
    File:       WAVE.h
    Contains:   Header information needed to parse Microsoft's WAVE formatted sounds.
    Written by: Mark Cookson    
    Copyright:  Copyright © 1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
                You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without
                restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the
                responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute
                this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made
                changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make
                it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source
                code, but that you've made changes.
    Change History (most recent first):
                8/31/1999   Karl Groethe    Updated for Metrowerks Codewarror Pro 2.1
/* This was made from reading a document called wave.pdf which is an excerpt from
   RIFFMCI.RTF, "Multimedia Programming Interface and Data Specification v1.0".
   This code does what I need, and worked with the WAVE files I had handy.
   It may not work in all cases.
#ifndef __WAVE__
#define __WAVE__
#include <Errors.h>
#include <Files.h>
#include <Sound.h>
#include <Types.h>
#ifndef __SOUNDSTRUCT__
#include "SoundStruct.h"
#ifndef __DBFFERRORS__
#include "DBFF_Errors.h"
#include "SetupDBHeader.h"
#ifndef __DEFINES__
#include "Defines.h"
#define kWAVEFORMID             (1<<0)
#define kWAVEID                 (1<<1)
#define kFormatID               (1<<2)
#define kWAVEListID             (1<<3)
#define kSilenceID              (1<<4)
#define kCueID                  (1<<5)
#define kFactID                 (1<<6)
#define kPlaylistID             (1<<7)
#define kAssocDataID            (1<<8)
#define kLabelID                (1<<9)
#define kNoteID                 (1<<10)
#define kTextWithLenID          (1<<12)
#define kEmbededFileID          (1<<13)
#define kWAVEDataID             (1<<14)
enum {
    WAVEFORMID                  = 'RIFF',
    WAVEID                      = 'WAVE',
    FormatID                    = 'fmt ',
    WAVEListID                  = 'wavl',
    SilenceID                   = 'slnt',
    CueID                       = 'cue ',
    FactID                      = 'fact',
    PlaylistID                  = 'plst',
    AssocDataID                 = 'adtl',
    LabelID                     = 'labl',
    NoteID                      = 'note',
    TextWithLenID               = 'ltxt',
    EmbededFileID               = 'file',
    WAVEDataID                  = 'data'
#define WAVE_FORMAT_PCM     (0x0001)        /* Microsoft Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) format */
#define WAVE_FORMAT_ADPCM   (0x0002)        /* A WAVE Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation file I saw once */
#define WAVE_FORMAT_MULAW   (0x0007)        /* A WAVE mu-law file that I saw once */
#define WAVE_FORMAT_IMA     (0x0011)        /* A WAVE IMA4 file that I saw once */
#define IBM_FORMAT_MULAW    (0x0101)        /* IBM mu-law format */
#define IBM_FORMAT_ALAW     (0x0102)        /* IBM a-law format */
#define IBM_FORMAT_ADPCM    (0x0103)        /* IBM AVC Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation format */
#define kWAVEChunkBufferSize    128
typedef struct WAVEChunkHeader {
    UInt32              ckID;
    long                fileSize;
typedef struct WAVEContainerChunk {
    UInt32              ckID;
    long                ckSize;
    UInt32              formType;
typedef struct fmtChunk {
    UInt32              ckID;
    long                ckSize;
    short               wFormatTag;         /* Number indicating WAVE format category */
    short               wChannels;          /* Number of channels 1 for mono 2 for stereo */
    long                dwSamplesPerSec;    /* Sampling rate in samples per second */
    long                dwAvgBytesPerSec;   /* Average number of bytes per second (could be used to estimate buffer sizes) */
    short               wBlockAlign;        /* Block alignment in bytes of the waveform data, always process an integer multiple of this number */
typedef struct PCMFmtSpecChunk {
    UInt32              ckID;
    long                ckSize;
    short               wBitsPerSample;     /* Sample size */
typedef struct factChunk {
    UInt32              ckID;
    long                ckSize;
    long                dwFileSize;         /* Number of samples */
typedef struct cuePointsChunk {
    UInt32              ckID;
    long                ckSize;
    long                dwCuePoints;        /* Count of cue points */
    /* There may be multiple number of these */
    long                dwName;
    long                dwPosition;
    long                fccChunk;
    long                dwChunkStart;
    long                dwBlockStart;
    long                dwSampleOffset;
typedef struct playlistChunk {
    UInt32              ckID;
    long                ckSize;
    long                dwSegments;         /* Count of play segments */
    /* There may be multiple number of these */
    long                dwName;
    long                dwLength;
    long                dwLoops;
//typedef struct waveDataChunk {
//  UInt32              ckID;
//  short               something;          /* I don't know what this is */
typedef struct labelChunk {
    UInt32              ckID;
    long                dwName;
    char                data[1];            /* This is a null terminated string */
typedef struct noteChunk {
    UInt32              ckID;
    long                ckSize;
    long                dwName;
    char                data[1];            /* This is a null terminated string */
typedef struct ltxtChunk {
    UInt32              ckID;
    long                ckSize;
    long                dwName;
    long                dwSampleLength;
    long                dwPurpose;
    short               wCountry;
    short               wLanguage;
    short               wDialect;
    short               wCodePage;
    char                data[1];            /* This is a null terminated string */
typedef struct fileChunk {
    UInt32              ckID;
    long                ckSize;
    long                dwName;
    long                dwMedType;
    char                data[1];            /* This is a null terminated string */
typedef struct assocDataListChunk {
    UInt32              ckID;
    long                ckSize;
    labelChunk          labelInfo;
    noteChunk           noteInfo;
    ltxtChunk           ltxtInfo;
    fileChunk           fileInfo;
typedef union {
    WAVEChunkHeader         generic;
    WAVEContainerChunk      container;
    fmtChunk                fmt;
    factChunk               fact;
    cuePointsChunk          cuePoints;
    playlistChunk           playList;
    assocDataListChunk      assocData;
//  waveDataChunk           waveData;
    PCMFmtSpecChunk         waveData;
}WAVETemplate, *WAVETemplatePtr;
OSErr       ASoundGetWAVEHeader     (SoundInfoPtr theSoundInfo,
                                    long *dataStart,
                                    long *length);
short       SwapShort               (const short theShort);
long        SwapLong                (const long theLong);
long        ReverseLong             (const long theLong);
#define stillMoreDataWAVEToRead     ((chunkFlags & kWAVEFORMID) && (!(chunkFlags & kFormatID) || !(chunkFlags & kWAVEDataID)) && (err == noErr))