
    Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    This file contains the ServerTunnelConnection class. The ServerTunnelConnection class handles the encapsulation and decapsulation of IP packets in the server side of the SimpleTunnel tunneling protocol.
import Foundation
import Darwin
/// An object that provides a bridge between a logical flow of packets in the SimpleTunnel protocol and a UTUN interface.
class ServerTunnelConnection: Connection {
    // MARK: Properties
    /// The virtual address of the tunnel.
    var tunnelAddress: String?
    /// The name of the UTUN interface.
    var utunName: String?
    /// A dispatch source for the UTUN interface socket.
    var utunSource: dispatch_source_t?
    /// A flag indicating if reads from the UTUN interface are suspended.
    var isSuspended = false
    // MARK: Interface
    /// Send an "open result" message with optionally the tunnel settings.
    func sendOpenResult(result: TunnelConnectionOpenResult, extraProperties: [String: AnyObject] = [:]) {
        guard let serverTunnel = tunnel else { return }
        var resultProperties = extraProperties
        resultProperties[TunnelMessageKey.ResultCode.rawValue] = result.rawValue
        let properties = createMessagePropertiesForConnection(identifier, commandType: .OpenResult, extraProperties: resultProperties)
    /// "Open" the connection by setting up the UTUN interface.
    func open() -> Bool {
        // Allocate the tunnel virtual address.
        guard let address = ServerTunnel.configuration.addressPool?.allocateAddress() else {
            simpleTunnelLog("Failed to allocate a tunnel address")
            return false
        // Create the virtual interface and assign the address.
        guard setupVirtualInterface(address) else {
            simpleTunnelLog("Failed to set up the virtual interface")
            return false
        tunnelAddress = address
        var response = [String: AnyObject]()
        // Create a copy of the configuration, so that it can be personalized with the tunnel virtual interface.
        var personalized = ServerTunnel.configuration.configuration
        guard let IPv4Dictionary = personalized[SettingsKey.IPv4.rawValue] as? [NSObject: AnyObject] else {
            simpleTunnelLog("No IPv4 Settings available")
            return false
        // Set up the "IPv4" sub-dictionary to contain the tunne virtual address and network mask.
        var newIPv4Dictionary = IPv4Dictionary
        newIPv4Dictionary[SettingsKey.Address.rawValue] = tunnelAddress
        newIPv4Dictionary[SettingsKey.Netmask.rawValue] = ""
        personalized[SettingsKey.IPv4.rawValue] = newIPv4Dictionary
        response[TunnelMessageKey.Configuration.rawValue] = personalized
        // Send the personalized configuration along with the "open result" message.
        sendOpenResult(.Success, extraProperties: response)
        return true
    /// Create a UTUN interface.
    func createTUNInterface() -> Int32 {
        let utunSocket = socket(PF_SYSTEM, SOCK_DGRAM, SYSPROTO_CONTROL)
        guard utunSocket >= 0 else {
            simpleTunnelLog("Failed to open a kernel control socket")
            return -1
        let controlIdentifier = getUTUNControlIdentifier(utunSocket)
        guard controlIdentifier > 0 else {
            simpleTunnelLog("Failed to get the control ID for the utun kernel control")
            return -1
        // Connect the socket to the UTUN kernel control.
        var socketAddressControl = sockaddr_ctl(sc_len: UInt8(sizeof(sockaddr_ctl.self)), sc_family: UInt8(AF_SYSTEM), ss_sysaddr: UInt16(AF_SYS_CONTROL), sc_id: controlIdentifier, sc_unit: 0, sc_reserved: (0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
        let connectResult = withUnsafePointer(&socketAddressControl) {
            connect(utunSocket, UnsafePointer<sockaddr>($0), socklen_t(sizeofValue(socketAddressControl)))
        if let errorString = String(UTF8String: strerror(errno)) where connectResult < 0 {
            simpleTunnelLog("Failed to create a utun interface: \(errorString)")
            return -1
        return utunSocket
    /// Get the name of a UTUN interface the associated socket.
    func getTUNInterfaceName(utunSocket: Int32) -> String? {
        var buffer = [Int8](count: Int(IFNAMSIZ), repeatedValue: 0)
        var bufferSize: socklen_t = socklen_t(buffer.count)
        let resultCode = getsockopt(utunSocket, SYSPROTO_CONTROL, getUTUNNameOption(), &buffer, &bufferSize)
        if let errorString = String(UTF8String: strerror(errno)) where resultCode < 0 {
            simpleTunnelLog("getsockopt failed while getting the utun interface name: \(errorString)")
            return nil
        return String(UTF8String: &buffer)
    /// Set up the UTUN interface, start reading packets.
