Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
** File: Localize.r |
** |
** Contains: all strings for SimpleText that need to be localized. Nothing in a .r file outside |
** of this file should be language specific. |
** |
** Version: SimpleText 1.4 or later |
** |
** Copyright 1993-1999 Apple Computer. All rights reserved. |
** |
** You may incorporate this sample code into your applications without |
** restriction, though the sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the |
** responsibility for its operation is 100% yours. However, what you are |
** not permitted to do is to redistribute the source as "DSC Sample Code" |
** after having made changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, |
** we require that you make it clear in the source that the code was |
** descended from Apple Sample Code, but that you've made changes. |
*/ |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Basic application information |
#define APPNAME "SimpleText" |
#define MAJORVERSION 0x01 |
#define MINORVERSION 0x40 |
#define STAGE final |
#define RELEASE 0 |
#define COPYRIGHTNOTICE " © Apple Computer, Inc. 1985-1996" |
// open kinds |
#define READONLYDOC "SimpleText read-only document", |
#define PICTDOC "SimpleText picture", |
#define MOVIEDOC "SimpleText movie", |
#define PRINTDOC "SimpleText print document", |
#define PDDDOC "portable digital document", |
#define STATIONERYDOC "SimpleText stationery", |
#define TEXTDOC "SimpleText text document" |
// Window titles |
#define FIRSTNEWDOCUMENTTITLE "untitled" |
#define NEWDOCUMENTTITLE "untitled ^0" |
#define ABOUTBOXTITLE "About " APPNAME "É" |
#define CLIPBOARDTITLE "Clipboard" |
// Misc strings |
#define ABOUTSTRING2 "Tom Dowdy" |
#define ABOUTSTRING3 "from original works by:" |
#define ABOUTSTRING4 "Ken, Hoon, Francis, and Bryan" |
#define CLIPBOARDNONESTRING "Clipboard contents: none" |
#define CLIPBOARDUNKNOWNSTRING "Clipboard contents: unknown type" |
#define CLIPBOARDPICTSTRING "Clipboard contents: picture" |
#define CLIPBOARDTEXTSTRING "Clipboard contents: text" |
#define CLIPBOARDHIDE "Hide Clipboard" |
#define CLIPBOARDSHOW "Show Clipboard" |
#define TEXTSAVEPROMPT "Save this document as:" |
#define TEXTSAVEBUTTON "Save" |
#define TEXTCANCELBUTTON "Cancel" |
#define TEXTEJECTBUTTON "Eject" |
#define TEXTDESKTOPBUTTON "Desktop" |
#define TEXTSTATIONERY "To save this document as a stationery pad (a template document) click this button before clicking the Save button." |
#define TEXTSTATIONERYSELECTED "When this button is selected, the document you are saving will be saved as a stationery pad (a template document)." |
#define TEXTDOCUMENT "To save your document as a "APPNAME" document, click this button." |
#define TEXTDOCUMENTSELECTED "When this button is selected, your document will be saved as a "APPNAME" document." |
#define TEXTPICTMARKER1 "\$CA" |
#define TEXTPICTMARKER2 "" |
// Save changes alert strings |
#define SAVESAVEBUTTON "Save" |
#define SAVECANCELBUTTON "Cancel" |
#define SAVESTATICTEXT "Save changes to the document Ò^0Ó before closing?" |
// Go to page alert strings |
#define GOTOCANCELBUTTON "Cancel" |
#define GOTOSTATICTEXT "Go to page" |
#define GOTOOFSTATICTEXT "of ^0." |
#define GOTOPAGESLIDERSTRING "Go to page: " |
#define PAGELABELSTRING "^0 of ^1 (^2%)" |
// Find/Replace alert strings |
#define FINDBUTTON "Find" |
#define FINDCANCELBUTTON "Cancel" |
#define REPLACEBUTTON "Replace" |
#define REPLACEALLBUTTON "Replace All" |
#define FINDCASESENSITIVE "Case Sensitive" |
#define FINDWRAPAROUND "WrapÐAround Search" |
#define FINDSTATIC "Find what?" |
#define REPLACESTATIC "Replace with what string?" |
// Error alerts |
#define ERROKBUTTON "OK" |
#define ERRCANCELBUTTON "Cancel" |
#define ERRSTARTUPVERSION APPNAME " requires System 7 in order to run." |
#define ERRSTARTUPFAILED APPNAME " is unable to run because of a serious error." |
