; |
} else { |
NoteAlert(badValueAlertID,nil); |
} |
break; |
case printCancelButton: |
thePrDlg->fDone = true; |
thePrDlg->fDoIt = false; |
break; |
case stlPaperA4SizeButtonID: |
if (GetDialogControlValue(theDialog, ItemHit) == 0) { |
if (GetDialogControlValue(theDialog, stlPaperCustomSizeButtonID)) |
StlHideCustomSizeItems(theDialog); |
SetDialogControlValue(theDialog, stlPaperCustomSizeButtonID, 0); |
SetDialogControlValue(theDialog, stlPaperLetterSizeButtonID, 0); |
SetDialogControlValue(theDialog, stlPaperA4SizeButtonID, 1); |
} |
break; |
case stlPaperLetterSizeButtonID: |
if (GetDialogControlValue(theDialog, ItemHit) == 0) { |
if (GetDialogControlValue(theDialog, stlPaperCustomSizeButtonID)) |
StlHideCustomSizeItems(theDialog); |
SetDialogControlValue(theDialog, stlPaperCustomSizeButtonID, 0); |
SetDialogControlValue(theDialog, stlPaperLetterSizeButtonID, 1); |
SetDialogControlValue(theDialog, stlPaperA4SizeButtonID, 0); |
} |
break; |
case stlPaperCustomSizeButtonID: |
if (GetDialogControlValue(theDialog, ItemHit) == 0) { |
StlShowCustomSizeItems(theDialog); |
SetDialogControlValue(theDialog, stlPaperCustomSizeButtonID, 1); |
SetDialogControlValue(theDialog, stlPaperLetterSizeButtonID, 0); |
SetDialogControlValue(theDialog, stlPaperA4SizeButtonID, 0); |
} |
break; |
case stlPortraitIconID: |
if (thePrDlg->lUser1) { |
InvertDialogItem(theDialog, stlPortraitIconID); |
InvertDialogItem(theDialog, stlLandscapeIconID); |
thePrDlg->lUser1 = false; |
} |
break; |
case stlLandscapeIconID: |
if (!thePrDlg->lUser1) { |
InvertDialogItem(theDialog, stlPortraitIconID); |
InvertDialogItem(theDialog, stlLandscapeIconID); |
thePrDlg->lUser1 = true; |
} |
case stlMilliInchButtonID: |
case stlMilliMeterButtonID: |
case stlPixelsButtonID: |
if (GetDialogControlValue(theDialog, ItemHit) == 0) { |
SetDialogControlValue(theDialog, stlMilliInchButtonID, 0); |
SetDialogControlValue(theDialog, stlMilliMeterButtonID, 0); |
SetDialogControlValue(theDialog, stlPixelsButtonID, 0); |
SetDialogControlValue(theDialog, ItemHit, 1); |
} |
break; |
case stlHelpButtonID: |
HandleStlHelp(); |
SetPort((GrafPtr)thePrDlg); |
RefreshDialog(thePrDlg); |
break; |
} |
} |
Boolean FilePrDlgStl(THPrint hPrint) |
{ |
TPPrDlg thePrDlg; |
GrafPtr SavePort; |
short itemHit; |
THPrint theDefault; |
Boolean doit = false; |
thePrDlg = FilePrStlInit(hPrint); |
if (!thePrDlg) { |
SysBeep(1); |
return(false); |
} |
GetPort(&SavePort); |
FrameDialogItem((DialogPtr)thePrDlg, 1); |
while (!(thePrDlg->fDone)) { |
ModalDialog(thePrDlg->pFltrProc, &itemHit); |
CallPItemProc(thePrDlg->pItemProc,(DialogPtr)thePrDlg, itemHit); |
} |
SetPort(SavePort); |
if (thePrDlg->fDoIt) { // save in PREC 1 |
theDefault = (THPrint)ReallyGetResource('PREC', 1); |
if (theDefault != NULL) { |
**theDefault = **hPrint; |
ChangedResource((Handle)theDefault); |
WriteResource((Handle)theDefault); |
} |
doit = true; |
} |
DisposeRoutineDescriptor(thePrDlg->pFltrProc); |
DisposeRoutineDescriptor(thePrDlg->pItemProc); |
CloseDialog((DialogPtr)thePrDlg); |
DisposePtr((Ptr)thePrDlg); |
return doit; |
} |
pascal TPPrDlg FilePrJobInit(THPrint hPrint) |
{ |
// we initialize the dialog items with the right settings coming from hPrint |
