Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
** File: PICTFile.c |
** |
** Contains: PICT file for simple text application |
** |
** Version: SimpleText 1.4 or later |
** |
** Copyright 1993-1999 Apple Computer. All rights reserved. |
** |
** You may incorporate this sample code into your applications without |
** restriction, though the sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the |
** responsibility for its operation is 100% yours. However, what you are |
** not permitted to do is to redistribute the source as "DSC Sample Code" |
** after having made changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, |
** we require that you make it clear in the source that the code was |
** descended from Apple Sample Code, but that you've made changes. |
*/ |
#include "MacIncludes.h" |
#include "PICTFile.h" |
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ |
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ |
#define kBufferSize 2048 |
static short gPictFileRefNum; |
static char gPictureBuffer[kBufferSize]; |
static long gAmountInBuffer; |
static long gFirstCharInBuffer; |
static QDProcsPtr gSavedProcs; |
static QDProcs gMyProcs; |
static CQDProcs gMyColorProcs; |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static pascal void GetPICTData(Ptr dataPtr,short byteCount) |
/* |
replacement for the QuickDraw bottleneck routine |
*/ |
{ |
OSErr err = noErr; |
long longCount; |
longCount = byteCount; |
while ( (longCount > 0) && (err == noErr) ) |
{ |
if (gAmountInBuffer == 0) |
{ |
gAmountInBuffer = kBufferSize; |
gFirstCharInBuffer = 0; |
err = FSRead(gPictFileRefNum,&gAmountInBuffer,gPictureBuffer); |
} |
if (gAmountInBuffer > 0) |
{ |
long amountToMove; |
amountToMove = gAmountInBuffer; |
if (amountToMove > longCount) |
amountToMove = longCount; |
BlockMoveData(&gPictureBuffer[gFirstCharInBuffer], dataPtr, amountToMove); |
longCount -= amountToMove; |
dataPtr += amountToMove; |
gFirstCharInBuffer += amountToMove; |
gAmountInBuffer -= amountToMove; |
} |
} |
} // GetPICTData |
static RoutineDescriptor gGetPICTDataRD = BUILD_ROUTINE_DESCRIPTOR(uppQDGetPicProcInfo, GetPICTData); |
static QDGetPicUPP gGetPICTData = &gGetPICTDataRD; |
#else |
static QDGetPicUPP gGetPICTData = NewQDGetPicProc(GetPICTData); |
#endif |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static OSErr DiskPictureDraw( WindowDataPtr pData, |
Boolean doDraw, Rect *pictureRect, Point *pOffset) |
{ |
OSErr anErr; |
PicHandle picHandle; |
Point offset; |
if (pOffset) |
offset = *pOffset; |
else |
{ |
offset.h = GetControlValue(pData->hScroll); |
offset.v = GetControlValue(pData->vScroll); |
} |
picHandle = ((PICTDataPtr)pData)->cacheHandle; |
if (picHandle) |
{ |
if (doDraw) |
{ |
Rect destRect; |
GetPICTRectangleAt72dpi(picHandle, &destRect); |
OffsetRect(&destRect, |
-destRect.left + |
pData->contentRect.left - |
offset.h, | + |
pData-> - |
offset.v); |
DrawPicture(picHandle, &destRect); |
} |
if (pictureRect) |
{ |
GetPICTRectangleAt72dpi(picHandle, pictureRect); |
OffsetRect(pictureRect, -pictureRect->left, -pictureRect->top); |
} |
picHandle = nil; |
anErr = noErr; |
} |
else |
{ |
// make enough room for PICT header, including version |
picHandle = (PicHandle) NewHandle(sizeof(Picture) + sizeof(long)*8); |
