
    Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    This file contains the Connection class. The Connection class is an abstract base class that handles a single flow of network data in the SimpleTunnel tunneling protocol.
import Foundation
/// The directions in which a flow can be closed for further data.
public enum TunnelConnectionCloseDirection: Int, CustomStringConvertible {
    case none = 1
    case read = 2
    case write = 3
    case all = 4
    public var description: String {
        switch self {
            case .none: return "none"
            case .read: return "reads"
            case .write: return "writes"
            case .all: return "reads and writes"
/// The results of opening a connection.
public enum TunnelConnectionOpenResult: Int {
    case success = 0
    case invalidParam
    case noSuchHost
    case refused
    case timeout
    case internalError
/// A logical connection (or flow) of network data in the SimpleTunnel protocol.
open class Connection: NSObject {
    // MARK: Properties
    /// The connection identifier.
    open let identifier: Int
    /// The tunnel that contains the connection.
    open var tunnel: Tunnel?
    /// The list of data that needs to be written to the connection when possible.
    let savedData = SavedData()
    /// The direction(s) in which the connection is closed.
    var currentCloseDirection = TunnelConnectionCloseDirection.none
    /// Indicates if the tunnel is being used by this connection exclusively.
    let isExclusiveTunnel: Bool
    /// Indicates if the connection cannot be read from.
    open var isClosedForRead: Bool {
        return currentCloseDirection != .none && currentCloseDirection != .write
    /// Indicates if the connection cannot be written to.
    open var isClosedForWrite: Bool {
        return currentCloseDirection != .none && currentCloseDirection != .read
    /// Indicates if the connection is fully closed.
    open var isClosedCompletely: Bool {
        return currentCloseDirection == .all
    // MARK: Initializers
    public init(connectionIdentifier: Int, parentTunnel: Tunnel) {
        tunnel = parentTunnel
        identifier = connectionIdentifier
        isExclusiveTunnel = false
        if let t = tunnel {
            // Add this connection to the tunnel's set of connections.
    public init(connectionIdentifier: Int) {
        isExclusiveTunnel = true
        identifier = connectionIdentifier
    // MARK: Interface
    /// Set a new tunnel for the connection.
    func setNewTunnel(_ newTunnel: Tunnel) {
        tunnel = newTunnel
        if let t = tunnel {
    /// Close the connection.
    open func closeConnection(_ direction: TunnelConnectionCloseDirection) {
        if direction != .none && direction != currentCloseDirection {
            currentCloseDirection = .all
        else {
            currentCloseDirection = direction
        guard let currentTunnel = tunnel , currentCloseDirection == .all else { return }
        if isExclusiveTunnel {
        else {
            tunnel = nil
    /// Abort the connection.
    open func abort(_ error: Int = 0) {
    /// Send data on the connection.
    open func sendData(_ data: Data) {
    /// Send data and the destination host and port on the connection.
    open func sendDataWithEndPoint(_ data: Data, host: String, port: Int) {
    /// Send a list of IP packets and their associated protocols on the connection.
    open func sendPackets(_ packets: [Data], protocols: [NSNumber]) {
    /// Send an indication to the remote end of the connection that the caller will not be reading any more data from the connection for a while.
    open func suspend() {
    /// Send an indication to the remote end of the connection that the caller is going to start reading more data from the connection.
    open func resume() {
    /// Handle the "open completed" message sent by the SimpleTunnel server.
    open func handleOpenCompleted(_ resultCode: TunnelConnectionOpenResult, properties: [NSObject: AnyObject]) {