/* |
File: SKTGraphicView.m |
Abstract: A view class to display Sketch graphics. |
Version: 1.1 |
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*/ |
#import "SKTGraphicView.h" |
#import "SKTGraphic.h" |
#import "SKTGrid.h" |
#import "SKTImage.h" |
#import "SKTRenderingView.h" |
#import "SKTToolPaletteController.h" |
#import "SKTRectangle.h" |
#import "SKTCircle.h" |
#import "SKTLine.h" |
#import "SKTText.h" |
// The names of the bindings supported by this class, in addition to the ones whose support is inherited from NSView. |
NSString *SKTGraphicViewGraphicsBindingName = @"graphics"; |
NSString *SKTGraphicViewSelectionIndexesBindingName = @"selectionIndexes"; |
NSString *SKTGraphicViewGridBindingName = @"grid"; |
// The values that are used as contexts by this class' invocations of KVO observer registration methods. When an object like this one receives an -observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context: message it has to figure out why it's getting the message. It could distinguish based on the observed object and key path, but that's not perfectly safe, because code in the superclass might be observing the same thing for a different reason, and there's a danger of intercepting observer notifications that are meant for superclass code. The way to make sure that doesn't happen is to use a context, and make sure it's unlikely to be used as a context by superclass or subclass code. Strings like these whose pointers are not available to other compiled modules are pretty unlikely to be used by superclass or subclass code. In practice this is not a common problem, especially in a simple application like Sketch, but you should know how to do things like this the perfect way even if you decide it's not worth the hassle in your application. |
static NSString *SKTGraphicViewGraphicsObservationContext = @""; |
static NSString *SKTGraphicViewIndividualGraphicObservationContext = @""; |
static NSString *SKTGraphicViewSelectionIndexesObservationContext = @""; |
static NSString *SKTGraphicViewAnyGridPropertyObservationContext = @""; |
// The type name that this class uses when putting flattened graphics on the pasteboard during cut, copy, and paste operations. The format that's identified by it is not the exact same thing as the native document format used by SKTDocument, because SKTDocuments store NSPrintInfos (and maybe other stuff too in the future). We could easily use the exact same format for pasteboard data and document files if we decide it's worth it, but so far we haven't. |
static NSString *SKTGraphicViewPasteboardType = @"Apple Sketch 2 pasteboard type"; |
// The default value by which repetitively pasted sets of graphics are offset from each other, so the user can paste repeatedly and not end up with a pile of graphics that overlay each other so perfectly only the top set can be selected with the mouse. |
static CGFloat SKTGraphicViewDefaultPasteCascadeDelta = 10.0; |
// Some methods that are invoked by methods above them in this file. |
@interface SKTGraphicView(SKTForwardDeclarations) |
- (NSArray *)graphics; |
- (void)stopEditing; |
- (void)stopObservingGraphics:(NSArray *)graphics; |
@end |
// Some methods that really should be declared in AppKit's NSWindow.h, but are not. You can consider them public. (In general though Cocoa methods that are not declared in header files are not public, and you run a bad risk of your application breaking on future versions of Mac OS X if you invoke or override them.) See their uses down below in SKTGraphicView's own implementations of -undo: and -redo:. |
@interface NSWindow(SKTWellTheyrePublicNow) |
- (IBAction)undo:(id)sender; |
- (IBAction)redo:(id)sender; |
@end |
@implementation SKTGraphicView |
// An override of the superclass' designated initializer. |
- (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)frame { |
// Do the regular Cocoa thing. |
self = [super initWithFrame:frame]; |
if (self) { |
// Specify what kind of pasteboard types this view can handle being dropped on it. |
[self registerForDraggedTypes:[[NSArray arrayWithObjects:NSColorPboardType, NSFilenamesPboardType, nil] arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray:[NSImage imagePasteboardTypes]]]; |
// Initalize the cascading of pasted graphics. |
_pasteboardChangeCount = -1; |
_pasteCascadeNumber = 0; |
_pasteCascadeDelta = NSMakePoint(SKTGraphicViewDefaultPasteCascadeDelta, SKTGraphicViewDefaultPasteCascadeDelta); |
} |
return self; |
} |
- (void)dealloc { |
// If we've set a timer to show handles invalidate it so it doesn't send a message to this object's zombie. |
[_handleShowingTimer invalidate]; |
// Make sure any outstanding editing view doesn't cause leaks. |
[self stopEditing]; |
// Stop observing grid changes. |
[_grid removeObserver:self forKeyPath:SKTGridAnyKey]; |
// Stop observing objects for the bindings whose support isn't implemented using NSObject's default implementations. |
[self unbind:SKTGraphicViewGraphicsBindingName]; |
[self unbind:SKTGraphicViewSelectionIndexesBindingName]; |
// Do the regular Cocoa thing. |
[_grid release]; |
[super dealloc]; |
} |
#pragma mark *** Bindings *** |
- (NSArray *)graphics { |
// A graphic view doesn't hold onto an array of the graphics it's presenting. That would be a cache that hasn't been justified by performance measurement (not yet anyway). Get the array of graphics from the bound-to object (an array controller, in Sketch's case). It's poor practice for a method that returns a collection to return nil, so never return nil. |
NSArray *graphics = [_graphicsContainer valueForKeyPath:_graphicsKeyPath]; |
if (!graphics) { |
graphics = [NSArray array]; |
} |
return graphics; |
} |
- (NSMutableArray *)mutableGraphics { |
// Get a mutable array of graphics from the bound-to object (an array controller, in Sketch's case). The bound-to object is responsible for being KVO-compliant enough that all observers of the bound-to property get notified of whatever mutation we perform on the returned array. Trying to mutate the graphics of a graphic view whose graphics aren't bound to anything is a programming error. |
NSAssert((_graphicsContainer && _graphicsKeyPath), @"An SKTGraphicView's 'graphics' property is not bound to anything."); |
NSMutableArray *mutableGraphics = [_graphicsContainer mutableArrayValueForKeyPath:_graphicsKeyPath]; |
return mutableGraphics; |
} |
- (NSIndexSet *)selectionIndexes { |
// A graphic view doesn't hold onto the selection indexes. That would be a cache that hasn't been justified by performance measurement (not yet anyway). Get the selection indexes from the bound-to object (an array controller, in Sketch's case). It's poor practice for a method that returns a collection (and an index set is a collection) to return nil, so never return nil. |
NSIndexSet *selectionIndexes = [_selectionIndexesContainer valueForKeyPath:_selectionIndexesKeyPath]; |
if (!selectionIndexes) { |
selectionIndexes = [NSIndexSet indexSet]; |
} |
return selectionIndexes; |
} |
/* Why isn't this method called -setSelectionIndexes:? Mostly to encourage a naming convention that's useful for a few reasons: |
NSObject's default implementation of key-value binding (KVB) uses key-value coding (KVC) to invoke methods like -set<BindingName>: on the bound object when the bound-to property changes, to make it simple to support binding in the simple case of a view property that affects the way a view is drawn but whose value isn't directly manipulated by the user. If NSObject's default implementation of KVB were good enough to use for this "selectionIndexes" property maybe we _would_ implement a -setSelectionIndexes: method instead of stuffing so much code in -observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context: down below (but it's not, because it doesn't provide a way to get at the old and new selection indexes when they change). So, this method isn't here to take advantage of NSObject's default implementation of KVB. It's here to centralize the bindings work that must be done when the user changes the selection (check out all of the places it's invoked down below). Hopefully the different verb in this method name is a good reminder of the distinction. |
A person who assumes that a -set... method always succeeds, and always sets the exact value that was passed in (or throws an exception for invalid values to signal the need for some debugging), isn't assuming anything unreasonable. Setters that invalidate that assumption make a class' interface unnecessarily unpredictable and hard to program against. Sometimes they require people to write code that sets a value and then gets it right back again to keep multiple copies of the value synchronized, in case the setting didn't "take." So, avoid that. When validation is appropriate don't put it in your setter. Instead, implement a separate validation method. Follow the naming pattern established by KVC's -validateValue:forKey:error: when applicable. Now, _this_ method can't guarantee that, when it's invoked, an immediately subsequent invocation of -selectionIndexes will return the passed-in value. It's supposed to set the value of a property in the bound-to object using KVC, but only after asking the bound-to object to validate the value. So, again, -setSelectionIndexes: wouldn't be a very good name for it. |
*/ |
- (void)changeSelectionIndexes:(NSIndexSet *)indexes { |
// After all of that talk, this method isn't invoking -validateValue:forKeyPath:error:. It will, once we come up with an example of invalid selection indexes for this case. |
// It will also someday take any value transformer specified as a binding option into account, so you have an example of how to do that. |
// Set the selection index set in the bound-to object (an array controller, in Sketch's case). The bound-to object is responsible for being KVO-compliant enough that all observers of the bound-to property get notified of the setting. Trying to set the selection indexes of a graphic view whose selection indexes aren't bound to anything is a programming error. |
NSAssert((_selectionIndexesContainer && _selectionIndexesKeyPath), @"An SKTGraphicView's 'selectionIndexes' property is not bound to anything."); |
[_selectionIndexesContainer setValue:indexes forKeyPath:_selectionIndexesKeyPath]; |
