
                                P R O J E C T   I N F O
    Project Name:   Simon
       File Name:   Validation.c
     Description:   Contains C code specific to the validation code resource
                    of a simple file transfer tool.
                        Copyright © 1992 Apple Computer, Inc.
                        All rights reserved.
                            A U T H O R   I D E N T I T Y
    Initials    Name
    --------    -----------------------------------------------
    CH          Craig Hotchkiss
                            R E V I S I O N   H I S T O R Y
    Change History (most recent first):
         <0>      5/8/92    CH      Creation date
                                STANDARD Mac HEADERS 
    #pragma load DUMPFILENAME
    #define DoNotDump   1
    #include Load.c
                                Other dependent HEADERs
#ifndef __VALIDATION__
    #include "Validation.h"
#ifndef __CONSTANTS__
    #include "Constants.h"
#ifndef __GLOBALS__
    #include "Globals.h"
*   Procedure:  MakeTempResourceFile
*   Purpose:    Creates temporary files
*   Passed:     theReply:       a ptr to a sfreply record
*               theFileSpec:    a ptr to the FSSpec record
*   Returns:    An OSErr indicating nature of the failure
OSErr       MakeTempResourceFile( FSSpec* spec)
    OSErr               retValue = noErr;
    short               tempVRefNum;
    long                tempDirID;
    unsigned long       seconds;
    Str255              tempFileName;
    #if Debugging == 1
        #if OSErrDebug == 1
            Str255          tempString;
    GetDateTime( &seconds );
    NumToString( (long) seconds, tempFileName );
    if ( noErr == ( retValue = FindFolder(  
                                &tempDirID ) ) ) {
        if ( fnfErr == ( retValue = FSMakeFSSpec(
                                    spec ) ) ) {
            FSpCreateResFile( spec, '????', 'pref', smSystemScript );
            if ( noErr == ( retValue = ResError() ) ) {
            } else {
                #if Debugging == 1
                    #if OSErrDebug == 1
                        DebugStr( "\p OSErr at MakeTempFile/FSpCreateResFile" );
                        NumToString( (long) retValue, tempString );
                        DebugStr( tempString );
        } else {
            if ( noErr != retValue ) {
                #if Debugging == 1
                    #if OSErrDebug == 1
                        DebugStr( "\p OSErr at MakeTempFile/FSMakeFSSpec" );
                        NumToString( (long) retValue, tempString );
                        DebugStr( tempString );
    } else {
        #if Debugging == 1
            #if OSErrDebug == 1
                DebugStr( "\p OSErr at MakeTempFile/FindFolder" );
                NumToString( (long) retValue, tempString );
                DebugStr( tempString );
    return ( retValue );
} /*MakeTempResourceFile*/
    Procedure:  PrefsExists
Boolean     PrefsExists( FSSpec* spec, Str32 fileName )
    Boolean                 retValue = true;
    OSErr                   osResult = noErr;
    short                   fileVRefNum;
    long                    fileDirID;
    #if Debugging == 1
        #if OSErrDebug == 1
            Str255          tempString;
    if ( noErr == ( osResult = FindFolder(  
                                &fileDirID ) ) ) {
        if ( fnfErr == ( osResult = FSMakeFSSpec(
                                    spec ) ) ) {
                /* we now know the file exists */
            retValue = false;
        } else {
            if ( noErr != osResult ) {
                #if Debugging == 1
                    #if OSErrDebug == 1
                        DebugStr( "\p OSErr at PrefsExists/FSMakeFSSpec" );
                        NumToString( (long) osResult, tempString );
                        DebugStr( tempString );
    } else {
        #if Debugging == 1
            #if OSErrDebug == 1
                DebugStr( "\p OSErr at PrefsExists/FindFolder" );
                NumToString( (long) osResult, tempString );
                DebugStr( tempString );
    return ( retValue );
} /*PrefsExists*/
    Procedure:  MakeTempPrefsFile
OSErr       MakeTempPrefsFile( FSSpec* tempSpec, short toolRefNum )
    OSErr                   retValue = noErr;
    short                   savedResFile = CurResFile(), 
    Handle                  tempHandle;
    OSType                  typeArray[] = {
    short                   idArray[] = {
    Str255                  resNameArray[] = {
                                "\pDefault configuration data", 
                                "\pWindow Font Information"
    #if Debugging == 1
        #if OSErrDebug == 1