anErr = MemError(); |
nrequire(anErr, FailedNewHandle); |
gPictFileRefNum = pData->dataRefNum; |
anErr = SetFPos(gPictFileRefNum, fsFromStart, 512); |
nrequire(anErr, FailedSetFPos); |
gAmountInBuffer = kBufferSize; |
gFirstCharInBuffer = 0; |
anErr = FSRead(gPictFileRefNum, &gAmountInBuffer, gPictureBuffer); |
if (anErr == eofErr) |
anErr = noErr; |
if (gAmountInBuffer < sizeof(Picture)) |
anErr = eofErr; |
nrequire(anErr, FailedInitialRead); |
// copy PICT header, including version |
BlockMoveData(gPictureBuffer, *picHandle, sizeof(Picture) + sizeof(long)*8); |
gFirstCharInBuffer += sizeof(Picture); |
gAmountInBuffer -= sizeof(Picture); |
if (doDraw) |
{ |
Rect destRect; |
GetPICTRectangleAt72dpi(picHandle, &destRect); |
if (!gMachineInfo.haveQuickTime) |
{ |
if (gMachineInfo.theEnvirons.hasColorQD) |
{ |
if ((*qd.thePort).grafProcs) |
BlockMoveData((*qd.thePort).grafProcs, &gMyColorProcs, sizeof(gMyColorProcs)); |
else |
SetStdCProcs(&gMyColorProcs); |
} |
else |
{ |
if ((*qd.thePort).grafProcs) |
BlockMoveData((*qd.thePort).grafProcs, &gMyProcs, sizeof(gMyProcs)); |
else |
SetStdProcs(&gMyProcs); |
} |
gMyProcs.getPicProc = gGetPICTData; |
gMyColorProcs.getPicProc = gGetPICTData; |
gSavedProcs = (*qd.thePort).grafProcs; |
if (gMachineInfo.theEnvirons.hasColorQD) |
(*qd.thePort).grafProcs = (QDProcsPtr)&gMyColorProcs; |
else |
(*qd.thePort).grafProcs = &gMyProcs; |
} |
OffsetRect(&destRect, |
-destRect.left + |
pData->contentRect.left - |
offset.h, | + |
pData-> - |
offset.v); |
if (!gMachineInfo.haveQuickTime) |
{ |
DrawPicture(picHandle, &destRect); |
(*qd.thePort).grafProcs = gSavedProcs; |
} |
else |
DrawPictureFile(gPictFileRefNum, &destRect, nil); |
} |
if (pictureRect) |
{ |
GetPICTRectangleAt72dpi(picHandle, pictureRect); |
OffsetRect(pictureRect, -pictureRect->left, -pictureRect->top); |
} |
} |
FailedInitialRead: |
FailedSetFPos: |
DisposeHandle((Handle) picHandle); |
FailedNewHandle: |
return(anErr); |
} // DiskPictureDraw |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static OSErr GetSelectedPicture(WindowDataPtr pData, PicHandle *pResult) |
{ |
OSErr anErr; |
PicHandle scrapPict; |
Rect globRect; |
GDHandle theMaxDevice; |
short theDepth; |
GDHandle savedGDevice; |
CGrafPtr savedPort; |
GWorldPtr offscreenGWorld; |
// save away current value for restores |
GetGWorld(&savedPort, &savedGDevice); |
// determine the best way in which to allocate stuff |
SetRect(&globRect, -32760, -32760, 32760, 32760); |
theDepth = 1; |
if (gMachineInfo.theEnvirons.hasColorQD) |
{ |
theDepth = 8; |
theMaxDevice = GetMaxDevice(&globRect); |
if (theMaxDevice != nil) |
theDepth = (**(**theMaxDevice).gdPMap).pixelSize; |
} |
// allocate the GWorld in temp mem, or local if we run out |
anErr = NewGWorld(&offscreenGWorld, theDepth, |
&((PICTDataPtr)pData)->selectionRectangle, |
nil, nil, useTempMem); |
if (anErr != noErr) |
anErr = NewGWorld(&offscreenGWorld, theDepth, |
&((PICTDataPtr)pData)->selectionRectangle, |
nil, nil, 0); |
nrequire(anErr, FailedNewGWorld); |
// blow open the visRgn, and clip to the selected area |
RectRgn(offscreenGWorld->visRgn, &globRect); |
PortChanged((GrafPtr) offscreenGWorld); |
SetGWorld(offscreenGWorld, nil); |
EraseRect(&offscreenGWorld->portRect); |