DialogPtr aDlg; |
TPPrDlg theDlg; |
SysEnvRec theWorld; |
theDlg = (TPPrDlg) NewPtr(sizeof(TPrDlg)); |
if (theDlg == NULL) { |
DebugStr("\pCouldn't allocate enough memory for a TPPrDlg. Ummerbay."); |
setPrintErr(iMemFullErr); |
return 0; |
} |
theDlg->pFltrProc = NewModalFilterProc(FilterNumPrStlAndJob); |
theDlg->pItemProc = NewPItemProc(HandleJobItems); |
theDlg->fDoIt = false; |
theDlg->fDone = false; |
theDlg->hPrintUsr = hPrint; |
aDlg = GetNewDialog(pageSetupDialogID, theDlg, (WindowPtr)-1); |
if (aDlg == NULL) { |
DebugStr("\pCouldn't load the Page Setup dialog. Ummerbay."); |
setPrintErr(resNotFound); |
DisposePtr((Ptr)theDlg); |
return 0; |
} |
DialogPosition(aDlg); |
SysEnvirons(1, &theWorld); |
if (!theWorld.hasColorQD) { |
HideDItem(aDlg, jobColorButtonID); |
HideDItem(aDlg, jobBlackWhiteButtonID); |
(**hPrint).printX[8] = 1; |
} |
if ((**hPrint).printX[6]) { |
SetDialogItemNumber(aDlg, jobFromTextID, (**hPrint).prJob.iFstPage); |
SetDialogItemNumber(aDlg, jobToTextID, (**hPrint).prJob.iLstPage); |
SetDialogControlValue(aDlg, jobAllButtonID, 0); |
SetDialogControlValue(aDlg, jobFromButtonID, 1); |
} else { |
SetDialogControlValue(aDlg, jobAllButtonID, 1); |
SetDialogControlValue(aDlg, jobFromButtonID, 0); |
} |
SetDialogControlValue(aDlg, jobColorButtonID, (**hPrint).printX[8] == 0); |
SetDialogControlValue(aDlg, jobBlackWhiteButtonID, (**hPrint).printX[8] == 1); |
ShowWindow(aDlg); |
SetPort(aDlg); |
return theDlg; |
} |
pascal void HandleJobItems(TPPrDlg thePrDlg, short ItemHit) |
{ |
THPrint hPrint = thePrDlg->hPrintUsr; |
DialogPtr theDialog = (DialogPtr)(thePrDlg); |
switch (ItemHit) { |
case printOkButton: |
if (GetDialogControlValue(theDialog, jobAllButtonID) == 0) { |
(**hPrint).prJob.iFstPage = GetDialogItemNumber(theDialog, jobFromTextID); |
(**hPrint).prJob.iLstPage = GetDialogItemNumber(theDialog, jobToTextID); |
(**hPrint).printX[6] = 1; |
} else { |
(**hPrint).prJob.iFstPage = iPrPgFst; |
(**hPrint).prJob.iLstPage = iPrPgMax; |
(**hPrint).printX[6] = 0; |
} |
// We don't handle copies at the moment, but if we did, |
// and we were going to be the one to do multiple copies |
// instead of letting the application do it, this'd be |
// the place where we'd want to stuff the number of copies |
// into a private structure, and put 1 in for the app. |
// If we want the app to handle it, we should fill in the |
// iCopies field of the job record here. |
if (GetDialogControlValue(theDialog, jobColorButtonID) == 0) |
(**hPrint).printX[8] = 1; |
else |
(**hPrint).printX[8] = 0; |
thePrDlg->fDone = true; |
thePrDlg->fDoIt = true; |
break; |
case printCancelButton: |
thePrDlg->fDone = true; |
thePrDlg->fDoIt = false; |
break; |
case jobFromButtonID: |
SetDialogItemNumber(theDialog, jobFromTextID, (**hPrint).prJob.iFstPage); |
SetDialogItemNumber(theDialog, jobToTextID, (**hPrint).prJob.iLstPage); |
case jobAllButtonID: |
if (GetDialogControlValue(theDialog, ItemHit) == 0) { |
SetDialogControlValue(theDialog, ItemHit, 1); |
SetDialogControlValue(theDialog, |
(jobAllButtonID+jobFromButtonID) - ItemHit, 0); // change the other one |
} |
break; |
case jobFromTextID: |
case jobToTextID: |
