
    Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    This is the Recents Manager and handles saving the recents list as it changes as well as notifies the delegate when recents are deleted / modified in a way that requires the UI to be refreshed.
import Foundation
    The delegate protocol implemented by the object that receives our results.
    We pass the updated list of results as well as a set of animations.
protocol RecentModelObjectsManagerDelegate: class {
    func recentsManagerResultsDidChange(results: [RecentModelObject], animations: [DocumentBrowserAnimation])
    The `RecentModelObjectsManager` manages our list of recents.  It receives
    notifications from the recents as a RecentModelObjectDelegate and computes
    animations from the notifications which is submits to it's delegate.
class RecentModelObjectsManager: RecentModelObjectDelegate {
    // MARK: - Properties
    var recentModelObjects = [RecentModelObject]()
    static let maxRecentModelObjectCount = 3
    static let recentsKey = "recents"
    private let workerQueue: NSOperationQueue = {
        let coordinationQueue = NSOperationQueue()
        = ""
        coordinationQueue.maxConcurrentOperationCount = 1
        return coordinationQueue
    weak var delegate: RecentModelObjectsManagerDelegate? {
        didSet {
                If we already have results, we send them to the delegate as an
                initial update.
            delegate?.recentsManagerResultsDidChange(recentModelObjects, animations: [.Reload])
    // MARK: - Initialization
    init() {
    deinit {
        // Be sure we are no longer listening for file presenter notifications.
        for recent in recentModelObjects {
    // MARK: - Recent Saving / Loading
    private func loadRecents() {
        workerQueue.addOperationWithBlock {
            let defaults = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()
            guard let loadedRecentData = defaults.objectForKey(RecentModelObjectsManager.recentsKey) as? [NSData] else {
            let loadedRecents = loadedRecentData.flatMap { recentModelObjectData in
                return NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObjectWithData(recentModelObjectData) as? RecentModelObject
            // Remove any existing recents we may have already stored in memory.
            for recent in self.recentModelObjects {
                Add all newly loaded recents to the recents set and register for
                `NSFilePresenter` notifications on all of them.
            for recent in loadedRecents {
                recent.delegate = self
            self.recentModelObjects = loadedRecents
            // Check if the bookmark data is stale and resave the recents if it is.
            for recent in loadedRecents {
                if recent.bookmarkDataNeedsSave {
            NSOperationQueue.mainQueue().addOperationWithBlock {
                // Notify our delegate that the initial recents were loaded.
                self.delegate?.recentsManagerResultsDidChange(self.recentModelObjects, animations: [.Reload])
    private func saveRecents() {
        let recentModels = { recentModelObject in
            return NSKeyedArchiver.archivedDataWithRootObject(recentModelObject)
        NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().setObject(recentModels, forKey: RecentModelObjectsManager.recentsKey)
    // MARK: - Recent List Management
    private func removeRecentModelObject(recent: RecentModelObject) {
        // Remove the file presenter so we stop getting notifications on the removed recent.
            Remove the recent from the array and save the recents array to disk
            so they will reflect the correct state when the app is relaunched.
        guard let index = recentModelObjects.indexOf(recent) else { return }
    func addURLToRecents(URL: NSURL) {
        workerQueue.addOperationWithBlock {
            // Add the recent to the recents manager.
            guard let recent = RecentModelObject(URL: URL) else { return }
            var animations = [DocumentBrowserAnimation]()
            if let index = self.recentModelObjects.indexOf(recent) {
                if index != 0 {
                    animations += [.Move(fromIndex: index, toIndex: 0)]
            else {
                recent.delegate = self
                animations += [.Add(index: 0)]
            self.recentModelObjects.insert(recent, atIndex: 0)
            // Prune down the recent documents if there are too many.
            while self.recentModelObjects.count > RecentModelObjectsManager.maxRecentModelObjectCount {
                animations += [.Delete(index: self.recentModelObjects.count - 1)]
            NSOperationQueue.mainQueue().addOperationWithBlock {
                self.delegate?.recentsManagerResultsDidChange(self.recentModelObjects, animations: animations)
    // MARK: - RecentModelObjectDelegate
    func recentWasDeleted(recent: RecentModelObject) {
        self.workerQueue.addOperationWithBlock {
            guard let index = self.recentModelObjects.indexOf(recent) else { return }
            NSOperationQueue.mainQueue().addOperationWithBlock {
                self.delegate?.recentsManagerResultsDidChange(self.recentModelObjects, animations: [
                    .Delete(index: index)
    func recentNeedsReload(recent: RecentModelObject) {
        self.workerQueue.addOperationWithBlock {
            guard let index = self.recentModelObjects.indexOf(recent) else { return }
            NSOperationQueue.mainQueue().addOperationWithBlock {
                self.delegate?.recentsManagerResultsDidChange(self.recentModelObjects, animations: [
                    .Update(index: index)