Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
File: SND.c |
Contains: Routines demonstrating how to parse 'snd ' resource files. |
Written by: Mark Cookson |
Copyright: Copyright © 1996-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved. |
You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without |
restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the |
responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute |
this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made |
changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make |
it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source |
code, but that you've made changes. |
Change History (most recent first): |
8/31/1999 Karl Groethe Updated for Metrowerks Codewarror Pro 2.1 |
*/ |
#include "SND.h" |
/* |
There are lots of places for reading a resource to go wrong. This is |
why I currently have the paranoid error checking. |
This routine works like the other parse header routines, except that |
since it doesn't do any Resource Manager calls, it expects the file |
pointer to be positioned right at the first byte of the data of the |
'snd ' resource. This way the FSRead that reads the header will work. |
The length calculation could probably use some work, but that would |
require modifying the read routines. Right now we just fudge the length |
so that we will read all of a resource. |
*/ |
/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
OSErr ASoundGetSNDHeader (SoundInfoPtr theSoundInfo, |
long *dataStart, |
long *length) |
/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
{ |
SoundComponentData sndInfo; |
Ptr theSoundHeader = nil; |
unsigned long numFrames = 0, |
dataOffset = 0; |
long headerBytes = kMaxSNDHeaderSize; |
short resNum = 0; |
OSErr theErr = noErr; |
*dataStart = kInit; |
*length = kInit; |
theSoundHeader = NewPtr (headerBytes); |
theErr = MemError(); |
if (theSoundHeader != nil || theErr == noErr) { |
/* This returns the number of the first resource of type 'snd ' */ |
theErr = MyGetFirstResource (theSoundInfo->refNum, 'snd ', &resNum); |
if (theErr == noErr) { |
theErr = MyGetResourcePosition (theSoundInfo->refNum, 'snd ', resNum, dataStart); |
if (theErr == noErr) { |
theErr = FSRead (theSoundInfo->refNum, &headerBytes, theSoundHeader); |
if (theErr == noErr) { |
/* Could use SM 3.2's ParseSndHeader, but this is (supposed to be) educational */ |
theErr = MyParseSndHeader (&(SndListResource*)theSoundHeader, &sndInfo, &numFrames, &dataOffset); |
if (theErr == noErr) { |
DisposePtr (theSoundHeader); /* It's work is done */ |
theErr = SetupDBHeader (theSoundInfo, |
sndInfo.sampleRate, |
sndInfo.sampleSize, |
sndInfo.numChannels, |
fixedCompression, /* fixedCompression will work for uncompressed */ |
sndInfo.format); /* format is the really important field */ |
theSoundInfo->needsMasking = false; /* 'snd ' resources never need masking */ |
*length = numFrames * theSoundInfo->doubleHeader.dbhPacketSize * sndInfo.numChannels; |
*dataStart += dataOffset; |
} |
else { |
DebugPrint ("\pParseSndHeader failed"); |
} |
} |
else { |
DebugPrint ("\pFSRead failed"); |
} |
} |
else { |
DebugPrint ("\pMyGetResourcePosition failed"); |
} |
} |
else { |
DebugPrint ("\pMyGetFirstResource failed"); |
} |
} |
else { |
DebugPrint ("\pNewPtr failed"); |
} |
if (theErr != noErr) { |
DebugPrint ("\pError in ASoundGetSNDHeader"); |
} |
*length += *dataStart; /* Otherwise we wouldn't read the last few bytes from the end of the sound. */ |
return theErr; |
} |
/* |
This code parses a 'snd ' resource header. While Sound Manager 3.2 will |
do this for you, this is for education (and entertainment). Just in case |
the Sound Manager routine is better, try it first, if it's available. |
*/ |
/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
OSErr MyParseSndHeader (SndListHandle theSoundHeader, |
SoundComponentData *sndInfo, |
unsigned long *numFrames, |
unsigned long *dataOffset) |
/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
{ |
NumVersion SndManagerVer; |
headerTemplate theHeader; |
long headerOffset = 0; |
OSErr theErr = noErr; |
short numChannels = 0, |
numCommands = 0, |
i = 0; |
Boolean parsed = false; |
unsigned char headerFormat = 0; |
SndManagerVer = SndSoundManagerVersion (); |
