
    Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    This file contains the ClientAppProxyTCPConnection and ClientAppProxyUDPConnection classes. The ClientAppProxyTCPConnection class handles the encapsulation and decapsulation of a stream of application network data in the client side of the SimpleTunnel tunneling protocol. The ClientAppProxyUDPConnection class handles the encapsulation and decapsulation of a sequence of datagrams containing application network data in the client side of the SimpleTunnel tunneling protocol.
import Foundation
import SimpleTunnelServices
import NetworkExtension
/// An object representing the client side of a logical flow of network data in the SimpleTunnel tunneling protocol.
class ClientAppProxyConnection : Connection {
    // MARK: Properties
    /// The NEAppProxyFlow object corresponding to this connection.
    let appProxyFlow: NEAppProxyFlow
    /// A dispatch queue used to regulate the sending of the connection's data through the tunnel connection.
    lazy var queue: DispatchQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "ClientConnection Handle Data queue", attributes: [])
    // MARK: Initializers
    init(tunnel: ClientTunnel, flow: NEAppProxyFlow) {
        appProxyFlow = flow
        super.init(connectionIdentifier: flow.hash, parentTunnel: tunnel)
    // MARK: Interface
    /// Send an "Open" message to the SimpleTunnel server, to begin the process of establishing a flow of data in the SimpleTunnel protocol.
    func open() {
    /// Send an "Open" message to the SimpleTunnel server, to begin the process of establishing a flow of data in the SimpleTunnel protocol.
    func open(_ extraProperties: [String: AnyObject]) {
        guard let clientTunnel = tunnel as? ClientTunnel else {
            // Close the NEAppProxyFlow.
            let error: SimpleTunnelError = .badConnection
            appProxyFlow.closeReadWithError(error as NSError)
            appProxyFlow.closeWriteWithError(error as NSError)
        let properties = createMessagePropertiesForConnection(identifier,, extraProperties:extraProperties)
        clientTunnel.sendMessage(properties) { error in
            if let error = error {
                // Close the NEAppProxyFlow.
    /// Handle the result of sending a data message to the SimpleTunnel server.
    func handleSendResult(_ error: NSError?) {
    /// Handle errors that occur on the connection.
    func handleErrorCondition(_ flowError: NEAppProxyErrorDomain? = nil, notifyServer: Bool = true) {
        guard !isClosedCompletely else { return }
        tunnel?.sendCloseType(.all, forConnection: identifier)
    /// Send a "Data" message to the SimpleTunnel server.
    func sendDataMessage(_ data: Data, extraProperties: [String: AnyObject] = [:]) {
        queue.async {
            guard let clientTunnel = self.tunnel as? ClientTunnel else { return }
            // Suspend further writes to the tunnel until this write operation is completed.
            var dataProperties = extraProperties
            dataProperties[TunnelMessageKey.Data.rawValue] = data as AnyObject?
            let properties = createMessagePropertiesForConnection(self.identifier, commandType: .data, extraProperties:dataProperties)
            clientTunnel.sendMessage(properties) { error in
                // Resume the queue to allow subsequent writes.
                // This will schedule another read operation on the NEAppProxyFlow.
    // MARK: Connection
    /// Handle the "Open Completed" message received from the SimpleTunnel server for this connection.
    override func handleOpenCompleted(_ resultCode: TunnelConnectionOpenResult, properties: [NSObject: AnyObject]) {
        guard resultCode == .success else {
            simpleTunnelLog("Failed to open \(identifier), result = \(resultCode)")
            handleErrorCondition(.peerReset, notifyServer: false)
        guard let localAddress = (tunnel as? ClientTunnel)?.connection!.localAddress as? NWHostEndpoint else {
            simpleTunnelLog("Failed to get localAddress.")
        // Now that the SimpleTunnel connection is open, indicate that we are ready to handle data on the NEAppProxyFlow. localAddress) { error in
            self.handleSendResult(error as NSError?)
    override func closeConnection(_ direction: TunnelConnectionCloseDirection) {
        self.closeConnection(direction, flowError: nil)
    func closeConnection(_ direction: TunnelConnectionCloseDirection, flowError: NEAppProxyErrorDomain?) {
        var error: NSError?
        if let ferror = flowError {
            error = NSError(domain: NEAppProxyErrorDomain, code: ferror.rawValue, userInfo: nil)
        if isClosedForWrite {
        if isClosedForRead {
/// An object representing the client side of a logical flow of TCP network data in the SimpleTunnel tunneling protocol.
class ClientAppProxyTCPConnection : ClientAppProxyConnection {
    // MARK: Properties
    /// The NEAppProxyTCPFlow object corresponding to this connection
    var TCPFlow: NEAppProxyTCPFlow {
        return (appProxyFlow as! NEAppProxyTCPFlow)
    // MARK: Initializers
    init(tunnel: ClientTunnel, newTCPFlow: NEAppProxyTCPFlow) {
        super.init(tunnel: tunnel, flow: newTCPFlow)
    // MARK: ClientAppProxyConnection
    /// Send an "Open" message to the SimpleTunnel server, to begin the process of establishing a flow of data in the SimpleTunnel protocol.