} |
- (void)setGrid:(SKTGrid *)grid { |
// Weed out redundant invocations. |
if (grid!=_grid) { |
// Stop observing changes in the old grid. |
[_grid removeObserver:self forKeyPath:SKTGridAnyKey]; |
// Do the regular Cocoa thing. |
[_grid release]; |
_grid = [grid retain]; |
// Start observing changes in the new grid so we know when to redraw it. |
[_grid addObserver:self forKeyPath:SKTGridAnyKey options:0 context:SKTGraphicViewAnyGridPropertyObservationContext]; |
} |
} |
- (void)startObservingGraphics:(NSArray *)graphics { |
// Start observing "drawingBounds" in each of the graphics. Use KVO's options for getting the old and new values in change notifications so we can invalidate just the old and new drawing bounds of changed graphics when they move or change size, instead of the whole view. (The new drawing bounds is easy to otherwise get using regular KVC, but the old one would otherwise have been forgotten by the time we get the notification.) Instances of SKTGraphic must therefore be KVC- and KVO-compliant for drawingBounds. SKTGraphics's use of KVO's dependency mechanism means that being KVO-compliant for drawingBounds when subclassing is as easy as overriding -drawingBounds (to compute an accurate value) and +keyPathsForValuesAffectingDrawingBounds (to trigger KVO's dependency mechanism) though. |
NSIndexSet *allGraphicIndexes = [NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndexesInRange:NSMakeRange(0, [graphics count])]; |
[graphics addObserver:self toObjectsAtIndexes:allGraphicIndexes forKeyPath:SKTGraphicDrawingBoundsKey options:(NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew | NSKeyValueObservingOptionOld) context:SKTGraphicViewIndividualGraphicObservationContext]; |
// Start observing "drawingContents" in each of the graphics. Don't bother using KVO's options for getting the old and new values because there is no value for drawingContents. It's just something that depends on all of the properties that affect drawing of a graphic but don't affect the drawing bounds of the graphic. Similar to what we do for drawingBounds, SKTGraphics' use of KVO's dependency mechanism means that being KVO-compliant for drawingContents when subclassing is as easy as overriding +keyPathsForValuesAffectingDrawingContents (there is no -drawingContents method to override). |
[graphics addObserver:self toObjectsAtIndexes:allGraphicIndexes forKeyPath:SKTGraphicDrawingContentsKey options:0 context:SKTGraphicViewIndividualGraphicObservationContext]; |
} |
- (void)stopObservingGraphics:(NSArray *)graphics { |
// Undo what we do in -startObservingGraphics:. |
NSIndexSet *allGraphicIndexes = [NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndexesInRange:NSMakeRange(0, [graphics count])]; |
[graphics removeObserver:self fromObjectsAtIndexes:allGraphicIndexes forKeyPath:SKTGraphicDrawingContentsKey]; |
[graphics removeObserver:self fromObjectsAtIndexes:allGraphicIndexes forKeyPath:SKTGraphicDrawingBoundsKey]; |
} |
// An override of the NSObject(NSKeyValueBindingCreation) method. |
- (void)bind:(NSString *)bindingName toObject:(id)observableObject withKeyPath:(NSString *)observableKeyPath options:(NSDictionary *)options { |
// SKTGraphicView supports several different bindings. |
if ([bindingName isEqualToString:SKTGraphicViewGraphicsBindingName]) { |
// We don't have any options to support for our custom "graphics" binding. |
NSAssert(([options count]==0), @"SKTGraphicView doesn't support any options for the 'graphics' binding."); |
// Rebinding is just as valid as resetting. |
if (_graphicsContainer || _graphicsKeyPath) { |
[self unbind:SKTGraphicViewGraphicsBindingName]; |
} |
// Record the information about the binding. |
_graphicsContainer = [observableObject retain]; |
_graphicsKeyPath = [observableKeyPath copy]; |
// Start observing changes to the array of graphics to which we're bound, and also start observing properties of the graphics themselves that might require redrawing. |
[_graphicsContainer addObserver:self forKeyPath:_graphicsKeyPath options:(NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew | NSKeyValueObservingOptionOld) context:SKTGraphicViewGraphicsObservationContext]; |
[self startObservingGraphics:[_graphicsContainer valueForKeyPath:_graphicsKeyPath]]; |
// Redraw the whole view to make the binding take immediate visual effect. We could be much cleverer about this and just redraw the part of the view that needs it, but in typical usage the view isn't even visible yet, so that would probably be a waste of time (the programmer's and the computer's). If this view ever gets reused in some wildly dynamic situation where the bindings come and go we can reconsider optimization decisions like this then. |
[self setNeedsDisplay:YES]; |
} else if ([bindingName isEqualToString:SKTGraphicViewSelectionIndexesBindingName]) { |
// We don't have any options to support for our custom "selectionIndexes" binding either. Maybe in the future someone will imagine a use for a value transformer on this, and we'll add support for it then. |
NSAssert(([options count]==0), @"SKTGraphicView doesn't support any options for the 'selectionIndexes' binding."); |
// Rebinding is just as valid as resetting. |
if (_selectionIndexesContainer || _selectionIndexesKeyPath) { |
[self unbind:SKTGraphicViewSelectionIndexesBindingName]; |
} |
// Record the information about the binding. |
_selectionIndexesContainer = [observableObject retain]; |
_selectionIndexesKeyPath = [observableKeyPath copy]; |
// Start observing changes to the selection indexes to which we're bound. |
[_selectionIndexesContainer addObserver:self forKeyPath:_selectionIndexesKeyPath options:(NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew | NSKeyValueObservingOptionOld) context:SKTGraphicViewSelectionIndexesObservationContext]; |
// Same comment as above. |
[self setNeedsDisplay:YES]; |
} else { |
// For every binding except "graphics" and "selectionIndexes" just use NSObject's default implementation. It will start observing the bound-to property. When a KVO notification is sent for the bound-to property, this object will be sent a [self setValue:theNewValue forKey:theBindingName] message, so this class just has to be KVC-compliant for a key that is the same as the binding name, like "grid." That's why this class has a -setGrid: method. Also, NSView supports a few simple bindings of its own, and there's no reason to get in the way of those. |
[super bind:bindingName toObject:observableObject withKeyPath:observableKeyPath options:options]; |
} |
} |
// An override of the NSObject(NSKeyValueBindingCreation) method. |
- (void)unbind:(NSString *)bindingName { |
// SKTGraphicView supports several different bindings. For the ones that don't use NSObject's default implementation of key-value binding, undo what we do in -bind:toObject:withKeyPath:options:, and then redraw the whole view to make the unbinding take immediate visual effect. |
if ([bindingName isEqualToString:SKTGraphicViewGraphicsBindingName]) { |
[self stopObservingGraphics:[self graphics]]; |
[_graphicsContainer removeObserver:self forKeyPath:_graphicsKeyPath]; |
[_graphicsContainer release]; |
_graphicsContainer = nil; |
[_graphicsKeyPath release]; |
_graphicsKeyPath = nil; |
[self setNeedsDisplay:YES]; |
} else if ([bindingName isEqualToString:SKTGraphicViewSelectionIndexesBindingName]) { |
[_selectionIndexesContainer removeObserver:self forKeyPath:_selectionIndexesKeyPath]; |
[_selectionIndexesContainer release]; |
_selectionIndexesContainer = nil; |
[_selectionIndexesKeyPath release]; |
_selectionIndexesKeyPath = nil; |
[self setNeedsDisplay:YES]; |
} else { |
// // For every binding except "graphics" and "selectionIndexes" just use NSObject's default implementation. Also, NSView supports a few simple bindings of its own, and there's no reason to get in the way of those. |
[super unbind:bindingName]; |
} |
} |
// An override of the NSObject(NSKeyValueObserving) method. |
- (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath ofObject:(NSObject *)observedObject change:(NSDictionary *)change context:(void *)context { |
// An SKTGraphicView observes several different kinds of objects, for several different reasons. Use the observation context value to distinguish between them. We can do a simple pointer comparison because KVO doesn't do anything at all with the context value, not even retain or copy it. |
if (context==SKTGraphicViewGraphicsObservationContext) { |
// The "old value" or "new value" in a change dictionary will be NSNull, instead of just not existing, if the corresponding option was specified at KVO registration time and the value for some key in the key path is nil. In Sketch's case there are times in an SKTGraphicView's life cycle when it's bound to the graphics of a window controller's document, and the window controller's document is nil. Don't redraw the graphic view when we get notifications about that. |
// Have graphics been removed from the bound-to container? |
NSArray *oldGraphics = [change objectForKey:NSKeyValueChangeOldKey]; |
if (![oldGraphics isEqual:[NSNull null]]) { |
// Yes. Stop observing them because we don't want to leave dangling observations. |
[self stopObservingGraphics:oldGraphics]; |
// Redraw just the parts of the view that they used to occupy. |
NSUInteger graphicCount = [oldGraphics count]; |
for (NSUInteger index = 0; index<graphicCount; index++) { |
[self setNeedsDisplayInRect:[[oldGraphics objectAtIndex:index] drawingBounds]]; |
} |
// If a graphic is being edited right now, and the graphic is being removed, stop the editing. This way we don't strand an editing view whose graphic has been pulled out from under it. This situation can arise from undoing and scripting. |
if (_editingGraphic && [oldGraphics containsObject:_editingGraphic]) { |
[self stopEditing]; |
} |
} |
// Have graphics been added to the bound-to container? |
NSArray *newGraphics = [change objectForKey:NSKeyValueChangeNewKey]; |
if (![newGraphics isEqual:[NSNull null]]) { |
// Yes. Start observing them so we know when we need to redraw the parts of the view where they sit. |
[self startObservingGraphics:newGraphics]; |
// Redraw just the parts of the view that they now occupy. |
NSUInteger graphicCount = [newGraphics count]; |
