
**  File:       TextDrag.c
**  Contains:   Text document dragging support for SimpleText
**  Version:    SimpleText 1.4 or later
** Copyright 1993-1999 Apple Computer. All rights reserved.
**  You may incorporate this sample code into your applications without
**  restriction, though the sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the
**  responsibility for its operation is 100% yours.  However, what you are
**  not permitted to do is to redistribute the source as "DSC Sample Code"
**  after having made changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source,
**  we require that you make it clear in the source that the code was
**  descended from Apple Sample Code, but that you've made changes.
#include "MacIncludes.h"
#include "TextFile.h"
#pragma segment Text
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
extern Boolean IsOnlyThisFlavor(DragReference theDragRef, FlavorType theType);
extern Boolean IsDropInFinderTrash(AEDesc *dropLocation);
extern OSErr SaveCurrentUndoState(WindowDataPtr pData, short newCommandID);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Dragging private globals
extern Boolean  gCanAccept;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static Boolean  gCaretShow;
static long     gCaretTime;
static short    gCaretOffset, gLastOffset, gInsertPosition;
static Boolean  gCursorInContent;
static unsigned long gAutoScrollTicks;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
extern void AdjustTE(WindowDataPtr pData, Boolean doScroll);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GetSelectionSize -
static short GetSelectionSize(TEHandle hTE)
    return((**(hTE)).selEnd - (**(hTE)).selStart);
} // GetSelectionSize
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GetSelectedTextPtr
static Ptr GetSelectedTextPtr(TEHandle hTE)
    return((*(**(hTE)).hText) + (**(hTE)).selStart);
} // GetSelectedTextPtr
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  TEIsFrontOfLine - Given a text offset and a TextEdit handle, returns true if the given
//                    offset is at the beginning of a line start.
static short TEIsFrontOfLine(short textOffset, TEHandle hTE)
    short theLine = 0;
    if ((**hTE).teLength == 0)
        return true;
    if (textOffset >= (**hTE).teLength)
        return( (*((**hTE).hText))[(**hTE).teLength - 1] == 0x0D );
    while ((**hTE).lineStarts[theLine] < textOffset)
    return( (**hTE).lineStarts[theLine] == textOffset );
} // TEIsFrontOfLine
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  TEGetLine - Given an offset and a TextEdit handle, returns the line number that contains the offset.
static short TEGetLine(short textOffset, TEHandle hTE)
    short theLine = 0;
    if (textOffset > (**hTE).teLength)
        while ((**hTE).lineStarts[theLine] < textOffset)
    return theLine;
} // TEGetLine
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  DrawCaret - Draws a caret in a TextEdit field at the given offset by inverting the image of the
//              caret onto the screen. DrawCaret expects the port to be set to the port that the
//              TextEdit record is in.
static void DrawCaret(short textOffset, TEHandle hTE)
    Point theLoc;
    short lineHeight, theLine;
    //  Get the coordinates and the line of the offset to draw the caret.
    theLoc  = TEGetPoint(textOffset, hTE);
    theLine = TEGetLine(textOffset, hTE);
    // %%% Most heinously bogus - 21-Dec-93 JM3
    //  For some reason, TextEdit dosen't return the proper coordinates
    //  of the last offset in the field if the last character in the record
    //  is a carriage return. TEGetPoint returns a point that is one line
    //  higher than expected. The following code fixes this problem.
    if ((textOffset == (**hTE).teLength) && (*((**hTE).hText))[(**hTE).teLength - 1] == 0x0D)
        theLoc.v += TEGetHeight(theLine, theLine, hTE);
    //  Always invert the caret when drawing.
    //  Get the height of the line that the offset points to.
    lineHeight = TEGetHeight(theLine, theLine, hTE);
    //  Draw the appropriate caret image.