    override func open() {
                TunnelMessageKey.TunnelType.rawValue: as AnyObject,
                TunnelMessageKey.Host.rawValue: (TCPFlow.remoteEndpoint as! NWHostEndpoint).hostname as AnyObject,
                TunnelMessageKey.Port.rawValue: Int((TCPFlow.remoteEndpoint as! NWHostEndpoint).port)! as AnyObject,
                TunnelMessageKey.AppProxyFlowType.rawValue: AppProxyFlowKind.tcp.rawValue as AnyObject
    /// Handle the result of sending a "Data" message to the SimpleTunnel server.
    override func handleSendResult(_ error: NSError?) {
        if let sendError = error {
            simpleTunnelLog("Failed to send Data Message to the Tunnel Server. error = \(sendError)")
        // Read another chunk of data from the source application.
        TCPFlow.readData { data, readError in
            guard let readData = data , readError == nil else {
                simpleTunnelLog("Failed to read data from the TCP flow. error = \(readError)")
            guard readData.count > 0 else {
                simpleTunnelLog("\(self.identifier): received EOF on the TCP flow. Closing the flow...")
                self.tunnel?.sendCloseType(.write, forConnection: self.identifier)
    /// Send data received from the SimpleTunnel server to the destination application, using the NEAppProxyTCPFlow object.
    override func sendData(_ data: Data) {
        TCPFlow.write(data) { error in
            if let writeError = error {
                simpleTunnelLog("Failed to write data to the TCP flow. error = \(writeError)")
                self.tunnel?.sendCloseType(.read, forConnection: self.identifier)
/// An object representing the client side of a logical flow of UDP network data in the SimpleTunnel tunneling protocol.
class ClientAppProxyUDPConnection : ClientAppProxyConnection {
    // MARK: Properties
    /// The NEAppProxyUDPFlow object corresponding to this connection.
    var UDPFlow: NEAppProxyUDPFlow {
        return (appProxyFlow as! NEAppProxyUDPFlow)
    /// The number of "Data" messages scheduled to be written to the tunnel that have not been actually sent out on the network yet.
    var datagramsOutstanding = 0
    // MARK: Initializers
    init(tunnel: ClientTunnel, newUDPFlow: NEAppProxyUDPFlow) {
        super.init(tunnel: tunnel, flow: newUDPFlow)
    // MARK: ClientAppProxyConnection
    /// Send an "Open" message to the SimpleTunnel server, to begin the process of establishing a flow of data in the SimpleTunnel protocol.
    override func open() {
                TunnelMessageKey.TunnelType.rawValue: as AnyObject,
                TunnelMessageKey.AppProxyFlowType.rawValue: AppProxyFlowKind.udp.rawValue as AnyObject
    /// Handle the result of sending a "Data" message to the SimpleTunnel server.
    override func handleSendResult(_ error: NSError?) {
        if let sendError = error {
            simpleTunnelLog("Failed to send message to Tunnel Server. error = \(sendError)")
        if datagramsOutstanding > 0 {
            datagramsOutstanding -= 1
        // Only read more datagrams from the source application if all outstanding datagrams have been sent on the network.
        guard datagramsOutstanding == 0 else { return }
        // Read a new set of datagrams from the source application.
        UDPFlow.readDatagrams { datagrams, remoteEndPoints, readError in
            guard let readDatagrams = datagrams,
                let readEndpoints = remoteEndPoints
                , readError == nil else
                simpleTunnelLog("Failed to read data from the UDP flow. error = \(readError)")
            guard !readDatagrams.isEmpty && readEndpoints.count == readDatagrams.count else {
                simpleTunnelLog("\(self.identifier): Received EOF on the UDP flow. Closing the flow...")
                self.tunnel?.sendCloseType(.write, forConnection: self.identifier)
            self.datagramsOutstanding = readDatagrams.count
            for (index, datagram) in readDatagrams.enumerated() {
                guard let endpoint = readEndpoints[index] as? NWHostEndpoint else { continue }
                simpleTunnelLog("(\(self.identifier)): Sending a \(datagram.count)-byte datagram to \(endpoint.hostname):\(endpoint.port)")
                // Send a data message to the SimpleTunnel server.
                self.sendDataMessage(datagram, extraProperties:[
                        TunnelMessageKey.Host.rawValue: endpoint.hostname as AnyObject,
                        TunnelMessageKey.Port.rawValue: Int(endpoint.port)! as AnyObject
    /// Send a datagram received from the SimpleTunnel server to the destination application.
    override func sendDataWithEndPoint(_ data: Data, host: String, port: Int) {
        let datagrams = [ data ]
        let endpoints = [ NWHostEndpoint(hostname: host, port: String(port)) ]
        // Send the datagram to the destination application.
        UDPFlow.writeDatagrams(datagrams, sentBy: endpoints) { error in
            if let error = error {
                simpleTunnelLog("Failed to write datagrams to the UDP Flow: \(error)")
                self.tunnel?.sendCloseType(.read, forConnection: self.identifier)