for (NSUInteger index = 0; index<graphicCount; index++) { |
[self setNeedsDisplayInRect:[[newGraphics objectAtIndex:index] drawingBounds]]; |
} |
// If undoing or redoing is being done we have to select the graphics that are being added. For NSKeyValueChangeSetting the change dictionary has no NSKeyValueChangeIndexesKey entry, so we have to figure out the indexes ourselves, which is easy. For NSKeyValueChangeRemoval the indexes are not the indexes of anything being added. You might notice that this is only place in this entire method that we check the value of the NSKeyValueChangeKindKey entry. In general, doing so should be pretty uncommon in overrides of -observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context:, because the values of the other entries are usually all you need, and handling all of the possible NSKeyValueChange values requires care. In Sketch we'll never see NSKeyValueChangeSetting or NSKeyValueChangeReplacement but we want to demonstrate a reusable class so we handle them anyway. |
NSIndexSet *additionalUndoSelectionIndexes = nil; |
NSKeyValueChange changeKind = [[change objectForKey:NSKeyValueChangeKindKey] integerValue]; |
if (changeKind==NSKeyValueChangeSetting) { |
additionalUndoSelectionIndexes = [NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndexesInRange:NSMakeRange(0, [newGraphics count])]; |
} else if (changeKind!=NSKeyValueChangeRemoval) { |
additionalUndoSelectionIndexes = [change objectForKey:NSKeyValueChangeIndexesKey]; |
} |
if (additionalUndoSelectionIndexes) { |
// Use -[NSIndexSet addIndexes:] instead of just replacing the value of _undoSelectionIndexes because we don't know that a single undo action won't include more than one addition of graphics. |
[_undoSelectionIndexes addIndexes:additionalUndoSelectionIndexes]; |
} |
} |
} else if (context==SKTGraphicViewIndividualGraphicObservationContext) { |
// Has a graphic's drawing bounds changed, or some other value that affects how it appears? |
if ([keyPath isEqualToString:SKTGraphicDrawingBoundsKey]) { |
// Redraw the part of the view that the graphic used to occupy, and the part that it now occupies. |
NSRect oldGraphicDrawingBounds = [[change objectForKey:NSKeyValueChangeOldKey] rectValue]; |
[self setNeedsDisplayInRect:oldGraphicDrawingBounds]; |
NSRect newGraphicDrawingBounds = [[change objectForKey:NSKeyValueChangeNewKey] rectValue]; |
[self setNeedsDisplayInRect:newGraphicDrawingBounds]; |
} else if ([keyPath isEqualToString:SKTGraphicDrawingContentsKey]) { |
// The graphic's drawing bounds hasn't changed, so just redraw the part of the view that it occupies right now. |
NSRect graphicDrawingBounds = [(SKTGraphic *)observedObject drawingBounds]; |
[self setNeedsDisplayInRect:graphicDrawingBounds]; |
} // else something truly bizarre has happened. |
// If undoing or redoing is being done add this graphic to the set that will be selected at the end of the undo action. -[NSArray indexOfObject:] is a dangerous method from a performance standpoint. Maybe an undo action that affects many graphics at once will be slow. Maybe something else in this very simple-looking bit of code will be a problem. We just don't yet know whether there will be a performance problem that the user can notice here. We'll check when we do real performance measurement on Sketch someday. At least we've limited the potential problem to undoing and redoing by checking _undoSelectionIndexes!=nil. One thing we do know right now is that we're not using memory to record selection changes on the undo/redo stacks, and that's a good thing. |
if (_undoSelectionIndexes) { |
NSUInteger graphicIndex = [[self graphics] indexOfObject:observedObject]; |
if (graphicIndex!=NSNotFound) { |
[_undoSelectionIndexes addIndex:graphicIndex]; |
} // else something truly bizarre has happened. |
} |
} else if (context==SKTGraphicViewSelectionIndexesObservationContext) { |
// Some selection indexes might have been removed, some might have been added. Redraw the selection handles for any graphic whose selectedness has changed, unless the binding is changing completely (signalled by null old or new value), in which case just redraw the whole view. |
NSIndexSet *oldSelectionIndexes = [change objectForKey:NSKeyValueChangeOldKey]; |
NSIndexSet *newSelectionIndexes = [change objectForKey:NSKeyValueChangeNewKey]; |
if (![oldSelectionIndexes isEqual:[NSNull null]] && ![newSelectionIndexes isEqual:[NSNull null]]) { |
for (NSUInteger oldSelectionIndex = [oldSelectionIndexes firstIndex]; oldSelectionIndex!=NSNotFound; oldSelectionIndex = [oldSelectionIndexes indexGreaterThanIndex:oldSelectionIndex]) { |
if (![newSelectionIndexes containsIndex:oldSelectionIndex]) { |
SKTGraphic *deselectedGraphic = [[self graphics] objectAtIndex:oldSelectionIndex]; |
[self setNeedsDisplayInRect:[deselectedGraphic drawingBounds]]; |
} |
} |
for (NSUInteger newSelectionIndex = [newSelectionIndexes firstIndex]; newSelectionIndex!=NSNotFound; newSelectionIndex = [newSelectionIndexes indexGreaterThanIndex:newSelectionIndex]) { |
if (![oldSelectionIndexes containsIndex:newSelectionIndex]) { |
SKTGraphic *selectedGraphic = [[self graphics] objectAtIndex:newSelectionIndex]; |
[self setNeedsDisplayInRect:[selectedGraphic drawingBounds]]; |
} |
} |
} else { |
[self setNeedsDisplay:YES]; |
} |
} else if (context==SKTGraphicViewAnyGridPropertyObservationContext) { |
// Either a new grid is to be used (this only happens once in Sketch) or one of the properties of the grid has changed. Regardless, redraw everything. |
[self setNeedsDisplay:YES]; |
} else { |
// In overrides of -observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context: always invoke super when the observer notification isn't recognized. Code in the superclass is apparently doing observation of its own. NSObject's implementation of this method throws an exception. Such an exception would be indicating a programming error that should be fixed. |
[super observeValueForKeyPath:keyPath ofObject:observedObject change:change context:context]; |
} |
} |
// This doesn't contribute to any KVC or KVO compliance. It's just a convenience method that's invoked down below. |
- (NSArray *)selectedGraphics { |
// Simple, because we made sure -graphics and -selectionIndexes never return nil. |
return [[self graphics] objectsAtIndexes:[self selectionIndexes]]; |
} |
#pragma mark *** Drawing *** |
// An override of the NSView method. |
- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)rect { |
// Draw the background background. |
[[NSColor whiteColor] set]; |
NSRectFill(rect); |
// Draw the grid. |
[_grid drawRect:rect inView:self]; |
// Draw every graphic that intersects the rectangle to be drawn. In Sketch the frontmost graphics have the lowest indexes. |
NSGraphicsContext *currentContext = [NSGraphicsContext currentContext]; |
NSArray *graphics = [self graphics]; |
NSIndexSet *selectionIndexes = [self selectionIndexes]; |
NSInteger graphicCount = [graphics count]; |
for (NSInteger index = graphicCount - 1; index>=0; index--) { |
SKTGraphic *graphic = [graphics objectAtIndex:index]; |
NSRect graphicDrawingBounds = [graphic drawingBounds]; |
if (NSIntersectsRect(rect, graphicDrawingBounds)) { |
// Figure out whether or not to draw selection handles on the graphic. Selection handles are drawn for all selected objects except: |
// - While the selected objects are being moved. |
// - For the object actually being created or edited, if there is one. |
BOOL drawSelectionHandles = NO; |
if (!_isHidingHandles && graphic!=_creatingGraphic && graphic!=_editingGraphic) { |
drawSelectionHandles = [selectionIndexes containsIndex:index]; |
} |
// Draw the graphic, possibly with selection handles. |
[currentContext saveGraphicsState]; |
[NSBezierPath clipRect:graphicDrawingBounds]; |
[graphic drawContentsInView:self isBeingCreateOrEdited:(graphic==_creatingGraphic || graphic==_editingGraphic)]; |
if (drawSelectionHandles) { |
[graphic drawHandlesInView:self]; |
} |
[currentContext restoreGraphicsState]; |
} |
} |
// If the user is in the middle of selecting draw the selection rectangle. |
if (!NSEqualRects(_marqueeSelectionBounds, NSZeroRect)) { |
[[NSColor knobColor] set]; |
NSFrameRect(_marqueeSelectionBounds); |
} |
} |
- (void)beginEchoingMoveToRulers:(NSRect)echoRect { |
NSRulerView *horizontalRuler = [[self enclosingScrollView] horizontalRulerView]; |
NSRulerView *verticalRuler = [[self enclosingScrollView] verticalRulerView]; |
NSRect newHorizontalRect = [self convertRect:echoRect toView:horizontalRuler]; |
NSRect newVerticalRect = [self convertRect:echoRect toView:verticalRuler]; |
[horizontalRuler moveRulerlineFromLocation:-1.0 toLocation:NSMinX(newHorizontalRect)]; |
[horizontalRuler moveRulerlineFromLocation:-1.0 toLocation:NSMidX(newHorizontalRect)]; |
[horizontalRuler moveRulerlineFromLocation:-1.0 toLocation:NSMaxX(newHorizontalRect)]; |
[verticalRuler moveRulerlineFromLocation:-1.0 toLocation:NSMinY(newVerticalRect)]; |
[verticalRuler moveRulerlineFromLocation:-1.0 toLocation:NSMidY(newVerticalRect)]; |
[verticalRuler moveRulerlineFromLocation:-1.0 toLocation:NSMaxY(newVerticalRect)]; |
_rulerEchoedBounds = echoRect; |
} |
- (void)continueEchoingMoveToRulers:(NSRect)echoRect { |
NSRulerView *horizontalRuler = [[self enclosingScrollView] horizontalRulerView]; |
NSRulerView *verticalRuler = [[self enclosingScrollView] verticalRulerView]; |
NSRect oldHorizontalRect = [self convertRect:_rulerEchoedBounds toView:horizontalRuler]; |
NSRect oldVerticalRect = [self convertRect:_rulerEchoedBounds toView:verticalRuler]; |
NSRect newHorizontalRect = [self convertRect:echoRect toView:horizontalRuler]; |
NSRect newVerticalRect = [self convertRect:echoRect toView:verticalRuler]; |
[horizontalRuler moveRulerlineFromLocation:NSMinX(oldHorizontalRect) toLocation:NSMinX(newHorizontalRect)]; |
[horizontalRuler moveRulerlineFromLocation:NSMidX(oldHorizontalRect) toLocation:NSMidX(newHorizontalRect)]; |
[horizontalRuler moveRulerlineFromLocation:NSMaxX(oldHorizontalRect) toLocation:NSMaxX(newHorizontalRect)]; |
[verticalRuler moveRulerlineFromLocation:NSMinY(oldVerticalRect) toLocation:NSMinY(newVerticalRect)]; |
[verticalRuler moveRulerlineFromLocation:NSMidY(oldVerticalRect) toLocation:NSMidY(newVerticalRect)]; |
