
    Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    This file contains the ProxyServerAddEditController class, which controls a view used to create or edit a proxy server configuration.
import UIKit
import NetworkExtension
/// A view controller object for a view that contains input fields used to define HTTP proxy server settings.
class ProxyServerAddEditController: ConfigurationParametersViewController {
    // MARK: Properties
    /// A table view cell containing a text input field where the user enters the proxy server address.
    @IBOutlet weak var addressCell: TextFieldCell!
    /// A table view cell containing a text input field where the user enters the proxy server port number.
    @IBOutlet weak var portCell: TextFieldCell!
    /// A table view cell containing a text input field where the user enters the username portion of the proxy credential.
    @IBOutlet weak var usernameCell: TextFieldCell!
    /// A table view cell containing a text input field where the user enters the password portion of the proxy credential.
    @IBOutlet weak var passwordCell: TextFieldCell!
    /// A table view cell containing a switch that toggles authentication for the proxy server.
    @IBOutlet weak var authenticationSwitchCell: SwitchCell!
    /// The NEProxyServer object containing the proxy server settings.
    var targetServer = NEProxyServer(address: "", port: 0)
    /// The block to call when the user taps on the "Done" button.
    var saveChangesCallback: (NEProxyServer) -> Void = { server in return }
    // MARK: UIViewController
    /// Handle the event where the view is loaded into memory.
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        cells = [
        ].flatMap { $0 }
        authenticationSwitchCell.dependentCells = [ usernameCell, passwordCell ]
        authenticationSwitchCell.getIndexPath = {
            return self.getIndexPathOfCell(self.authenticationSwitchCell)
        authenticationSwitchCell.valueChanged = {
            self.targetServer.authenticationRequired = self.authenticationSwitchCell.isOn
    /// Handle the event when the view is being displayed.
    override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
        addressCell.textField.text = !targetServer.address.isEmpty ? targetServer.address : nil
        portCell.textField.text = targetServer.port > 0 ? String(targetServer.port) : nil
        passwordCell.textField.text = targetServer.password
        usernameCell.textField.text = targetServer.username
        authenticationSwitchCell.isOn = targetServer.authenticationRequired
    // MARK: Interface
    /// Set the NEProxyServer object to modify, the title of the view, and a block to call when the user is done modify the proxy server settings.
    func setTargetServer(_ server: NEProxyServer?, title: String, saveHandler: @escaping (NEProxyServer) -> Void) {
        targetServer = server ?? NEProxyServer(address: "", port: 0)
        navigationItem.title = title
        saveChangesCallback = saveHandler
    /// Gather all of the inputs from the user and call saveChangesCallback. This function is called when the user taps on the "Done" button.
    @IBAction func saveProxyServer(_ sender: AnyObject) {
        guard let address = addressCell.textField.text,
            let portString = portCell.textField.text,
            let port = Int(portString)
            , !address.isEmpty && !portString.isEmpty
            else { return }
        let result = NEProxyServer(address: address, port: port)
        result.username = usernameCell.textField.text
        result.password = passwordCell.textField.text
        result.authenticationRequired = authenticationSwitchCell.isOn
        // Go back to the main proxy settings view.
        performSegue(withIdentifier: "save-proxy-server-settings", sender: sender)