Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
** File: CSliderControl.cp |
** Written by: Tim Nufire |
** |
** Copyright © 1990-1995 Apple Computer, Inc. |
** All rights reserved. */ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
/* This is a custom slider ported by me from Kibitz to PowerPlant. */ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
enum { |
kCapHeight = 11, |
kThumbHeight = 9, |
kThumbOffset = 11, |
kSliderWidth = 20 |
}; |
#include "CSliderControl.h" |
#ifndef __RESOURCES__ |
#include <Resources.h> |
#endif |
#ifndef __TOOLUTILS__ |
#include <ToolUtils.h> |
#endif |
#ifndef __MEMORY__ |
#include <Memory.h> |
#endif |
#ifndef __OSUTILS__ |
#include <OSUtils.h> |
#endif |
#ifndef __CONTROLS__ |
#include <Controls.h> |
#endif |
#ifndef __GWLAYERS__ |
#include "GWLayers.h" |
#endif |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma options align=mac68k |
typedef struct cdefRsrcJMP { |
long jsrInst; |
long moveInst; |
short jmpInst; |
long jmpAddress; |
} cdefRsrcJMP; |
typedef cdefRsrcJMP *cdefRsrcJMPPtr, **cdefRsrcJMPHndl; |
typedef struct thumbCntlParams { |
Rect limitRect; |
Rect slopRect; |
short axis; |
} thumbCntlParams; |
#pragma options align=reset |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
/* SetSliderJmpAddress() */ |
/* */ |
/* This routine patches a dummy slider CDEF so that the slider code can */ |
/* reside inside our object. This be called once during application startup */ |
/* BEFORE any slider objects are created. */ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
void |
CSliderControl::SetSliderJmpAddress() |
{ |
cdefRsrcJMPHndl cdefRsrc; |
static ControlDefUPP sliderCtlUPP = nil; |
cdefRsrc = (cdefRsrcJMPHndl)GetResource('CDEF', (sliderCntlProc / 16)); |
if (!sliderCtlUPP) |
sliderCtlUPP = NewControlDefProc(CSliderControl::SliderCtl); |
(*cdefRsrc)->jmpAddress = (long)sliderCtlUPP; |
/* Make sure that instruction caches don't kill us. */ |
#ifndef powerc |
FlushInstructionCache(); |
#endif |
} |
/***************************************************************************** |
** SliderCtl(short varCode, ControlHandle ctl, short msg, long parm) |
** |
** This is a custom slider originally from Kibitz. It expects contrlRfCon to |
** contain a pointer to an CSliderControl object and will call that objects |
** member functions UpdateSlider() and TrackSlider() to handle drawing and |
** tracking respectively. |
** |
** There is a custom cdef for this code. All it does is jump to this code. |
** In addition to being a nice way to objectize the slider, there is another |
** really good reason for this which is that it is possible for the cdef to |
** be re-entered! When the user clicks on a slider, the control manager locks |
** down the cdef, and then calls it. When the custom cdef returns to the control |
** manager, the cdef is unlocked. This all seems very reasonable. However, if |
** the code that tracks the slider updates another slider you have a problem. |
** This is because the control manager handles the update by calling the cdef. |
** Of course, it locks it down, and then when the control manager is returned to, |
** it unlocks it. BUT WAIT!! We are still tracking the slider which caused the |
** update in the first place. This is true. It is also true that the cdef is now |
** UNLOCKED! It isn't a good idea to rts to code that has moved. This is why |
** the cdef jumps to the code in the application. We never return to the |
** (potentially unlocked) cdef. We return straight to the control manager. |
** Ugly problem, huh? |
*****************************************************************************/ |
pascal long |
CSliderControl::SliderCtl(short /*varCode*/, ControlHandle ctl, short msg, long parm) |
{ |
CSliderControl *thisSlider; |
Rect viewRect; |
thumbCntlParams *tcp; |
thisSlider = (CSliderControl *)(*ctl)->contrlRfCon; |
viewRect = (*ctl)->contrlRect; |
if (thisSlider) switch (msg) { |
case initCntl: |
case dispCntl: |
case posCntl: |
break; |
case drawCntl: |
