Scene Kit Session WWDC 2013/Resources/Shaders/CustomProgram.vsh

attribute vec4 a_srcPos;   // source position in the geometry
attribute vec4 a_dstPos;   // destination position in the geometry
attribute vec2 a_texcoord; // texture coordinates in the geometry
uniform mat4 u_mv;    // ModelView transform
uniform mat4 u_proj;  // Projection transform
uniform float factor; // morph factor
uniform float time;
varying vec2 v_uv;     // sprite texture coordinates
varying float v_color; // sprite color
void main()
    // Billboard sprite scale
    float scale = 0.4;
    // Billboard sprite angular speed
    float angularSpeed = 5.0;
    // Morph the position between the source position (a_vertices) and the
    // destination position (a_normals) based on the "factor" uniform,
    // then transform it in view space.
    vec4 vsPos = u_mv * mix(a_srcPos, a_dstPos, factor);
    // Billboard sprite expansion, based on the texcoord cardinal values
    vsPos.xy += vec2(a_texcoord.x * scale, a_texcoord.y * scale);
    // Project the position
    gl_Position = u_proj * vsPos;
    // Rotate the UVs based on time (and offset based on the source position in the geometry, to avoid aligning all the sprites)
    float angle = angularSpeed * time + (a_srcPos.x + a_srcPos.y);
    float sn = sin(angle);
    float cs = cos(angle);
    v_uv = vec2( a_texcoord.x * cs - a_texcoord.y * sn, a_texcoord.y * cs + a_texcoord.x * sn);
    // Colorize the sprite based on the source position in the geometry
    v_color = pow(1. - abs(a_srcPos.y) / 7., 1.5);