Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
// =========================================================================== |
// CSoundboardApp.cp ©1994 Metrowerks Inc. All rights reserved. |
// =========================================================================== |
// |
// A "do nothing" Soundboard program that you can use as a starter for |
// you own programs. |
#include "CSoundboardApp.h" |
#include "CFilterControl.h" |
#include "CQuickTimeWindow.h" |
#include "CGrayBox.h" |
#include "CAttachment.h" |
#include "FilterComponent.h" |
#include "FilterComponentPrivate.h" |
#include <LApplication.h> |
#include <LGrowZone.h> |
#include <LWindow.h> |
#include <UMemoryMgr.h> |
#include <UDrawingState.h> |
#include <URegistrar.h> |
#include <UQuickTime.h> |
#include <LEditField.h> |
#include <LTabGroup.h> |
#include <LCaption.h> |
#include <LStdControl.h> |
#include <LDialogBox.h> |
#include <UModalDialogs.h> |
#include <LModelObject.h> |
#include <math.h> |
const ResIDT WIND_Soundboard = 200; |
const ResIDT WIND_QuickTimeMovie = 1300; |
const PaneIDT FirstSliderID = 2002; |
const PaneIDT LastSliderID = 2011; |
const PaneIDT LabelIDOffset = 1000; |
const PaneIDT StatusID = 'Stat'; |
// Menu commands |
const CommandT cmd_EnableFilter = 13100; |
const CommandT cmd_UseExtGains = 13103; |
const CommandT cmd_srsFilter = 13104; |
const CommandT cmd_srsGain = 13105; |
const CommandT cmd_3DAudio = 13106; |
const CommandT cmd_XTalk5b = 13107; |
const CommandT cmd_XTalkJG = 13110; |
const CommandT cmd_XTalkJGtest = 13112; |
const CommandT cmd_3DAudioJG = 13111; |
const CommandT cmd_3DAudio5b = 13108; |
const CommandT cmd_3DAudioOnly = 13109; |
const CommandT cmd_SoundBoardW = 13200; |
const short kUninited = 0; |
// Declare static data members of CSoundboardApp so others can use them |
ComponentInstance CSoundboardApp::mFilterInstance = 0; |
short CSoundboardApp::mGainValue[kMaxSliders]; |
#ifdef powerc |
// #define PROFILE_604 /* Only works on 604 */ |
#endif |
#ifdef PROFILE_604 |
void startData(void); |
void stopData(void); |
#endif |
// =========================================================================== |
// ¥ Main Program |
// =========================================================================== |
void main(void) |
{ |
// Set Debugging options |
SetDebugThrow_(debugAction_Alert); |
SetDebugSignal_(debugAction_Alert); |
InitializeHeap(3); // Initialize Memory Manager |
// Parameter is number of Master Pointer |
// blocks to allocate |
// Initialize standard Toolbox managers |
UQDGlobals::InitializeToolbox(&qd); |
new LGrowZone(20000); // Install a GrowZone function to catch |
// low memory situations. |
// Parameter is size of reserve memory |
// block to allocated. The first time |
// the GrowZone function is called, |
// there will be at least this much |
// memory left (so you'll have enough |
// memory to alert the user or finish |
// what you are doing). |
CSoundboardApp soundApp; // Create instance of your Application |
soundApp.Run(); // class and run it |
} |
// =========================================================================== |
// ¥ CSoundboardApp Class |
// =========================================================================== |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ¥ CSoundboardApp |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Constructor |
CSoundboardApp::CSoundboardApp() |
{ |
LPane *statusBdrPane; |
int i; |
ComponentDescription filterDesc; |