thisSlider->UpdateSlider(); |
break; |
case testCntl: |
if ((*ctl)->contrlHilite != 255 |
&& (*ctl)->contrlMax |
&& PtInRect(*(Point *)&parm, &viewRect)) { |
thisSlider->mLastClick = *((Point *)&parm); |
/* Everything is the thumb. The "thumb" routine will figure |
** out what part it is. Since this is a very specific control, |
** we can get away with this simplification. */ |
return(kControlIndicatorPart); |
} |
break; |
case calcCRgns: |
parm &= 0x00FFFFFF; /* 24-bit memory manager is in use */ |
/* fall through to calcCntlRgn */ |
case calcCntlRgn: |
case calcThumbRgn: |
RectRgn((RgnHandle)parm, &viewRect); |
break; |
case thumbCntl: |
tcp = (thumbCntlParams *)parm; |
tcp->limitRect = viewRect; |
InsetRect(&viewRect, -64, -64); |
tcp->slopRect = viewRect; |
tcp->axis = 2; |
break; |
case dragCntl: |
thisSlider->TrackSlider(thisSlider->mLastClick); |
return(true); |
case autoTrack: |
break; |
default: |
break; |
} |
return(0); |
} |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ¥ CreateFromCNTL [static] |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Create a StdControl or SliderControl from a CNTL resource |
/* |
LStdControl* |
LStdControl::CreateFromCNTL( |
ResIDT inCNTLid, |
MessageT inValueMessage, |
ResIDT inTextTraitsID, |
LView *inSuperView) |
{ |
LStdControl *theStdControl = nil; |
::HidePen(); |
inSuperView->FocusDraw(); |
if (inTextTraitsID != 0) { // Control does not use System font |
UTextTraits::SetPortTextTraits(inTextTraitsID); |
} |
ControlHandle macControlH = ::GetNewControl(inCNTLid, |
inSuperView->GetMacPort()); |
::ShowPen(); |
ThrowIfNil_(macControlH); |
SCNTLResource *resP = *(SCNTLResourceH) ::GetResource('CNTL', inCNTLid); |
SPaneInfo thePaneInfo; |
thePaneInfo.paneID = inCNTLid; |
thePaneInfo.left = resP->bounds.left; | = resP->; |
thePaneInfo.width = resP->bounds.right - thePaneInfo.left; |
thePaneInfo.height = resP->bounds.bottom -; |
thePaneInfo.visible = (resP->visible != 0); |
thePaneInfo.enabled = true; |
thePaneInfo.bindings.left = | = |
thePaneInfo.bindings.right = |
thePaneInfo.bindings.bottom = false; |
thePaneInfo.userCon = 0; |
thePaneInfo.superView = inSuperView; |
// Mask off useWFont variation code |
Int16 controlKind = |
(resP->procID & ~((Uint16) kControlUsesOwningWindowsFontVariant)); |
switch (controlKind) { |
case pushButProc: |
theStdControl = new LStdButton(thePaneInfo, inValueMessage, |
inTextTraitsID, macControlH); |
break; |
case checkBoxProc: |
theStdControl = new LStdCheckBox(thePaneInfo, inValueMessage, |
resP->value, inTextTraitsID, macControlH); |
break; |
case radioButProc: |
theStdControl = new LStdRadioButton(thePaneInfo, inValueMessage, |
resP->value, inTextTraitsID, macControlH); |
break; |
case popupMenuProc: |
theStdControl = new LStdPopupMenu(thePaneInfo, inValueMessage, |
::GetControlMaximum(macControlH), |
inTextTraitsID, macControlH); |
break; |
case sliderCntlProc: |
theStdControl = new CSliderControl(thePaneInfo, inValueMessage, |
::GetControlValue(macControlH), |
::GetControlMinimum(macControlH), |
::GetControlMaximum(macControlH), |
controlKind, inTextTraitsID, |
macControlH); |
break; |
default: |
theStdControl = new LStdControl(thePaneInfo, inValueMessage, |
::GetControlValue(macControlH), |
::GetControlMinimum(macControlH), |
::GetControlMaximum(macControlH), |
controlKind, inTextTraitsID, |
macControlH); |
break; |
} |
return theStdControl; |
} |
*/ |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ¥ CreateSliderControlStream [static] |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Create a new SliderControl from the data in a Stream |
// |
// Current port must be the Window into which to install the control |
CSliderControl* |
CSliderControl::CreateSliderControlStream( |
LStream *inStream) |
{ |
return (new CSliderControl(inStream)); |
} |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ¥ InitSlider |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Initialization routine. |
void |
CSliderControl::InitSlider(void) |
{ |
if (mMacControlH) { |