#define ERRNEWFAILEDRAM APPNAME" cannot make a new document because there is not enough memory." |
#define ERROPENFAILED APPNAME" cannot open this document. It may be in use by someone else." |
#define ERRSAVEFAILED APPNAME" cannot save this document. This disk may be full or locked, or the file may be locked." |
#define ERRMODFAILED "You cannot modify this document; you can only read or print it." |
#define ERRSETUPFAILED APPNAME" is unable to setup the page for this document. Please use the Chooser to select a printer." |
#define ERRPRINTMEM APPNAME" cannot print this document because there is not enough memory." |
#define ERRPAGESETUPMEM APPNAME" cannot perform a Page Setup for this document because there is not enough memory." |
#define ERRPRINTDISKFULL APPNAME" cannot print this document because there is not enough room available on the hard disk." |
#define ERRPRINTTYPE APPNAME" cannot print this kind of document." |
#define ERRPRINTFAILED APPNAME" is unable to print this document. Please use the Chooser to select a printer." |
#define ERROPENSIZE "This document is too large to be opened by "APPNAME"." |
#define ERRPASTESIZE "This document is too large to accept the text from the clipboard." |
#define ERRTYPESIZE "This document is too large to accept any more text." |
#define ERRSIZECHANGE "Your requested change would cause this document to become too long." |
#define ERROPENTYPE APPNAME" cannot display this kind of document." |
#define ERRCOPYTOOBIG APPNAME" cannot copy from this document, the selection is too large." |
#define ERRSAVETYPE APPNAME" cannot replace a different kind of document." |
#define ERROPENOUTOFMEM APPNAME" cannot display this document because there is not enough memory." |
#define ERROPENDRAW APPNAME" cannot display this document because an error occured while drawing." |
#define ERROPENPS APPNAME" may not be able to display this document properly because it contains PostScript¨." |
#define ERROPENNOPAGES APPNAME" cannot display this document because it contains no pages." |
#define ERRRECORDFULL APPNAME" cannot record at this moment because there is not enough memory." |
#define ERRRECORDERR APPNAME" cannot record at this moment. Another application may be using Sound Input." |
#define ERRSPEAKFULL "There is not enough memory to speak. Try increasing " APPNAME "'s partition size." |
#define ERRSPEAKERR "An error occurred when " APPNAME " tried to speak." |
#define ERRCHANGEVOICE APPNAME " is unable to change to the new voice. Try increasing " APPNAME "'s partition size." |
#define ERROPENANOTHERFAILED APPNAME " is unable to open another document at this time. Cancel the current Print or Page Setup dialog and try again." |
#define ERRPRINTANOTHERFAILED APPNAME " is unable to print another document at this time. Cancel the current Print or Page Setup dialog and try again." |
// Apple menu strings |
#define ABOUTITEM "About " APPNAME "É" |
// File menu strings |
#define FILEMENU "File" |
#define FILENEWITEM "New" |
#define FILENEWKEY "N" |
#define FILEOPENITEM "OpenÉ" |
#define FILEOPENKEY "O" |
#define FILECLOSEITEM "Close" |
#define FILECLOSEKEY "W" |
#define FILESAVEITEM "Save" |
#define FILESAVEKEY "S" |
#define FILESAVEASITEM "Save AsÉ" |
#define FILESAVEASKEY nokey |
#define FILEPAGESETUPITEM "Page SetupÉ" |
#define FILEPAGESETUPKEY nokey |
#define FILEPRINTITEM "PrintÉ" |
#define FILEPRINTKEY "P" |
#define FILEPRINTONECOPYITEM "Print One Copy" |
#define FILEQUITITEM "Quit" |
#define FILEQUITKEY "Q" |
// Edit menu strings |
#define EDITMENU "Edit" |
#define EDITUNDOITEM "Undo" |
#define EDITUNDOKEY "Z" |
#define EDITCUTITEM "Cut" |
#define EDITCUTKEY "X" |
#define EDITCOPYITEM "Copy" |
#define EDITCOPYKEY "C" |
#define EDITPASTEITEM "Paste" |
#define EDITPASTEKEY "V" |
#define EDITCLEARITEM "Clear" |
#define EDITCLEARKEY nokey |
#define EDITSELECTALLITEM "Select All" |
#define EDITSELECTNONEITEM "Remove Selection" |