    MoveTo(theLoc.h - 1, theLoc.v - 1);
    Line(0, 1 - lineHeight);
} // DrawCaret
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  HitTest - Given a point in global coordinates, HitTest returns an offset into the text if the
//            point is inside the given TERecord. If the point is not in the text, HitTest returns
//            -1.
static short HitTest(Point theLoc, TEHandle hTE)
    WindowRef   theWindow;
    short       textOffset = -1;
    if (FindWindow(theLoc, &theWindow) == inContent)
        SetPort((GrafPtr) GetWindowPort(theWindow));
        if (PtInRect(theLoc, &((** hTE).viewRect)) && PtInRect(theLoc, &((** hTE).viewRect)))
            textOffset = TEGetOffset(theLoc, hTE);
            if ((TEIsFrontOfLine(textOffset, hTE)) && (textOffset) &&
                ((*((** hTE).hText))[textOffset - 1] != 0x0D) &&
                (TEGetPoint(textOffset - 1, hTE).h < theLoc.h))
    return textOffset;
} // HitTest
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GetCharAtOffset - Given a text offset and a TEHandle, returns the character located at that offset in
//                   the TERecord.
static char GetCharAtOffset(short offset, TEHandle hTE)
    if (offset < 0)
        return 0x0D;
    return(((char *) *((**hTE).hText))[offset]);
} // GetCharAtOffset
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// WhiteSpace - Determines if the input character is white space.
static Boolean WhiteSpace(char theChar)
    return((theChar == ' ') || (theChar == 0x0D));
} // WhiteSpace
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// WhiteSpaceAtOffset - Given a text offset into a TERecord, determines if the character at that location is
//                      whitespace.
static Boolean WhiteSpaceAtOffset(short offset, TEHandle hTE)
    char theChar;
    if ((offset < 0) || (offset > (**hTE).teLength - 1))
        return true;
    theChar = ((char *) *((**hTE).hText))[offset];
} // WhiteSpaceAtOffset
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// InsertTextAtOffset -
static short InsertTextAtOffset(short textOffset, char *theBuf, long textSize, StScrpHandle styleHand, TEHandle hTE)
    short   charactersAdded = 0;
    if (textSize == 0)
        return charactersAdded;
    //  If we're inserting at the end of a word and the selection does not begin with
    //  a space, insert a space before the insertion.
    if (!WhiteSpaceAtOffset(textOffset - 1, hTE) &&
         WhiteSpaceAtOffset(textOffset, hTE) &&
        TESetSelect(textOffset, textOffset, hTE);
        TEKey(' ', hTE);
    //  If we're inserting at the beginning of a word and the selection does not end
    //  with a space, insert a space after the insertion.
    if ( WhiteSpaceAtOffset(textOffset - 1, hTE) &&
        !WhiteSpaceAtOffset(textOffset, hTE) &&
        !WhiteSpace(theBuf[textSize - 1]))
        TESetSelect(textOffset, textOffset, hTE);
        TEKey(' ', hTE);
    // Before we insert this text, make sure we set the selection range to a single character.
    // This assures that we won't overwrite the text in the previous selection.