ClipRect(&((PICTDataPtr)pData)->selectionRectangle); |
// Draw the picture into the offscreen |
LockPixels( GetGWorldPixMap(offscreenGWorld)); |
{ |
Point offset = {0,0}; |
anErr = DiskPictureDraw(pData, true, &((PICTDataPtr)pData)->selectionRectangle, &offset); |
} |
UnlockPixels( GetGWorldPixMap(offscreenGWorld)); |
nrequire(anErr, FailedDraw); |
// CopyBits in place to grab the selection |
scrapPict = OpenPicture(&((PICTDataPtr)pData)->selectionRectangle); |
LockPixels( GetGWorldPixMap(offscreenGWorld)); |
CopyBits(&((GrafPtr)offscreenGWorld)->portBits, &((GrafPtr)offscreenGWorld)->portBits, |
&((PICTDataPtr)pData)->selectionRectangle, &((PICTDataPtr)pData)->selectionRectangle, |
srcCopy, nil); |
anErr = QDError(); |
UnlockPixels( GetGWorldPixMap(offscreenGWorld)); |
ClosePicture(); |
globRect = (**scrapPict).picFrame; |
if ( (anErr == noErr) && (EmptyRect(&globRect)) ) |
anErr = memFullErr; |
// done with our offscreen now |
SetGWorld(savedPort, savedGDevice); |
DisposeGWorld(offscreenGWorld); |
if (anErr == noErr) |
*pResult = scrapPict; |
return(anErr); |
FailedDraw: |
DisposeGWorld(offscreenGWorld); |
FailedNewGWorld: |
SetGWorld(savedPort, savedGDevice); |
return(anErr); |
} // GetSelectedPicture |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static OSErr CopyGWorld(WindowDataPtr pData) |
{ |
OSErr anErr; |
PicHandle scrapPict; |
anErr = GetSelectedPicture(pData, &scrapPict); |
if (anErr == noErr) |
{ |
if (LoadScrap() == noErr) |
{ |
ZeroScrap(); |
HLock((Handle) scrapPict); |
anErr = PutScrap(GetHandleSize((Handle) scrapPict), 'PICT', (Ptr)*scrapPict); |
KillPicture(scrapPict); |
} |
} |
return(anErr); |
} // CopyGWorld |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static pascal OSErr PICTSendDataProc(FlavorType theType, void *dragSendRefCon, |
ItemReference theItem, DragReference theDrag) |
/* |
* The ItemReference is the gxShape to be sent. The dragSendRefCon is ignored. |
*/ |
{ |
#pragma unused (dragSendRefCon) |
OSErr result = noErr; |
switch (theType) |
{ |
case 'PICT': |
{ |
PicHandle pict; |
OSErr anErr = GetSelectedPicture((WindowDataPtr)theItem, &pict); |
if (anErr == noErr) |
{ |
HLock((Handle)pict); |
result = SetDragItemFlavorData(theDrag, theItem, 'PICT', (Ptr)*pict, GetHandleSize((Handle)pict), 0); |
KillPicture(pict); |
} |
} |
break; |
default: |
result = badDragFlavorErr; |
break; |
} |
return result; |
} // PICTSendDataProc |
static RoutineDescriptor gPICTSendDataProcRD = BUILD_ROUTINE_DESCRIPTOR(uppDragSendDataProcInfo, PICTSendDataProc); |
static DragSendDataUPP gPICTSendDataProc = &gPICTSendDataProcRD; |
#else |
static DragSendDataUPP gPICTSendDataProc = NewDragSendDataProc(PICTSendDataProc); |
#endif |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static OSErr PICTUpdateWindow(WindowRef pWindow, WindowDataPtr pData) |
{ |
OSErr anErr; |
RgnHandle oldClip = NewRgn(); |
EraseRect(&pData->contentRect); |
GetClip(oldClip); |
ClipRect(&pData->contentRect); |
anErr = DiskPictureDraw( pData, true, nil, nil); |
SetClip(oldClip); |
DisposeRgn(oldClip); |
DrawSelection(pData, &((PICTDataPtr)pData)->selectionRectangle, &((PICTDataPtr)pData)->patternPhase, false); |
DrawControls(pWindow); |
DrawGrowIcon(pWindow); |
return(anErr); |