    func setupVirtualInterface(address: String) -> Bool {
        let utunSocket = createTUNInterface()
        guard let interfaceName = getTUNInterfaceName(utunSocket)
            where utunSocket >= 0 &&
            setUTUNAddress(interfaceName, address)
            else { return false }
        utunName = interfaceName
        return true
    /// Read packets from the UTUN interface.
    func readPackets() {
        guard let source = utunSource else { return }
        var packets = [NSData]()
        var protocols = [NSNumber]()
        // We use a 2-element iovec list. The first iovec points to the protocol number of the packet, the second iovec points to the buffer where the packet should be read.
        var buffer = [UInt8](count: Tunnel.packetSize, repeatedValue:0)
        var protocolNumber: UInt32 = 0
        var iovecList = [ iovec(iov_base: &protocolNumber, iov_len: sizeofValue(protocolNumber)), iovec(iov_base: &buffer, iov_len: buffer.count) ]
        let iovecListPointer = UnsafeBufferPointer<iovec>(start: &iovecList, count: iovecList.count)
        let utunSocket = Int32(dispatch_source_get_handle(source))
        repeat {
            let readCount = readv(utunSocket, iovecListPointer.baseAddress, Int32(iovecListPointer.count))
            guard readCount > 0 || errno == EAGAIN else {
                if let errorString = String(UTF8String: strerror(errno)) where readCount < 0 {
                    simpleTunnelLog("Got an error on the utun socket: \(errorString)")
            guard readCount > sizeofValue(protocolNumber) else { break }
            if protocolNumber.littleEndian == protocolNumber {
                protocolNumber = protocolNumber.byteSwapped
            protocols.append(NSNumber(unsignedInt: protocolNumber))
            packets.append(NSData(bytes: &buffer, length: readCount - sizeofValue(protocolNumber)))
            // Buffer up packets so that we can include multiple packets per message. Once we reach a per-message maximum send a "packets" message.
            if packets.count == Tunnel.maximumPacketsPerMessage {
                tunnel?.sendPackets(packets, protocols: protocols, forConnection: identifier)
                packets = [NSData]()
                protocols = [NSNumber]()
                if isSuspended { break } // If the entire message could not be sent and the connection is suspended, stop reading packets.
        } while true
        // If there are unsent packets left over, send them now.
        if packets.count > 0 {
            tunnel?.sendPackets(packets, protocols: protocols, forConnection: identifier)
    /// Start reading packets from the UTUN interface.
    func startTunnelSource(utunSocket: Int32) {
        guard setSocketNonBlocking(utunSocket) else { return }
        guard let newSource = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_READ, UInt(utunSocket), 0, dispatch_get_main_queue()) else { return }
        dispatch_source_set_cancel_handler(newSource) {
        dispatch_source_set_event_handler(newSource) {
        utunSource = newSource
    // MARK: Connection
    /// Abort the connection.
    override func abort(error: Int = 0) {
    /// Close the connection.
    override func closeConnection(direction: TunnelConnectionCloseDirection) {
        if currentCloseDirection == .All {
            if utunSource != nil {
            // De-allocate the address.
            if tunnelAddress != nil {
            utunName = nil
    /// Stop reading packets from the UTUN interface.
    override func suspend() {
        isSuspended = true
        if let source = utunSource {
    /// Resume reading packets from the UTUN interface.
    override func resume() {
        isSuspended = false
        if let source = utunSource {
    /// Write packets and associated protocols to the UTUN interface.
    override func sendPackets(packets: [NSData], protocols: [NSNumber]) {
        guard let source = utunSource else { return }
        let utunSocket = Int32(dispatch_source_get_handle(source))
        for (index, packet) in packets.enumerate() {
            guard index < protocols.count else { break }
            var protocolNumber = protocols[index].unsignedIntValue.bigEndian
            let buffer = UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>(packet.bytes)
            var iovecList = [ iovec(iov_base: &protocolNumber, iov_len: sizeofValue(protocolNumber)), iovec(iov_base: buffer, iov_len: packet.length) ]
            let writeCount = writev(utunSocket, &iovecList, Int32(iovecList.count))
            if writeCount < 0 {
                if let errorString = String(UTF8String: strerror(errno)) {
                    simpleTunnelLog("Got an error while writing to utun: \(errorString)")
            else if writeCount < packet.length + sizeofValue(protocolNumber) {
                simpleTunnelLog("Wrote \(writeCount) bytes of a \(packet.length) byte packet to utun")