// Register classes for objects created from 'PPob' resources |
URegistrar::RegisterClass(LEditField::class_ID, (ClassCreatorFunc)LEditField::CreateEditFieldStream); |
// URegistrar::RegisterClass(LTabGroup::class_ID, (ClassCreatorFunc)LTabGroup::CreateTabGroupStream); |
URegistrar::RegisterClass(LCaption::class_ID, (ClassCreatorFunc)LCaption::CreateCaptionStream); |
// URegistrar::RegisterClass(LStdButton::class_ID, (ClassCreatorFunc)LStdButton::CreateStdButtonStream); |
// URegistrar::RegisterClass(LStdCheckBox::class_ID, (ClassCreatorFunc)LStdCheckBox::CreateStdCheckBoxStream); |
// URegistrar::RegisterClass(LDialogBox::class_ID, (ClassCreatorFunc)LDialogBox::CreateDialogBoxStream); |
URegistrar::RegisterClass(LView::class_ID, (ClassCreatorFunc)LWindow::CreateViewStream); |
URegistrar::RegisterClass(LWindow::class_ID, (ClassCreatorFunc)LWindow::CreateWindowStream); |
URegistrar::RegisterClass(CQuickTimeWindow::class_ID, (ClassCreatorFunc)CQuickTimeWindow::CreateQuickTimeWindowStream); |
URegistrar::RegisterClass(CSoundboardWindow::class_ID, (ClassCreatorFunc)CSoundboardWindow::CreateSoundboardWindowStream); |
URegistrar::RegisterClass(CGrayBox::class_ID, (ClassCreatorFunc)CGrayBox::CreateGrayBoxStream); |
URegistrar::RegisterClass(CFilterControl::class_ID, (ClassCreatorFunc)CFilterControl::CreateFilterControlStream); |
CFilterControl::SetSliderJmpAddress(); |
UQuickTime::Initialize(); |
// A Soundboard program has a single main Window that is |
// displayed on start up. The "Visible on Creation" option |
// for the Window (in its PPob resource) should be OFF, |
// so that you can adjust the Window's contents before |
// displaying it. |
mStatusWindow = CSoundboardWindow::CreateSoundboardWindow(WIND_Soundboard, this); |
// +++ Add code here to configure Panes inside the Window |
statusBdrPane = mStatusWindow->FindPaneByID('Chsl'); |
if (statusBdrPane) |
statusBdrPane->AddAttachment(new C3DBorderAttachment); |
for (i=FirstSliderID; i<=LastSliderID; ++i) { |
CFilterControl *filterControlPane = (CFilterControl *)mStatusWindow->FindPaneByID(i); |
if (filterControlPane) { |
filterControlPane->SetSuperModel(mStatusWindow); |
filterControlPane->SetMaxValue(kMaxGain); |
filterControlPane->mLabel = (LCaption *)mStatusWindow->FindPaneByID(i+LabelIDOffset); |
} |
} |
SetDefaultSubModel(mStatusWindow); /* Crashes PPC for some reason?! */ |
// Get initial status string |
SetStatusText(str_IdleStr); |
// Init instance stuff |
mFilterComponentID = 0L; |
mFilterInstance = 0L; |
// Register (or find) our components |
filterDesc.componentType = filterComponentType; |
filterDesc.componentSubType = 'tim '; |
filterDesc.componentManufacturer = 'tim '; |
filterDesc.componentFlags = 0L; |
filterDesc.componentFlagsMask = 0L; |
// Are we debugging? |
#ifdef DEBUG_IT |
mFilterNameHdl = NewHandle (sizeof (Str255)); |
BlockMove ((Ptr)"\pFilter_Component", (Ptr)(*mFilterNameHdl), sizeof (Str255)); |
mInfoHdl = NewHandle (sizeof (Str255)); |
BlockMove ((Ptr)"\pThis component provides simple filter services.", (Ptr)(*mInfoHdl), sizeof (Str255)); |
// Register the Filter component |
mFilterComponentID = RegisterComponent (&filterDesc, |
NewComponentRoutineProc(FilterDispatcher), kRegisterGlobally, |
mFilterNameHdl, mInfoHdl, nil); |
#else // We're running as standalone components |
// Find the filter component - You should note that it is perfectly |
// acceptable to do a RegisterComponent call followed by a FindNextComponent |
