Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
File: ThreeDMetafile.c |
Contains: 3D viewer support for SimpleText |
Version: SimpleText 1.4 or later |
** Copyright 1994-1996 Apple Computer. All rights reserved. |
** |
** You may incorporate this sample code into your applications without |
** restriction, though the sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the |
** responsibility for its operation is 100% yours. However, what you are |
** not permitted to do is to redistribute the source as "DSC Sample Code" |
** after having made changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, |
** we require that you make it clear in the source that the code was |
** descended from Apple Sample Code, but that you've made changes. |
*/ |
#include "MacIncludes.h" |
#include <String.h> |
#include "ThreeDMetafile.h" |
static GlobalEntry gProcPointers[] = |
{ |
{uppViewerLibNewProcInfo, nil}, |
{uppViewerLibDisposeProcInfo, nil}, |
{uppViewerLibUseFileProcInfo, nil}, |
{uppViewerLibUseDataProcInfo, nil}, |
{uppViewerLibWriteFileProcInfo, nil}, |
{uppViewerLibWriteDataProcInfo, nil}, |
{uppViewerLibDrawProcInfo, nil}, |
{uppViewerLibGetPictProcInfo, nil}, |
{uppViewerLibGetButtonRectProcInfo, nil}, |
{uppViewerLibGetDimensionProcInfo, nil}, |
{uppViewerLibSetFlagsProcInfo, nil}, |
{uppViewerLibGetFlagsProcInfo, nil}, |
{uppViewerLibSetBoundsProcInfo, nil}, |
{uppViewerLibGetBoundsProcInfo, nil}, |
{uppViewerLibSetPortProcInfo, nil}, |
{uppViewerLibGetPortProcInfo, nil}, |
{uppViewerLibEventProcInfo, nil}, |
{uppViewerLibAdjustCursorProcInfo, nil}, |
{uppViewerLibGetStateProcInfo, nil}, |
{uppViewerLibClearProcInfo, nil}, |
{uppViewerLibCutProcInfo, nil}, |
{uppViewerLibCopyProcInfo, nil}, |
{uppViewerLibPasteProcInfo, nil} |
}; |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
/* rather than include the whole StdCLib, I'll just define it here */ |
static int strcmp(const char * str1, const char * str2) |
{ |
const unsigned char* p1 = (unsigned char *) str1; |
const unsigned char* p2 = (unsigned char *) str2; |
unsigned char c1, c2; |
while ((c1 = *p1++) == (c2 = *p2++)) |
if (!c1) |
return(0); |
return(c1 - c2); |
} |
static UniversalProcPtr MakeARoutineDescriptor(void *theProc, ProcInfoType theProcInfo) |
/* |
The Symantec compiler doesn't like jumping into staticly done routine descriptors, |
so we have to actually allocate them as pointers. Sigh. |
*/ |
{ |
RoutineDescriptor rd = BUILD_ROUTINE_DESCRIPTOR(0, nil); |
Ptr newPtr; |
rd.routineRecords[0].procInfo = theProcInfo; |
rd.routineRecords[0].procDescriptor = theProc; |
rd.routineRecords[0].ISA = kPowerPCISA + kPowerPCRTA; |
newPtr = NewPtrClear(sizeof(rd)); |
if (newPtr) |
BlockMove(&rd, newPtr, sizeof(rd)); |
return((UniversalProcPtr) newPtr); |
} // MakeARoutineDescriptor |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static void FillInEntryPoints(void) |
{ |
long result; |
if ( |
(Gestalt('qd3d', &result) == noErr) && |
(Gestalt('sysa', &result) == noErr) && (result == 2) |
) |
{ |
CFragSymbolClass symClass; |
CFragConnectionID connID; |
Ptr mainAddr; |
Str255 errName; |
long procID = 0; |
if (GetSharedLibrary("\pQD3DViewerLib", 'pwpc', 1, &connID, &mainAddr, errName) == noErr) |
{ |
FindSymbol(connID, "\pQ3ViewerNew", (Ptr*)&gProcPointers[procID++].entry, &symClass); |
FindSymbol(connID, "\pQ3ViewerDispose", (Ptr*)&gProcPointers[procID++].entry, &symClass); |
FindSymbol(connID, "\pQ3ViewerUseFile", (Ptr*)&gProcPointers[procID++].entry, &symClass); |
FindSymbol(connID, "\pQ3ViewerUseData", (Ptr*)&gProcPointers[procID++].entry, &symClass); |
FindSymbol(connID, "\pQ3ViewerWriteFile", (Ptr*)&gProcPointers[procID++].entry, &symClass); |
FindSymbol(connID, "\pQ3ViewerWriteData", (Ptr*)&gProcPointers[procID++].entry, &symClass); |