    TESetSelect(textOffset, textOffset, hTE);
    TEStyleInsert(theBuf, textSize, styleHand, hTE);
    return charactersAdded;
} // InsertTextAtOffset
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
OSErr TextDragTracking(WindowRef pWindow, void *pData, DragReference theDragRef, short message)
#pragma unused(pWindow)
    unsigned long   attributes;
    RgnHandle       hilightRgn;
    Point           localMouseLoc, dragMouseLoc;
    short           textOffset;
    long            theTime = TickCount();
    WindowDataPtr   theData = (WindowDataPtr) pData;
    GetDragAttributes(theDragRef, &attributes);
        case kDragTrackingEnterWindow:
            gCanAccept = IsOnlyThisFlavor(theDragRef, 'TEXT');
            gCaretTime   = theTime;
            gCaretOffset = gLastOffset = -1;
            gCaretShow   = true;
            gCursorInContent = false;
            gAutoScrollTicks = 0;
        case kDragTrackingInWindow:
            if (gCanAccept)
                GetDragMouse(theDragRef, &dragMouseLoc, 0L);
                localMouseLoc = dragMouseLoc;
                if (attributes & kDragInsideSenderWindow)
                    short deltaV = 0;
                    if ((localMouseLoc.v < 16) && (localMouseLoc.v > 0))
                        deltaV = theData->vScrollAmount;
                    if (localMouseLoc.v > GetWindowPort(pWindow)->portRect.bottom - 16)
                        deltaV = - theData->vScrollAmount;
                    if (deltaV == 0)
                        gAutoScrollTicks = 0;
                        if (gAutoScrollTicks == 0)
                            gAutoScrollTicks = theTime;
                            if (theTime - gAutoScrollTicks > 10)    // 10 ticks to start is what the H.I. doc says
                                // remove the drag-destination caret if it's showing
                                if (gCaretOffset != -1)
                                    DrawCaret(gCaretOffset, ((TextDataPtr) pData)->hTE);
                                    gCaretOffset = -1;
                                SetControlAndClipAmount(theData->vScroll, &deltaV);
                                if (deltaV != 0)
                                    DragPreScroll(theDragRef, 0, deltaV);
                                    DoScrollContent(pWindow, theData, 0, deltaV);
                                gAutoScrollTicks = theTime - 7; // let's wait 3 more ticks until next jump
                if (attributes & kDragHasLeftSenderWindow)
                    if (PtInRect(localMouseLoc, &(theData->contentRect)))
                        if (!gCursorInContent)
                            hilightRgn = NewRgn();
                            RectRgn(hilightRgn, &theData->contentRect);
                            ShowDragHilite(theDragRef, hilightRgn, true);                   
                        gCursorInContent = true;
                        if (gCursorInContent)
                            gCursorInContent = false;
            textOffset = HitTest(dragMouseLoc, ((TextDataPtr)pData)->hTE);
            //  If this application is the sender, do not allow tracking through
            //  the selection in the window that sourced the drag.
            if (attributes & kDragInsideSenderWindow)
                if ((textOffset >= (**((TextDataPtr)pData)->hTE).selStart) &&
                    (textOffset <= (**((TextDataPtr)pData)->hTE).selEnd))
                        textOffset = -1;
            gInsertPosition = textOffset;
            //  Reset the flashing counter if the offset has moved. This makes the
            //  caret blink only after the caret has stopped moving long enough.
            if (textOffset != gLastOffset)
                gCaretTime = theTime;
                gCaretShow = true;
            gLastOffset = textOffset;
            //  Flash the caret, blinky-blinky-blinky.
            if (theTime - gCaretTime > GetCaretTime())
                gCaretShow = !gCaretShow;
                gCaretTime = theTime;
            if (!gCaretShow)
                textOffset = -1;
            //  If the caret offset has changed, move the caret on the screen.
            if (textOffset != gCaretOffset)
                if (gCaretOffset != -1)
                    DrawCaret(gCaretOffset, ((TextDataPtr)pData)->hTE);
                if (textOffset != -1)
                    DrawCaret(textOffset, ((TextDataPtr)pData)->hTE);
            gCaretOffset = textOffset;
        case kDragTrackingLeaveWindow:
            //  If the caret is on the screen, remove it.
            if (gCaretOffset != -1)
                DrawCaret(gCaretOffset, ((TextDataPtr)pData)->hTE);
                gCaretOffset = -1;
            // Remove the window hilighting, if any.
            if ((gCursorInContent) && (attributes & kDragHasLeftSenderWindow))
        } // switch (message)
    return noErr;
} // TextDragTracking
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
OSErr TextDragReceive(WindowRef pWindow, void *pData, DragReference theDragRef)
    OSErr           error;
    unsigned short  items, index;
    DragAttributes  attributes;
    ItemReference   theItem;
    Ptr             textData;
    StScrpHandle    styleHand;
    Size            textSize, styleSize, totalTextSize;
    short           mouseDownModifiers, mouseUpModifiers, moveText, selStart, selEnd;
    long            totalTextStart;
    long            additionalChars;
    TEHandle        hTE;
    Boolean         wasActive;
    if ((!gCanAccept)  || (gInsertPosition == -1))
        return dragNotAcceptedErr;
    hTE = ((TextDataPtr) pData)->hTE;
    // We're going to try our best to insert some text, so first save off the beginning of where
    // we'll do it.