#define FINDITEM "FindÉ" |
#define FINDKEY "F" |
#define FINDAGAINITEM "Find Again" |
#define FINDAGAINKEY "G" |
#define FINDSELECTIONITEM "Find Selection" |
#define REPLACEITEM "ReplaceÉ" |
#define REPLACEKEY "R" |
#define REPLACEAGAINITEM "Replace Again" |
#define EDITNEXTPAGEITEM "Next Page" |
#define EDITPREVPAGEITEM "Previous Page" |
#define EDITGOTOPAGEITEM "Go to PageÉ" |
#define EDITGOTOPAGEKEY nokey |
#define EDITSHOWCLIPBOARDITEM "Show Clipboard " |
// Font menu strings |
#define FONTMENU "Font" |
// Size menu strings |
#define SIZEMENU "Size" |
#define SIZE9POINT "9 Point" |
#define SIZE9POINTKEY nokey |
#define SIZE10POINT "10 Point" |
#define SIZE10POINTKEY nokey |
#define SIZE12POINT "12 Point" |
#define SIZE12POINTKEY nokey |
#define SIZE14POINT "14 Point" |
#define SIZE14POINTKEY nokey |
#define SIZE18POINT "18 Point" |
#define SIZE18POINTKEY nokey |
#define SIZE24POINT "24 Point" |
#define SIZE24POINTKEY nokey |
#define SIZE36POINT "36 Point" |
#define SIZE36POINTKEY nokey |
// Style menu strings |
#define STYLEMENU "Style" |
#define STYLEPLAIN "Plain Text" |
#define STYLEBOLD "Bold" |
#define STYLEBOLDKEY "B" |
#define STYLEITALIC "Italic" |
#define STYLEUNDERLINE "Underline" |
#define STYLEOUTLINE "Outline" |
#define STYLEOUTLINEKEY nokey |
#define STYLESHADOW "Shadow" |
#define STYLESHADOWKEY nokey |
#define STYLECONDENSED "Condensed" |
#define STYLEEXTENDED "Extended" |
#define STYLEEXTENDEDKEY nokey |
// Sound menu strings |
#define SOUNDMENU "Sound" |
#define SOUNDRECORDITEM "RecordÉ" |
#define SOUNDRECORDKEY nokey |
#define SOUNDPLAYITEM "Play" |
#define SOUNDPLAYKEY nokey |
#define SOUNDERASEITEM "Erase" |
#define SOUNDERASEKEY nokey |
#define SOUNDSPEAKSELECTIONITEM "Speak Selection" |
#define SOUNDSPEAKALLITEM "Speak All" |
#define SOUNDSTOPSPEAKINGITEM "Stop Speaking" |
#define SOUNDVOICESITEM "Voices" |
#define SOUNDVOICESKEY nokey |
#define NOVOICESITEM "None" |
#define NOVOICESKEY nokey |
// items in the GX pop up menu |
#define GXPOPUPMENU "Display Options" |
#define GXFIFTY "50%" |
#define GXONEHUNDRED "100%" |
#define GXONEHUNDREDFIFTY "150%" |
#define GXTWOHUNDRED "200%" |
#define GXFOURHUNDRED "400%" |
#define GXSCALETOFIT "Scale image to fit window" |
#define GXDONTSHOWMARGINS "DonÕt show margins" |
// Balloon Help Strings |
#define FINDERHELPSTRING APPNAME "\n\n" "This is a simple application program that you can use to view Read Me files, text files, movies, 3D files, and certain graphics files, and to write letters and memos.\n\nChange the icon's name by clicking on the name and typing." |
// Apple menu help |
#define HELPABOUTITEM "Displays information about the version of the "APPNAME" application." |
// File menu help |
#define HELPFILEMENU "File menu\n\nUse this menu to open, close, save, and print "APPNAME" documents, and to quit "APPNAME"." |
#define HELPNEWE "Opens a new "APPNAME" document called Òuntitled.Ó" |
#define HELPNEWD "Opens a new "APPNAME" document called Òuntitled.Ó Not available because there is a dialog box on the screen." |
#define HELPOPENE "Displays a dialog box that allows you to select an existing "APPNAME" document to open." |
#define HELPOPEND "Displays a dialog box that allows you to select an existing "APPNAME" document to open. Not available because there is a dialog box on the screen." |
#define HELPCLOSEE "Closes the open "APPNAME" document." |
#define HELPCLOSED "Closes the open "APPNAME" document. Not available because no "APPNAME" document is open." |
#define HELPSAVEE "Saves the open "APPNAME" document. If you have not saved the document before, a dialog box appears in which you assign a name to the document and indicate where to save it." |
#define HELPSAVED "Saves the open "APPNAME" document. Not available because no "APPNAME" document is open, because no changes have been made to the open document, or because the open document is a special type that cannot be changed or saved." |