SetSliderRefCon(GetControlReference(mMacControlH)); |
SetControlReference(mMacControlH, (long)this); |
} |
} |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ¥ CSliderControl(const CSliderControl&) |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Copy Constructor |
CSliderControl::CSliderControl( |
const CSliderControl &inOriginal) |
: LStdControl(inOriginal) |
{ |
InitSlider(); |
} |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ¥ CSliderControl(Int16) |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Construct a SliderControl for a particular kind of Toolbox Control |
// |
// NOTE: On entry, the current Port must be Window into which to |
// install the Control. |
CSliderControl::CSliderControl( Int16 inControlKind) : LStdControl(inControlKind) |
{ |
InitSlider(); |
} |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ¥ CSliderControl |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Construct SliderControl from input parameters |
CSliderControl::CSliderControl( |
const SPaneInfo &inPaneInfo, |
MessageT inValueMessage, |
Int32 inValue, |
Int32 inMinValue, |
Int32 inMaxValue, |
Int16 inControlKind, |
ResIDT inTextTraitsID, |
Str255 inTitle, |
Int32 inMacRefCon) |
: LStdControl(inPaneInfo, inValueMessage, inValue, |
inMinValue, inMaxValue, inControlKind, |
inTextTraitsID, inTitle, inMacRefCon) |
{ |
InitSlider(); |
} |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ¥ CSliderControl |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Construct from input parameters and an existing ControlHandle |
CSliderControl::CSliderControl( |
const SPaneInfo &inPaneInfo, |
MessageT inValueMessage, |
Int32 inValue, |
Int32 inMinValue, |
Int32 inMaxValue, |
Int16 inControlKind, |
ResIDT inTextTraitsID, |
ControlHandle inMacControlH) |
: LStdControl(inPaneInfo, inValueMessage, inValue, |
inMinValue, inMaxValue, inControlKind, |
inTextTraitsID, inMacControlH) |
{ |
InitSlider(); |
} |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ¥ CSliderControl(LStream*) |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Construct SliderControl from a data stream |
CSliderControl::CSliderControl( |
LStream *inStream) |
: LStdControl(inStream) |
{ |
InitSlider(); |
} |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ¥ ~CSliderControl |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Destructor |
CSliderControl::~CSliderControl() |
{ |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
void |
CSliderControl::AdjustSlider(Int32 val, Int32 max) |
{ |
GrafPtr oldPort = UQDGlobals::GetCurrentPort(); |
SetPort((**mMacControlH).contrlOwner); |
/* Change the slider value and show the result. */ |
SetMaxValue(max); |
SetValue(val); |
UpdateSlider(); |
SetPort(oldPort); |
} |
void |
CSliderControl::UpdateSlider(short hiliteCap) |
{ |
Rect ctlRect, workRect, sliderRect; |
Boolean active; |
short i, j; |
RgnHandle origClipRgn, clipRgn, workRgn; |
CIconHandle icons[7]; |
/* We use color icons here for the various slider parts. This is so that we |
** can take advantage of the depth of monitors. I use icons here so that I |
** can do a single plot of an icon if the delta of the thumb is -12 to 12. |
** (The thumb is in the center of an icon, and 12 pixels above and below the |
** icon, I have slider bar. Use RedEdit to check it out.) This technique |
** gives a very smooth appearance when the thumb slides. There is no flash. |
** For deltas greater than +-12, I redraw the slider without the thumb, and |
** then draw the thumb in the new position. Since the thumb is moving a lot |
** anyway, this doesn't show up as a flicker. There is no overlap in the |
** old and new positions for a big delta. */ |
FocusDraw(); |
ctlRect = (*mMacControlH)->contrlRect; |
for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) icons[i] = ReadCIcon(i + rSliderBase); |
origClipRgn = NewRgn(); |
GetClip(origClipRgn); |
clipRgn = NewRgn(); |
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { /* Draw the arrow parts first. */ |
j = i; |
if (hiliteCap == i) j += 5; |