// call - if you use the same component description, and the |
// RegisterComponent call was successful, then you'll get back the same |
// component ID from FindNextComponent that you got from RegisterComponent. |
mFilterComponentID = FindNextComponent (nil, &filterDesc); |
#endif /*DEBUG_IT */ |
OpenFilterComponent(); |
UpdateFilterCntls(); |
mStatusWindow->Show(); |
SetSleepTime(0); |
StartIdling(); |
} |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ¥ ~CSoundboardApp |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Destructor |
CSoundboardApp::~CSoundboardApp() |
{ |
// +++ Add code here to cleanup (if necessary) before quitting |
UQuickTime::Finalize(); |
if (mFilterInstance) |
CloseComponent (mFilterInstance); |
} |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ¥ AttemptQuitSelf(Int32 inSaveOption) |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Do cleanup |
Boolean |
CSoundboardApp::AttemptQuitSelf( |
Int32 inSaveOption) |
{ |
if (LApplication::AttemptQuitSelf(inSaveOption)) { |
// Are we debugging? |
#ifdef DEBUG_IT |
if (mFilterInstance) { |
// Check to see if others are using our component |
long instCount = CountComponentInstances ((Component) mFilterInstance); |
if (instCount > 1) { |
SetStatusText(str_ValidInstancesExist); |
SysBeep(10); |
return false; |
} |
} |
#endif /*DEBUG_IT*/ |
return true; |
} |
else return false; |
} |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ¥ ObeyCommand |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Respond to commands |
Boolean |
CSoundboardApp::ObeyCommand( |
CommandT inCommand, |
void *ioParam) |
{ |
Boolean cmdHandled = true; |
switch (inCommand) { |
// +++ Add cases here for the commands you handle |
// Remember to add same cases to FindCommandStatus below |
// to enable/disable the menu items for the commands |
case cmd_EnableFilter: |
if (mFilterInstance) { |
mEnhanceStereo = !mEnhanceStereo; |
DoSetEnhanceStereo (mFilterInstance, mEnhanceStereo); |
SetStatusText(mEnhanceStereo ? str_EnhanceStereoResultOnStr : str_EnhanceStereoResultOffStr); |
} |
break; |
case cmd_UseExtGains: |
if (mFilterInstance) { |
mFilterUsesGains = kExtGainControl; |
DoSetUseGain (mFilterInstance, mFilterUsesGains); |
} |
break; |
case cmd_srsFilter: |
if (mFilterInstance) { |
mFilterUsesGains = kSRSDiffFilter; |
DoSetUseGain (mFilterInstance, mFilterUsesGains); |
} |
break; |
case cmd_srsGain: |
if (mFilterInstance) { |
mFilterUsesGains = kSRSDiffGain; |
DoSetUseGain (mFilterInstance, mFilterUsesGains); |
} |
break; |
case cmd_3DAudio: |
if (mFilterInstance) { |
mFilterUsesGains = k3DAudio; |
DoSetUseGain (mFilterInstance, mFilterUsesGains); |
} |
break; |
case cmd_3DAudio5b: |
if (mFilterInstance) { |
mFilterUsesGains = k3DAudio5b; |
DoSetUseGain (mFilterInstance, mFilterUsesGains); |
} |
break; |
case cmd_3DAudioOnly: |
if (mFilterInstance) { |
mFilterUsesGains = k3DAudioOnly; |
DoSetUseGain (mFilterInstance, mFilterUsesGains); |
} |
break; |
case cmd_XTalk5b: |
if (mFilterInstance) { |
mFilterUsesGains = kXTalk5b; |
DoSetUseGain (mFilterInstance, mFilterUsesGains); |
} |
break; |
case cmd_XTalkJG: |
if (mFilterInstance) { |
mFilterUsesGains = kXTalkJG; |
DoSetUseGain (mFilterInstance, mFilterUsesGains); |
} |
break; |
case cmd_XTalkJGtest: |
if (mFilterInstance) { |
mFilterUsesGains = kXTalkJGtest; |
DoSetUseGain (mFilterInstance, mFilterUsesGains); |
} |
break; |
case cmd_3DAudioJG: |
if (mFilterInstance) { |
