
#ifndef __GWLAYERS__
#define __GWLAYERS__
#ifndef __TYPES__
#include "Types.h"
#ifndef __MEMORY__
#include <Memory.h>
#ifndef __QDOFFSCREEN__
#include <QDOffscreen.h>
#ifndef __QUICKDRAW__
#include <Quickdraw.h>
struct LayerRec;
typedef struct LayerRec *LayerRecPtr, **LayerObj;
typedef OSErr (*LayerProc)(LayerObj theLayer, short message);
typedef struct LayerRec {
    LayerObj        aboveLayer;
    LayerObj        belowLayer;
    Boolean         layerOwnsPort;
    GrafPtr         layerPort;
    GDHandle        layerGDevice;
    Handle          layerBitmap;
    short           layerDepth;
    LayerProc       layerProc;
    unsigned long   layerData;
    short           xferMode;
    Rect            srcRect;
    Rect            dstRect;
    Rect            thisUpdate;
    Rect            lastUpdate;
    Boolean         includeLastUpdate;
    Boolean         lockedCount;
    Boolean         cachedCount;
    CGrafPtr        cachedPort;
    GDHandle        cachedGDevice;
} LayerRec;
#define kLayerInit    0
#define kLayerDispose 1
#define kLayerUpdate  2
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
OSErr   NewLayer(LayerObj *newLayer, LayerObj aboveLayer, LayerProc theProc,
                 GrafPtr basePort, short depth, unsigned long theData);
