Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
** File: MovieFile.c |
** |
** Contains: Movie file support for simple text application |
** |
** Version: SimpleText 1.4 or later |
** |
** Copyright 1993-1999 Apple Computer. All rights reserved. |
** |
** You may incorporate this sample code into your applications without |
** restriction, though the sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the |
** responsibility for its operation is 100% yours. However, what you are |
** not permitted to do is to redistribute the source as "DSC Sample Code" |
** after having made changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, |
** we require that you make it clear in the source that the code was |
** descended from Apple Sample Code, but that you've made changes. |
*/ |
#include "MacIncludes.h" |
#include "MovieFile.h" |
#pragma segment MovieFile |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static void DoFindInMovie(Movie theMovie, long *searchOffset, Boolean goBackwards) |
{ |
Track searchTrack = nil; |
OSErr anErr; |
if (goBackwards) |
(*searchOffset)--; |
else |
(*searchOffset)++; |
anErr = MovieSearchText(theMovie, (Ptr)&gFindString[1], gFindString[0], |
(gWrapAround ? findTextWrapAround : 0) | |
(gCaseSensitive ? findTextCaseSensitive : 0) | |
findTextUseOffset | |
(goBackwards ? findTextReverseSearch : 0), |
&searchTrack, (TimeValue*)nil, searchOffset); |
if (anErr) |
SysBeep(1); |
} // DoFindInMovie |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static OSErr MovieAdjustMenus(WindowRef pWindow, WindowDataPtr pData) |
{ |
#pragma unused (pWindow) |
if (GetMovieIndTrackType( ((MovieDataPtr)pData)->theMovie, 1, 'text', movieTrackCharacteristic) != nil) |
{ |
EnableCommand(cFind); |
if (gFindString[0] != 0) |
EnableCommand(cFindAgain); |
} |
return noErr; |
} // MovieAdjustMenus |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static OSErr MovieCommand(WindowRef pWindow, WindowDataPtr pData, short commandID, long menuResult) |
{ |
#pragma unused (pWindow, menuResult) |
OSErr anErr = noErr; |
switch (commandID) |
{ |
case cFind: |
if (ConductFindOrReplaceDialog(kFindWindowID) == cancel) |
break; |
case cFindAgain: |
DoFindInMovie(((MovieDataPtr)pData)->theMovie, |
&((MovieDataPtr)pData)->searchOffset, |
((gEvent.modifiers & shiftKey) != 0)); |
break; |
} |
return(anErr); |
} // MovieCommand |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static OSErr MovieCloseWindow(WindowRef pWindow, WindowDataPtr pData) |
{ |
#pragma unused (pWindow) |
DisposeMovieController( ((MovieDataPtr)pData)->thePlayer); |
DisposeMovie( ((MovieDataPtr)pData)->theMovie); |
CloseMovieFile(pData->resRefNum); |
pData->resRefNum = -1; |
return(noErr); |
} // MovieCloseWindow |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static OSErr MovieAdjustCursor(WindowRef pWindow, WindowDataPtr pData, Point *localMouse, Rect *globalRect) |
{ |
#pragma unused (pWindow, pData, globalRect, localMouse) |
return(eActionAlreadyHandled); |
} // MovieAdjustCursor |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static OSErr MovieGetBalloon(WindowRef pWindow, WindowDataPtr pData, |
Point *localMouse, short * returnedBalloonIndex, Rect *returnedRectangle) |
{ |
#pragma unused (pWindow, pData, localMouse, returnedRectangle) |
*returnedBalloonIndex = iDidTheBalloon; |
return(noErr); |
} // MovieGetBalloon |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static Boolean MovieFilterEvent(WindowRef pWindow, WindowDataPtr pData, EventRecord *pEvent) |
{ |
#pragma unused (pWindow) |