mFilterUsesGains = k3DAudioJG; |
DoSetUseGain (mFilterInstance, mFilterUsesGains); |
} |
break; |
case cmd_SoundBoardW: |
if (mStatusWindow->IsVisible()) |
mStatusWindow->Hide(); |
else mStatusWindow->Show(); |
break; |
case cmd_Open: |
CQuickTimeWindow::CreateQuickTimeWindow(WIND_QuickTimeMovie, this, true); |
break; |
default: |
cmdHandled = LApplication::ObeyCommand(inCommand, ioParam); |
break; |
} |
return cmdHandled; |
} |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ¥ FindCommandStatus |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Pass back status of a (menu) command |
void |
CSoundboardApp::FindCommandStatus( |
CommandT inCommand, |
Boolean &outEnabled, |
Boolean &outUsesMark, |
Char16 &outMark, |
Str255 outName) |
{ |
switch (inCommand) { |
// +++ Add cases here for the commands you handle. |
// |
// Set outEnabled to TRUE for commands that can be executed at |
// this time. |
// |
// If the associated menu items can have check marks, set |
// outUsesMark and outMark accordingly. |
// |
// Set outName to change the name of the menu item |
case cmd_EnableFilter: |
outEnabled = (mFilterInstance != nil); |
outUsesMark = true; |
outMark = mEnhanceStereo ? checkMark : noMark; |
break; |
case cmd_UseExtGains: |
outEnabled = (mFilterInstance != nil); |
outUsesMark = true; |
outMark = (mFilterUsesGains == kExtGainControl) ? checkMark : noMark; |
break; |
case cmd_srsFilter: |
outEnabled = (mFilterInstance != nil); |
outUsesMark = true; |
outMark = (mFilterUsesGains == kSRSDiffFilter) ? checkMark : noMark; |
break; |
case cmd_srsGain: |
#ifndef kConfigGenCrossoverFilter |
outEnabled = (mFilterInstance != nil); |
#else |
outEnabled = false; |
#endif |
outUsesMark = true; |
outMark = (mFilterUsesGains == kSRSDiffGain) ? checkMark : noMark; |
break; |
case cmd_3DAudio: |
outEnabled = (mFilterInstance != nil); |
outUsesMark = true; |
outMark = (mFilterUsesGains == k3DAudio) ? checkMark : noMark; |
break; |
case cmd_3DAudio5b: |
outEnabled = (mFilterInstance != nil); |
outUsesMark = true; |
outMark = (mFilterUsesGains == k3DAudio5b) ? checkMark : noMark; |
break; |
case cmd_3DAudioOnly: |
outEnabled = (mFilterInstance != nil); |
outUsesMark = true; |
outMark = (mFilterUsesGains == k3DAudioOnly) ? checkMark : noMark; |
break; |
case cmd_XTalk5b: |
outEnabled = (mFilterInstance != nil); |
outUsesMark = true; |
outMark = (mFilterUsesGains == kXTalk5b) ? checkMark : noMark; |
break; |
case cmd_XTalkJG: |
outEnabled = (mFilterInstance != nil); |
outUsesMark = true; |
outMark = (mFilterUsesGains == kXTalkJG) ? checkMark : noMark; |
break; |
case cmd_XTalkJGtest: |
outEnabled = (mFilterInstance != nil); |
outUsesMark = true; |
outMark = (mFilterUsesGains == kXTalkJGtest) ? checkMark : noMark; |
break; |
case cmd_3DAudioJG: |
outEnabled = (mFilterInstance != nil); |
outUsesMark = true; |
outMark = (mFilterUsesGains == k3DAudioJG) ? checkMark : noMark; |
break; |
case cmd_Open: |
outEnabled = UQuickTime::QuickTimeIsPresent(); |
break; |
case cmd_SoundBoardW: |
outEnabled = true; |
::GetIndString(outName, STRx_ShowHideSoundBoard, mStatusWindow->IsVisible()? |
str_HideSoundBoard:str_ShowSoundBoard); |
break; |
default: |
LApplication::FindCommandStatus(inCommand, outEnabled, outUsesMark, |
outMark, outName); |
break; |
} |
} |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ¥ SetStatusText |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Get status text from STR# resource and update status box |
void |