[verticalRuler moveRulerlineFromLocation:NSMaxY(oldVerticalRect) toLocation:NSMaxY(newVerticalRect)]; |
_rulerEchoedBounds = echoRect; |
} |
- (void)stopEchoingMoveToRulers { |
NSRulerView *horizontalRuler = [[self enclosingScrollView] horizontalRulerView]; |
NSRulerView *verticalRuler = [[self enclosingScrollView] verticalRulerView]; |
NSRect oldHorizontalRect = [self convertRect:_rulerEchoedBounds toView:horizontalRuler]; |
NSRect oldVerticalRect = [self convertRect:_rulerEchoedBounds toView:verticalRuler]; |
[horizontalRuler moveRulerlineFromLocation:NSMinX(oldHorizontalRect) toLocation:-1.0]; |
[horizontalRuler moveRulerlineFromLocation:NSMidX(oldHorizontalRect) toLocation:-1.0]; |
[horizontalRuler moveRulerlineFromLocation:NSMaxX(oldHorizontalRect) toLocation:-1.0]; |
[verticalRuler moveRulerlineFromLocation:NSMinY(oldVerticalRect) toLocation:-1.0]; |
[verticalRuler moveRulerlineFromLocation:NSMidY(oldVerticalRect) toLocation:-1.0]; |
[verticalRuler moveRulerlineFromLocation:NSMaxY(oldVerticalRect) toLocation:-1.0]; |
_rulerEchoedBounds = NSZeroRect; |
} |
#pragma mark *** Editing Subviews *** |
- (void)setNeedsDisplayForEditingViewFrameChangeNotification:(NSNotification *)viewFrameDidChangeNotification { |
// If the editing view got smaller we have to redraw where it was or cruft will be left on the screen. If the editing view got larger we might be doing some redundant invalidation (not a big deal), but we're not doing any redundant drawing (which might be a big deal). If the editing view actually moved then we might be doing substantial redundant drawing, but so far that wouldn't happen in Sketch. |
// In Sketch this prevents cruft being left on the screen when the user 1) creates a great big text area and fills it up with text, 2) sizes the text area so not all of the text fits, 3) starts editing the text area but doesn't actually change it, so the text area hasn't been automatically resized and the text editing view is actually bigger than the text area, and 4) deletes so much text in one motion (Select All, then Cut) that the text editing view suddenly becomes smaller than the text area. In every other text editing situation the text editing view's invalidation or the fact that the SKTText's "drawingBounds" changes is enough to cause the proper redrawing. |
NSRect newEditingViewFrame = [[viewFrameDidChangeNotification object] frame]; |
[self setNeedsDisplayInRect:NSUnionRect(_editingViewFrame, newEditingViewFrame)]; |
_editingViewFrame = newEditingViewFrame; |
} |
- (void)startEditingGraphic:(SKTGraphic *)graphic { |
// It's the responsibility of invokers to not invoke this method when editing has already been started. |
NSAssert((!_editingGraphic && !_editingView), @"-[SKTGraphicView startEditingGraphic:] is being mis-invoked."); |
// Can the graphic even provide an editing view? |
_editingView = [[graphic newEditingViewWithSuperviewBounds:[self bounds]] retain]; |
if (_editingView) { |
// Keep a pointer to the graphic around so we can ask it to draw its "being edited" look, and eventually send it a -finalizeEditingView: message. |
_editingGraphic = [graphic retain]; |
// If the editing view adds a ruler accessory view we're going to remove it when editing is done, so we have to remember the old reserved accessory view thickness so we can restore it. Otherwise there will be a big blank space in the ruler. |
_oldReservedThicknessForRulerAccessoryView = [[[self enclosingScrollView] horizontalRulerView] reservedThicknessForAccessoryView]; |
// Make the editing view a subview of this one. It was the graphic's job to make sure that it was created with the right frame and bounds. |
[self addSubview:_editingView]; |
// Make the editing view the first responder so it takes key events and relevant menu item commands. |
[[self window] makeFirstResponder:_editingView]; |
// Get notified if the editing view's frame gets smaller, because we may have to force redrawing when that happens. Record the view's frame because it won't be available when we get the notification. |
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(setNeedsDisplayForEditingViewFrameChangeNotification:) name:NSViewFrameDidChangeNotification object:_editingView]; |
_editingViewFrame = [_editingView frame]; |
// Give the graphic being edited a chance to draw one more time. In Sketch, SKTText draws a focus ring. |
[self setNeedsDisplayInRect:[_editingGraphic drawingBounds]]; |
} |
} |
- (void)stopEditing { |
// Make it harmless to invoke this method unnecessarily. |
if (_editingView) { |
// Undo what we did in -startEditingGraphic:. |
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self name:NSViewFrameDidChangeNotification object:_editingView]; |
// Pull the editing view out of this one. When editing is being stopped because the user has clicked in this view, outside of the editing view, NSWindow will have already made this view the window's first responder, and that's good. However, when editing is being stopped because the edited graphic is being removed (by undoing or scripting, for example), the invocation of -[NSView removeFromSuperview] we do here will leave the window as its own first responder, and that would be bad, so also fix the window's first responder if appropriate. It wouldn't be appropriate to steal first-respondership from sibling views here. |
BOOL makeSelfFirstResponder = [[self window] firstResponder]==_editingView ? YES : NO; |
[_editingView removeFromSuperview]; |
if (makeSelfFirstResponder) { |
[[self window] makeFirstResponder:self]; |
} |
// If the editing view added a ruler accessory view then remove it because it's not applicable anymore, and get rid of the blank space in the ruler that would otherwise result. In Sketch the NSTextViews created by SKTTexts leave horizontal ruler accessory views. |
NSRulerView *horizontalRulerView = [[self enclosingScrollView] horizontalRulerView]; |
[horizontalRulerView setAccessoryView:nil]; |
[horizontalRulerView setReservedThicknessForAccessoryView:_oldReservedThicknessForRulerAccessoryView]; |
// Give the graphic that created the editing view a chance to tear down their relationships and then forget about them both. |
[_editingGraphic finalizeEditingView:_editingView]; |
[_editingGraphic release]; |
_editingGraphic = nil; |
[_editingView release]; |
_editingView = nil; |
} |
} |
#pragma mark *** Mouse Event Handling *** |
- (SKTGraphic *)graphicUnderPoint:(NSPoint)point index:(NSUInteger *)outIndex isSelected:(BOOL *)outIsSelected handle:(NSInteger *)outHandle { |
// We don't touch *outIndex, *outIsSelected, or *outHandle if we return nil. Those values are undefined if we don't return a match. |
// Search through all of the graphics, front to back, looking for one that claims that the point is on a selection handle (if it's selected) or in the contents of the graphic itself. |
SKTGraphic *graphicToReturn = nil; |
NSArray *graphics = [self graphics]; |
NSIndexSet *selectionIndexes = [self selectionIndexes]; |
NSUInteger graphicCount = [graphics count]; |
for (NSUInteger index = 0; index<graphicCount; index++) { |
SKTGraphic *graphic = [graphics objectAtIndex:index]; |
// Do a quick check to weed out graphics that aren't even in the neighborhood. |
if (NSPointInRect(point, [graphic drawingBounds])) { |
// Check the graphic's selection handles first, because they take precedence when they overlap the graphic's contents. |
BOOL graphicIsSelected = [selectionIndexes containsIndex:index]; |
if (graphicIsSelected) { |
NSInteger handle = [graphic handleUnderPoint:point]; |
if (handle!=SKTGraphicNoHandle) { |
// The user clicked on a handle of a selected graphic. |
graphicToReturn = graphic; |
if (outHandle) { |
*outHandle = handle; |
} |
} |
} |
if (!graphicToReturn) { |
BOOL clickedOnGraphicContents = [graphic isContentsUnderPoint:point]; |
if (clickedOnGraphicContents) { |
// The user clicked on the contents of a graphic. |
graphicToReturn = graphic; |
if (outHandle) { |
*outHandle = SKTGraphicNoHandle; |
} |
} |
} |
if (graphicToReturn) { |
// Return values and stop looking. |
if (outIndex) { |
*outIndex = index; |
} |
if (outIsSelected) { |
*outIsSelected = graphicIsSelected; |
} |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
return graphicToReturn; |
} |
- (void)moveSelectedGraphicsWithEvent:(NSEvent *)event { |
NSPoint lastPoint, curPoint; |
NSArray *selGraphics = [self selectedGraphics]; |
NSUInteger c; |
BOOL didMove = NO, isMoving = NO; |
BOOL echoToRulers = [[self enclosingScrollView] rulersVisible]; |
NSRect selBounds = [[SKTGraphic self] boundsOfGraphics:selGraphics]; |
c = [selGraphics count]; |
lastPoint = [self convertPoint:[event locationInWindow] fromView:nil]; |
NSPoint selOriginOffset = NSMakePoint((lastPoint.x - selBounds.origin.x), (lastPoint.y - selBounds.origin.y)); |
if (echoToRulers) { |
[self beginEchoingMoveToRulers:selBounds]; |
} |
while ([event type]!=NSLeftMouseUp) { |
event = [[self window] nextEventMatchingMask:(NSLeftMouseDraggedMask | NSLeftMouseUpMask)]; |
[self autoscroll:event]; |
curPoint = [self convertPoint:[event locationInWindow] fromView:nil]; |
if (!isMoving && ((fabs(curPoint.x - lastPoint.x) >= 2.0) || (fabs(curPoint.y - lastPoint.y) >= 2.0))) { |
isMoving = YES; |
_isHidingHandles = YES; |
} |
if (isMoving) { |
if (_grid) { |
NSPoint boundsOrigin; |
boundsOrigin.x = curPoint.x - selOriginOffset.x; |
boundsOrigin.y = curPoint.y - selOriginOffset.y; |
boundsOrigin = [_grid constrainedPoint:boundsOrigin]; |
curPoint.x = boundsOrigin.x + selOriginOffset.x; |
curPoint.y = boundsOrigin.y + selOriginOffset.y; |
} |
if (!NSEqualPoints(lastPoint, curPoint)) { |
[[SKTGraphic class] translateGraphics:selGraphics byX:(curPoint.x - lastPoint.x) y:(curPoint.y - lastPoint.y)]; |
didMove = YES; |
if (echoToRulers) { |
[self continueEchoingMoveToRulers:NSMakeRect(curPoint.x - selOriginOffset.x, curPoint.y - selOriginOffset.y, NSWidth(selBounds),NSHeight(selBounds))]; |
} |
// Adjust the delta that is used for cascading pastes. Pasting and then moving the pasted graphic is the way you determine the cascade delta for subsequent pastes. |
_pasteCascadeDelta.x += (curPoint.x - lastPoint.x); |
_pasteCascadeDelta.y += (curPoint.y - lastPoint.y); |
} |
lastPoint = curPoint; |
} |
} |
if (echoToRulers) { |
[self stopEchoingMoveToRulers]; |
} |
if (isMoving) { |
_isHidingHandles = NO; |