} // PICTUpdateWindow |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static OSErr PICTGetDocumentRect(WindowRef pWindow, WindowDataPtr pData, |
LongRect * documentRectangle, Boolean forGrow) |
{ |
#pragma unused (pWindow, forGrow) |
RectToLongRect(&((PICTDataPtr)pData)->pictureRectangle, documentRectangle); |
return(noErr); |
} // PICTGetDocumentRect |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static OSErr PICTCloseWindow(WindowRef pWindow, WindowDataPtr pData) |
{ |
#pragma unused (pWindow) |
DisposeHandle( (Handle) (((PICTDataPtr)pData)->cacheHandle)); |
return(noErr); |
} // PICTCloseWindow |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static OSErr PICTContentClick(WindowRef pWindow, WindowDataPtr pData, EventRecord *pEvent) |
{ |
OSErr anErr = noErr; |
Rect selectionRect = ((PICTDataPtr)pData)->selectionRectangle; |
Point clickPoint = pEvent->where; |
GlobalToLocal(&clickPoint); |
OffsetRect(&selectionRect, -GetControlValue(pData->hScroll), -GetControlValue(pData->vScroll)); |
if ( (gMachineInfo.haveDragMgr) && (PtInRect(clickPoint, &selectionRect)) ) |
{ |
DragAndDropArea(pWindow, pData, pEvent, |
&selectionRect); |
} |
else |
{ |
anErr = SelectContents(pWindow, pData, pEvent, |
&((PICTDataPtr)pData)->selectionRectangle, &((PICTDataPtr)pData)->pictureRectangle, |
&((PICTDataPtr)pData)->patternPhase); |
} |
return(anErr); |
} // PICTContentClick |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static OSErr PICTAdjustCursor(WindowRef pWindow, WindowDataPtr pData, Point * localMouse, Rect * globalRect) |
{ |
#pragma unused (pWindow, globalRect) |
OSErr anErr = noErr; |
CursHandle theCross; |
Rect selectionRect = ((PICTDataPtr)pData)->selectionRectangle; |
OffsetRect(&selectionRect, -GetControlValue(pData->hScroll), -GetControlValue(pData->vScroll)); |
if (!PtInRect(*localMouse, &selectionRect) ) |
{ |
theCross = GetCursor(crossCursor); |
if (theCross) |
{ |
char oldState; |
oldState = HGetState((Handle) theCross); |
HLock((Handle) theCross); |
SetCursor(*theCross); |
HSetState((Handle) theCross, oldState); |
anErr = eActionAlreadyHandled; |
} |
} |
return(anErr); |
} // PICTAdjustCursor |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static OSErr PICTDragAddFlavors(WindowRef pWindow, WindowDataPtr pData, DragReference theDragRef) |
{ |
#pragma unused (pWindow) |
OSErr anErr = noErr; |
SetDragSendProc(theDragRef, gPICTSendDataProc, nil); |
AddDragItemFlavor(theDragRef, (unsigned long)pData, 'PICT', nil, 0, 0); |
return(anErr); |
} // PICTDragAddFlavors |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static OSErr PICTGetBalloon(WindowRef pWindow, WindowDataPtr pData, |
Point *localMouse, short * returnedBalloonIndex, Rect *returnedRectangle) |
{ |
#pragma unused (pWindow, pData) |
Rect tempRect = ((PICTDataPtr)pData)->selectionRectangle; |
// assume generic content |
*returnedBalloonIndex = iHelpPictContent; |
// see if we are within the selection |
OffsetRect(&tempRect, -GetControlValue(pData->hScroll), -GetControlValue(pData->vScroll) ); |
SectRect(&tempRect, &pData->contentRect, &tempRect); |
if (PtInRect(*localMouse, &tempRect)) |
{ |
*returnedRectangle = tempRect; |
*returnedBalloonIndex = iHelpPictSelection; |
} |
return(noErr); |
} // PICTGetBalloon |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static OSErr PICTPrintPage(WindowRef pWindow, WindowDataPtr pData, |
