
    Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    This file contains the ServerConfiguration class. The ServerConfiguration class is used to parse the SimpleTunnel server configuration.
import Foundation
import SystemConfiguration
/// An object containing configuration settings for the SimpleTunnel server.
class ServerConfiguration {
    // MARK: Properties
    /// A dictionary containing configuration parameters.
    var configuration: [String: AnyObject]
    /// A pool of IP addresses to allocate to clients.
    var addressPool: AddressPool?
    // MARK: Initializers
    init() {
        configuration = [String: AnyObject]()
        addressPool = nil
    // MARK: Interface
    /// Read the configuration settings from a plist on disk.
    func loadFromFileAtPath(path: String) -> Bool {
        guard let fileStream = NSInputStream(fileAtPath: path) else {
            simpleTunnelLog("Failed to open \(path) for reading")
            return false
        var newConfiguration: [String: AnyObject]
        do {
             newConfiguration = try NSPropertyListSerialization.propertyListWithStream(fileStream, options: .MutableContainers, format: nil) as! [String: AnyObject]
        catch {
            simpleTunnelLog("Failed to read the configuration from \(path): \(error)")
            return false
        guard let startAddress = getValueFromPlist(newConfiguration, keyArray: [.IPv4, .Pool, .StartAddress]) as? String else {
            simpleTunnelLog("Missing v4 start address")
            return false
        guard let endAddress = getValueFromPlist(newConfiguration, keyArray: [.IPv4, .Pool, .EndAddress]) as? String else {
            simpleTunnelLog("Missing v4 end address")
            return false
        addressPool = AddressPool(startAddress: startAddress, endAddress: endAddress)
        // The configuration dictionary gets sent to clients as the tunnel settings dictionary. Remove the IP pool parameters.
        if let value = newConfiguration[SettingsKey.IPv4.rawValue] as? [NSObject: AnyObject] {
            var IPv4Dictionary = value
            newConfiguration[SettingsKey.IPv4.rawValue] = IPv4Dictionary
        if !newConfiguration.keys.contains({ $0 == SettingsKey.DNS.rawValue }) {
            // The configuration does not specify any DNS configuration, so get the current system default resolver.
            let (DNSServers, DNSSearchDomains) = ServerConfiguration.copyDNSConfigurationFromSystem()
            newConfiguration[SettingsKey.DNS.rawValue] = [
                SettingsKey.Servers.rawValue: DNSServers,
                SettingsKey.SearchDomains.rawValue: DNSSearchDomains
        configuration = newConfiguration
        return true
    /// Copy the default resolver configuration from the system on which the server is running.
    class func copyDNSConfigurationFromSystem() -> ([String], [String]) {
        let globalDNSKey = SCDynamicStoreKeyCreateNetworkGlobalEntity(kCFAllocatorDefault, kSCDynamicStoreDomainState, kSCEntNetDNS)
        var DNSServers = [String]()
        var DNSSearchDomains = [String]()
        // The default resolver configuration can be obtained from State:/Network/Global/DNS in the dynamic store.
        if let globalDNS = SCDynamicStoreCopyValue(nil, globalDNSKey) as? [NSObject: AnyObject],
            servers = globalDNS[kSCPropNetDNSServerAddresses as String] as? [String]
            if let searchDomains = globalDNS[kSCPropNetDNSSearchDomains as String] as? [String] {
                DNSSearchDomains = searchDomains
            DNSServers = servers
        return (DNSServers, DNSSearchDomains)