if (GetDialogControlValue(theDialog, jobFromButtonID) == 0) { |
SetDialogItemNumber(theDialog, jobFromTextID, (**hPrint).prJob.iFstPage); |
SetDialogItemNumber(theDialog, jobToTextID, (**hPrint).prJob.iLstPage); |
SetDialogControlValue(theDialog, jobFromButtonID, 1); |
SetDialogControlValue(theDialog, jobAllButtonID, 0); |
} |
break; |
case jobColorButtonID: |
case jobBlackWhiteButtonID: |
if (GetDialogControlValue(theDialog, ItemHit) == 0) { |
SetDialogControlValue(theDialog, ItemHit, 1); |
SetDialogControlValue(theDialog, |
(jobColorButtonID + jobBlackWhiteButtonID) - ItemHit, 0); |
} |
break; |
} |
} |
Boolean FilePrDlgJob(THPrint hPrint) |
{ |
TPPrDlg thePrDlg; |
GrafPtr SavePort; |
short itemHit; |
Boolean doit = false; |
thePrDlg = FilePrJobInit(hPrint); |
if (!thePrDlg) { |
SysBeep(1); |
return(false); |
} |
GetPort(&SavePort); |
FrameDialogItem((DialogPtr)thePrDlg,1); |
while (!(thePrDlg->fDone)) { |
ModalDialog(thePrDlg->pFltrProc, &itemHit); |
CallPItemProc(thePrDlg->pItemProc,(DialogPtr)thePrDlg, itemHit); |
} |
SetPort(SavePort); |
if (thePrDlg->fDoIt) { |
THPrint theDefault; |
theDefault = (THPrint)ReallyGetResource('PREC', 1); |
if (theDefault != NULL) { |
**theDefault = **hPrint; |
ChangedResource((Handle)theDefault); |
WriteResource((Handle)theDefault); |
} |
doit = true; |
} |
DisposeRoutineDescriptor(thePrDlg->pFltrProc); |
DisposeRoutineDescriptor(thePrDlg->pItemProc); |
CloseDialog((DialogPtr)thePrDlg); |
DisposePtr((Ptr)thePrDlg); |
return doit; |
} |
// the main 4 entry points follow |
pascal Boolean FilePrStlDialog(THPrint hPrint) |
{ |
return FilePrDlgStl(hPrint); |
} |
pascal Boolean FilePrJobDialog(THPrint hPrint) |
{ |
return FilePrDlgJob(hPrint); |
} |
pascal void FilePrJobMerge(THPrint hPrintSrc, THPrint hPrintDst) |
{ |
FilePrValidate(hPrintSrc); |
if (FilePrValidate(hPrintDst)) { // something changed => it wasn't kosher |
**hPrintDst = **hPrintSrc; // so just slam in the "good" stuff |
} else { |
(**hPrintDst).prJob = (**hPrintSrc).prJob; // this is all job specific |
// printX[6] is flag saying whether we're doing a range or all pages |
(**hPrintDst).printX[6] = (**hPrintSrc).printX[6]; |
} |
FilePrValidate(hPrintDst); |
} |
pascal Boolean FilePrDlgMain(THPrint hPrint, PDlgInitProcPtr initFunc) |
{ |
TPPrDlg thePrDlg; |
GrafPtr SavePort; |
short itemHit; |
Boolean doit = false; |
thePrDlg = CallPDlgInitProc(initFunc,hPrint); |
if (!thePrDlg) { |
SysBeep(1); |
return(false); |
} |
GetPort(&SavePort); |
FrameDialogItem((DialogPtr)thePrDlg,1); |
while (!(thePrDlg->fDone)) { |
ModalDialog(thePrDlg->pFltrProc, &itemHit); |
CallPItemProc(thePrDlg->pItemProc,(DialogPtr)thePrDlg, itemHit); |
} |
SetPort(SavePort); |
if (thePrDlg->fDoIt) { |
THPrint theDefault; |
theDefault = (THPrint)ReallyGetResource('PREC', 1); |
if (theDefault != NULL) { |
**theDefault = **hPrint; |
ChangedResource((Handle)theDefault); |
WriteResource((Handle)theDefault); |
} |
doit = true; |
} |
DisposeRoutineDescriptor(thePrDlg->pFltrProc); |
DisposeRoutineDescriptor(thePrDlg->pItemProc); |
CloseDialog((DialogPtr)thePrDlg); |
DisposePtr((Ptr)thePrDlg); |
return doit; |
} |
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