[self setNeedsDisplayInRect:[SKTGraphic drawingBoundsOfGraphics:selGraphics]]; |
if (didMove) { |
// Only if we really moved. |
[[self undoManager] setActionName:NSLocalizedStringFromTable(@"Move", @"UndoStrings", @"Action name for moves.")]; |
// Post appropriate accessibility notification |
NSAccessibilityPostNotification(self, NSAccessibilitySelectedChildrenMovedNotification); |
} |
} |
} |
- (void)resizeGraphic:(SKTGraphic *)graphic usingHandle:(NSInteger)handle withEvent:(NSEvent *)event { |
BOOL echoToRulers = [[self enclosingScrollView] rulersVisible]; |
if (echoToRulers) { |
[self beginEchoingMoveToRulers:[graphic bounds]]; |
} |
while ([event type]!=NSLeftMouseUp) { |
event = [[self window] nextEventMatchingMask:(NSLeftMouseDraggedMask | NSLeftMouseUpMask)]; |
[self autoscroll:event]; |
NSPoint handleLocation = [self convertPoint:[event locationInWindow] fromView:nil]; |
if (_grid) { |
handleLocation = [_grid constrainedPoint:handleLocation]; |
} |
handle = [graphic resizeByMovingHandle:handle toPoint:handleLocation]; |
if (echoToRulers) { |
[self continueEchoingMoveToRulers:[graphic bounds]]; |
} |
} |
if (echoToRulers) { |
[self stopEchoingMoveToRulers]; |
} |
[[self undoManager] setActionName:NSLocalizedStringFromTable(@"Resize", @"UndoStrings", @"Action name for resizes.")]; |
} |
- (NSIndexSet *)indexesOfGraphicsIntersectingRect:(NSRect)rect { |
NSMutableIndexSet *indexSetToReturn = [NSMutableIndexSet indexSet]; |
NSArray *graphics = [self graphics]; |
NSUInteger graphicCount = [graphics count]; |
for (NSUInteger index = 0; index<graphicCount; index++) { |
SKTGraphic *graphic = [graphics objectAtIndex:index]; |
if (NSIntersectsRect(rect, [graphic drawingBounds])) { |
[indexSetToReturn addIndex:index]; |
} |
} |
return indexSetToReturn; |
} |
- (void)createGraphicOfClass:(Class)graphicClass withEvent:(NSEvent *)event { |
// Before we invoke -[NSUndoManager beginUndoGrouping] turn off automatic per-event-loop group creation. If we don't turn it off now, -beginUndoGrouping will actually create _two_ undo groups: the top-level automatically-created one and then the nested one that we're explicitly creating. When we invoke -undoNestedGroup down below, the automatically-created undo group will be left on the undo stack. It will be ended automatically at the end of the event loop, which is good, and it will be empty, which is expected, but it will be left on the undo stack so the user will see a useless undo action in the Edit menu, which is bad. Is this a bug in NSUndoManager? Well it's certainly surprising that NSUndoManager isn't bright enough to ignore empty undo groups, especially ones that it itself created automatically, so NSUndoManager could definitely use a little improvement here. |
NSUndoManager *undoManager = [self undoManager]; |
BOOL undoManagerWasGroupingByEvent = [undoManager groupsByEvent]; |
[undoManager setGroupsByEvent:NO]; |
// We will want to undo the creation of the graphic if the user sizes it to nothing, so create a new group for everything undoable that's going to happen during graphic creation. |
[undoManager beginUndoGrouping]; |
// Clear the selection. |
[self changeSelectionIndexes:[NSIndexSet indexSet]]; |
NSPoint graphicOrigin; |
NSSize graphicSize; |
if (event!=nil) { |
// Where is the mouse pointer as graphic creation is starting? Should the location be constrained to the grid? |
graphicOrigin = [self convertPoint:[event locationInWindow] fromView:nil]; |
graphicSize = NSMakeSize(0.0f, 0.0f); |
if (_grid) { |
graphicOrigin = [_grid constrainedPoint:graphicOrigin]; |
} |
} else { |
// If there is no event, then automatically add a graphic at (10,10). Should the location and size be constrained to the grid? |
graphicOrigin = NSMakePoint(10.0f, 10.0f); |
graphicSize = NSMakeSize(100.0f, 100.0f); |
if (_grid) { |
graphicOrigin = [_grid constrainedPoint:graphicOrigin]; |
NSPoint graphicEndPoint = [_grid constrainedPoint:NSMakePoint(graphicOrigin.x+graphicSize.width, graphicOrigin.y+graphicSize.height)]; |
graphicSize = NSMakeSize(graphicEndPoint.x - graphicOrigin.x, graphicEndPoint.y - graphicOrigin.y); |
} |
} |
// Create the new graphic and set what little we know of its location. |
_creatingGraphic = [[graphicClass alloc] init]; |
[_creatingGraphic setBounds:NSMakeRect(graphicOrigin.x, graphicOrigin.y, graphicSize.width, graphicSize.height)]; |
// Add it to the set of graphics right away so that it will show up in other views of the same array of graphics as the user sizes it. |
NSMutableArray *mutableGraphics = [self mutableGraphics]; |
[mutableGraphics insertObject:_creatingGraphic atIndex:0]; |
// If this was triggered by a user event then allow the user size the new graphic until they let go of the mouse. Because different kinds of graphics have different kinds of handles, first ask the graphic class what handle the user is dragging during this initial sizing. |
if (event) { |
[self resizeGraphic:_creatingGraphic usingHandle:[graphicClass creationSizingHandle] withEvent:event]; |
} |
// Why don't we do [undoManager endUndoGrouping] here, once, instead of twice in the following paragraphs? Because of the [undoManager setGroupsByEvent:NO] game we're playing. If we invoke -[NSUndoManager setActionName:] down below after invoking [undoManager endUndoGrouping] there won't be any open undo group, and NSUndoManager will raise an exception. If we weren't playing the [undoManager setGroupsByEvent:NO] game then it would be OK to invoke -[NSUndoManager setActionName:] after invoking [undoManager endUndoGrouping] because the action name would apply to the top-level automatically-created undo group, which is fine. |
// Did we really create a graphic? Don't check with !NSIsEmptyRect(createdGraphicBounds) because the bounds of a perfectly horizontal or vertical line is "empty" but of course we want to let people create those. |
NSRect createdGraphicBounds = [_creatingGraphic bounds]; |
if (NSWidth(createdGraphicBounds)!=0.0 || NSHeight(createdGraphicBounds)!=0.0) { |
// Select it. |
[self changeSelectionIndexes:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:0]]; |
// The graphic wasn't sized to nothing during mouse tracking. Present its editing interface it if it's that kind of graphic (like Sketch's SKTTexts). Invokers of the method we're in right now should have already cleared out _editingView. |
[self startEditingGraphic:_creatingGraphic]; |
// Overwrite whatever undo action name was registered during all of that with a more specific one. |
[undoManager setActionName:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedStringFromTable(@"Create %@", @"UndoStrings", @"Action name for newly created graphics. Class name is inserted at the substitution."), [[NSBundle mainBundle] localizedStringForKey:NSStringFromClass(graphicClass) value:@"" table:@"GraphicClassNames"]]]; |
// Balance the invocation of -[NSUndoManager beginUndoGrouping] that we did up above. |
[undoManager endUndoGrouping]; |
} else { |
// Balance the invocation of -[NSUndoManager beginUndoGrouping] that we did up above. |
[undoManager endUndoGrouping]; |
// The graphic was sized to nothing during mouse tracking. Undo everything that was just done. Disable undo registration while undoing so that we don't create a spurious redo action. |
[undoManager disableUndoRegistration]; |
[undoManager undoNestedGroup]; |
[undoManager enableUndoRegistration]; |
} |
// Balance the invocation of -[NSUndoManager setGroupsByEvent:] that we did up above. We're careful to restore the old value instead of merely invoking -setGroupsByEvent:YES because we don't know that the method we're in right now won't in the future be invoked by some other method that plays its own NSUndoManager games. |
[undoManager setGroupsByEvent:undoManagerWasGroupingByEvent]; |
// Done. |
[_creatingGraphic release]; |
_creatingGraphic = nil; |
} |
- (void)marqueeSelectWithEvent:(NSEvent *)event { |
// Dequeue and handle mouse events until the user lets go of the mouse button. |
NSIndexSet *oldSelectionIndexes = [self selectionIndexes]; |
NSPoint originalMouseLocation = [self convertPoint:[event locationInWindow] fromView:nil]; |
while ([event type]!=NSLeftMouseUp) { |
event = [[self window] nextEventMatchingMask:(NSLeftMouseDraggedMask | NSLeftMouseUpMask)]; |
[self autoscroll:event]; |
NSPoint currentMouseLocation = [self convertPoint:[event locationInWindow] fromView:nil]; |
// Figure out a new a selection rectangle based on the mouse location. |
NSRect newMarqueeSelectionBounds = NSMakeRect(fmin(originalMouseLocation.x, currentMouseLocation.x), fmin(originalMouseLocation.y, currentMouseLocation.y), fabs(currentMouseLocation.x - originalMouseLocation.x), fabs(currentMouseLocation.y - originalMouseLocation.y)); |
if (!NSEqualRects(newMarqueeSelectionBounds, _marqueeSelectionBounds)) { |
// Erase the old selection rectangle and draw the new one. |
[self setNeedsDisplayInRect:_marqueeSelectionBounds]; |
_marqueeSelectionBounds = newMarqueeSelectionBounds; |
[self setNeedsDisplayInRect:_marqueeSelectionBounds]; |
// Either select or deselect all of the graphics that intersect the selection rectangle. |
NSIndexSet *indexesOfGraphicsInRubberBand = [self indexesOfGraphicsIntersectingRect:_marqueeSelectionBounds]; |
NSMutableIndexSet *newSelectionIndexes = [oldSelectionIndexes mutableCopy]; |
for (NSUInteger index = [indexesOfGraphicsInRubberBand firstIndex]; index!=NSNotFound; index = [indexesOfGraphicsInRubberBand indexGreaterThanIndex:index]) { |
if ([newSelectionIndexes containsIndex:index]) { |
[newSelectionIndexes removeIndex:index]; |
} else { |
[newSelectionIndexes addIndex:index]; |
} |
} |
[self changeSelectionIndexes:newSelectionIndexes]; |
[newSelectionIndexes release]; |
} |
} |
// Schedule the drawing of the place wherew the rubber band isn't anymore. |
[self setNeedsDisplayInRect:_marqueeSelectionBounds]; |
// Make it not there. |
_marqueeSelectionBounds = NSZeroRect; |
} |
- (void)selectAndTrackMouseWithEvent:(NSEvent *)event { |
// Are we changing the existing selection instead of setting a new one? |
BOOL modifyingExistingSelection = ([event modifierFlags] & NSShiftKeyMask) ? YES : NO; |
// Has the user clicked on a graphic? |
NSPoint mouseLocation = [self convertPoint:[event locationInWindow] fromView:nil]; |