workRect = ctlRect; |
if (!i) |
workRect.bottom = + kCapHeight; |
else | = workRect.bottom - kCapHeight; |
RectRgn(clipRgn, &workRect); |
SetClip(clipRgn); |
/* Clip out the area outside the arrow part. */ |
SliderDrawCIcon(icons[j], workRect.left,; |
/* Draw the arrow part. */ |
} | += kCapHeight; |
ctlRect.bottom -= kCapHeight; |
RectRgn(clipRgn, &ctlRect); |
SetClip(clipRgn); |
/* Clip out everything except the slider bar area. */ |
active = true; /* ((*mMacControlH)->contrlOwner == FrontWindow()); */ |
if ((*mMacControlH)->contrlHilite == 255) active = false; |
if (!(*mMacControlH)->contrlMax) active = false; |
if (active) { /* If control active, draw the thumb. */ |
sliderRect = CalcSliderRect(); |
SliderDrawCIcon(icons[3], |
sliderRect.left, - kThumbOffset); |
workRgn = NewRgn(); |
RectRgn(workRgn, &sliderRect); |
DiffRgn(clipRgn, workRgn, clipRgn); |
SetClip(clipRgn); |
DisposeRgn(workRgn); |
/* Now that the thumb is drawn, protect it by clipping it out. */ |
} |
for (i =; i < ctlRect.bottom; i += 32) |
SliderDrawCIcon(icons[2], ctlRect.left, i); |
/* Draw the slider bar portion. */ |
/* It is now completely drawn. Clean up and get out. */ |
SetClip(origClipRgn); |
DisposeRgn(clipRgn); |
DisposeRgn(origClipRgn); |
for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) KillCIcon(icons[i]); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
void |
CSliderControl::SliderDrawCIcon(CIconHandle iconHndl, short hloc, short vloc) |
{ |
Rect iconRect; |
iconRect.right = (iconRect.left = hloc) + 32; |
iconRect.bottom = ( = vloc) + 32; |
DrawCIcon(iconHndl, iconRect); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
Rect |
CSliderControl::CalcSliderRect() |
{ |
Rect ctlRect, sliderRect; |
short max, val; |
long calc; |
ctlRect = (*mMacControlH)->contrlRect; | += kCapHeight; |
ctlRect.bottom -= kCapHeight; |
max = (*mMacControlH)->contrlMax; |
val = (*mMacControlH)->contrlValue; |
calc = ctlRect.bottom - - kThumbHeight; |
calc *= val; |
if (max) calc /= max; | = + calc, |
sliderRect.left = ctlRect.left; |
sliderRect.bottom = + kThumbHeight; |
sliderRect.right = ctlRect.right; |
return(sliderRect); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
short |
CSliderControl::CalcSliderValue(Point mouseLoc) |
{ |
Rect ctlRect; |
long max, val; |
ctlRect = (*mMacControlH)->contrlRect; | += kCapHeight; |
ctlRect.bottom -= kCapHeight; |
max = (*mMacControlH)->contrlMax; |
val = (mouseLoc.v - - kThumbHeight/2) * max; |
val /= ctlRect.bottom - - kThumbHeight; |
if (val < 0) val = 0; |
if (val > max) val = max; |
return(val); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
void |
CSliderControl::TrackAndRun(Point *mouseLoc) |
{ |
EventRecord macEvent; |
// Give the movies some time (both in our app and outside) |
::WaitNextEvent (0, &macEvent, 0, 0); |
// Repeaters get time after every event |
LPeriodical::DevoteTimeToRepeaters(macEvent); |
// SystemTask(); |
// MoviesTask(0, 0); |
FocusDraw(); |
*mouseLoc = macEvent.where; |
GlobalToLocal(mouseLoc); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
void |
CSliderControl::TrackSlider(Point origMouseLoc) |
{ |
CIconHandle icons[7]; |
GrafPtr oldPort = UQDGlobals::GetCurrentPort(); |
Rect ctlRect, sliderRange, slopRect, sliderRect, capRect, pgRect; |
RgnHandle origClipRgn, clipRgn, workRgn; |
short i, max, val, ovloc, voffset, vloc, delta, hiliteCap; |
Boolean hiliteOn; |
long origTick, calc; |
Point lastMouseLoc, mouseLoc; |
/* Get everything we need set up. */ |
FocusDraw(); |
origTick = TickCount(); |
for (i = 2; i < 5; i++) icons[i] = ReadCIcon(i + rSliderBase); |
SetPort((**mMacControlH).contrlOwner); |
ctlRect = (*mMacControlH)->contrlRect; |
origClipRgn = NewRgn(); |
GetClip(origClipRgn); |
clipRgn = NewRgn(); |
workRgn = NewRgn(); |
max = (*mMacControlH)->contrlMax; |
pgRect = ctlRect; | += kCapHeight; |
pgRect.bottom -= kCapHeight - 1; |
/* That ought to be enough setup. */ |
if (PtInRect(origMouseLoc, &pgRect)) { /* If in the slide area... */ |
sliderRect = CalcSliderRect(); |