            Str255          tempString;
    #if Debugging == 1
        #if PrefsDebug == 1
            DebugStr( "\p Entering MakeTempPrefsFile.;g" );
    if ( noErr == ( retValue = MakeTempResourceFile( tempSpec ) ) ) {
        #if Debugging == 1
            #if PrefsDebug == 1
                DebugStr( "\p Made it through MakeTempResourceFile.;g" );
        if ( ( -1 ) != ( tempRefNum = FSpOpenResFile( tempSpec, fsCurPerm ) ) ) {
            #if Debugging == 1
                #if PrefsDebug == 1
                    DebugStr( "\p FSpOpenResFile on tempSpec.;g" );
            for ( i = 0; i < ( sizeof( typeArray ) / 4 ); ++i ) {
                    /* set the current resource file to be the tool */
                UseResFile( toolRefNum );
                if ( nil != ( tempHandle = Get1Resource( typeArray[ i ], idArray[ i ] ) ) ) {
                    HLock( tempHandle );
                    HNoPurge( tempHandle );
                    DetachResource( tempHandle );
                    if ( noErr == ( retValue = ResError() ) ) {
                        UseResFile( tempRefNum );
                        AddResource( tempHandle, typeArray[ i ], idArray[ i ], resNameArray[ i ] );
                        if ( noErr == ( retValue = ResError() ) ) {
                            HPurge( tempHandle );
                            HUnlock( tempHandle );
                            UpdateResFile( tempRefNum );
                            if ( noErr == ( retValue = ResError() ) ) {
                                ReleaseResource( tempHandle );
                                #if Debugging == 1
                                    #if PrefsDebug == 1
                                        DebugStr( "\p UpdateResFile on tempfile.;g" );
                            } else {
                                #if Debugging == 1
                                    #if OSErrDebug == 1
                                        DebugStr( "\p ResError at MakeTempPrefsFile/UpdateResFile.;g" );
                                        NumToString( (long) retValue, tempString );
                                        DebugStr( tempString );
                        } else {
                            #if Debugging == 1
                                #if OSErrDebug == 1
                                    DebugStr( "\p ResError at MakeTempPrefsFile/AddResource.;g" );
                                    NumToString( (long) retValue, tempString );
                                    DebugStr( tempString );
                    } else {
                        #if Debugging == 1
                            #if OSErrDebug == 1
                                DebugStr( "\p ResError at MakeTempPrefsFile/DetachResource.;g" );
                                NumToString( (long) retValue, tempString );
                                DebugStr( tempString );
                } else {
                    retValue = ResError();
                    #if Debugging == 1
                        #if OSErrDebug == 1
                            DebugStr( "\p ResError at MakeTempPrefsFile/Get1Resource.;g" );
                            NumToString( (long) retValue, tempString );
                            DebugStr( tempString );
            } /* for each resource */
            if ( noErr == ( retValue = FSClose( tempRefNum ) ) ) {
            } else {
                #if Debugging == 1
                    #if OSErrDebug == 1
                        DebugStr( "\p OSErr at MakeTempPrefsFile/FSClose.;g" );
                        NumToString( (long) retValue, tempString );
                        DebugStr( tempString );
        } else {
            #if Debugging == 1
                #if OSErrDebug == 1
                    retValue = ResError();
                    DebugStr( "\p ResError at MakeTempPrefsFile/FSpOpenResFile.;g" );
                    NumToString( (long) retValue, tempString );
                    DebugStr( tempString );
    } else {
        #if Debugging == 1
            #if OSErrDebug == 1
                DebugStr( "\p OSErr at MakeTempPrefsFile/MakeTempFile.;g" );
                NumToString( (long) retValue, tempString );
                DebugStr( tempString );
        /*  create tempfile
            copy defaults to tempfile
            create prefs
            delete tempfile */
        /* restore original resource file */
    UseResFile( savedResFile );
    return ( retValue );
} /*MakeTempPrefsFile*/
    Procedure:  GetPrefsSpec
OSErr       GetPrefsSpec( FSSpec* spec, short toolRefNum )
    OSErr                   retValue = noErr;
    FSSpec                  tempSpec;
    #if Debugging == 1
        #if OSErrDebug == 1
            Str255          tempString;