#define HELPSAVEASE "Displays a dialog box in which you can assign a name to the document and indicate where to save it." |
#define HELPSAVEASD "Displays a dialog box in which you can name and save the open document. Not available because no "APPNAME" document is open, because no changes have been made to the open document, or because the open document is a special type that cannot be changed." |
#define HELPPAGESETUPE "Displays a dialog box in which you can select paper size, orientation, and other printing options." |
#define HELPPAGESETUPD "Displays a dialog box in which you can select paper size, orientation, and other printing options. Not available because the current window cannot be printed." |
#define HELPPRINTE "Displays a dialog box in which you can specify the number of copies you want to print and other printing options." |
#define HELPPRINTD "Displays a dialog box in which you can specify the number of copies you want to print and other printing options. Not available because no "APPNAME" document is open or because the open "APPNAME" document is empty." |
#define HELPPRINTONEE "Prints a single copy of the "APPNAME" document." |
#define HELPPRINTONED "Prints a single copy of the "APPNAME" document. Not available because no "APPNAME" document is open or because the open "APPNAME" document is empty." |
#define HELPQUITE "Quits the "APPNAME" application. If you have not saved changes you made to the open document, you will be asked whether you want to save changes." |
#define HELPQUITD "Quits the "APPNAME" application. Not available because there is a dialog box on the screen." |
// Edit menu help |
#define HELPEDITMENU "Edit menu\n\nUse this menu to undo your last action, to manipulate text or graphics, to select the entire contents of a document, and to show whatÕs on the Clipboard." |
#define HELPUNDOE "Undoes your last action. In "APPNAME", you can use this command to replace material you have cut or cleared or to remove material you have pasted or typed." |
#define HELPUNDOD "Undoes your last action if it involved cutting, clearing, pasting, or typing. Not available now because your last action cannot be undone." |
#define HELPCUTE "Removes the selected text or graphics and places it temporarily into a storage area called the Clipboard." |
#define HELPCUTD "Removes the selected text or graphics and places it temporarily into a storage area called the Clipboard. Not available now because nothing is selected." |
#define HELPCOPYE "Copies the selected text or graphics. The original selection remains where it is. The copy is placed temporarily into a storage area called the Clipboard." |
#define HELPCOPYD "Copies the selected text or graphics. The original selection remains where it is. The copy is placed temporarily into a storage area called the Clipboard. The command is not available now because nothing is selected." |
#define HELPPASTEE "Inserts the contents of the Clipboard at the location of the insertion point." |
#define HELPPASTED "Inserts the contents of the Clipboard at the location of the insertion point. Not available because there is nothing on the Clipboard or because the contents of the Clipboard are of a type "APPNAME" canÕt read." |
#define HELPCLEARE "Removes the selected text or graphics without storing it on the Clipboard." |
#define HELPCLEARD "Removes the selected text or graphics without storing it on the Clipboard. Not available now because nothing is selected." |
#define HELPSELECTALLE "Selects or deselects the entire contents of the open "APPNAME" document." |
#define HELPSELECTALLD "Selects or deselects the entire contents of the open "APPNAME" document. Not available now because no "APPNAME" document is open or because the open document is empty." |
#define HELPNEXTPAGEE "Displays the next page in the document." |