FindSymbol(connID, "\pQ3ViewerDraw", (Ptr*)&gProcPointers[procID++].entry, &symClass); |
FindSymbol(connID, "\pQ3ViewerGetPict", (Ptr*)&gProcPointers[procID++].entry, &symClass); |
FindSymbol(connID, "\pQ3ViewerGetButtonRect", (Ptr*)&gProcPointers[procID++].entry, &symClass); |
FindSymbol(connID, "\pQ3ViewerGetDimension", (Ptr*)&gProcPointers[procID++].entry, &symClass); |
FindSymbol(connID, "\pQ3ViewerSetFlags", (Ptr*)&gProcPointers[procID++].entry, &symClass); |
FindSymbol(connID, "\pQ3ViewerGetFlags", (Ptr*)&gProcPointers[procID++].entry, &symClass); |
FindSymbol(connID, "\pQ3ViewerSetBounds", (Ptr*)&gProcPointers[procID++].entry, &symClass); |
FindSymbol(connID, "\pQ3ViewerGetBounds", (Ptr*)&gProcPointers[procID++].entry, &symClass); |
FindSymbol(connID, "\pQ3ViewerSetPort", (Ptr*)&gProcPointers[procID++].entry, &symClass); |
FindSymbol(connID, "\pQ3ViewerGetPort", (Ptr*)&gProcPointers[procID++].entry, &symClass); |
FindSymbol(connID, "\pQ3ViewerEvent", (Ptr*)&gProcPointers[procID++].entry, &symClass); |
FindSymbol(connID, "\pQ3ViewerAdjustCursor", (Ptr*)&gProcPointers[procID++].entry, &symClass); |
FindSymbol(connID, "\pQ3ViewerGetState", (Ptr*)&gProcPointers[procID++].entry, &symClass); |
FindSymbol(connID, "\pQ3ViewerClear", (Ptr*)&gProcPointers[procID++].entry, &symClass); |
FindSymbol(connID, "\pQ3ViewerCut", (Ptr*)&gProcPointers[procID++].entry, &symClass); |
FindSymbol(connID, "\pQ3ViewerCopy", (Ptr*)&gProcPointers[procID++].entry, &symClass); |
FindSymbol(connID, "\pQ3ViewerPaste", (Ptr*)&gProcPointers[procID++].entry, &symClass); |
} |
// build the routine descriptors |
{ |
short i; |
for (i = 0; i < procID; ++i) |
gProcPointers[i].entry = MakeARoutineDescriptor(gProcPointers[i].entry, gProcPointers[i].info); |
} |
// as long as it isn't NIL, we're OK |
if (gProcPointers[0].entry) |
gMachineInfo.haveThreeD = true; |
} |
} // FillInEntryPoints |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static OSErr ThreeDCloseWindow( |
WindowRef pWindow, |
WindowDataPtr pData) |
{ |
#pragma unused (pWindow) |
ViewerLib_Dispose( ((ThreeDDataPtr)pData)->viewerObject); |
return(noErr); |
} // ThreeDCloseWindow |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static OSErr ThreeDGetBalloon( |
WindowRef pWindow, |
WindowDataPtr pData, |
Point *localMouse, |
short * returnedBalloonIndex, |
Rect *returnedRectangle) |
{ |
#pragma unused (pWindow, pData, localMouse, returnedBalloonIndex, returnedRectangle) |
*returnedBalloonIndex = iDidTheBalloon; |
return(noErr); |
} // ThreeDGetBalloon |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static Boolean ThreeDFilterEvent( |
WindowRef pWindow, |
WindowDataPtr pData, |
EventRecord *pEvent) |
{ |
#pragma unused (pWindow) |
if (pEvent->what == activateEvt) |
{ |
if (pEvent->modifiers & activeFlag) |
ViewerLib_SetFlags(((ThreeDDataPtr)pData)->viewerObject, ViewerLib_GetFlags(((ThreeDDataPtr)pData)->viewerObject) | kQ3ViewerActive); |
else |
ViewerLib_SetFlags(((ThreeDDataPtr)pData)->viewerObject, ViewerLib_GetFlags(((ThreeDDataPtr)pData)->viewerObject) & ~kQ3ViewerActive); |
} |
return((Boolean)ViewerLib_Event (((ThreeDDataPtr)pData)->viewerObject, pEvent)); |
} // ThreeDFilterEvent |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static OSErr ThreeDAdjustCursor(WindowRef pWindow, WindowDataPtr pData, Point *localMouse, Rect *globalRect) |
{ |
#pragma unused (pWindow, globalRect) |
OSErr anErr = noErr; |
ViewerLib_AdjustCursor(((ThreeDDataPtr)pData)->viewerObject, localMouse); |
return(eActionAlreadyHandled); |
} // ThreeDAdjustCursor |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static OSErr ThreeDGetCoachRectangle(WindowRef pWindow, WindowDataPtr pData, Rect *pRect, Ptr name) |
{ |