Rect * pageRect, long *pageNum) |
{ |
#pragma unused (pWindow) |
OSErr anErr = noErr; |
short pagesWide, pagesHigh; |
Rect pictureRect = ((PICTDataPtr)pData)->pictureRectangle; |
Point offset; |
Rect localPageRect = *pageRect; |
// calculate how many physical pages will be required to print this PICT |
if (EqualRect(&pictureRect, &localPageRect)) |
pagesWide = pagesHigh = 1; |
else |
{ |
pagesWide = (pictureRect.right - pictureRect.left) / (localPageRect.right - localPageRect.left) + 1; |
pagesHigh = (pictureRect.bottom - / (localPageRect.bottom - + 1; |
} |
// compute the offset in # of pages |
offset.h = ((*pageNum - 1) % pagesWide); |
offset.v = ((*pageNum - 1) / pagesWide); |
// compute the pixel offset for this page |
offset.h *= localPageRect.right - localPageRect.left; |
offset.v *= localPageRect.bottom -; |
anErr = DiskPictureDraw( pData, true, &localPageRect, &offset); |
// tell it to stop printing when we reach the end |
if (*pageNum >= (pagesWide*pagesHigh)) |
*pageNum = -1; |
return(anErr); |
} // PICTPrintPage |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static OSErr PICTAdjustMenus(WindowRef pWindow, WindowDataPtr pData) |
{ |
#pragma unused (pWindow) |
OSErr anErr = noErr; |
if (!EmptyRect(&((PICTDataPtr)pData)->selectionRectangle)) |
EnableCommand(cCopy); |
if (EqualRect(&((PICTDataPtr)pData)->pictureRectangle, &((PICTDataPtr)pData)->selectionRectangle)) |
ChangeCommandName(cSelectAll, kMiscStrings, iSelectNoneCommand); |
else |
ChangeCommandName(cSelectAll, kMiscStrings, iSelectAllCommand); |
EnableCommand(cSelectAll); |
return(anErr); |
} // PICTAdjustMenus |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static OSErr PICTCommand(WindowRef pWindow, WindowDataPtr pData, short commandID, long menuResult) |
{ |
#pragma unused (pWindow, menuResult) |
OSErr anErr = noErr; |
switch (commandID) |
{ |
case cCopy: |
anErr = CopyGWorld(pData); |
break; |
case cSelectAll: |
// erase the old selection |
DrawSelection(pData, &((PICTDataPtr)pData)->selectionRectangle, &((PICTDataPtr)pData)->patternPhase, false); |
if (EqualRect(&((PICTDataPtr)pData)->pictureRectangle, &((PICTDataPtr)pData)->selectionRectangle)) |
{ |
((PICTDataPtr)pData)-> = 0; |
((PICTDataPtr)pData)->selectionRectangle.left = 0; |
((PICTDataPtr)pData)->selectionRectangle.bottom = 0; |
((PICTDataPtr)pData)->selectionRectangle.right = 0; |
} |
else |
{ |
((PICTDataPtr)pData)->selectionRectangle = ((PICTDataPtr)pData)->pictureRectangle; |
} |
// draw the new selection |
DrawSelection(pData, &((PICTDataPtr)pData)->selectionRectangle, &((PICTDataPtr)pData)->patternPhase, true); |
break; |
} |
return(anErr); |
} // PICTCommand |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static long PICTCalculateIdleTime(WindowRef pWindow, WindowDataPtr pData) |
{ |
#pragma unused (pWindow) |
if (!EmptyRect( &((PICTDataPtr)pData)->selectionRectangle)) |
return(0); |
else |
return(kMaxWaitTime); |
} // PICTCalculateIdleTime |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static Boolean PICTFilterEvent(WindowRef pWindow, WindowDataPtr pData, EventRecord *pEvent) |
{ |
if ( |
(!gMachineInfo.amInBackground) && |
(pEvent->what == nullEvent) && |
(pWindow == FrontWindow()) && |
