Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
File: MungeBuffer.c |
Contains: Routines demonstrating how to manipulate buffers of WAVE data to get them to play correctly. |
Written by: Mark Cookson |
Copyright: Copyright © 1996-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved. |
You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without |
restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the |
responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute |
this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made |
changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make |
it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source |
code, but that you've made changes. |
Change History (most recent first): |
8/31/1999 Karl Groethe Updated for Metrowerks Codewarror Pro 2.1 |
*/ |
#include "MungeBuffer.h" |
/* This PowerPC assembly routine is used to make a buffer of WAVE sound |
data play as if it was a buffer of a AIFF sound data. |
All this really means is that you have to do the endian conversion without |
rearanging the channels if the sound is stereo. |
The buffer addressed is passed in register r3 and the count is passed in r4. |
*/ |
#ifdef ASM // Should we use the assembly versions or the C versions of the buffer munging routines? |
#ifdef powerc |
asm void Endian16BitBuffer (Ptr buf, unsigned long count) |
{ |
#pragma unused (buf, count) |
b test // Make sure count is good |
more: subi r4, r4, 0x04 // Move pointer back 4 bytes to next long |
lwzx r5, r3, r4 // Load the long |
rlwinm r5, r5, 0x10, 0x00, 0x1F // Rotate long left 16 bits |
stwbrx r5, r3, r4 // Write it back out byte reversed |
test: cmpwi r4, 0x03 // Are we done yet? |
bgt more // Go back to process more longs |
blr // We're outta here |
} |
/* These are the coresponding 68K versions of the above PowerPC assembly buffer munging routines. |
These calls will be called if the target is a 68K based Mac. |
The buffer address is passed as the second value (from the top) of the stack, and the count |
is the third value (from the top) of the stack. |
*/ |
#else //generating 68K |
asm void Endian16BitBuffer (Ptr buf, unsigned long count) |
{ |
movea.l 0x04(sp), a0 // Put address of buffer in a0 |
move.l 0x08(sp), d0 // Put count in d0 |
lsr.l #0x02, d0 // Divide count by 4 |
bra test // Make sure count is good |
more: move.l (a0), d1 // Load the long |
ror.w #0x08, d1 // Rotate bottom 16 bits |
swap d1 // Swap upper and lower words of d1 |
ror.w #0x08, d1 // Rotate bottom 16 bits (used to be top bits) |
swap d1 // Swap upper and lower words of d1 |
move.l d1, (a0)+ // Store the result |
test: dbra d0, more // Go back and process more longs |
rts // We're outta here |
} |
#endif |
#else |
/* Use C functions instead of assembly functions. |
To use these functions, undefine ASM in MungeBuffer.h. |
*/ |
void Endian16BitBuffer (Ptr buf, unsigned long count) |
{ |
unsigned long i; |
unsigned char tempChar; |
for (i = kStartOfBuffer; i < count; i += sizeof (short)) { |
tempChar = (buf)[i]; |
(buf)[i] = (buf)[i+1]; |
(buf)[i+1] = tempChar; |
} |
} |
#endif |
void ReverseMono8BitBuffer (const Ptr buf, unsigned long count) |
{ |
unsigned char *endBuffer; |
unsigned char *startBuffer = (unsigned char *)buf; |
unsigned char saveByte; |
long i; |
endBuffer = ((unsigned char *)buf + count) - 1; |
for (i = (count / (sizeof (char) * kHalfOfBuffer)); i >= kStartOfBuffer; --i) { |
saveByte = *endBuffer; |
*endBuffer-- = *startBuffer; |
*startBuffer++ = saveByte; |
} |
} |
void ReverseStereo8BitBuffer (const Ptr buf, unsigned long count) |
{ |
unsigned short *endBuffer; |
unsigned short *startBuffer = (unsigned short *)buf; |
unsigned short saveShort; |
long i; |
endBuffer = (unsigned short *)(buf + count) - 1; |
for (i = (count / (sizeof (short) * kHalfOfBuffer)); i >= kStartOfBuffer; --i) { |
saveShort = *endBuffer; |
*endBuffer-- = *startBuffer; |
*startBuffer++ = saveShort; |
} |
} |
void ReverseMono16BitBuffer (const Ptr buf, unsigned long count) |
{ |
unsigned short *endBuffer; |
unsigned short *startBuffer = (unsigned short *)buf; |
unsigned short saveShort; |
long i; |
endBuffer = (unsigned short *)(buf + count) - 1; |
for (i = (count / (sizeof (short) * kHalfOfBuffer)); i >= kStartOfBuffer; --i) { |
saveShort = *endBuffer; |
*endBuffer-- = *startBuffer; |
*startBuffer++ = saveShort; |
} |
} |
void ReverseStereo16BitBuffer (const Ptr buf, unsigned long count) |
{ |
unsigned long *endBuffer; |
unsigned long *startBuffer = (unsigned long *)buf; |
unsigned long saveLong; |
long i; |
endBuffer = (unsigned long *)(buf + count) - 1; |
for (i = (count / (sizeof (long) * kHalfOfBuffer)); i >= kStartOfBuffer; --i) { |
saveLong = *endBuffer; |
*endBuffer-- = *startBuffer; |
*startBuffer++ = saveLong; |
} |
} |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-03-14