Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
File: SoundUnit.h |
Contains: |
Written by: Jim Reekes |
Copyright: Copyright © 1994-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved. |
You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without |
restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the |
responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute |
this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made |
changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make |
it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source |
code, but that you've made changes. |
Change History (most recent first): |
7/29/1999 Karl Groethe Updated for Metrowerks Codewarror Pro 2.1 |
*/ |
//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
#ifndef __SOUNDUNIT__ |
#define __SOUNDUNIT__ |
//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
// constants |
//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
//refer to the SoundAppSnds.r file for documentation on these values |
enum { |
kOctave1 = 0, //octaves of MIDI values |
kOctave2 = 12, |
kOctave3 = 24, |
kOctave4 = 36, |
kOctave5 = 48, |
kOctave6 = 60, |
kOctave7 = 72, |
kOctave8 = 84, |
kOctave9 = 96, |
kOctave10 = 108, |
kOctave11 = 120, |
Akey = -3, //the key A |
Bbkey = -2, //the key B flat |
Bkey = -1, //the key B |
Ckey = 0, //the key C |
Dbkey = 1, //the key D flat |
Dkey = 2, //the key D |
Ebkey = 3, //the key D flat |
Ekey = 4, //the key E |
Fkey = 5, //the key F |
Gbkey = 6, //the key G flat |
Gkey = 7, //the key G |
Abkey = 8, //the key A flat |
//These are other constants used in the SoundUnit |
kInitNone = 0, //no init options |
kWait = false, //wait for the channel |
kSMAsynch = true, //asynchronous Sound Manager call |
kWaveSize = 512, //standard size of wave table |
kSyncID = 0x12345678, //identifier used in syncCmd |
kOneSecond = 2000, //one second frequency duration |
kNoSynth = 0 //no synth is specified |
}; |
//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
//types |
//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
typedef SndCommand *SndCmdPtr; // Ptr to a sound command, for type coersion |
//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
// prototypes |
//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
/* |
The routines below are for public consumption in this SoundUnit. Note that |
these all return standard sound channels to allow easy of modifications. |
I can change the structure of my own sound channels and the code without |
forcing a change in the application that uses this SoundUnit. |
VERSION 1.1: No longer putting the SANELib into a seperate segment, which then |
needs to be unloaded. Instead, I merge it into the Main segment. Refer to |
the Make file for more information. |
*/ |
pascal void _SoundUnit(void); |
pascal OSErr InitSoundUnit(void); |
pascal Boolean HasMACE(void); |
pascal Boolean HasSoundInput(void); |
pascal Boolean HasStereoSupport(void); |
pascal short GetSoundMgrVersion(void); |
pascal Boolean HasSoundCompleted(void); |
pascal Boolean HasChannelOpen(void); |
pascal OSErr SendQuiet(SndChannelPtr chan, Boolean immediate); |
pascal void DoSoundComplete(void); |
pascal void FreeAllChans(void); |
pascal void FreeSoundUnit(void); |
pascal OSErr SoundComplete(SndChannelPtr chan); |
pascal OSErr HoldSnd(SndListHandle sndHandle); |
pascal OSErr PlaySong(SndChannelPtr chan, SndListHandle sndSong); |
pascal OSErr SetSquareWaveTimbre(SndChannelPtr squareChan, short timbre, Boolean immediate); |
pascal OSErr SendNote(SndChannelPtr chan, short duration, long note); |
pascal OSErr SendRest(SndChannelPtr chan, short duration); |
pascal OSErr GetSquareWaveChan(SndChannelPtr *squareChan, short timbre); |
pascal OSErr GetNoSynthChan(SndChannelPtr *chan); |
pascal OSErr GetSampleChan(SndChannelPtr *sampleChan, long init, SndListHandle sndInstrument); |
pascal OSErr Get4SampleInstruments(SndChannelPtr *chan1, SndChannelPtr *chan2, SndChannelPtr *chan3, SndChannelPtr *chan4, SndListHandle sndInstrument1, SndListHandle sndInstrument2, SndListHandle sndInstrument3, SndListHandle sndInstrument4); |
pascal Boolean HasWorkingWaveTables(void); |
pascal OSErr GetWaveChans(SndChannelPtr *waveChan1, SndChannelPtr *waveChan2, SndChannelPtr *waveChan3, SndChannelPtr *waveChan4); |
pascal OSErr InstallWave(SndChannelPtr waveChan, Ptr aWavePtr, short waveLength); |
pascal OSErr Play4ChanSongs(SndChannelPtr chan1, SndChannelPtr chan2, SndChannelPtr chan3, SndChannelPtr chan4, SndListHandle song1, SndListHandle song2, SndListHandle song3, SndListHandle song4); |
pascal long GetSndDataOffset(SndListHandle sndHandle, short *dataType, short *waveLength); |
pascal OSErr HyperSndPlay(SndListHandle sndHandle); |
pascal OSErr AsynchSndPlay(SndListHandle sndHandle); |
#endif |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-03-14