NSUInteger clickedGraphicIndex; |
BOOL clickedGraphicIsSelected; |
NSInteger clickedGraphicHandle; |
SKTGraphic *clickedGraphic = [self graphicUnderPoint:mouseLocation index:&clickedGraphicIndex isSelected:&clickedGraphicIsSelected handle:&clickedGraphicHandle]; |
if (clickedGraphic) { |
// Clicking on a graphic knob takes precedence. |
if (clickedGraphicHandle!=SKTGraphicNoHandle) { |
// The user clicked on a graphic's handle. Let the user drag it around. |
[self resizeGraphic:clickedGraphic usingHandle:clickedGraphicHandle withEvent:event]; |
} else { |
// The user clicked on a graphic's contents. Update the selection. |
if (modifyingExistingSelection) { |
if (clickedGraphicIsSelected) { |
// Remove the graphic from the selection. |
NSMutableIndexSet *newSelectionIndexes = [[self selectionIndexes] mutableCopy]; |
[newSelectionIndexes removeIndex:clickedGraphicIndex]; |
[self changeSelectionIndexes:newSelectionIndexes]; |
[newSelectionIndexes release]; |
clickedGraphicIsSelected = NO; |
} else { |
// Add the graphic to the selection. |
NSMutableIndexSet *newSelectionIndexes = [[self selectionIndexes] mutableCopy]; |
[newSelectionIndexes addIndex:clickedGraphicIndex]; |
[self changeSelectionIndexes:newSelectionIndexes]; |
[newSelectionIndexes release]; |
clickedGraphicIsSelected = YES; |
} |
} else { |
// If the graphic wasn't selected before then it is now, and none of the rest are. |
if (!clickedGraphicIsSelected) { |
[self changeSelectionIndexes:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:clickedGraphicIndex]]; |
clickedGraphicIsSelected = YES; |
} |
} |
// Is the graphic that the user has clicked on now selected? |
if (clickedGraphicIsSelected) { |
// Yes. Let the user move all of the selected objects. |
[self moveSelectedGraphicsWithEvent:event]; |
} else { |
// No. Just swallow mouse events until the user lets go of the mouse button. We don't even bother autoscrolling here. |
while ([event type]!=NSLeftMouseUp) { |
event = [[self window] nextEventMatchingMask:(NSLeftMouseDraggedMask | NSLeftMouseUpMask)]; |
} |
} |
} |
} else { |
// The user clicked somewhere other than on a graphic. Clear the selection, unless the user is holding down the shift key. |
if (!modifyingExistingSelection) { |
[self changeSelectionIndexes:[NSIndexSet indexSet]]; |
} |
// The user clicked on a point where there is no graphic. Select and deselect graphics until the user lets go of the mouse button. |
[self marqueeSelectWithEvent:event]; |
} |
} |
// An override of the NSView method. |
- (BOOL)acceptsFirstMouse:(NSEvent *)event { |
// In general we don't want to make people click once to activate the window then again to actually do something, but we do want to help users not accidentally throw away the current selection, if there is one. |
return [[self selectionIndexes] count]>0 ? NO : YES; |
} |
// An override of the NSResponder method. |
- (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)event { |
// If a graphic has been being edited (in Sketch SKTTexts are the only ones that are "editable" in this sense) then end editing. |
[self stopEditing]; |
// Is a tool other than the Selection tool selected? |
Class graphicClassToInstantiate = [[SKTToolPaletteController sharedToolPaletteController] currentGraphicClass]; |
if (graphicClassToInstantiate) { |
// Create a new graphic and then track to size it. |
[self createGraphicOfClass:graphicClassToInstantiate withEvent:event]; |
} else { |
// Double-clicking with the selection tool always means "start editing," or "do nothing" if no editable graphic is double-clicked on. |
SKTGraphic *doubleClickedGraphic = nil; |
if ([event clickCount]>1) { |
NSPoint mouseLocation = [self convertPoint:[event locationInWindow] fromView:nil]; |
doubleClickedGraphic = [self graphicUnderPoint:mouseLocation index:NULL isSelected:NULL handle:NULL]; |
if (doubleClickedGraphic) { |
[self startEditingGraphic:doubleClickedGraphic]; |
} |
} |
if (!doubleClickedGraphic) { |
// Update the selection and/or move graphics or resize graphics. |
[self selectAndTrackMouseWithEvent:event]; |
} |
} |
} |
#pragma mark *** Keyboard Event Handling *** |
// An override of the NSResponder method. NSResponder's implementation would just forward the message to the next responder (an NSClipView, in Sketch's case) and our overrides like -delete: would never be invoked. |
- (void)keyDown:(NSEvent *)event { |
// Ask the key binding manager to interpret the event for us. |
[self interpretKeyEvents:[NSArray arrayWithObject:event]]; |
} |
- (IBAction)delete:(id)sender { |
// Pretty simple. |
[[self mutableGraphics] removeObjectsAtIndexes:[self selectionIndexes]]; |
[[self undoManager] setActionName:NSLocalizedStringFromTable(@"Delete", @"UndoStrings", @"Action name for deletions.")]; |
} |
// Overrides of the NSResponder(NSStandardKeyBindingMethods) methods. |
- (void)deleteBackward:(id)sender { |
[self delete:sender]; |
} |
- (void)deleteForward:(id)sender { |
[self delete:sender]; |
} |
- (void)invalidateHandlesOfGraphics:(NSArray *)graphics { |
NSUInteger i, c = [graphics count]; |
for (i=0; i<c; i++) { |
[self setNeedsDisplayInRect:[[graphics objectAtIndex:i] drawingBounds]]; |
} |
} |
- (void)unhideHandlesForTimer:(NSTimer *)timer { |
_isHidingHandles = NO; |
_handleShowingTimer = nil; |
[self setNeedsDisplayInRect:[SKTGraphic drawingBoundsOfGraphics:[self selectedGraphics]]]; |
} |
- (void)hideHandlesMomentarily { |
[_handleShowingTimer invalidate]; |
_handleShowingTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:0.5 target:self selector:@selector(unhideHandlesForTimer:) userInfo:nil repeats:NO]; |
_isHidingHandles = YES; |
[self setNeedsDisplayInRect:[SKTGraphic drawingBoundsOfGraphics:[self selectedGraphics]]]; |
} |
- (void)moveSelectedGraphicsByX:(CGFloat)x y:(CGFloat)y { |
// Don't do anything if there's nothing to do. |
NSArray *selectedGraphics = [self selectedGraphics]; |
if ([selectedGraphics count]>0) { |
// Don't draw and redraw the selection rectangles while the user holds an arrow key to autorepeat. |
[self hideHandlesMomentarily]; |
// Move the selected graphics. |
[[SKTGraphic class] translateGraphics:selectedGraphics byX:x y:y]; |
// Overwrite whatever undo action name was registered during all of that with a more specific one. |
[[self undoManager] setActionName:NSLocalizedStringFromTable(@"Nudge", @"UndoStrings", @"Action name for nudge keyboard commands.")]; |
// Post appropriate accessibility notification |
NSAccessibilityPostNotification(self, NSAccessibilitySelectedChildrenMovedNotification); |
} |
} |
// Overrides of the NSResponder(NSStandardKeyBindingMethods) methods. |
- (void)moveLeft:(id)sender { |
[self moveSelectedGraphicsByX:-1.0f y:0.0f]; |
} |
- (void)moveRight:(id)sender { |
[self moveSelectedGraphicsByX:1.0f y:0.0f]; |
} |
- (void)moveUp:(id)sender { |
[self moveSelectedGraphicsByX:0.0f y:-1.0f]; |
} |
- (void)moveDown:(id)sender { |
[self moveSelectedGraphicsByX:0.0f y:1.0f]; |
} |
#pragma mark *** Copy and Paste *** |
- (BOOL)makeNewImageFromContentsOfFile:(NSString *)filename atPoint:(NSPoint)point { |
NSString *extension = [filename pathExtension]; |
if ([[NSImage imageFileTypes] containsObject:extension]) { |
NSImage *contents = [[NSImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:filename]; |
if (contents) { |
SKTImage *newImage = [[SKTImage alloc] initWithPosition:point contents:contents]; |
[contents release]; |
[[self mutableGraphics] insertObject:newImage atIndex:0]; |
[newImage release]; |
[self changeSelectionIndexes:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:0]]; |
return YES; |
} |
} |
return NO; |
} |
- (BOOL)makeNewImageFromPasteboard:(NSPasteboard *)pboard atPoint:(NSPoint)point { |
NSString *type = [pboard availableTypeFromArray:[NSImage imagePasteboardTypes]]; |
if (type) { |
NSImage *contents = [[NSImage alloc] initWithPasteboard:pboard]; |
if (contents) { |
NSPoint imageOrigin = NSMakePoint(point.x, (point.y - [contents size].height)); |
SKTImage *newImage = [[SKTImage alloc] initWithPosition:imageOrigin contents:contents]; |
[contents release]; |
[[self mutableGraphics] insertObject:newImage atIndex:0]; |
[newImage release]; |
[self changeSelectionIndexes:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:0]]; |
return YES; |
} |
} |
return NO; |
} |
- (IBAction)copy:(id)sender { |
NSArray *selectedGraphics = [self selectedGraphics]; |
NSPasteboard *pasteboard = [NSPasteboard generalPasteboard]; |
[pasteboard declareTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:SKTGraphicViewPasteboardType, NSPDFPboardType, NSTIFFPboardType, nil] owner:nil]; |
[pasteboard setData:[[SKTGraphic class] pasteboardDataWithGraphics:selectedGraphics] forType:SKTGraphicViewPasteboardType]; |
[pasteboard setData:[[SKTRenderingView class] pdfDataWithGraphics:selectedGraphics] forType:NSPDFPboardType]; |
[pasteboard setData:[[SKTRenderingView class] tiffDataWithGraphics:selectedGraphics error:NULL] forType:NSTIFFPboardType]; |
_pasteboardChangeCount = [pasteboard changeCount]; |
_pasteCascadeNumber = 1; |
_pasteCascadeDelta = NSMakePoint(SKTGraphicViewDefaultPasteCascadeDelta, SKTGraphicViewDefaultPasteCascadeDelta); |
} |
- (IBAction)cut:(id)sender { |
[self copy:sender]; |
[self delete:sender]; |
[[self undoManager] setActionName:NSLocalizedStringFromTable(@"Cut", @"UndoStrings", @"Action name for cut.")]; |
} |
- (IBAction)paste:(id)sender { |
// We let the user paste graphics, image files, and image data. |
NSPasteboard *pasteboard = [NSPasteboard generalPasteboard]; |
NSString *typeName = [pasteboard availableTypeFromArray:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:SKTGraphicViewPasteboardType, NSFilenamesPboardType, nil]]; |
if ([typeName isEqualToString:SKTGraphicViewPasteboardType]) { |
// You can't trust anything that might have been put on the pasteboard by another application, so be ready for +[SKTGraphic graphicsWithPasteboardData:error:] to fail and return nil. |
Class graphicClass = [SKTGraphic class]; |
NSError *error; |
NSArray *graphics = [graphicClass graphicsWithPasteboardData:[pasteboard dataForType:typeName] error:&error]; |
if (graphics) { |
// Should we reset the cascading of pasted graphics? |
NSInteger pasteboardChangeCount = [pasteboard changeCount]; |
if (_pasteboardChangeCount!=pasteboardChangeCount) { |