#pragma unused (pWindow) |
OSErr anErr = fnfErr; |
if (strcmp(name, "Camera") == 0) |
anErr = ViewerLib_GetButtonRect(((ThreeDDataPtr)pData)->viewerObject, kQ3ViewerButtonCamera, pRect); |
if (strcmp(name, "Truck") == 0) |
anErr = ViewerLib_GetButtonRect(((ThreeDDataPtr)pData)->viewerObject, kQ3ViewerButtonTruck, pRect); |
if (strcmp(name, "Orbit") == 0) |
anErr = ViewerLib_GetButtonRect(((ThreeDDataPtr)pData)->viewerObject, kQ3ViewerButtonOrbit, pRect); |
if (strcmp(name, "Zoom") == 0) |
anErr = ViewerLib_GetButtonRect(((ThreeDDataPtr)pData)->viewerObject, kQ3ViewerButtonZoom, pRect); |
if (strcmp(name, "Dolly") == 0) |
anErr = ViewerLib_GetButtonRect(((ThreeDDataPtr)pData)->viewerObject, kQ3ViewerButtonDolly, pRect); |
return(anErr); |
} // ThreeDGetCoachRectangle |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
void ThreeDGetFileTypes( |
OSType * pFileTypes, |
OSType * pDocumentTypes, |
short * numTypes) |
{ |
if (!gMachineInfo.haveThreeD) |
FillInEntryPoints(); |
if (gMachineInfo.haveThreeD) |
{ |
pFileTypes[*numTypes] = '3DMF'; |
pDocumentTypes[*numTypes] = kThreeDWindow; |
(*numTypes)++; |
} |
} // ThreeDGetFileTypes |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static OSErr ThreeDUpdateWindow(WindowRef pWindow, WindowDataPtr pData) |
{ |
#pragma unused (pWindow) |
ViewerLib_Draw(((ThreeDDataPtr)pData)->viewerObject); |
return(noErr); |
} // ThreeDUpdateWindow |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static OSErr ThreeDAdjustMenus(WindowRef pWindow, WindowDataPtr pData) |
{ |
#pragma unused (pWindow) |
OSErr anErr = noErr; |
if (ViewerLib_GetState(((ThreeDDataPtr)pData)->viewerObject) ) |
EnableCommand(cCopy); |
return(anErr); |
} // ThreeDAdjustMenus |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static OSErr ThreeDCommand(WindowRef pWindow, WindowDataPtr pData, short commandID, long menuResult) |
{ |
#pragma unused (menuResult) |
OSErr anErr = noErr; |
ViewerObject theViewer = ((ThreeDDataPtr)pData)->viewerObject; |
SetPort((GrafPtr) GetWindowPort(pWindow)); |
switch (commandID) |
{ |
case cCopy: |
anErr = ViewerLib_Copy(theViewer); |
if (anErr == noErr) |
anErr = eActionAlreadyHandled; |
break; |
} // switch (commandID) |
return(anErr); |
} // ThreeDCommand |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static OSErr ThreeDMakeWindow( |
WindowRef pWindow, |
WindowDataPtr pData) |
{ |
OSErr anErr = noErr; |
ViewerObject viewerObj; |
pData->pCloseWindow = (CloseWindowProc) ThreeDCloseWindow; |
pData->pFilterEvent = (FilterEventProc) ThreeDFilterEvent; |
pData->pGetBalloon = (GetBalloonProc) ThreeDGetBalloon; |
pData->pUpdateWindow = (UpdateWindowProc) ThreeDUpdateWindow; |
pData->pAdjustMenus = (AdjustMenusProc) ThreeDAdjustMenus; |
pData->pCommand = (CommandProc) ThreeDCommand; |
pData->pAdjustCursor = (AdjustCursorProc) ThreeDAdjustCursor; |
pData->pGetCoachRectangle = (GetCoachRectangleProc) ThreeDGetCoachRectangle; |
pData->dragWindowAligned = 0; |
viewerObj = ViewerLib_New((CGrafPtr )pWindow, &pData->contentRect, kQ3ViewerDefault | kQ3ViewerDraggingOff); |
if (viewerObj == 0) |
{ |
anErr = memFullErr; |
} |
else |
{ |
anErr = ViewerLib_UseFile(viewerObj, pData->dataRefNum); |
if (anErr == noErr) |
((ThreeDDataPtr)pData)->viewerObject = viewerObj; |
else |
ViewerLib_Dispose(viewerObj); |
} |
return(anErr); |
} // ThreeDMakeWindow |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
OSErr ThreeDPreflightWindow(PreflightPtr pPreflightData) |
{ |
pPreflightData->continueWithOpen = true; |
pPreflightData->makeProcPtr = ThreeDMakeWindow; |
pPreflightData->resourceID = kThreeDWindowID; |
pPreflightData->storageSize = sizeof(ThreeDDataRecord); |
return(noErr); |
} // ThreeDPreflightWindow |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-03-26