
    File:       AGFile.h
    Contains:   Public interface to Apple Guide Database Files.
                Does not use or require the Apple Guide extension.
    Version:    GX 1.2 or later
** Copyright 1993-1996 Apple Computer. All rights reserved.
**  You may incorporate this sample code into your applications without
**  restriction, though the sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the
**  responsibility for its operation is 100% yours.  However, what you are
**  not permitted to do is to redistribute the source as "DSC Sample Code"
**  after having made changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source,
**  we require that you make it clear in the source that the code was
**  descended from Apple Sample Code, but that you've made changes.
#ifndef __AGFILE__
#define __AGFILE__
#ifndef __FILES__
    #include <Files.h>
#ifndef __TYPES__
    #include <Types.h>
            // typedef's
typedef FSSpec AGFileFSSpecType;
typedef short AGFileSelectorCountType;
typedef short AGFileSelectorIndexType;
typedef OSType AGFileSelectorType;
typedef long AGFileSelectorValueType;
typedef short AGFileDBType;
typedef ConstStr63Param AGFileDBMenuNamePtr;
typedef short AGFileDBScriptType;
typedef short AGFileDBRegionType;
typedef short AGFileMajorRevType;
typedef short AGFileMinorRevType;
typedef short AGFileCountType;
            // Database types (for AGFileDBType parameter).
    kAGFileDBTypeAny =          0,
    kAGFileDBTypeHelp =         1,
    kAGFileDBTypeTutorial =     2,
    kAGFileDBTypeShortcuts =    3,
    kAGFileDBTypeAbout =        4,
    kAGFileDBTypeOther =        8
            // Functions.
        // Get the database menu item name.
pascal OSErr
AGFileGetDBMenuName(AGFileFSSpecType *fileSpec,
                    AGFileDBMenuNamePtr menuItemNameString);
        // Get the database type.
pascal OSErr
AGFileGetDBType(AGFileFSSpecType *fileSpec,
                AGFileDBType *databaseType);
        // Get the version of the software
        // that created this database.
pascal OSErr
AGFileGetDBVersion(AGFileFSSpecType *fileSpec,
                    AGFileMajorRevType *majorRev,
                    AGFileMinorRevType *minorRev);
        // Get the database script and region information.
pascal OSErr
AGFileGetDBCountry(AGFileFSSpecType *fileSpec,
                    AGFileDBScriptType *script,
                    AGFileDBRegionType *region);
        // Return the number of selectors in database.
pascal AGFileSelectorCountType
AGFileGetSelectorCount(AGFileFSSpecType *fileSpec);
        // Get the i-th database selector (1 to AGFileSelectorCountType)
        // and its value.
pascal OSErr
AGFileGetSelector(AGFileFSSpecType *fileSpec,
                    AGFileSelectorIndexType selectorNumber,
                    AGFileSelectorType *selector,
                    AGFileSelectorValueType *value);
        // Return true if database is mixin.
pascal Boolean
AGFileIsMixin(AGFileFSSpecType *fileSpec);
        // Return the number of database files
        // of the specified databaseType and main/mixin.
        // Any file creator is acceptible,
        // but type must be kAGFileMain or kAGFileMixin.
pascal AGFileCountType
AGFileGetDBCount(short vRefNum,
                    long dirID,
                    AGFileDBType databaseType,
                    Boolean wantMixin);
        // Get the FSSpec for the dbIndex-th database
        // of the specified databaseType and main/mixin.
        // Any file creator is acceptible,
        // but type must be kAGFileMain or kAGFileMixin.
pascal OSErr
AGFileGetIndDB(short vRefNum,
                long dirID,
                AGFileDBType databaseType,
                Boolean wantMixin,
                short dbIndex,
                FSSpec *fileSpec);
        // This selector must match with the application
        // creator in order for this file to appear in the 
        // application's Help menu. Ignored for mixin files
        // because they never appear in the Help menu anyway.
        // If empty (zeros), will appear in the Help menu
        // of any host application.
pascal OSErr
AGFileGetHelpMenuAppCreator(AGFileFSSpecType *fileSpec,
                                OSType *helpMenuAppCreator);
        // This selector must match in the main and mixin
        // files in order for the mixin to mix-in with the main.
        // Empty (zeros) selectors are valid matches.
        // A '****' selector will mix-in with any main.
pascal OSErr
AGFileGetMixinMatchSelector(AGFileFSSpecType *fileSpec,
                                OSType *mixinMatchSelector);
        // This is the text of the balloon for the
        // Help menu item for this database.
pascal OSErr
AGFileGetHelpMenuBalloonText(AGFileFSSpecType *fileSpec,
                                Str255 helpMenuBalloonString);
#endif /* __AGFILE__ */