                                P R O J E C T   I N F O
    Project Name:   Simon
       File Name:   FLOC.c
     Description:   Contains C code specific to the localization code resource
                    of a simple file transfer tool.
                        Copyright © 1992 Apple Computer, Inc.
                        All rights reserved.
                            A U T H O R   I D E N T I T Y
    Initials    Name
    --------    -----------------------------------------------
    CH          Craig Hotchkiss
                            R E V I S I O N   H I S T O R Y
    Change History (most recent first):
         <0>      5/8/92    CH      Creation date
                                STANDARD Mac HEADERS 
    #pragma load DUMPFILENAME
    #define DoNotDump   1
    #include Load.c
    Procedure:  FLOC
pascal      long        FLOC( FTHandle toolHandle, short message, 
                                long p1, long p2, long p3 )
    long            retValue = ftNotSupported;
    #if Debugging == 1
        #if DefaultDebug == 1
            Str255          tempString;
#pragma unused ( p1, p2, p3 )
    (**toolHandle).errCode = noErr;
    switch ( message ) {
        case ftL2English:
                /*      *********************
                        Parameter Definitions
                    p1:     Ptr                 inputPtr
                    p2:     Ptr                 outputPtr - gets changed
                    p3:     short               fromLanguage
                    returns:    FTErr in the form of a long indicating any failure.
            #if Debugging == 1
                #if ShowMessage == 1
                    DebugStr( "\p FLOC/ftL2English received.;g" );
        case ftL2Intl:
                /*      *********************
                        Parameter Definitions
                    p1:     Ptr                 inputPtr
                    p2:     Ptr                 outputPtr - gets changed
                    p3:     short               toLanguage
                    returns:    FTErr in the form of a long indicating any failure.
            #if Debugging == 1
                #if ShowMessage == 1
                    DebugStr( "\p FLOC/ftL2Intl received.;g" );
            #if Debugging == 1
                #if DefaultDebug == 1
                    DebugStr( "\p FLOC - Did not understand message -- ;g" );
                    NumToString( (long) message, tempString );
                    DebugStr( tempString );
    } /* message switch */
    return ( retValue );
} /*FLOC*/