#define HELPNEXTPAGED "Displays the next page in the document. Disabled because this document contains no additional pages." |
#define HELPPREVPAGEE "Displays the previous page in the document." |
#define HELPPREVPAGED "Displays the previous page in the document. Disabled because this document contains no additional pages." |
#define HELPGOTOPAGEE "Displays the specified page in the document." |
#define HELPGOTOPAGED "Displays the specified page in the document. Disabled because this type of document contains no additional pages, or does not support this command." |
#define HELPSHOWCLIPBOARDE "Displays the contents of the Clipboard (a storage area for the last item cut or copied)." |
#define HELPHIDECLIPBOARDE "Closes the Clipboard window." |
#define HELPFINDE "Allows you to search the current window for particular text." |
#define HELPFINDD "Allows you to search the current window for particular text. Disabled because the current window is not searchable." |
#define HELPFINDAGAINE "Searches the current window for another occurance of the found text." |
#define HELPFINDAGAIND "Searches the current window for another occurance of the found text. Disabled because the current window is not searchable, or because you have not entered text to find." |
#define HELPFINDSELECTIONE "Allows you to search the current window for another occurance of the selected text." |
#define HELPFINDSELECTIOND "Allows you to search the current window for another occurance of the selected text. Disabled because the current window is not searchable, or because no text is currently selected." |
#define HELPREPLACEE "Allows you to search the current window for particular text and replace it." |
#define HELPREPLACED "Allows you to search the current window for particular text and replace it. Disabled because the current window is not searchable." |
#define HELPREPLACEAGAINE "Searches the current window for another occurance of the found text and replaces it." |
#define HELPREPLACEAGAIND "Searches the current window for another occurance of the found text and replaces it. Disabled because the current window is not searchable, or because you have not entered text to replace." |
// Font menu help |
#define HELPFONTMENUE "Font menu\n\nUse this menu to change the font used for text in a document." |
#define HELPFONTMENUD "Font menu\n\nUse this menu to change the font used for text in a document. Not available because the active document is not a text document." |
#define HELPFONTITEME "To use this font in the active document, choose it from this menu." |
#define HELPFONTITEMD "To use this font in the active document, choose it from this menu. Not available because the active document is not a text document." |
#define HELPFONTITEMC "This is the currently selected font. To change to another font, choose one from this menu." |
// Style menu help |
#define HELPSTYLEMENUE "Style menu\n\nUse this menu to change the style used for text in a document." |
#define HELPSTYLEMENUD "Style menu\n\nUse this menu to change the style used for text in a document. Not available because the active document is not a text document." |
#define HELPSTYLEITEME "To use this style in the active document, choose it from this menu." |
#define HELPSTYLEITEMD "To use this style in the active document, choose it from this menu. Not available because the active document is not a text document." |
#define HELPSTYLEITEMC "This is the currently selected style. To change to another style, choose one from this menu." |
// Size menu help |
#define HELPSIZEMENUE "Size menu\n\nUse this menu to change the font size used for text in a document." |
#define HELPSIZEMENUD "Size menu\n\nUse this menu to change the font size used for text in a document. Not available because the active document is not a text document." |
#define HELPSIZEITEME "To use this font size in the active document, choose it from this menu." |
