
    File:       WindStuff.c
    Contains:   Window handling routines.
    Written by: Jason Hodges-Harris & Don Swatman   
    Copyright:  Copyright © 1995-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
                You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without
                restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the
                responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute
                this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made
                changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make
                it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source
                code, but that you've made changes.
    Change History (most recent first):
                8/17/1999   Karl Groethe    Updated for Metrowerks Codewarror Pro 2.1
#include <Dialogs.h>
#include "WindStuff.h"
#include "MenuStuff.h"
#include "MovieStuff.h"
//  Globals                                     
WindowPtr gTheWinds[kMaxWindows];  // holds the list of windows
Boolean   gDone;                   // Set to true to make the program quit
//  AboutBox                                   
// This draws the about box. It also shows how to
// use the tool box to draw a default box around
// the OK box
void AboutBox(void)
  GrafPtr   savePort = nil;
    DialogPtr aboutDialog;
    ModalFilterUPP theFilter = nil;
    short     itemHit = 0;   // dialog item we've clicked on
// Get the dialog box resource
    aboutDialog = GetNewDialog(9041, nil, (WindowPtr) -1 );
  SetPort( aboutDialog );
    ShowWindow( aboutDialog );
// Get the standard filter proc
  if (GetStdFilterProc(&theFilter) != noErr)
    DebugStr("\pFailed to get standard dialog filter.");
// Set item 1 - <OK> to have a default box around it
// Modal dialog loop    
do  {
// Use "theFilter" in ModalDialog call
    } while (itemHit != 1);
//  Gemeral Window handling Stuff
//  GetWindowNum
// Gets the number of a window in the list from
// it's WindowPtr
short GetWindowNum ( WindowPtr pWindow )
    short windCount;
    short foundWind = -1;
    if (pWindow)
        for (windCount=0; (windCount < kMaxWindows) && (foundWind == -1); windCount++)
            if (gTheWinds[windCount] == pWindow)
                foundWind = windCount;
    return ( foundWind);
//  IsOurWindow
// Find out if this is one of our window
Boolean IsOurWindow ( WindowPtr pWindow )
    return ( GetWindowNum(pWindow) != -1 );
// IsFreeWind
// Find out if we can add "howManyNeeded" more windows
//   and return a number to the first free
Boolean IsFreeWind( short *newWindNum, short howManyNeeded )
    short windCount;   // Current window list entry we're looking at
    short leftToFind;  // How many more windows we need to find
    leftToFind  = howManyNeeded;
    *newWindNum = -1;
    for (windCount=0; (windCount < kMaxWindows) && (leftToFind != 0 ); windCount++)
        if (gTheWinds[windCount] == nil)
                if (*newWindNum == -1 )
                    *newWindNum = windCount;
    return(leftToFind == 0);
//  CloseOurWindow
// Close a window pointed to by "pWindow"
// Also if the window is a master movie, then 
// recursively close it's slave window
void CloseOurWindow ( short windNum )
    short     slaveWindNum = -1;   // slave window num
    WindowPtr pSlaveWindow = nil;  // slave WindowPtr
    if (gTheWinds[windNum])                   // Check it's not nil
        if (IsOurWindow(gTheWinds[windNum]))    // Check it's ours
            CloseMovieWindow( gTheWinds[windNum],
                                                &pSlaveWindow );    // kills all the movie stuff
            DisposeWindow(gTheWinds[windNum]);    // dispose of the window
            gTheWinds[windNum] = nil;             // Return nil in pWindow          
            DoAdjustMenus();                        // update the menus
// Recursively remove the window's slave
            if (pSlaveWindow)
                slaveWindNum = GetWindowNum ( pSlaveWindow );
                if (slaveWindNum != -1 )
                    CloseOurWindow ( slaveWindNum );
//   CloseAllWindows
//  Scans down the window list and closes each
//  of the windows
void CloseAllWindows(void)
    short windCount;
    for (windCount = 0; windCount < kMaxWindows; windCount++)
        if (gTheWinds[windCount] != nil)
            CloseOurWindow( windCount );
// DoWindUpdate
// Updates a window
void    DoWindUpdate ( WindowPtr pWindow )
    if (IsOurWindow(pWindow))
        BeginUpdate (pWindow);
// update the movie window
        UpdateMovieWindow ( pWindow );
        EndUpdate (pWindow);
//  DragSelWind
// Handles a click in the drag area of a window
// and drags selected window around desktop
void DragSelWind( WindowPtr window,
                                    Point     mouseLoc)
    Rect    dragBounds;
    dragBounds = (**GetGrayRgn()).rgnBBox;   // Get the rect the window can be dragged around
    DragWindow(window,mouseLoc,&dragBounds); // Now Drag it
//  DoGoAwayWind
// Handles mouse down event in the go away box
// and closes the window if neccessary
void DoGoAwayWind ( WindowPtr pWindow,
                                        Point     mouseLoc)
    short windNum;
    if (TrackGoAway(pWindow,mouseLoc))
        if (pWindow)
            windNum = GetWindowNum ( pWindow );
            if (windNum != -1 )
                CloseOurWindow( windNum );
//   CreateWindow
// Create an empty window,
//   but doesn't show it just yet
void CreateWindow ( short windNum, Str255 theTitle, WindowPtr pWindowBehind )
    Rect  windRect;      // Initial window size
    short diagOffset;    // offset from top left of window
// Calculate where we want to put the window and give it an initial size of 50,50
    diagOffset = 50 * windNum;
    SetRect( &windRect, 50,50,100,100 );
    OffsetRect ( &windRect, diagOffset, diagOffset );
    gTheWinds[windNum] = (WindowPtr) NewCWindow ( nil,            // Create Storage
                                                                                                &windRect,      // Rect to put the window in
                                                                                                theTitle,       // Windows Title
                                                                                                false,          // Not Visible
                                                                                                noGrowDocProc,  // Ordinary window without grow box
                                                                                                pWindowBehind,  // Window this one behind
                                                                                                true,           // Has Go away box
                                                                                                0 );            // no Refcon (we'll use this later)
                                                                                                                //    to store movie info