/* |
Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. |
See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information |
Abstract: |
This file contains the ServerTunnelConnection class. The ServerTunnelConnection class handles the encapsulation and decapsulation of IP packets in the server side of the SimpleTunnel tunneling protocol. |
*/ |
import Foundation |
import Darwin |
/// An object that provides a bridge between a logical flow of packets in the SimpleTunnel protocol and a UTUN interface. |
class ServerTunnelConnection: Connection { |
// MARK: Properties |
/// The virtual address of the tunnel. |
var tunnelAddress: String? |
/// The name of the UTUN interface. |
var utunName: String? |
/// A dispatch source for the UTUN interface socket. |
var utunSource: dispatch_source_t? |
/// A flag indicating if reads from the UTUN interface are suspended. |
var isSuspended = false |
// MARK: Interface |
/// Send an "open result" message with optionally the tunnel settings. |
func sendOpenResult(result: TunnelConnectionOpenResult, extraProperties: [String: AnyObject] = [:]) { |
guard let serverTunnel = tunnel else { return } |
var resultProperties = extraProperties |
resultProperties[TunnelMessageKey.ResultCode.rawValue] = result.rawValue |
let properties = createMessagePropertiesForConnection(identifier, commandType: .OpenResult, extraProperties: resultProperties) |
serverTunnel.sendMessage(properties) |
} |
/// "Open" the connection by setting up the UTUN interface. |
func open() -> Bool { |
// Allocate the tunnel virtual address. |
guard let address = ServerTunnel.configuration.addressPool?.allocateAddress() else { |
simpleTunnelLog("Failed to allocate a tunnel address") |
sendOpenResult(.Refused) |
return false |
} |
// Create the virtual interface and assign the address. |
guard setupVirtualInterface(address) else { |
simpleTunnelLog("Failed to set up the virtual interface") |
ServerTunnel.configuration.addressPool?.deallocateAddress(address) |
sendOpenResult(.InternalError) |
return false |
} |
tunnelAddress = address |
var response = [String: AnyObject]() |
// Create a copy of the configuration, so that it can be personalized with the tunnel virtual interface. |
var personalized = ServerTunnel.configuration.configuration |
guard let IPv4Dictionary = personalized[SettingsKey.IPv4.rawValue] as? [NSObject: AnyObject] else { |
simpleTunnelLog("No IPv4 Settings available") |
sendOpenResult(.InternalError) |
return false |
} |
// Set up the "IPv4" sub-dictionary to contain the tunne virtual address and network mask. |
var newIPv4Dictionary = IPv4Dictionary |
newIPv4Dictionary[SettingsKey.Address.rawValue] = tunnelAddress |
newIPv4Dictionary[SettingsKey.Netmask.rawValue] = "" |
personalized[SettingsKey.IPv4.rawValue] = newIPv4Dictionary |
response[TunnelMessageKey.Configuration.rawValue] = personalized |
// Send the personalized configuration along with the "open result" message. |
sendOpenResult(.Success, extraProperties: response) |
return true |
} |
/// Create a UTUN interface. |
func createTUNInterface() -> Int32 { |
let utunSocket = socket(PF_SYSTEM, SOCK_DGRAM, SYSPROTO_CONTROL) |
guard utunSocket >= 0 else { |
simpleTunnelLog("Failed to open a kernel control socket") |
return -1 |
} |
let controlIdentifier = getUTUNControlIdentifier(utunSocket) |
guard controlIdentifier > 0 else { |
simpleTunnelLog("Failed to get the control ID for the utun kernel control") |
close(utunSocket) |
return -1 |
} |
// Connect the socket to the UTUN kernel control. |
var socketAddressControl = sockaddr_ctl(sc_len: UInt8(sizeof(sockaddr_ctl.self)), sc_family: UInt8(AF_SYSTEM), ss_sysaddr: UInt16(AF_SYS_CONTROL), sc_id: controlIdentifier, sc_unit: 0, sc_reserved: (0, 0, 0, 0, 0)) |
let connectResult = withUnsafePointer(&socketAddressControl) { |
connect(utunSocket, UnsafePointer<sockaddr>($0), socklen_t(sizeofValue(socketAddressControl))) |
} |
if let errorString = String(UTF8String: strerror(errno)) where connectResult < 0 { |
simpleTunnelLog("Failed to create a utun interface: \(errorString)") |
close(utunSocket) |
return -1 |
} |
return utunSocket |
} |
/// Get the name of a UTUN interface the associated socket. |
func getTUNInterfaceName(utunSocket: Int32) -> String? { |
var buffer = [Int8](count: Int(IFNAMSIZ), repeatedValue: 0) |
var bufferSize: socklen_t = socklen_t(buffer.count) |
let resultCode = getsockopt(utunSocket, SYSPROTO_CONTROL, getUTUNNameOption(), &buffer, &bufferSize) |
if let errorString = String(UTF8String: strerror(errno)) where resultCode < 0 { |
simpleTunnelLog("getsockopt failed while getting the utun interface name: \(errorString)") |
return nil |
} |
return String(UTF8String: &buffer) |
} |
/// Set up the UTUN interface, start reading packets. |
func setupVirtualInterface(address: String) -> Bool { |
let utunSocket = createTUNInterface() |