if (!PtInRect(origMouseLoc, &sliderRect)) { /* If they are not on the thumb... */ |
/* Move the thumb to them... */ |
(*mMacControlH)->contrlValue = val = CalcSliderValue(origMouseLoc); |
UpdateSlider(); |
SliderAction(val); |
/* Update starting slider rect... */ |
sliderRect = CalcSliderRect(); |
} |
RectRgn(clipRgn, &pgRect); |
SetClip(clipRgn); |
sliderRange = pgRect; /* Calc area thumb can move. */ |
sliderRange.bottom -= kThumbHeight + 1; /* Count height of thumb against range. */ |
slopRect = sliderRange; /* Give the user some slop. */ |
InsetRect(&slopRect, -20, -20); |
lastMouseLoc = origMouseLoc; |
voffset = lastMouseLoc.v -; |
ovloc = lastMouseLoc.v - voffset; |
while (StillDown()) { |
TrackAndRun(&mouseLoc); |
SetClip(clipRgn); |
if (!EqualPt(mouseLoc, lastMouseLoc)) { /* The mouse has moved. */ |
if (!PtInRect(mouseLoc, &slopRect)) mouseLoc = lastMouseLoc; |
/* Outside slopRect, so snap back to the last good position. */ |
vloc = mouseLoc.v - voffset; |
if (vloc < vloc =; |
if (vloc > sliderRange.bottom) vloc = sliderRange.bottom; |
delta = vloc - ovloc; |
/* The delta tells us how much the thumb moved. */ |
if ( |
(delta < -((32 - kThumbHeight) / 2)) || |
(delta > ((32 - kThumbHeight) / 2)) |
) { |
for (i =; i < pgRect.bottom; i += 32) |
SliderDrawCIcon(icons[2], pgRect.left, i); |
/* The thumb moved too far for a single plot to cover |
** up the old position, so clear the old thumb. */ |
} |
calc = max + 1; /* Force below math to be with longs. */ |
calc *= (vloc -; |
/* We use max + 1 because there is one more game |
** move position than moves in the game. This is |
** because we can position in front of the first move, |
** as well as after the last move. */ |
calc /= (sliderRange.bottom -; |
val = calc; |
if (val > max) val = max; |
if (val < 0) val = 0; |
if (delta) |
SliderDrawCIcon(icons[3], pgRect.left, vloc - kThumbOffset); |
/* The thumb is now updated. */ |
SetClip(origClipRgn); |
SliderAction(val); |
/* We set the clipRgn back to the original so the board |
** can update. (Pretty boring if it doesn't). */ |
SetClip(clipRgn); |
FocusDraw(); |
/* Back to our normally scheduled program... */ |
lastMouseLoc = mouseLoc; |
(*mMacControlH)->contrlValue = val; |
ovloc = vloc; |
} |
} |
} |
else { /* We missed the thumb. See if we hit an arrow part... */ |
delta = hiliteOn = 0; |
capRect = ctlRect; |
capRect.bottom = + kCapHeight; |
if (max > 1000) |
delta = max/1000; |
else delta = 1; |
if (PtInRect(origMouseLoc, &capRect)) { |
delta = -delta; |
hiliteCap = 0; |
} |
else { |
capRect = ctlRect; | = ctlRect.bottom - kCapHeight + 1; |
if (PtInRect(origMouseLoc, &capRect)) { |
hiliteCap = 1; |
} |
} |
if (delta) { /* We hit an arrow, and there is a change to do... */ |
do { |
TrackAndRun(&mouseLoc); |
SetClip(clipRgn); |
if (PtInRect(mouseLoc, &capRect)) { /* Still in arrow... */ |
val = (*mMacControlH)->contrlValue + delta; |
if (val < 0) val = 0; |
if (val > max) val = max; |
if (val != (*mMacControlH)->contrlValue) { /* Still scrolling... */ |
hiliteOn = true; |
(*mMacControlH)->contrlValue = val; |
UpdateSlider(hiliteCap); |
SetClip(origClipRgn); |
SliderAction(val); |
} |
else { /* Scrolled as far as we can go, so unhilite arrow. */ |
if (hiliteOn) { |
UpdateSlider(); |
hiliteOn = false; |
} |
} |
} |
else { /* Outside arrow, so unhilite it. */ |
if (hiliteOn) { |
UpdateSlider(); |
hiliteOn = false; |
} |
} |
while ((StillDown()) && (origTick + 20 > TickCount())) {}; |
/* Don't go too fast. */ |
} while (StillDown()); |
} |
} |
SetClip(origClipRgn); |
DisposeRgn(workRgn); |
DisposeRgn(clipRgn); |
DisposeRgn(origClipRgn); |
UpdateSlider(); |
/* Snap the slider to a move position. The user may have let go of the |
** slider at a position that doesn't map exactly to the game position. */ |
for (i = 2; i < 5; i++) KillCIcon(icons[i]); |
SetPort(oldPort); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
void |
CSliderControl::SliderAction(short /*newPos*/) |
{ |
} |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-01-14