    totalTextStart = gInsertPosition;
    totalTextSize = 0L;
    // draw in this window, and activate the text editing record so that selections
    // happen properly
    SetPort((GrafPtr) GetWindowPort(pWindow));
    wasActive = (*hTE)->active != 0;    // can't test window == FrontWindow (might not be front app)
    if (!wasActive)
    GetDragAttributes(theDragRef, &attributes);
    GetDragModifiers(theDragRef, 0L, &mouseDownModifiers, &mouseUpModifiers);
    moveText = (attributes & kDragInsideSenderWindow) &&
               (!((mouseDownModifiers & optionKey) | (mouseUpModifiers & optionKey)));
    //  Loop through all of the drag items contained in this drag and snag all of the 'TEXT'.
    CountDragItems(theDragRef, &items);
    for (index = 1; index <= items; index++)
        //  Get the item's reference number, so we can refer to it.
        GetDragItemReferenceNumber(theDragRef, index, &theItem);
        //  Try to get the size for a 'TEXT' flavor. If this returns noErr,
        //  then we know that a 'TEXT' flavor exists in the item.
        error = GetFlavorDataSize(theDragRef, theItem, 'TEXT', &textSize);
        if (error == noErr)
            // If the current length, plus the drag data would make the document too large, say so.
            if (((*hTE)->teLength + textSize) > kMaxLength)
                return eDocumentTooLarge;
            textData = NewPtr(textSize);
            // If we couldn't get a chunk of memory for the text, bail.
            if(textData == 0L)
                return memFullErr;
            GetFlavorData(theDragRef, theItem, 'TEXT', textData, &textSize, 0);
            // Let's see if there is an optional 'styl' flavor.
            styleHand = 0L;
            error = GetFlavorDataSize(theDragRef, theItem, 'styl', &styleSize);
            // If there was no 'styl' data, or it somehow was zero in length, don't
            // attempt to insert it along with the text, 'cause we'd fail miserably.
            if ((error == noErr) && (styleSize != 0))
                styleHand = (StScrpHandle) NewHandle(styleSize);
                // If we couldn't get a chunk of memory for the styles, also bail.
                if (styleHand == 0L)
                    return memFullErr;
                HLock((Handle) styleHand);
                GetFlavorData(theDragRef, theItem, 'styl', *styleHand, &styleSize, 0L);
                HUnlock((Handle) styleHand);            
            //  If the caret or highlighting is on the screen, remove it/them.
            if (gCaretOffset != -1)
                DrawCaret(gCaretOffset, hTE);
                gCaretOffset = -1;
            if (attributes & kDragHasLeftSenderWindow)
            // save away any changes, so that we can undo them
            SaveCurrentUndoState(pData, cTypingCommand);
            // If this window is also the sender, delete the source selection text if the
            // option key is not being held down.
            if (moveText)
                selStart = (**hTE).selStart;
                selEnd   = (**hTE).selEnd;
                if ( WhiteSpaceAtOffset(selStart - 1, hTE) &&
                    !WhiteSpaceAtOffset(selStart,     hTE) &&
                    !WhiteSpaceAtOffset(selEnd - 1,   hTE) &&
                     WhiteSpaceAtOffset(selEnd,       hTE))
                     if (GetCharAtOffset(selEnd, hTE) == ' ')
                if (gInsertPosition > selStart)
                    selEnd = (**hTE).selEnd;
                    gInsertPosition -= (selEnd - selStart);
                    totalTextStart -= (selEnd - selStart);
            // We can finally insert the text and style data into our record.
            additionalChars = InsertTextAtOffset(gInsertPosition, textData, textSize, styleHand, hTE);
            // In case we're inserting multiple chunks of text, we need to update the location of where we
            // need to insert the next block.
            gInsertPosition += textSize + additionalChars;
            totalTextSize += textSize + additionalChars;
            if (styleHand)
                DisposeHandle((Handle) styleHand);
    // Select everything we've just inserted.
