
    Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    This file contains the ContentFilterController class, which controls a view used to start and stop a content filter, and display current filtering rules.
import UIKit
import NetworkExtension
import SimpleTunnelServices
/// A view controller object for a view that displays Content Filter configuration and rules.
class ContentFilterController: UITableViewController {
    // MARK: Properties
    /// A table view cell that contains the status of the filter.
    @IBOutlet weak var statusCell: SwitchCell!
    /// A table view cell that contains the 
    @IBOutlet weak var rulesServerCell: TextFieldCell!
    /// A variable to pass as the context to addObserver()
    var rulesContext = 0
    /// The current list of filtering rules
    var currentRules = [(String, String)]()
    // MARK: Initializers
    deinit {
        var context = self
        FilterUtilities.defaults?.removeObserver(self, forKeyPath: "rules", context:&context)
    // MARK: UIViewController
    /// Handle the event where the view is loaded into memory.
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        FilterUtilities.defaults?.addObserver(self, forKeyPath: "rules", options: NSKeyValueObservingOptions.initial, context:&rulesContext)
        statusCell.valueChanged = {
            if self.statusCell.isOn && NEFilterManager.shared().providerConfiguration == nil {
                let newConfiguration = NEFilterProviderConfiguration()
                newConfiguration.username = "TestUser"
                newConfiguration.organization = "Acme Inc."
                newConfiguration.filterBrowsers = true
                newConfiguration.filterSockets = true
                newConfiguration.serverAddress = self.rulesServerCell.textField.text ?? "my.great.filter.server"
                NEFilterManager.shared().providerConfiguration = newConfiguration
            NEFilterManager.shared().isEnabled = self.statusCell.isOn
            NEFilterManager.shared().saveToPreferences { error in
                if let saveError = error {
                    simpleTunnelLog("Failed to save the filter configuration: \(saveError)")
                    self.statusCell.isOn = false
                self.rulesServerCell.textField.text = NEFilterManager.shared().providerConfiguration?.serverAddress
                FilterUtilities.defaults?.setValue(NEFilterManager.shared().providerConfiguration?.serverAddress, forKey: "serverAddress")
        rulesServerCell.valueChanged = {
            guard let serverIPAddress = self.rulesServerCell.textField.text , !serverIPAddress.isEmpty else { return }
            NEFilterManager.shared().providerConfiguration?.serverAddress = serverIPAddress
            NEFilterManager.shared().saveToPreferences { error in
                if let saveError = error {
                    simpleTunnelLog("Failed to save the filter configuration: \(saveError)")
                FilterUtilities.defaults?.setValue(serverIPAddress, forKey: "serverAddress")
    /// Handle the event where the view is loaded into memory.
    override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
        NEFilterManager.shared().loadFromPreferences { error in
            if let loadError = error {
                simpleTunnelLog("Failed to load the filter configuration: \(loadError)")
                self.statusCell.isOn = false
            self.statusCell.isOn = NEFilterManager.shared().isEnabled
            self.rulesServerCell.textField.text = NEFilterManager.shared().providerConfiguration?.serverAddress
    // MARK: NSObject
    /// Handle changes to the rules
    override func observeValue(forKeyPath keyPath: String?, of object: Any?, change: [NSKeyValueChangeKey : Any]?, context: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) {
        if context == &rulesContext && keyPath == "rules" {
        } else {
            super.observeValue(forKeyPath: keyPath, of: object, change: change, context: context)
    // MARK: UITableViewDataSource
    /// Return the number of sections to display.
    override func numberOfSections(in tableView: UITableView) -> Int {
        return !currentRules.isEmpty ? 2 : 1
    /// Return the number of rows in a section.
    override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
        switch section {
            case 0: return 2
            case 1: return currentRules.count
            default: return 0
    /// Return the cell for given index path.
    override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
        if (indexPath as NSIndexPath).section == 0 {
            return (indexPath as NSIndexPath).row == 0 ? statusCell : rulesServerCell
        else if let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "rule-cell") {
            let (hostString, actionString) = currentRules[(indexPath as NSIndexPath).row]
            cell.textLabel?.text = hostString
            cell.detailTextLabel?.text = actionString
            return cell
        else {
            return UITableViewCell()
    /// Return the title for a section in the table.
    override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, titleForHeaderInSection section: Int) -> String? {
        return section == 1 ? "Current Rules" : nil
    // MARK: Interface
    /// Re-load the current filerting rules from the defaults.
    func reloadRules() {
        currentRules = [(String, String)]()
        guard let rules = FilterUtilities.defaults?.object(forKey: "rules") as? [String : [String : AnyObject]] else { return }
        for (hostname, ruleInfo) in rules {
            guard let ruleActionNum = ruleInfo["kRule"] as? Int,
                let ruleAction = FilterRuleAction(rawValue: ruleActionNum)
                else { continue }
            currentRules.append((hostname as String, ruleAction.description))
    /// Download a new set of filtering rules from the server.
    @IBAction func fetchRulesButtonTouchUpInside(_ sender: UIButton) {