
    File:       PrintComments.h
    Written by:     
    Copyright:  Copyright © 1984-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
                You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without
                restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the
                responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute
                this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made
                changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make
                it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source
                code, but that you've made changes.
    Change History (most recent first):
                7/26/1999   Karl Groethe    Updated for Metrowerks Codewarror Pro 2.1
/*      Type                Kind    Data Size   Data Type       Description                     */
#define TextBegin           150 /*  6           TTxtPicRec      Begin text layout modifications     */
#define TextEnd             151 /*  0           NIL             End text layout modifications       */
#define StringBegin         152 /*  0           NIL             Begin segmented string              */
#define StringEnd           153 /*  0           NIL             End segmented string                */
#define TextCenter          154 /*  8           TTxtCenter      Specify center of rotation for      */
                                /*                              the TextBegin comment (above)       */
#define LineLayoutOff       155 /*  0           NIL             Disable driver's line layout routine*/  
#define LineLayoutOn        156 /*  0           NIL             Enable driver's line layout routine */  
#define LineLayoutConfig    157 /*  16          LLConfig        Customize driver's line layout routine*/
#define PolyBegin           160 /*  0           NIL             Begin PostScript polygon            */  
#define PolyEnd             161 /*  0           NIL             End PostScript polygon              */  
#define PolyIgnore          163 /*  0           NIL             Ignore StdLine calls(for smoothed polys)*/  
#define PolySmooth          164 /*  1           PolyVerb        Smooth a polygon using B-Splines    */  
#define picPlyClo           165 /*  0           NIL             Close an open polygon(connect start and */
                                /*                              end points                          */
#define DashedLine          180 /*  -           TDashedLine     Begin PostScript line dashing       */
#define DashedStop          181 /*  0           NIL             End PostScript line dashing         */
#define SetLineWidth        182 /*  4           Point           Set hi resolution line width        */  
#define PostScriptBegin     190 /*  0           NIL             Signal driver to ingnore Quickdraw calls*/
#define PostScriptEnd       191 /*  0           NIL             Re-enable Quickdraw                 */
#define PostScriptHandle    192 /*  -           Handle          Transfer a block of PostScript      */  
#define PostScriptFile      193 /*  -           StringHandle    Transfer a file of PostScript       */  
#define TextIsPostScript    194 /*  0           NIL             Use DrawString to send PostScript   */
#define ResourcePS          195 /*  8           Type/ID/Index   Transfer a resource of PostScript   */  
#define PSBeginNoSave       196 /*  0           NIL             Like #190 but doesn't save PS state */
#define RotateBegin         200 /*  4           TRotation       Begin hi-resolution graphics rotation*/ 
#define RotateEnd           201 /*  0           NIL             End rotation                        */
#define RotateCenter        202 /*  8           Center          Specify center of rotation          */
#define FormsPrinting       210 /*  0           NIL             Specify graphics to remain resident */
                                /*                              for all pages in the print job      */
#define EndFormsPrinting    211 /*  0           NIL             Evict the residents                 */
typedef struct TTxtPicRec {
    unsigned char   tJus;       /* Justification for line layout of text.                               */
    unsigned char   tFlip;      /* Horizontal or vertical flipping                                      */
    short           tRot;       /* Text rotation (0..360) (for fractional rot., see extTTxtPicRec below)*/
    unsigned char   tLine;      /* Single, 1 1/2, or double line spacing                                */
    unsigned char   tCmnt;      /* Reserved                                                             */
} TTxtPicRec, *TTxtPicPtr, **TTxtPicHdl;
typedef struct ExtTTxtPicRec {
    unsigned char       tJus;       /* Justification for line layout of text.                           */
    unsigned char       tFlip;      /* Horizontal or vertical flipping                                  */
    short               tRot;       /* (Ignored)                                                        */
    unsigned char       tLine;      /* Single, 1 1/2, or double line spacing                            */
    unsigned char       tCmnt;      /* Reserved                                                         */
    short               tRotFixed;  /* Text rotation (0..360)                                           */
} ExtTTxtPicRec, *ExtTTxtPicPtr, **ExtTTxtPicHdl;
typedef struct TTxtCenter {
    short       y, x;       /* Offset from current pen location to center of rotation           */
    short   xFrac, yFrac;
} TTxtCenter, *TTxtCenterPtr, **TTxtCenterHdl;
typedef struct TPolyVerb {
    Boolean f7, f6, f5, f4, /* Reserved                                                         */
        fPolyRes,           /* TRUE = Polygon was specified with doubled points                 */
        fPolyClose,         /* TRUE = Polygon should be closed                                  */
        fPolyFill,          /* TRUE = Polygon should be filled                                  */
        fPolyFrame;         /* TRUE = Polygon should be framed                                  */
} TPolyVerb, *TPolyVerbPtr, **TPolyVerbHdl;
typedef struct TDashedLine {
    SignedByte  offset;     /* Offset as specified by PostScript ???                            */
    SignedByte  centered;   /* (Ignored) ???                                                    */
    SignedByte  dashed[];   /* Dynamic array of dash intervals                                  */
} TDashedLine, *TDashedLinePtr, **TDashedLineHdl;
struct PSRsrc {
    ResType     PSType;     /* Resource type.  (Actual resource format is 'STR ' or 'STR#')     */
    short       PSID;       /* Resource ID.                                                     */
    short       PSIndex;    /* If PSType = 'STR ' then 0 otherwise index into 'STR#'.           */
typedef struct PSRsrc *PSRsrcPtr, **PSRsrcHdl;
typedef struct Rotation 
    short   flip;           /* Horizontal/vertical flipping (0=none,1=horizontal,2=vertical)    */
    short   angle;          /* Clockwise rotation in degrees (0..360)                           */
} Rotation, *RotationPtr, **RotationHdl;
typedef struct ExtRotation 
    short       flip;       /* Horizontal/vertical flipping (0=none,1=horizontal,2=vertical)    */
    short       angle;      /* (Ignored)                                                        */
    Fixed       angleFixed; /* Clockwise rotation in degrees (0..360)                           */
} ExtRotation, *ExtRotationPtr, **ExtRotationHdl;