
    Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    This file contains the ClientTunnel class. The ClientTunnel class implements the client side of the SimpleTunnel tunneling protocol.
import Foundation
import NetworkExtension
/// Make NEVPNStatus convertible to a string
extension NWTCPConnectionState: CustomStringConvertible {
    public var description: String {
        switch self {
            case .cancelled: return "Cancelled"
            case .connected: return "Connected"
            case .connecting: return "Connecting"
            case .disconnected: return "Disconnected"
            case .invalid: return "Invalid"
            case .waiting: return "Waiting"
/// The client-side implementation of the SimpleTunnel protocol.
open class ClientTunnel: Tunnel {
    // MARK: Properties
    /// The tunnel connection.
    open var connection: NWTCPConnection?
    /// The last error that occurred on the tunnel.
    open var lastError: NSError?
    /// The previously-received incomplete message data.
    var previousData: NSMutableData?
    /// The address of the tunnel server.
    open var remoteHost: String?
    // MARK: Interface
    /// Start the TCP connection to the tunnel server.
    open func startTunnel(_ provider: NETunnelProvider) -> SimpleTunnelError? {
        guard let serverAddress = provider.protocolConfiguration.serverAddress else {
            return .badConfiguration
        let endpoint: NWEndpoint
        if let colonRange = serverAddress.rangeOfCharacter(from: CharacterSet(charactersIn: ":"), options: [], range: nil) {
            // The server is specified in the configuration as <host>:<port>.
            let hostname = serverAddress.substring(with: serverAddress.startIndex..<colonRange.lowerBound)
            let portString = serverAddress.substring(with: serverAddress.index(after: colonRange.lowerBound)..<serverAddress.endIndex)
            guard !hostname.isEmpty && !portString.isEmpty else {
                return .badConfiguration
            endpoint = NWHostEndpoint(hostname:hostname, port:portString)
        else {
            // The server is specified in the configuration as a Bonjour service name.
            endpoint = NWBonjourServiceEndpoint(name: serverAddress, type:Tunnel.serviceType, domain:Tunnel.serviceDomain)
        // Kick off the connection to the server.
        connection = provider.createTCPConnection(to: endpoint, enableTLS:false, tlsParameters:nil, delegate:nil)
        // Register for notificationes when the connection status changes.
        connection!.addObserver(self, forKeyPath: "state", options: .initial, context: &connection)
        return nil
    /// Close the tunnel.
    open func closeTunnelWithError(_ error: NSError?) {
        lastError = error
    /// Read a SimpleTunnel packet from the tunnel connection.
    func readNextPacket() {
        guard let targetConnection = connection else {
            closeTunnelWithError(SimpleTunnelError.badConnection as NSError)
        // First, read the total length of the packet.
        targetConnection.readMinimumLength(MemoryLayout<UInt32>.size, maximumLength: MemoryLayout<UInt32>.size) { data, error in
            if let readError = error {
                simpleTunnelLog("Got an error on the tunnel connection: \(readError)")
                self.closeTunnelWithError(readError as NSError?)
            let lengthData = data
            guard lengthData.count == MemoryLayout<UInt32>.size else {
                simpleTunnelLog("Length data length (\(lengthData.count)) != sizeof(UInt32) (\(MemoryLayout<UInt32>.size)")
                self.closeTunnelWithError(SimpleTunnelError.internalError as NSError)
            var totalLength: UInt32 = 0
            (lengthData as NSData).getBytes(&totalLength, length: MemoryLayout<UInt32>.size)
            if totalLength > UInt32(Tunnel.maximumMessageSize) {
                simpleTunnelLog("Got a length that is too big: \(totalLength)")
                self.closeTunnelWithError(SimpleTunnelError.internalError as NSError)
            totalLength -= UInt32(MemoryLayout<UInt32>.size)
            // Second, read the packet payload.
            targetConnection.readMinimumLength(Int(totalLength), maximumLength: Int(totalLength)) { data, error in
                if let payloadReadError = error {
                    simpleTunnelLog("Got an error on the tunnel connection: \(payloadReadError)")
                    self.closeTunnelWithError(payloadReadError as NSError?)
                let payloadData = data
                guard payloadData.count == Int(totalLength) else {
                    simpleTunnelLog("Payload data length (\(payloadData.count)) != payload length (\(totalLength)")
                    self.closeTunnelWithError(SimpleTunnelError.internalError as NSError)
                _ = self.handlePacket(payloadData)
    /// Send a message to the tunnel server.
    open func sendMessage(_ messageProperties: [String: AnyObject], completionHandler: @escaping (NSError?) -> Void) {
        guard let messageData = serializeMessage(messageProperties) else {
            completionHandler(SimpleTunnelError.internalError as NSError)
        connection?.write(messageData, completionHandler: completionHandler as! (Error?) -> Void)
    // MARK: NSObject
    /// Handle changes to the tunnel connection state.
    open override func observeValue(forKeyPath keyPath: String?, of object: Any?, change: [NSKeyValueChangeKey: Any]?, context: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) {
        guard keyPath == "state" && context?.assumingMemoryBound(to: Optional<NWTCPConnection>.self).pointee == connection else {
            super.observeValue(forKeyPath: keyPath, of: object, change: change, context: context)
        simpleTunnelLog("Tunnel connection state changed to \(connection!.state)")
        switch connection!.state {
            case .connected:
                if let remoteAddress = self.connection!.remoteAddress as? NWHostEndpoint {
                    remoteHost = remoteAddress.hostname
                // Start reading messages from the tunnel connection.
                // Let the delegate know that the tunnel is open
            case .disconnected:
                closeTunnelWithError(connection!.error as NSError?)
            case .cancelled:
                connection!.removeObserver(self, forKeyPath:"state", context:&connection)
                connection = nil
    // MARK: Tunnel
    /// Close the tunnel.
    override open func closeTunnel() {
        // Close the tunnel connection.
        if let TCPConnection = connection {
    /// Write data to the tunnel connection.
    override func writeDataToTunnel(_ data: Data, startingAtOffset: Int) -> Int {
        connection?.write(data) { error in
            if error != nil {
                self.closeTunnelWithError(error as NSError?)
        return data.count
    /// Handle a message received from the tunnel server.
    override func handleMessage(_ commandType: TunnelCommand, properties: [String: AnyObject], connection: Connection?) -> Bool {
        var success = true
        switch commandType {
            case .openResult:
                // A logical connection was opened successfully.
                guard let targetConnection = connection,
                    let resultCodeNumber = properties[TunnelMessageKey.ResultCode.rawValue] as? Int,
                    let resultCode = TunnelConnectionOpenResult(rawValue: resultCodeNumber)
                    success = false
                targetConnection.handleOpenCompleted(resultCode, properties:properties as [NSObject : AnyObject])
            case .fetchConfiguration:
                guard let configuration = properties[TunnelMessageKey.Configuration.rawValue] as? [String: AnyObject]
                    else { break }
                delegate?.tunnelDidSendConfiguration(self, configuration: configuration)
                simpleTunnelLog("Tunnel received an invalid command")
                success = false
        return success
    /// Send a FetchConfiguration message on the tunnel connection.
    open func sendFetchConfiguation() {
        let properties = createMessagePropertiesForConnection(0, commandType: .fetchConfiguration)
        if !sendMessage(properties) {
            simpleTunnelLog("Failed to send a fetch configuration message")