
;   Apple Macintosh Developer Technical Support                     
;   FKEY6 : Saves the contents of the main Macintosh screen to a PICT file. 
;   Macintosh Developer Technical Support                           
;   ScreenFKEY.a                                                           
;   Copyright © 1989 Apple Computer, Inc.                           
;   All rights reserved.                                            
;   Versions:                                                           
;           1.00                    10/89                           
;   Components:                                                     
;            ScreenFKEY.p           October 1, 1989                 
;            ScreenFKEY.a           October 1, 1989                 
;            ScreenFKEY.make        October 1, 1989                 
;   ScreenFKEY is a basic example on how to spool a PICT file to disk by replacing the 
;   bottleneck PutPICProc, it saves the contents of the screen to a file. The FKEY creates 
;   ten files Screen 0 through Screen 9; it is necessary to erase or rename old files when 
;   the limit is reached. 
;   This FKEY works in any Macintosh computer and saves the screen regardless of the 
;   setting of the screen; to use, it has to be added to the System file using ResEdit.
            BLANKS      ON
            STRING      ASIS
LocalSize   EQU     0                   ; no locals in this sample
; this is the header stuff for the FKEY
; its only function to call the main Pascal routine that does the work
; A FKEY resource is basically a 'CODE' resource with no parameters
; with ID the number equal to the numerical key it is supposed to responde to.
            IMPORT  PICTOut             ; the real thing
            BRA.S   @0                  ; skip around header
; For arcane reasons we keep using the following header
            DC.W    0                   ; flags word
            DC.B    'FKEY'              ; I am an FKEY resource
            DC.W    6                   ; whose ID is 6:
            DC.W    0                   ; Does someone care?
@0          LINK    A6,#LocalSize       ; stack locals
            MOVEM.L D0-D7/A0-A5,-(SP)   ; save all regs
            JSR     PICTOut             ; Go do your stuff
            MOVEM.L (SP)+,D0-D7/A0-A5
            UNLK    A6