    if ( PrefsExists( spec, kPrefsFileName ) ) {
        #if Debugging == 1
            #if PrefsDebug == 1
                DebugStr( "\p Prefs file DOES exist.;g" );
    } else {
        #if Debugging == 1
            #if PrefsDebug == 1
                DebugStr( "\p Prefs file does NOT exist.;g" );
        if ( noErr == ( retValue = MakeTempPrefsFile( &tempSpec, toolRefNum ) ) ) {
            #if Debugging == 1
                #if PrefsDebug == 1
                    DebugStr( "\p MakeTempPrefsFile on the tempfile.;g" );
            FSpCreateResFile( spec, '????', 'pref', smSystemScript );
            if ( noErr == ( retValue = ResError() ) ) {
                #if Debugging == 1
                    #if PrefsDebug == 1
                        DebugStr( "\p FSpCreateResFile on prefs.;g" );
                if ( noErr == ( retValue = FSpExchangeFiles(    &tempSpec, 
                                                                spec ) ) ) {
                    #if Debugging == 1
                        #if PrefsDebug == 1
                            DebugStr( "\p FSpExchangeFiles on prefs.;g" );
                    if ( noErr == ( retValue = FSpDelete( &tempSpec ) ) ) {
                        #if Debugging == 1
                            #if PrefsDebug == 1
                                DebugStr( "\p FSpDelete on the tempfile.;g" );
                    } else {
                        #if Debugging == 1
                            #if OSErrDebug == 1
                                DebugStr( "\p OSErr at GetPrefsSpec/DeleteTempFile.;g" );
                                NumToString( (long) retValue, tempString );
                                DebugStr( tempString );
                } else {
                    #if Debugging == 1
                        #if OSErrDebug == 1
                            DebugStr( "\p OSErr at GetPrefsSpec/FSpExchangeFiles.;g" );
                            NumToString( (long) retValue, tempString );
                            DebugStr( tempString );
            } else {
                #if Debugging == 1
                    #if OSErrDebug == 1
                        DebugStr( "\p OSErr at GetPrefsSpec/FSpCreateResFile.;g" );
                        NumToString( (long) retValue, tempString );
                        DebugStr( tempString );
        } else {
            #if Debugging == 1
                #if OSErrDebug == 1
                    DebugStr( "\p OSErr at GetPrefsSpec/MakeTempPrefsFile.;g" );
                    NumToString( (long) retValue, tempString );
                    DebugStr( tempString );
    return ( retValue );
} /*GetPrefsSpec*/
    Procedure:  FillFromDefaults
OSErr       FillFromDefaults( ConfigGlobalRec* pConfig, short toolRefNum )
    OSErr                   retValue = noErr;
    short                   savedResFile = CurResFile(), 
                            toolResFile = toolRefNum, 
    Handle                  tempHandle;
    FSSpec                  prefsSpec;
    #if Debugging == 1
        #if OSErrDebug == 1
            Str255          tempString;
    if ( noErr == ( retValue = GetPrefsSpec( &prefsSpec, toolRefNum ) ) ) {
        if ( ( -1 ) != ( tempRefNum = FSpOpenResFile( &prefsSpec, fsCurPerm ) ) ) {
            #if Debugging == 1
                #if PrefsDebug == 1
                    DebugStr( "\p FSpOpenResFile on prefs.;g" );
            if ( nil != ( tempHandle = Get1Resource( kDefaultType, rDefaultConfigID ) ) ) {
                #if Debugging == 1
                    #if PrefsDebug == 1
                        DebugStr( "\p tempHandle from prefs is valid:;g" );
                DetachResource( tempHandle );
                if ( noErr == ( retValue = ResError() ) ) {
                    if ( sizeof( ConfigGlobalRec ) == GetHandleSize( tempHandle ) ) {
                            /* Move the resource to our config pointer */
                        BlockMove( (*tempHandle), pConfig, sizeof( ConfigGlobalRec ) );
                        #if Debugging == 1
                            #if PrefsDebug == 1
                                DebugStr( "\p We've BlockMove'ed the config.;g" );
                        #if Debugging == 1
                            #if ShowDefaults == 1
                                DebugStr( "\p pConfig->fToolVersion is:;g" );
                                NumToString( (long) pConfig->fToolVersion, tempString );
                                DebugStr( tempString );
                                DebugStr( "\p pConfig->fPersistentPackets is:;g" );
                                NumToString( (long) pConfig->fPersistentPackets, tempString );
                                DebugStr( tempString );