guard let interfaceName = getTUNInterfaceName(utunSocket) |
where utunSocket >= 0 && |
setUTUNAddress(interfaceName, address) |
else { return false } |
startTunnelSource(utunSocket) |
utunName = interfaceName |
return true |
} |
/// Read packets from the UTUN interface. |
func readPackets() { |
guard let source = utunSource else { return } |
var packets = [NSData]() |
var protocols = [NSNumber]() |
// We use a 2-element iovec list. The first iovec points to the protocol number of the packet, the second iovec points to the buffer where the packet should be read. |
var buffer = [UInt8](count: Tunnel.packetSize, repeatedValue:0) |
var protocolNumber: UInt32 = 0 |
var iovecList = [ iovec(iov_base: &protocolNumber, iov_len: sizeofValue(protocolNumber)), iovec(iov_base: &buffer, iov_len: buffer.count) ] |
let iovecListPointer = UnsafeBufferPointer<iovec>(start: &iovecList, count: iovecList.count) |
let utunSocket = Int32(dispatch_source_get_handle(source)) |
repeat { |
let readCount = readv(utunSocket, iovecListPointer.baseAddress, Int32(iovecListPointer.count)) |
guard readCount > 0 || errno == EAGAIN else { |
if let errorString = String(UTF8String: strerror(errno)) where readCount < 0 { |
simpleTunnelLog("Got an error on the utun socket: \(errorString)") |
} |
dispatch_source_cancel(source) |
break |
} |
guard readCount > sizeofValue(protocolNumber) else { break } |
if protocolNumber.littleEndian == protocolNumber { |
protocolNumber = protocolNumber.byteSwapped |
} |
protocols.append(NSNumber(unsignedInt: protocolNumber)) |
packets.append(NSData(bytes: &buffer, length: readCount - sizeofValue(protocolNumber))) |
// Buffer up packets so that we can include multiple packets per message. Once we reach a per-message maximum send a "packets" message. |
if packets.count == Tunnel.maximumPacketsPerMessage { |
tunnel?.sendPackets(packets, protocols: protocols, forConnection: identifier) |
packets = [NSData]() |
protocols = [NSNumber]() |
if isSuspended { break } // If the entire message could not be sent and the connection is suspended, stop reading packets. |
} |
} while true |
// If there are unsent packets left over, send them now. |
if packets.count > 0 { |
tunnel?.sendPackets(packets, protocols: protocols, forConnection: identifier) |
} |
} |
/// Start reading packets from the UTUN interface. |
func startTunnelSource(utunSocket: Int32) { |
guard setSocketNonBlocking(utunSocket) else { return } |
guard let newSource = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_READ, UInt(utunSocket), 0, dispatch_get_main_queue()) else { return } |
dispatch_source_set_cancel_handler(newSource) { |
close(utunSocket) |
return |
} |
dispatch_source_set_event_handler(newSource) { |
self.readPackets() |
} |
dispatch_resume(newSource) |
utunSource = newSource |
} |
// MARK: Connection |
/// Abort the connection. |
override func abort(error: Int = 0) { |
super.abort(error) |
closeConnection(.All) |
} |
/// Close the connection. |
override func closeConnection(direction: TunnelConnectionCloseDirection) { |
super.closeConnection(direction) |
if currentCloseDirection == .All { |
if utunSource != nil { |
dispatch_source_cancel(utunSource!) |
} |
// De-allocate the address. |
if tunnelAddress != nil { |
ServerTunnel.configuration.addressPool?.deallocateAddress(tunnelAddress!) |
} |
utunName = nil |
} |
} |
/// Stop reading packets from the UTUN interface. |
override func suspend() { |
isSuspended = true |
if let source = utunSource { |
dispatch_suspend(source) |
} |
} |
/// Resume reading packets from the UTUN interface. |
override func resume() { |
isSuspended = false |
if let source = utunSource { |
dispatch_resume(source) |
readPackets() |
} |
} |
/// Write packets and associated protocols to the UTUN interface. |
override func sendPackets(packets: [NSData], protocols: [NSNumber]) { |
guard let source = utunSource else { return } |
let utunSocket = Int32(dispatch_source_get_handle(source)) |
for (index, packet) in packets.enumerate() { |
guard index < protocols.count else { break } |
var protocolNumber = protocols[index].unsignedIntValue.bigEndian |
let buffer = UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>(packet.bytes) |
var iovecList = [ iovec(iov_base: &protocolNumber, iov_len: sizeofValue(protocolNumber)), iovec(iov_base: buffer, iov_len: packet.length) ] |
let writeCount = writev(utunSocket, &iovecList, Int32(iovecList.count)) |
if writeCount < 0 { |
if let errorString = String(UTF8String: strerror(errno)) { |
simpleTunnelLog("Got an error while writing to utun: \(errorString)") |
} |
} |
else if writeCount < packet.length + sizeofValue(protocolNumber) { |
simpleTunnelLog("Wrote \(writeCount) bytes of a \(packet.length) byte packet to utun") |
} |
} |
} |
} |
Copyright © 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2016-10-04