(EmptyRgn( ((WindowPeek)pWindow)->updateRgn)) && |
(MOVESELECTION(pEvent->when) ) |
) |
{ |
// erase the old |
DrawSelection(pData, &((PICTDataPtr)pData)->selectionRectangle, &((PICTDataPtr)pData)->patternPhase, false); |
// draw the new, moving onto the next pattern |
DrawSelection(pData, &((PICTDataPtr)pData)->selectionRectangle, &((PICTDataPtr)pData)->patternPhase, true); |
} |
return(false); |
} // PICTFilterEvent |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static OSErr PICTMakeWindow(WindowRef pWindow, WindowDataPtr pData) |
{ |
#pragma unused (pWindow) |
Size availableRAM; |
long amountInFile; |
OSErr anErr = noErr; |
pData->pUpdateWindow = (UpdateWindowProc) PICTUpdateWindow; |
pData->pGetDocumentRect = (GetDocumentRectProc) PICTGetDocumentRect; |
pData->pCloseWindow = (CloseWindowProc) PICTCloseWindow; |
pData->pContentClick = (ContentClickProc) PICTContentClick; |
pData->pAdjustCursor = (AdjustCursorProc) PICTAdjustCursor; |
pData->pGetBalloon = (GetBalloonProc) PICTGetBalloon; |
pData->pAdjustMenus = (AdjustMenusProc) PICTAdjustMenus; |
pData->pPrintPage = (PrintPageProc) PICTPrintPage; |
pData->pCommand = (CommandProc) PICTCommand; |
pData->pFilterEvent = (FilterEventProc) PICTFilterEvent; |
pData->pCalculateIdleTime = (CalculateIdleTimeProc) PICTCalculateIdleTime; |
pData->pDragAddFlavors = (DragAddFlavorsProc) PICTDragAddFlavors; |
pData->hasGrow = true; |
pData->hScrollAmount = 10; |
pData->vScrollAmount = 10; |
// Calculate amount of available RAM for cache |
{ |
Size grow; |
availableRAM = MaxMem(&grow); |
} |
// Take half of it |
availableRAM >>= 1; |
// if too big, make it just big enough |
GetEOF(pData->dataRefNum, &amountInFile); |
amountInFile -= 512; |
if (amountInFile < sizeof(Picture)) |
anErr = eErrorWhileDrawing; |
else |
{ |
if (availableRAM > amountInFile) |
{ |
Handle theHandle = NewHandle(amountInFile); |
if (theHandle) |
{ |
SetFPos(pData->dataRefNum, fsFromStart, 512); |
FSRead(pData->dataRefNum, &amountInFile, *theHandle); |
((PICTDataPtr)pData)->cacheHandle = (PicHandle)theHandle; |
} |
} |
// initialize the rectangle to be valid |
{ |
Rect pictureRect; |
DiskPictureDraw( pData, false, &((PICTDataPtr)pData)->pictureRectangle, nil); |
pictureRect = ((PICTDataPtr)pData)->pictureRectangle; |
if ((pData->contentRect.right > pictureRect.right) && (pictureRect.right > 0)) |
pData->contentRect.right = pictureRect.right; |
if ((pData->contentRect.bottom > pictureRect.bottom) && (pictureRect.bottom > 0)) |
pData->contentRect.bottom = pictureRect.bottom; |
} |
} |
return(anErr); |
} // PICTMakeWindow |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
OSErr PICTPreflightWindow(PreflightPtr pPreflightData) |
{ |
pPreflightData->wantHScroll = true; |
pPreflightData->wantVScroll = true; |
pPreflightData->continueWithOpen = true; |
pPreflightData->makeProcPtr = PICTMakeWindow; |
pPreflightData->storageSize = sizeof(PICTDataRecord); |
return(noErr); |
} // PICTPreflightWindow |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
void PICTGetFileTypes(OSType * pFileTypes, OSType * pDocumentTypes, short * numTypes) |
{ |
pFileTypes[*numTypes] = 'PICT'; |
pDocumentTypes[*numTypes] = kPICTWindow; |
(*numTypes)++; |
} // PICTGetFileTypes |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-03-26