/* If SM 3.2 is available, use its ParseSndHeader function */ |
if (SndManagerVer.majorRev >= 3 && SndManagerVer.minorAndBugRev >= 32) { |
theErr = ParseSndHeader (theSoundHeader, sndInfo, numFrames, dataOffset); |
parsed = true; |
} |
/* If it's not available, or it failed, let's try it ourselves */ |
if (theErr != noErr || parsed == false) { |
theErr = noErr; |
switch ((*theSoundHeader)->format) { |
case firstSoundFormat: /* Normal 'snd ' resource */ |
if ((*theSoundHeader)->modifierPart->modNumber != kSampledSound) { |
theErr = badFormat; /* can only deal with sampled-sound data */ |
} |
else { |
numCommands = (*theSoundHeader)->numCommands; |
if (numCommands != 1) { |
theErr = badFormat; /* can only deal with one sound per resource, for now */ |
} |
else { |
for (i = 0; i < numCommands; i++) { |
if ((*theSoundHeader)->commandPart->cmd == kBufferCmd) { |
headerOffset = (*theSoundHeader)->commandPart->param2; |
} |
else { |
theErr = badFormat; /* can only deal with sampled-sound data */ |
} |
} |
} |
} |
break; |
case secondSoundFormat: /* Hypercard 'snd ' resource */ |
numCommands = ((Snd2ListPtr)(*theSoundHeader))->numCommands; |
if (numCommands != 1) { |
theErr = badFormat; /* can only deal with one sound per resource, for now */ |
} |
else { |
for (i = 0; i < numCommands; i++) { |
if (((Snd2ListPtr)(*theSoundHeader))->commandPart->cmd == kBufferCmd) { |
headerOffset = ((Snd2ListPtr)(*theSoundHeader))->commandPart->param2; |
} |
else { |
theErr = badFormat; /* can only deal with sampled-sound data */ |
} |
} |
} |
break; |
default: |
theErr = badFormat; /* unknown resource format */ |
} |
if (theErr == noErr) { |
theHeader.standardHeaderPtr = (SoundHeaderPtr)((Ptr)(*theSoundHeader)+headerOffset); |
switch (theHeader.standardHeaderPtr->encode) { |
case stdSH: |
theHeader.standardHeaderPtr = (SoundHeaderPtr)((Ptr)(*theSoundHeader)+headerOffset); |
sndInfo->format = kOffsetBinary; /* Can only be raw sounds */ |
switch ((*theSoundHeader)->modifierPart->modInit & kChannelsMask) { |
case initMono: |
sndInfo->numChannels = kMono; |
break; |
case initStereo: |
sndInfo->numChannels = kStereo; |
break; |
default: |
theErr = badFormat; /* unknown number of channels */ |
} |
sndInfo->sampleSize = k8BitSample; /* Can only be 8 bit sounds */ |
sndInfo->sampleRate = theHeader.standardHeaderPtr->sampleRate; |
sndInfo->sampleCount = theHeader.standardHeaderPtr->length; |
*dataOffset = headerOffset + sizeof (SoundHeader) - sizeof (short); |
break; |
case extSH: |
theHeader.extendedHeaderPtr = (ExtSoundHeaderPtr)((Ptr)(*theSoundHeader)+headerOffset); |
sndInfo->format = kOffsetBinary; /* Can only be raw sounds */ |
sndInfo->numChannels = theHeader.extendedHeaderPtr->numChannels; |
sndInfo->sampleSize = theHeader.extendedHeaderPtr->sampleSize; |
sndInfo->sampleRate = theHeader.extendedHeaderPtr->sampleRate; |
sndInfo->sampleCount = theHeader.extendedHeaderPtr->numFrames; |
*dataOffset = headerOffset + sizeof (ExtSoundHeader) - sizeof (short); |
break; |
case cmpSH: |
theHeader.compressedHeaderPtr = (CmpSoundHeaderPtr)((Ptr)(*theSoundHeader)+headerOffset); |
sndInfo->format = theHeader.compressedHeaderPtr->format; |
if (sndInfo->format == 0) { |
switch (theHeader.compressedHeaderPtr->compressionID) { |
case twoToOne: |
sndInfo->format = kULawCompression; |
break; |
case eightToThree: /* I don't know what compressor this is */ |
theErr = badFormat; |
break; |
case threeToOne: |
sndInfo->format = kMACE3Compression; |
break; |
case sixToOne: |
sndInfo->format = kMACE6Compression; |
break; |
default: |
DebugPrint ("\pUnknown sound format"); |
theErr = badFormat; |
} |
} |
sndInfo->numChannels = theHeader.compressedHeaderPtr->numChannels; |
sndInfo->sampleSize = theHeader.compressedHeaderPtr->sampleSize; |
sndInfo->sampleRate = theHeader.compressedHeaderPtr->sampleRate; |
sndInfo->sampleCount = theHeader.compressedHeaderPtr->numFrames; |
*dataOffset = headerOffset + sizeof (CmpSoundHeader) - sizeof (short); |
break; |
default: |
theErr = badFormat; /* A header format we don't know about */ |
} |
*numFrames = (unsigned long)sndInfo->sampleCount; |
sndInfo->flags = 0; /* ?? */ |
sndInfo->buffer = 0; /* should always be 0, data follows header */ |
sndInfo->reserved = 0; /* just set it to 0 */ |
} |
} |
return theErr; |
} |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-03-14