Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
File: Sheets.c |
Contains: A sample on how to create sheets. |
Written by: Karl Groethe |
Copyright: Copyright © 2000 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved. |
You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without |
restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the |
responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute |
this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made |
changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make |
it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source |
code, but that you've made changes. |
Change History (most recent first): |
6/28/00 created |
7/27/00 added nib sheet support |
*/ |
#include <Carbon/Carbon.h> |
#include <unistd.h> |
pascal OSStatus myWindowCloseHandler( EventHandlerCallRef inRef, |
EventRef inEvent, |
void* userData); |
pascal OSStatus mySheetHandler( EventHandlerCallRef inRef, |
EventRef inEvent, |
void* userData); |
void newStdSheetWindow(WindowRef parent); |
void newNibSheetWindow(WindowRef parent); |
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) |
{ |
IBNibRef nibRef; |
WindowRef StdSheetWindow,NibSheetWindow; |
static EventTypeSpec closeEvent={kEventClassWindow,kEventWindowClose}; |
/*setup interface from nib file*/ |
CreateNibReference(CFSTR("Main"), &nibRef); |
SetMenuBarFromNib(nibRef, CFSTR("MainMenu")); |
CreateWindowFromNib(nibRef, CFSTR("StdSheetWindow"), &StdSheetWindow); |
CreateWindowFromNib(nibRef, CFSTR("NibSheetWindow"), &NibSheetWindow); |
DisposeNibReference(nibRef); |
/*install event handler for window to handle close box */ |
InstallWindowEventHandler( StdSheetWindow, |
NewEventHandlerUPP(myWindowCloseHandler), |
1,&closeEvent,0,NULL); |
InstallWindowEventHandler( NibSheetWindow, |
NewEventHandlerUPP(myWindowCloseHandler), |
1,&closeEvent,0,NULL); |
ShowWindow(StdSheetWindow); |
ShowWindow(NibSheetWindow); |
RunApplicationEventLoop(); |
return 0; |
} |
pascal OSStatus myWindowCloseHandler( EventHandlerCallRef inRef, |
EventRef inEvent, |
void* userData) |
{ |
/*------------------------------------------------------ |
A simple handler for close window events |
--------------------------------------------------------*/ |
WindowRef window; |
CFStringRef windowTitle; |
//get window |
GetEventParameter(inEvent,kEventParamDirectObject,typeWindowRef,NULL,sizeof(WindowRef),NULL,&window); |
//make a sheet for window |
CopyWindowTitleAsCFString(window,&windowTitle); |
if(!CFStringCompare(windowTitle,CFSTR("StdSheetWindow"),0)) |
newStdSheetWindow(window); |
else if(!CFStringCompare(windowTitle,CFSTR("NibSheetWindow"),0)) |
newNibSheetWindow(window); |
return noErr; |
} |
void newStdSheetWindow(WindowRef parent) |
{ |
/*------------------------------------------------------ |
Create a Standard Sheet |
--------------------------------------------------------*/ |
DialogRef sheet=NULL; |
static EventTypeSpec controlEvent={kEventClassControl,kEventControlHit}; |
AlertStdCFStringAlertParamRec alertParams; |
GetStandardAlertDefaultParams(&alertParams,kStdCFStringAlertVersionOne); |
//setup the default button |
alertParams.defaultText=(CFStringRef)kAlertDefaultOKText; |
alertParams.defaultButton=kAlertStdAlertOKButton; |
//setup the cancel button |
alertParams.cancelText=(CFStringRef)kAlertDefaultCancelText; |
alertParams.cancelButton=kAlertStdAlertCancelButton; |
CreateStandardSheet(kAlertPlainAlert, |
CFSTR("This is an example of a Standard Sheet"), |
CFSTR("(extra text goes here)"),&alertParams, |
GetWindowEventTarget(parent),&sheet); |
//Install event handler for controls in sheet |
InstallWindowEventHandler(GetDialogWindow(sheet), |
NewEventHandlerUPP(mySheetHandler), |
1,&controlEvent,0,NULL); |
ShowSheetWindow(GetDialogWindow(sheet),parent); |
} |
void newNibSheetWindow(WindowRef parent) |
{ |
/*------------------------------------------------------ |
Create a sheet from a nib file |
--------------------------------------------------------*/ |
static EventTypeSpec controlEvent={kEventClassControl,kEventControlHit}; |
IBNibRef nibRef; |
WindowRef wind=NULL; |
CreateNibReference(CFSTR("Sheet"), &nibRef); |
CreateWindowFromNib(nibRef, CFSTR("Sheet"), &wind); |
DisposeNibReference(nibRef); |
InstallWindowEventHandler( wind, |
NewEventHandlerUPP(mySheetHandler), |
1,&controlEvent,0,NULL); |
ShowSheetWindow(wind,parent); |
} |
pascal OSStatus mySheetHandler( EventHandlerCallRef inRef, |
EventRef inEvent, |
void* userData) |
{ |
/*------------------------------------------------------ |
Carbon Event handler to handle our sheet window |
--------------------------------------------------------*/ |
ControlRef control; |
UInt32 cmd; |
WindowRef sheet; |
WindowRef parent; |
//get control hit by event |
GetEventParameter(inEvent,kEventParamDirectObject,typeControlRef,NULL,sizeof(ControlRef),NULL,&control); |
//get the command for that control |
GetControlCommandID(control,&cmd); |
sheet=GetControlOwner(control); |
GetSheetWindowParent(sheet,&parent); |
//close the sheet no matter what |
HideSheetWindow(sheet); |
DisposeWindow(sheet); |
sleep(1); |
switch(cmd){ |
case kHICommandCancel: |
break; |
case kHICommandOK://ok button clicked so close window |
HideWindow(parent); |
DisposeWindow(parent); |
break; |
} |
return noErr; |
} |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-10-24