CSoundboardApp::SetStatusText(short index) |
{ |
// Get error string |
LEditField *statusPane = (LEditField *)mStatusWindow->FindPaneByID('Stat'); |
if (statusPane) { |
Str255 str; |
GetIndString (str, STRx_StatusStrsID, index); |
statusPane->SetDescriptor(str); |
mClipped = 0; |
} |
} |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ¥ OpenFilterComponent |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Open up an instance of our filter component |
void |
CSoundboardApp::OpenFilterComponent () |
{ |
if (!mFilterInstance && mFilterComponentID) { |
// Open the component |
mFilterInstance = (FilterComponent) OpenComponent (mFilterComponentID); |
if (!mFilterInstance) |
SetStatusText(str_DidNotGetInstStr); |
else { |
int i; |
mFilterUsesGains = mEnhanceStereo = mChangeCount = kUninited; |
mClipped = 0; |
for (i=0; i<kMaxSliders; ++i) |
mGainValue[i] = kUninited; |
} |
} |
else // We were not asked to find some kind of Filter component |
SetStatusText(str_DidNotFindCompIDStr); |
} |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ¥ UpdateFilterCntls |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Update the filter controls |
void |
CSoundboardApp::UpdateFilterCntls(void) |
{ |
if (mFilterInstance) |
{ |
short changeCount; |
unsigned short clipped; |
DoGetChangeCount(mFilterInstance, &changeCount); |
if (changeCount != mChangeCount) |
{ |
short i, enhancedStereo; |
changeCount = mChangeCount; |
// Check to see if state of enhanced stereo has changed |
DoGetEnhanceStereo (mFilterInstance, &enhancedStereo); |
if (enhancedStereo != mEnhanceStereo) |
{ |
mEnhanceStereo = enhancedStereo; |
SetStatusText(mEnhanceStereo ? str_EnhanceStereoResultOnStr : str_EnhanceStereoResultOffStr); |
} |
// Check to see if filter is using its built in gain algorithms |
DoGetUseGain(mFilterInstance, &mFilterUsesGains); |
// Check to see slider values or labels have changed |
for (i=FirstSliderID; i<=LastSliderID; ++i) { |
CFilterControl *filterControlPane = (CFilterControl *)mStatusWindow->FindPaneByID(i); |
if (filterControlPane) |
{ |
unsigned short labelChanges; |
Str255 labelStr; |
double filterGain; |
DoGetGain (mFilterInstance, i-FirstSliderID, &filterGain); |
if (filterGain != ((double)kMaxGain - mGainValue[i-FirstSliderID])/kMaxGain) |
{ |
short sliderGain = ceil(kMaxGain - kMaxGain*filterGain - 0.5); |
filterControlPane->SendAESetValue(sliderGain, true); |
mGainValue[i-FirstSliderID] = sliderGain; |
} |
DoGetGainLabel (mFilterInstance, i-FirstSliderID, &labelChanges, labelStr); |
if (labelChanges != filterControlPane->mLabelChanges) |
{ |
LCaption *label = filterControlPane->mLabel; |
if (label) |
{ |
label->SetDescriptor(labelStr); |
label->Refresh(); |
if (*labelStr) |
{ |
filterControlPane->Show(); |
label->Show(); |
} |
else |
{ |
filterControlPane->Hide(); |
label->Hide(); |
} |
} |
filterControlPane->mLabelChanges = labelChanges; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
DoGetClipped (mFilterInstance, &clipped); |
if ((clipped && !mClipped) || (!clipped && mClipped)) |
{ |
SetStatusText(clipped ? str_ClippingStr : str_NotClippingStr); |
mClipped = clipped; |
} |
} |
} |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ¥ SpendTime |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Idle time: Update the filter controls |
void |
CSoundboardApp::SpendTime( |
const EventRecord& /* inMacEvent */) |
{ |
UpdateFilterCntls(); |
} |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-01-14