return(MCIsPlayerEvent( ((MovieDataPtr)pData)->thePlayer, pEvent)); |
} // MovieFilterEvent |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static long MovieCalculateIdleTime(WindowRef pWindow, WindowDataPtr pData) |
{ |
#pragma unused (pWindow, pData) |
if (!IsMovieDone( ((MovieDataPtr)pData)->theMovie)) |
return(0); |
else |
return(0x7FFFFFFF); |
} // MovieCalculateIdleTime |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static OSErr MovieMakeWindow(WindowRef pWindow, WindowDataPtr pData) |
{ |
OSErr anErr; |
short actualResId; |
Movie theMovie; |
MovieController thePlayer; |
Rect movieBounds; |
long version; |
Gestalt(gestaltQuickTime, &version); |
pData->pAdjustMenus = (AdjustMenusProc) MovieAdjustMenus; |
pData->pCommand = (CommandProc) MovieCommand; |
pData->pCloseWindow = (CloseWindowProc) MovieCloseWindow; |
pData->pFilterEvent = (FilterEventProc) MovieFilterEvent; |
pData->pGetBalloon = (GetBalloonProc) MovieGetBalloon; |
pData->pCalculateIdleTime = (CalculateIdleTimeProc) MovieCalculateIdleTime; |
pData->pAdjustCursor = (AdjustCursorProc) MovieAdjustCursor; |
pData->dragWindowAligned = (version >= 0x01508000); |
actualResId = DoTheRightThing; |
// close down other paths to the file -- because we don't need them |
if (pData->resRefNum != -1) |
{ |
CloseResFile(pData->resRefNum); |
pData->resRefNum = -1; |
} |
if (pData->dataRefNum != -1) |
{ |
FSClose(pData->dataRefNum); |
pData->dataRefNum = -1; |
} |
anErr = OpenMovieFile(&pData->fileSpec, &pData->resRefNum, 0); |
if (anErr == noErr) |
{ |
anErr = NewMovieFromFile(&theMovie, pData->resRefNum, &actualResId, (unsigned char *) 0, newMovieActive, (Boolean *) 0); |
if (anErr == noErr) |
anErr = GetMoviesError(); |
nrequire(anErr, NewMovieFromFile); |
} |
// position the movie |
GetMovieBox(theMovie, &movieBounds); |
OffsetRect(&movieBounds, -movieBounds.left,; |
SetMovieBox(theMovie, &movieBounds); |
OffsetRect(&movieBounds, pData->contentRect.left, pData->; |
// make it draw in the correct window |
SetMovieGWorld(theMovie, (CGrafPtr) pWindow, 0); |
thePlayer = NewMovieController(theMovie, &movieBounds, mcTopLeftMovie); |
MCGetControllerBoundsRect(thePlayer, &movieBounds); |
// make sure the window is the proper size |
SizeWindow(pWindow, movieBounds.right - movieBounds.left, |
movieBounds.bottom -, false); |
pData->contentRect.right = pData->contentRect.left + |
movieBounds.right - movieBounds.left; |
pData->contentRect.bottom = pData-> + |
movieBounds.bottom -; |
if (pData->dragWindowAligned) |
AlignWindow((WindowPtr)pWindow, false, nil, nil); |
// enable keyboard events |
MCDoAction(thePlayer, mcActionSetKeysEnabled, (void*)1); |
// Save a reference to the movie |
((MovieDataPtr)pData)->theMovie = theMovie; |
((MovieDataPtr)pData)->thePlayer = thePlayer; |
((MovieDataPtr)pData)->searchOffset = 0; |
NewMovieFromFile: |
return(anErr); |
} // MovieMakeWindow |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
OSErr MoviePreflightWindow(PreflightPtr pPreflightData) |
{ |
pPreflightData->continueWithOpen = true; |
pPreflightData->makeProcPtr = MovieMakeWindow; |
pPreflightData->resourceID = kMovieWindowID; |
pPreflightData->storageSize = sizeof(MovieDataRecord); |
return(noErr); |
} // MoviePreflightWindow |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
void MovieGetFileTypes(OSType * pFileTypes, OSType * pDocumentTypes, short * numTypes) |
{ |
if (gMachineInfo.haveQuickTime) |
{ |
pFileTypes[*numTypes] = 'MooV'; |
pDocumentTypes[*numTypes] = kMovieWindow; |
(*numTypes)++; |
} |
} // MovieGetFileTypes |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-03-26