#define HELPSIZEITEMD "To use this font size in the active document, choose it from this menu. Not available because the active document is not a text document." |
#define HELPSIZEITEMC "This is the currently selected font size. To change to another size, choose one from this menu." |
// Sound menu help |
#define HELPSOUNDMENU "Sound menu\n\nUse this menu to record, play, or erase a voice annotation, or to hear the current text spoken." |
#define HELPRECORDE "Allows you to record a new voice annotation." |
#define HELPRECORDD "Allows you to record a new voice annotation. Not available because there is already a recorded voice annotation, your Macintosh does not support sound input, or this is a readÐonly document." |
#define HELPPLAYE "Plays the voice annotation." |
#define HELPPLAYD "Plays the voice annotation. Not available because there is no recorded voice annotation." |
#define HELPERASEE "Erases the current voice annotation so that you can record a new one." |
#define HELPERASED "Erases the current voice annotation so that you can record a new one. Not available because there is no recorded voice annotation, or this is a readÐonly document." |
#define HELPSPEAKALLE "Speaks all the text in the document aloud, using the currently checked voice from the Voices submenu, below." |
#define HELPSPEAKALLD "Speaks text aloud. Not available, because Text-To-Speech is not installed or there is not enough memory to speak (increase " APPNAME "'s partition size)." |
#define HELPSPEAKSELECTIONE "Speaks the currently selected text aloud, using the currently checked voice from the Voices submenu, below." |
#define HELPSPEAKSELECTIOND "Speaks the currently selected text aloud. Not available, because Text-To-Speech is not installed or there is not enough memory to speak (increase " |
#define HELPSTOPSPEAKINGE "Quiets the speaking you hear right now." |
#define HELPSTOPSPEAKINGD "Quiets any speaking you started. Not available because there is nothing being spoken at the moment." |
#define HELPVOICESE "Has submenu which allows you to pick the voice used when speaking." |
#define HELPVOICESD "Has submenu which allows you to pick which voice to speak with. Not available now because speech is not available. Either speech is not installed or there is not enough memory to speak (increase " APPNAME "'s partition size)." |
#define HELPVOICESELE "One of the possible voices to speak with. Choose this item to speak with this voice next time you speak." |
#define HELPVOICESELC "The voice that will be used to speak with next time you speak." |
// Window content help |
#define HELPACTIVESCROLL "Scroll bar\n\nTo scroll a little at a time, press one of the scroll arrows. To scroll by the windowful, click in the gray bar. To scroll to another part of the window, drag the scroll box." |
#define HELPDIMHORIZSCROLL "Scroll bar\n\nUse the scroll bar to see items that are out of view. This scroll bar is not available because this window contains no items to the left or right of the windowÕs borders." |
#define HELPDIMVERTSCROLL "Scroll bar\n\nUse the scroll bar to see items that are out of view. This scroll bar is not available because this window contains no items above or below the windowÕs borders." |
#define HELPGROWBOX "Size box\n\nTo change the height and width of the window, drag the size box." |
#define HELPGENERICCONTENT "This is a document window. You cannot type or edit material in this document because the document is a read-only document." |
#define HELPPICTCONT "This is a document window Ñ the area in which you can view and copy images from the "APPNAME" picture document." |
#define HELPPICTSEL "The area inside this rectangle is selected. You can copy the selected area to the Clipboard by choosing Copy from the Edit menu." |
#define HELPTEXTCONT "This is a document window Ñ the area in which you can type and edit text." |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-03-26