    TESetSelect(totalTextStart, totalTextStart + totalTextSize, hTE);
    AdjustTE(pData, false);
    AdjustScrollBars(pWindow, false, false, nil);
    ((WindowDataPtr) pData)->changed = true;
    // if we had to activate the edit record, deactivate it after we are all done
    if (!wasActive)
    return noErr;
} // TextDragReceive
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Boolean DragText(WindowRef pWindow, void *pData, EventRecord *pEvent, RgnHandle hilightRgn)
    Point           theLoc = {0,0};
    RgnHandle       dragRegion, tempRegion;
    DragReference   theDragRef;
    StScrpHandle    theStyleHand = 0L;
    OSErr           error;
    AEDesc          dropLocation;
    DragAttributes  attributes;
    short           mouseDownModifiers, mouseUpModifiers, copyText;
    //  Copy the hilight region into dragRegion and offset it into global coordinates.
    CopyRgn(hilightRgn, dragRegion = NewRgn());
    OffsetRgn(dragRegion, theLoc.h, theLoc.v);
    //  Wait for the mouse to move or the mouse button to be released. If the mouse button was
    //  released before the mouse moves, return false. Returing false from DragText means that
    //  a drag operation did not occur.
    if (!WaitMouseMoved(pEvent->where))
        return false;
    AddDragItemFlavor(theDragRef, 1, 'TEXT', GetSelectedTextPtr(((TextDataPtr)pData)->hTE), GetSelectionSize(((TextDataPtr)pData)->hTE), 0);
    theStyleHand = TEGetStyleScrapHandle(((TextDataPtr)pData)->hTE);
    // Just be a little paranoid and see if we did get a handle.
    if (theStyleHand)
        HLock((Handle) theStyleHand);
        AddDragItemFlavor(theDragRef, 1, 'styl', (Ptr) *theStyleHand, GetHandleSize((Handle) theStyleHand), 0);
        DisposeHandle((Handle) theStyleHand);
    //  Set the item's bounding rectangle in global coordinates.
    SetDragItemBounds(theDragRef, 1, &(**dragRegion).rgnBBox);
    //  Prepare the drag region.
    tempRegion = NewRgn();
    CopyRgn(dragRegion, tempRegion);
    InsetRgn(tempRegion, 1, 1);
    DiffRgn(dragRegion, tempRegion, dragRegion);
    //  Drag the text. TrackDrag will return userCanceledErr if the drop whooshed back for any reason.
    error = TrackDrag(theDragRef, pEvent, dragRegion);
    if ((error != noErr) && (error != userCanceledErr))
        return true;
    //  Check to see if the drop occurred in the Finder's Trash. If the drop occurred
    //  in the Finder's Trash and a copy operation wasn't specified, delete the
    //  source selection. Note that we can continute to get the attributes, drop location
    //  modifiers, etc. of the drag until we dispose of it using DisposeDrag.
    GetDragAttributes(theDragRef, &attributes);
    if (!(attributes & kDragInsideSenderApplication))
        GetDropLocation(theDragRef, &dropLocation);
        GetDragModifiers(theDragRef, 0L, &mouseDownModifiers, &mouseUpModifiers);
        copyText = (mouseDownModifiers | mouseUpModifiers) & optionKey;
        if ((!copyText) && (IsDropInFinderTrash(&dropLocation)))
            AdjustTE(pData, false);
            AdjustScrollBars(pWindow, false, false, nil);
            ((WindowDataPtr) pData)->changed = true;
    // Dispose of this drag, 'cause we're done.
    return true;
} // DragText