_pasteboardChangeCount = pasteboardChangeCount; |
_pasteCascadeNumber = 0; |
_pasteCascadeDelta = NSMakePoint(SKTGraphicViewDefaultPasteCascadeDelta, SKTGraphicViewDefaultPasteCascadeDelta); |
} |
// An empty array doesn't signal an error, but it's still not useful to paste it. |
NSUInteger graphicCount = [graphics count]; |
if (graphicCount>0) { |
// If this is a repetitive paste, or a paste of something that was just copied from this same view, then offset the graphics by a little bit. |
if (_pasteCascadeNumber>0) { |
[graphicClass translateGraphics:graphics byX:(_pasteCascadeNumber * _pasteCascadeDelta.x) y:(_pasteCascadeNumber * _pasteCascadeDelta.y)]; |
} |
_pasteCascadeNumber++; |
// Add the pasted graphics in front of all others and select them. |
NSIndexSet *insertionIndexes = [NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndexesInRange:NSMakeRange(0, graphicCount)]; |
[[self mutableGraphics] insertObjects:graphics atIndexes:insertionIndexes]; |
[self changeSelectionIndexes:insertionIndexes]; |
// Override any undo action name that might have been set with one that is more specific to this operation. |
[[self undoManager] setActionName:NSLocalizedStringFromTable(@"Paste", @"UndoStrings", @"Action name for paste.")]; |
} |
} else { |
// Something went wrong? Present the error to the user in a sheet. It was entirely +[SKTGraphic graphicsWithPasteboardData:error:]'s responsibility to set the error to something when it returned nil. It was also entirely responsible for not crashing if we had passed in error:NULL. |
[self presentError:error modalForWindow:[self window] delegate:nil didPresentSelector:NULL contextInfo:NULL]; |
} |
} else if ([typeName isEqualToString:NSFilenamesPboardType]) { |
NSArray *filenames = [pasteboard propertyListForType:NSFilenamesPboardType]; |
if ([filenames count] == 1) { |
NSString *filename = [filenames objectAtIndex:0]; |
if ([self makeNewImageFromContentsOfFile:filename atPoint:NSMakePoint(50, 50)]) { |
[[self undoManager] setActionName:NSLocalizedStringFromTable(@"Paste", @"UndoStrings", @"Action name for paste.")]; |
} |
} |
} else if ([self makeNewImageFromPasteboard:pasteboard atPoint:NSMakePoint(50, 50)]) { |
[[self undoManager] setActionName:NSLocalizedStringFromTable(@"Paste", @"UndoStrings", @"Action name for paste.")]; |
} |
} |
#pragma mark *** Drag and Drop *** |
- (NSUInteger)dragOperationForDraggingInfo:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)sender { |
NSPasteboard *pboard = [sender draggingPasteboard]; |
NSString *type = [pboard availableTypeFromArray:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:NSColorPboardType, NSFilenamesPboardType, nil]]; |
if (type) { |
if ([type isEqualToString:NSColorPboardType]) { |
NSPoint point = [self convertPoint:[sender draggingLocation] fromView:nil]; |
if ([self graphicUnderPoint:point index:NULL isSelected:NULL handle:NULL]) { |
return NSDragOperationGeneric; |
} |
} |
if ([type isEqualToString:NSFilenamesPboardType]) { |
return NSDragOperationCopy; |
} |
} |
type = [pboard availableTypeFromArray:[NSImage imagePasteboardTypes]]; |
if (type) { |
return NSDragOperationCopy; |
} |
return NSDragOperationNone; |
} |
// Conformance to the NSObject(NSDraggingDestination) informal protocol. |
- (NSUInteger)draggingEntered:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)sender { |
return [self dragOperationForDraggingInfo:sender]; |
} |
- (NSUInteger)draggingUpdated:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)sender { |
return [self dragOperationForDraggingInfo:sender]; |
} |
- (void)draggingExited:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)sender { |
return; |
} |
- (BOOL)prepareForDragOperation:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)sender { |
return YES; |
} |
- (BOOL)performDragOperation:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)sender { |
return YES; |
} |
- (void)concludeDragOperation:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)sender { |
NSPasteboard *pboard = [sender draggingPasteboard]; |
NSString *type = [pboard availableTypeFromArray:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:NSColorPboardType, NSFilenamesPboardType, nil]]; |
NSPoint point = [self convertPoint:[sender draggingLocation] fromView:nil]; |
NSPoint draggedImageLocation = [self convertPoint:[sender draggedImageLocation] fromView:nil]; |
if (type) { |
if ([type isEqualToString:NSColorPboardType]) { |
SKTGraphic *hitGraphic = [self graphicUnderPoint:point index:NULL isSelected:NULL handle:NULL]; |
if (hitGraphic) { |
NSColor *color = [[NSColor colorFromPasteboard:pboard] colorWithAlphaComponent:1.0]; |
[hitGraphic setColor:color]; |
} |
} else if ([type isEqualToString:NSFilenamesPboardType]) { |
NSArray *filenames = [pboard propertyListForType:NSFilenamesPboardType]; |
// Handle multiple files (cascade them?) |
if ([filenames count] == 1) { |
NSString *filename = [filenames objectAtIndex:0]; |
[self makeNewImageFromContentsOfFile:filename atPoint:point]; |
} |
} |
return; |
} |
(void)[self makeNewImageFromPasteboard:pboard atPoint:draggedImageLocation]; |
} |
#pragma mark *** Other View Customization *** |
// An override of the NSResponder method. |
- (BOOL)acceptsFirstResponder { |
// This view can of course handle lots of action messages. |
return YES; |
} |
// An override of the NSView method. |
- (BOOL)isFlipped { |
// Put (0, 0) at the top-left of the view. |
return YES; |
} |
// An override of the NSView method. |
- (BOOL)isOpaque { |
// Our override of -drawRect: always draws a background. |
return YES; |
} |
// Conformance to the NSObject(NSMenuValidation) informal protocol. |
- (BOOL)validateMenuItem:(NSMenuItem *)item { |
SEL action = [item action]; |
if (action == @selector(makeNaturalSize:)) { |
// Return YES if we have at least one selected graphic that has a natural size. |
NSArray *selectedGraphics = [self selectedGraphics]; |
NSUInteger i, c = [selectedGraphics count]; |
if (c > 0) { |
for (i=0; i<c; i++) { |
if ([[selectedGraphics objectAtIndex:i] canMakeNaturalSize]) { |
return YES; |
} |
} |
} |
return NO; |
} else if ((action == @selector(alignWithGrid:)) || (action == @selector(delete:)) || (action == @selector(bringToFront:)) || (action == @selector(sendToBack:)) || (action == @selector(cut:)) || (action == @selector(copy:))) { |
// The grid is not always in a valid state. |
if (action==@selector(alignWithGrid:) && ![_grid canAlign]) { |
return NO; |
} |
// These only apply if there is a selection |
return (([[self selectedGraphics] count] > 0) ? YES : NO); |
} else if ((action == @selector(alignLeftEdges:)) || (action == @selector(alignRightEdges:)) || (action == @selector(alignTopEdges:)) || (action == @selector(alignBottomEdges:)) || (action == @selector(alignHorizontalCenters:)) || (action == @selector(alignVerticalCenters:)) || (action == @selector(makeSameWidth:)) || (action == @selector(makeSameHeight:))) { |
// These only apply to multiple selection |
return (([[self selectedGraphics] count] > 1) ? YES : NO); |
} else if (action==@selector(undo:) || action==@selector(redo:)) { |
// Because we implement -undo: and redo: action methods we must validate the actions too. Messaging the window directly like this is not strictly correct, because there may be other responders in the chain between this view and the window (superviews maybe?) that want control over undoing and redoing, but there's no AppKit method we can invoke to simply find the next responder that responds to -undo: and -redo:. |
return [[self window] validateMenuItem:item]; |
} else if (action==@selector(showOrHideRulers:)) { |
// The Show/Hide Ruler menu item is always enabled, but we have to set its title. |
[item setTitle:([[self enclosingScrollView] rulersVisible] ? NSLocalizedStringFromTable(@"Hide Ruler", @"SKTGraphicView", @"A main menu item title.") : NSLocalizedStringFromTable(@"Show Ruler", @"SKTGraphicView", @"A main menu item title."))]; |
return YES; |
}else { |
return YES; |
} |
} |
// An action method that isn't declared in any AppKit header, despite the fact that NSWindow implements it. Because this is here we have to handle the action in our override of -validateMenuItem:, and we do. |
- (IBAction)undo:(id)sender { |
// Applications are supposed to update the selection during undo and redo operations. Start keeping track of which graphics are added or changed during this operation so we can select them afterward. We don't do have to do anything when graphics are removed because the bound-to array controller keeps the selection indexes consistent when that happens. (This is the one place where SKTGraphicView assumes anything about the class of an object to which its bound, and it's not really assuming that it's bound to an array controller. It's just assuming that the bound-to object is somehow keeping the bound-to indexes property consistent with the bound-to graphics.) |
_undoSelectionIndexes = [[NSMutableIndexSet alloc] init]; |
// Do the regular Cocoa thing. Unfortunately, before you saw this there was no easy way for you know what "the regular Cocoa thing" is, but now you know: NSWindow has -undo: and -redo: methods, and is usually the object in the responder chain that performs these actions when the user chooses the corresponding items in the Edit menu. It would be more correct to write this as [[self nextResponder] tryToPerform:_cmd with:sender], because perhaps someday this class will be reused in a situation where the superview has opinions of its own about what should be done during undoing. We message the window directly just to be consistent with what we do in our implementation of -validateMenuItem:, where we have no choice. |
[[self window] undo:sender]; |
// Were graphics added or changed by undoing? |
if ([_undoSelectionIndexes count]>0) { |
// Yes, so replace the current selection with them. |
[self changeSelectionIndexes:_undoSelectionIndexes]; |
} // else apparently nothing happening while undoing except maybe the removal of graphics, so we leave the selection alone. |
// Don't leak, and don't let -observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context: message a zombie. |
[_undoSelectionIndexes release]; |
_undoSelectionIndexes = nil; |