                                DebugStr( "\p pConfig->fOKToContinue is:;g" );
                                NumToString( (long) pConfig->fOKToContinue, tempString );
                                DebugStr( tempString );
                    } else {
                        #if Debugging == 1
                            #if OSErrDebug == 1
                                DebugStr( "\p Incorrect handle size FillFromDefaults/ConfigGlobalRec." );
                } else {
                    #if Debugging == 1
                        #if OSErrDebug == 1
                            DebugStr( "\p ResError at FillFromDefaults/DetachResource.;g" );
                            NumToString( (long) retValue, tempString );
                            DebugStr( tempString );
            } else {
                retValue = ResError();
                #if Debugging == 1
                    #if OSErrDebug == 1
                        DebugStr( "\p ResError at FillFromDefaults/Get1Resource.;g" );
                        NumToString( (long) retValue, tempString );
                        DebugStr( tempString );
            if ( noErr == ( retValue = FSClose( tempRefNum ) ) ) {
            } else {
                #if Debugging == 1
                    #if OSErrDebug == 1
                        DebugStr( "\p OSErr at FillFromDefaults/FSClose.;g" );
                        NumToString( (long) retValue, tempString );
                        DebugStr( tempString );
        } else {
            #if Debugging == 1
                #if OSErrDebug == 1
                    retValue = ResError();
                    DebugStr( "\p ResError at FillFromDefaults/FSpOpenResFile.;g" );
                    NumToString( (long) retValue, tempString );
                    DebugStr( tempString );
    } else {
        #if Debugging == 1
            #if OSErrDebug == 1
                DebugStr( "\p OSErr at FillFromDefaults/GetPrefsSpec.;g" );
                NumToString( (long) retValue, tempString );
                DebugStr( tempString );
    return ( retValue );
} /*FillFromDefaults*/
    Procedure:  RangeCheckConfig
OSErr       RangeCheckConfig( ConfigGlobalRec* pConfig, short toolRefNum )
    OSErr               retValue = noErr;
    short               savedResFile = CurResFile(), 
                        toolResFile = toolRefNum;
        /* check out our version number */
    if ( kThisToolVersion != ( pConfig->fToolVersion ) ) {
        pConfig->fToolVersion = kThisToolVersion;
    if ( ( 0 != ( pConfig->fPersistentPackets ) ) ||
            ( 1 != ( pConfig->fPersistentPackets ) ) ) {
        pConfig->fPersistentPackets = true;
    if ( ( 0 != ( pConfig->fOKToContinue ) ) ||
            ( 1 != ( pConfig->fOKToContinue ) ) ) {
        pConfig->fOKToContinue = true;
    return ( retValue );
} /*RangeCheckConfig*/
    Procedure:  VerifyConfig
OSErr       VerifyConfig( ConfigGlobalRec* pConfig, Boolean pullDefaults, short toolRefNum )
    OSErr               retValue = noErr;
    if ( sizeof( ConfigGlobalRec ) == GetPtrSize( (Ptr) pConfig ) ) {
        if ( pullDefaults ) {
            if ( noErr == ( retValue = FillFromDefaults( pConfig, toolRefNum ) ) ) {
            } else {
        } else {
                /* ftGenericError tells us something's wrong */
            if ( ftGenericError == ( retValue = RangeCheckConfig( pConfig, toolRefNum ) ) ) {
            } else {
    } else {
        retValue = ftGenericError;
    return ( retValue );
} /*VerifyConfig*/
    Procedure:  DoToolDefault
OSErr       DoToolDefault( Ptr* configPtr, Boolean allocateIt, short toolRefNum )
    OSErr               retValue = noErr;
    if ( allocateIt ) {
        if ( nil != ( *configPtr = NewPtrClear( sizeof( ConfigGlobalRec ) ) ) ) {
        } else {
            retValue = MemError();
    if ( ( noErr == retValue ) && 
            ( noErr == ( retValue = VerifyConfig(   (ConfigGlobalRec*) *configPtr, 
                                                    toolRefNum ) ) ) ) {
    } else {
        retValue = ftGenericError;
    return ( retValue );
} /*DoToolDefault*/
    Procedure:  DoToolValidate
OSErr       DoToolValidate( FTHandle toolHandle )
    OSErr               retValue = noErr;
    ToolGlobalRec*      pGlobals;
    ConfigGlobalRec*    pConfig;
    if ( ( nil != toolHandle ) && 
            ( nil != ( pConfig = (ConfigGlobalRec*) ( (**toolHandle).config ) ) ) && 
            ( nil != ( pGlobals = (ToolGlobalRec*) ( (**toolHandle).ftPrivate ) ) ) ) {
        if ( noErr == ( retValue = VerifyConfig( pConfig, false, (**toolHandle).procID ) ) ) {
    } else {
        retValue = ftGenericError;
    return ( retValue );
} /*DoToolValidate*/