
    File:       SoundUnit.h
    Written by: Jim Reekes  
    Copyright:  Copyright © 1994-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
                You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without
                restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the
                responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute
                this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made
                changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make
                it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source
                code, but that you've made changes.
    Change History (most recent first):
                7/29/1999   Karl Groethe    Updated for Metrowerks Codewarror Pro 2.1
#ifndef __SOUNDUNIT__
#define __SOUNDUNIT__
// constants
//refer to the SoundAppSnds.r file for documentation on these values
enum {
    kOctave1    = 0,                    //octaves of MIDI values
    kOctave2    = 12,
    kOctave3    = 24,
    kOctave4    = 36,
    kOctave5    = 48,
    kOctave6    = 60,
    kOctave7    = 72,
    kOctave8    = 84,
    kOctave9    = 96,
    kOctave10   = 108,
    kOctave11   = 120,
    Akey        = -3,                   //the key A
    Bbkey       = -2,                   //the key B flat
    Bkey        = -1,                   //the key B
    Ckey        = 0,                    //the key C
    Dbkey       = 1,                    //the key D flat
    Dkey        = 2,                    //the key D
    Ebkey       = 3,                    //the key D flat
    Ekey        = 4,                    //the key E
    Fkey        = 5,                    //the key F
    Gbkey       = 6,                    //the key G flat
    Gkey        = 7,                    //the key G
    Abkey       = 8,                    //the key A flat
//These are other constants used in the SoundUnit
    kInitNone   = 0,                    //no init options
    kWait       = false,                //wait for the channel
    kSMAsynch   = true,                 //asynchronous Sound Manager call
    kWaveSize   = 512,                  //standard size of wave table
    kSyncID     = 0x12345678,           //identifier used in syncCmd
    kOneSecond  = 2000,                 //one second frequency duration
    kNoSynth    = 0                     //no synth is specified
typedef SndCommand *SndCmdPtr;  // Ptr to a sound command, for type coersion
// prototypes
The routines below are for public consumption in this SoundUnit.  Note that
these all return standard sound channels to allow easy of modifications.
I can change the structure of my own sound channels and the code without
forcing a change in the application that uses this SoundUnit.
VERSION 1.1: No longer putting the SANELib into a seperate segment, which then
needs to be unloaded.  Instead, I merge it into the Main segment.  Refer to
the Make file for more information.
pascal void _SoundUnit(void);
pascal OSErr InitSoundUnit(void);
pascal Boolean HasMACE(void);
pascal Boolean HasSoundInput(void);
pascal Boolean HasStereoSupport(void);
pascal short GetSoundMgrVersion(void);
pascal Boolean HasSoundCompleted(void);
pascal Boolean HasChannelOpen(void);
pascal OSErr SendQuiet(SndChannelPtr chan, Boolean immediate);
pascal void DoSoundComplete(void);
pascal void FreeAllChans(void);
pascal void FreeSoundUnit(void);
pascal OSErr SoundComplete(SndChannelPtr chan);
pascal OSErr HoldSnd(SndListHandle sndHandle);
pascal OSErr PlaySong(SndChannelPtr chan, SndListHandle sndSong);
pascal OSErr SetSquareWaveTimbre(SndChannelPtr squareChan, short timbre, Boolean immediate);
pascal OSErr SendNote(SndChannelPtr chan, short duration, long note);
pascal OSErr SendRest(SndChannelPtr chan, short duration);
pascal OSErr GetSquareWaveChan(SndChannelPtr *squareChan, short timbre);
pascal OSErr GetNoSynthChan(SndChannelPtr *chan);
pascal OSErr GetSampleChan(SndChannelPtr *sampleChan, long init, SndListHandle sndInstrument);
pascal OSErr Get4SampleInstruments(SndChannelPtr *chan1, SndChannelPtr *chan2, SndChannelPtr *chan3, SndChannelPtr *chan4, SndListHandle sndInstrument1, SndListHandle sndInstrument2, SndListHandle sndInstrument3, SndListHandle sndInstrument4);
pascal Boolean HasWorkingWaveTables(void);
pascal OSErr GetWaveChans(SndChannelPtr *waveChan1, SndChannelPtr *waveChan2, SndChannelPtr *waveChan3, SndChannelPtr *waveChan4);
pascal OSErr InstallWave(SndChannelPtr waveChan, Ptr aWavePtr, short waveLength);
pascal OSErr Play4ChanSongs(SndChannelPtr chan1, SndChannelPtr chan2, SndChannelPtr chan3, SndChannelPtr chan4, SndListHandle song1, SndListHandle song2, SndListHandle song3, SndListHandle song4);
pascal long GetSndDataOffset(SndListHandle sndHandle, short *dataType, short *waveLength);
pascal OSErr HyperSndPlay(SndListHandle sndHandle);
pascal OSErr AsynchSndPlay(SndListHandle sndHandle);