// We overrode this method to find out when undoing is done, instead of observing NSUndoManagerWillUndoChangeNotification and NSUndoManagerDidUndoChangeNotification, because we only want to do what we do here when the user is focused on this view, and those notifications won't tell us the focused view. In Sketch this matters when the user has more than one window open for a document, but the concept applies whenever there are multiple views of the same data. Most of the time actions taken by the user in a view shouldn't affect the selection used in other views of the same data, with the obvious exception that removed items can no longer be selected in any view. |
} |
// The same as above, but for redoing instead of undoing. It doesn't look like so much work when you leave out the comments! |
- (IBAction)redo:(id)sender { |
_undoSelectionIndexes = [[NSMutableIndexSet alloc] init]; |
[[self window] redo:sender]; |
if ([_undoSelectionIndexes count]>0) { |
[self changeSelectionIndexes:_undoSelectionIndexes]; |
} |
[_undoSelectionIndexes release]; |
_undoSelectionIndexes = nil; |
} |
#pragma mark *** Other Actions *** |
- (IBAction)alignLeftEdges:(id)sender { |
NSArray *selection = [self selectedGraphics]; |
NSUInteger i, c = [selection count]; |
if (c > 1) { |
NSRect firstBounds = [[selection objectAtIndex:0] bounds]; |
SKTGraphic *curGraphic; |
NSRect curBounds; |
for (i=1; i<c; i++) { |
curGraphic = [selection objectAtIndex:i]; |
curBounds = [curGraphic bounds]; |
if (curBounds.origin.x != firstBounds.origin.x) { |
curBounds.origin.x = firstBounds.origin.x; |
[curGraphic setBounds:curBounds]; |
} |
} |
[[self undoManager] setActionName:NSLocalizedStringFromTable(@"Align Left Edges", @"UndoStrings", @"Action name for align left edges.")]; |
} |
} |
- (IBAction)alignRightEdges:(id)sender { |
NSArray *selection = [self selectedGraphics]; |
NSUInteger i, c = [selection count]; |
if (c > 1) { |
NSRect firstBounds = [[selection objectAtIndex:0] bounds]; |
SKTGraphic *curGraphic; |
NSRect curBounds; |
for (i=1; i<c; i++) { |
curGraphic = [selection objectAtIndex:i]; |
curBounds = [curGraphic bounds]; |
if (NSMaxX(curBounds) != NSMaxX(firstBounds)) { |
curBounds.origin.x = NSMaxX(firstBounds) - curBounds.size.width; |
[curGraphic setBounds:curBounds]; |
} |
} |
[[self undoManager] setActionName:NSLocalizedStringFromTable(@"Align Right Edges", @"UndoStrings", @"Action name for align right edges.")]; |
} |
} |
- (IBAction)alignTopEdges:(id)sender { |
NSArray *selection = [self selectedGraphics]; |
NSUInteger i, c = [selection count]; |
if (c > 1) { |
NSRect firstBounds = [[selection objectAtIndex:0] bounds]; |
SKTGraphic *curGraphic; |
NSRect curBounds; |
for (i=1; i<c; i++) { |
curGraphic = [selection objectAtIndex:i]; |
curBounds = [curGraphic bounds]; |
if (curBounds.origin.y != firstBounds.origin.y) { |
curBounds.origin.y = firstBounds.origin.y; |
[curGraphic setBounds:curBounds]; |
} |
} |
[[self undoManager] setActionName:NSLocalizedStringFromTable(@"Align Top Edges", @"UndoStrings", @"Action name for align top edges.")]; |
} |
} |
- (IBAction)alignBottomEdges:(id)sender { |
NSArray *selection = [self selectedGraphics]; |
NSUInteger i, c = [selection count]; |
if (c > 1) { |
NSRect firstBounds = [[selection objectAtIndex:0] bounds]; |
SKTGraphic *curGraphic; |
NSRect curBounds; |
for (i=1; i<c; i++) { |
curGraphic = [selection objectAtIndex:i]; |
curBounds = [curGraphic bounds]; |
if (NSMaxY(curBounds) != NSMaxY(firstBounds)) { |
curBounds.origin.y = NSMaxY(firstBounds) - curBounds.size.height; |
[curGraphic setBounds:curBounds]; |
} |
} |
[[self undoManager] setActionName:NSLocalizedStringFromTable(@"Align Bottom Edges", @"UndoStrings", @"Action name for align bottom edges.")]; |
} |
} |
- (IBAction)alignHorizontalCenters:(id)sender { |
NSArray *selection = [self selectedGraphics]; |
NSUInteger i, c = [selection count]; |
if (c > 1) { |
NSRect firstBounds = [[selection objectAtIndex:0] bounds]; |
SKTGraphic *curGraphic; |
NSRect curBounds; |
for (i=1; i<c; i++) { |
curGraphic = [selection objectAtIndex:i]; |
curBounds = [curGraphic bounds]; |
if (NSMidX(curBounds) != NSMidX(firstBounds)) { |
curBounds.origin.x = NSMidX(firstBounds) - (curBounds.size.width / 2.0); |
[curGraphic setBounds:curBounds]; |
} |
} |
[[self undoManager] setActionName:NSLocalizedStringFromTable(@"Align Horizontal Centers", @"UndoStrings", @"Action name for align horizontal centers.")]; |
} |
} |
- (IBAction)alignVerticalCenters:(id)sender { |
NSArray *selection = [self selectedGraphics]; |
NSUInteger i, c = [selection count]; |
if (c > 1) { |
NSRect firstBounds = [[selection objectAtIndex:0] bounds]; |
SKTGraphic *curGraphic; |
NSRect curBounds; |
for (i=1; i<c; i++) { |
curGraphic = [selection objectAtIndex:i]; |
curBounds = [curGraphic bounds]; |
if (NSMidY(curBounds) != NSMidY(firstBounds)) { |
curBounds.origin.y = NSMidY(firstBounds) - (curBounds.size.height / 2.0); |
[curGraphic setBounds:curBounds]; |
} |
} |
[[self undoManager] setActionName:NSLocalizedStringFromTable(@"Align Vertical Centers", @"UndoStrings", @"Action name for align vertical centers.")]; |
} |
} |
- (IBAction)alignWithGrid:(id)sender { |
NSArray *selection = [self selectedGraphics]; |
NSUInteger i, c = [selection count]; |
if (c > 0) { |
SKTGraphic *curGraphic; |
for (i=0; i<c; i++) { |
curGraphic = [selection objectAtIndex:i]; |
[curGraphic setBounds:[_grid alignedRect:[curGraphic bounds]]]; |
} |
[[self undoManager] setActionName:NSLocalizedStringFromTable(@"Grid Selected Graphics", @"UndoStrings", @"Action name for grid selected graphics.")]; |
} |
} |
- (IBAction)bringToFront:(id)sender { |
NSArray *selectedObjects = [[self selectedGraphics] copy]; |
NSIndexSet *selectionIndexes = [self selectionIndexes]; |
if ([selectionIndexes count]>0) { |
NSMutableArray *mutableGraphics = [self mutableGraphics]; |
[mutableGraphics removeObjectsAtIndexes:selectionIndexes]; |
NSIndexSet *insertionIndexes = [NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndexesInRange:NSMakeRange(0, [selectedObjects count])]; |
[mutableGraphics insertObjects:selectedObjects atIndexes:insertionIndexes]; |
[self changeSelectionIndexes:insertionIndexes]; |
[[self undoManager] setActionName:NSLocalizedStringFromTable(@"Bring To Front", @"UndoStrings", @"Action name for bring to front.")]; |
} |
[selectedObjects release]; |
} |
- (IBAction)sendToBack:(id)sender { |
NSArray *selectedObjects = [[self selectedGraphics] copy]; |
NSIndexSet *selectionIndexes = [self selectionIndexes]; |
if ([selectionIndexes count]>0) { |
NSMutableArray *mutableGraphics = [self mutableGraphics]; |
[mutableGraphics removeObjectsAtIndexes:selectionIndexes]; |
NSIndexSet *insertionIndexes = [NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndexesInRange:NSMakeRange([mutableGraphics count], [selectedObjects count])]; |
[mutableGraphics insertObjects:selectedObjects atIndexes:insertionIndexes]; |
[self changeSelectionIndexes:insertionIndexes]; |
[[self undoManager] setActionName:NSLocalizedStringFromTable(@"Send To Back", @"UndoStrings", @"Action name for send to back.")]; |
} |
[selectedObjects release]; |
} |
// Conformance to the NSObject(NSColorPanelResponderMethod) informal protocol. |
- (void)changeColor:(id)sender { |
// Change the color of every selected graphic. |
[[self selectedGraphics] makeObjectsPerformSelector:@selector(setColor:) withObject:[sender color]]; |
} |
- (IBAction)makeSameWidth:(id)sender { |
NSArray *selection = [self selectedGraphics]; |
NSUInteger i, c = [selection count]; |
if (c > 1) { |
NSRect firstBounds = [[selection objectAtIndex:0] bounds]; |
SKTGraphic *curGraphic; |
NSRect curBounds; |
for (i=1; i<c; i++) { |
curGraphic = [selection objectAtIndex:i]; |
curBounds = [curGraphic bounds]; |
if (curBounds.size.width != firstBounds.size.width) { |
curBounds.size.width = firstBounds.size.width; |
[curGraphic setBounds:curBounds]; |
} |
} |
[[self undoManager] setActionName:NSLocalizedStringFromTable(@"Make Same Width", @"UndoStrings", @"Action name for make same width.")]; |
} |
} |
- (IBAction)makeSameHeight:(id)sender { |
NSArray *selection = [self selectedGraphics]; |
NSUInteger i, c = [selection count]; |
if (c > 1) { |
NSRect firstBounds = [[selection objectAtIndex:0] bounds]; |
SKTGraphic *curGraphic; |
NSRect curBounds; |
for (i=1; i<c; i++) { |
curGraphic = [selection objectAtIndex:i]; |
curBounds = [curGraphic bounds]; |
if (curBounds.size.height != firstBounds.size.height) { |
curBounds.size.height = firstBounds.size.height; |
[curGraphic setBounds:curBounds]; |
} |
} |
[[self undoManager] setActionName:NSLocalizedStringFromTable(@"Make Same Width", @"UndoStrings", @"Action name for make same width.")]; |
} |
} |
- (IBAction)makeNaturalSize:(id)sender { |
NSArray *selection = [self selectedGraphics]; |
if ([selection count] > 0) { |
[selection makeObjectsPerformSelector:@selector(makeNaturalSize)]; |
[[self undoManager] setActionName:NSLocalizedStringFromTable(@"Make Natural Size", @"UndoStrings", @"Action name for natural size.")]; |
} |
} |
// An override of an NSResponder(NSStandardKeyBindingMethods) method and a matching method of our own. |
- (void)selectAll:(id)sender { |
[self changeSelectionIndexes:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndexesInRange:NSMakeRange(0, [[self graphics] count])]]; |
} |
- (IBAction)deselectAll:(id)sender { |
[self changeSelectionIndexes:[NSIndexSet indexSet]]; |
} |
// See the comment in the header about why we're not using -toggleRuler:. |
- (IBAction)showOrHideRulers:(id)sender { |
// Simple. |
NSScrollView *enclosingScrollView = [self enclosingScrollView]; |
[enclosingScrollView setRulersVisible:![enclosingScrollView rulersVisible]]; |
} |
- (IBAction)insertGraphic:(id)sender { |
Class graphicClass = nil; |
switch ([sender tag]) |
{ |
case SKTRectToolRow: |
graphicClass = [SKTRectangle class]; |
break; |
case SKTCircleToolRow: |
graphicClass = [SKTCircle class]; |
break; |
case SKTLineToolRow: |
graphicClass = [SKTLine class]; |
break; |
case SKTTextToolRow: |
graphicClass = [SKTText class]; |
break; |
default: |
break; |
}; |
if (graphicClass) { |
[self createGraphicOfClass:graphicClass withEvent:nil]; |
[[SKTToolPaletteController sharedToolPaletteController] selectArrowTool]; |
} |
} |
@end |
Copyright © 2009 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2009-07-14