    **  ¦ Create a layer object for offscreen drawing.
    **  INPUT:  aboveLayer      This is the layer above the layer to create.
    **                          If the layer is to be the top layer, then pass nil here.
    **          theProc         The procedure pointer for the layer object.  If the default
    **                          actions are all okay, then pass in nil here.
    **          basePort        If you pass in a port here, then NewLayer wonÕt create one
    **                          for you.  If no port is passed in, then it will create an
    **                          offscreen GWorld (or port for system 6), based on the size/depth
    **                          of the layer above (and some other factors).
    **          depth           The depth to create the offscreen.  If 0 is passed in, then
    **                          the depth is based on the above port.
    **          theData         Application reference field.  Store whatever you want here.
    **  OUTPUT: newLayer        If successful, a LayerObj handle will be returned here.
    **                          If unsuccessful, a nil will be returned here.
    **  RESULT: OSErr           The most likely error is memFullErr.
    **  GWLayers is meant to simplify and standardize offscreen drawing in a flexible way.
    **  NOTE:   This package was originally written for use with GWorlds, but system 6
    **          support has been added.  You no longer need system 7 or color quickdraw
    **          to use this package.
    **  Using offscreen GWorlds allows applications to achieve very clean graphics
    **  effects that are not possible if drawing directly to a window (or grafPort).
    **  In most cases, when an image is generated in an offscreen GWorld, that image
    **  will end up being displayed in a window.
    **  This relationship between offscreen GWorlds and windows needs to be managed.
    **  In addition to one GWorld relating to a window, you may actually need multiple
    **  GWorlds to relate to a window.  Many effects demand more than one offscreen
    **  GWorld.  Smoothly dragging an image over a background is one such effect.
    **  GWLayers.c is a block of code that manages the more mundane aspects of handling one
    **  or more GWorlds.  GWLayers.c gives you a consistent way of relating GWorlds/windows
    **  together.
    **  A common use for offscreen GWorlds is to move an object around in a window smoothly
    **  over a background.  To accomplish this, we need 3 layers.
    **  These are:
    **  1)  The window layer.  This is the top-most layer in the layer hierarchy.  The
    **      top-most layer is typically what the user will see, and therefore commonly
    **      is a window layer.  Layers below the top-most are typically offscreen
    **      GWorlds.
    **  2)  A middle layer that is used to apply the object being moved to the
    **      background plus removing the object from the old location.  Once these
    **      two tasks are done, the offscreen work area is ready to be transferred
    **      to the window layer.
    **  3)  A background image against which the object moves.  This is used to
    **      restore the middle layer at the location where the object being moved
    **      was last at.
    **  The background layer is generated only once.  The relevant (changing) portions of
    **  the background image are copied into the middle layer.  Once the background portion
    **  is copied into the middle layer, the object that is moving across the background is
    **  drawn into the middle layer on top of the background portion.
    **  Once the middle layer has the background portion with the moving object drawn onto it,
    **  the portion is transferred to the top-most layer, which is the window layer.  The user
    **  sees only this final transfer, so the intermediate steps are completely hidden.  The
    **  user just sees the object being dragged drawn into its new location.
    **  To make the dragged object seem to move, it is also important to erase it from its
    **  old location.  If this were done in two steps (restore old location, draw in new location),
    **  the movement would flicker.  The user would be able to perceive (very easily) that
    **  the object is first removed from the old location and the redrawn in the new location.
    **  To prevent this flickering, the old location and the new location have to be updated
    **  in a single step.  Working offscreen allows this.  The middle layer is first updated so
    **  that the old location of the object is restored to background.  The middle layer then has
    **  the object drawn into the new location.  And then when the transfer finally occurs into
    **  the window layer, an area large enough to cover both the old location and the new location
    **  are transferred at once with a single CopyBits.
    **  GWLayers.c conventions:
    **  Updating of each layer is handled by the layer itself.  A particular layer checks to
    **  see if there is a layer below, and if there is, does a CopyBits of the relevant area
    **  from the below layer into itself.  If after the CopyBits there is any additional
    **  drawing needed (such as the middle layer in the above example), then it is typically
    **  done after the CopyBits.
    **  Since the layers actually need to update from the bottom-most layer to the top-most
    **  layer (top-most being the window, showing the final result), the layer updating code
    **  checks to see if there is a layer below.  If there is, then the update procedure is
    **  called for the layer below.  This recursion continues until the bottom-most layer is
    **  reached.  The bottom-most layer then does its thing.  (For the case where the bottom-most
    **  layer is background this "thing" will be to do nothing.)  Once the update for the layer
    **  is completed, the update procedure simply returns.  It will return to the caller, which
    **  is the layer above it (if any).  The next layer up does its thing, and then returns, and
    **  so on.  This recursive chain of layers allows the updating to happen automatically in
    **  the order designated by the layer hierarchy.
    **  Since window records and GWorld records don't have any fields for all of the stuff we
    **  need to keep (such as above-layer, below-layer, update procedures, etc.), this
    **  implementation uses a handle to hold the layer record.  Each layer record has a reference
    **  to the window or GWorld is is to draw into, plus a reference to what layers records
    **  are above and below, if any.  The structure for a layer record is as follows:
    **  typedef struct LayerRec {
    **      LayerObj        aboveLayer;         Nil if no above layer.
    **      LayerObj        belowLayer;         Nil if no below layer.
    **      Boolean         layerOwnsPort;      True if layer created the GWorld.
    **      GrafPtr         layerPort;          Window or GWorld this layer draws into.
    **      GDHandle        layerGDevice;       The GDevice for this layer.
    **      Handle          layerBitmap;        If GWorlds aren't available, this holds the bitmap.
    **      short           layerDepth;         Requested NewLayer depth of pixmap.
    **      LayerProc       layerProc;          Layer procedure.  If nil, then default behaviors used.
    **      unsigned long   layerData;          Application refCon-type field.
    **      short           xferMode;           Transfer mode for CopyBits.
    **      Rect            srcRect;            Initially nil, which makes entire GWorld source.
    **      Rect            dstRect;            Initially nil, which makes entire window/GWorld dest.
    **      Rect            thisUpdate;         Area to be updated for this update.
    **      Rect            lastUpdate;         Area updated last time UpdateLayer was called.
    **      Boolean         includeLastUpdate;  True is last updated area is o updated as well.
    **      Boolean         lockedCount;        Used internally by GWorld locking/unlocking calls.
    **      Boolean         cachedCount;        Used internally by GWorld locking/unlocking calls.
    **      CGrafPtr        cachedPort;         Used internally by GWorld usage calls.
    **      GDHandle        cachedGDevice;      Used internally by GWorld usage calls.
    **  } LayerRec;
    **  layerOwnsPort:
    **      If the layer created the GWorld, then it is the layer's responsibility to get rid
    **      of its GWorld when the layer is disposed of.  If this flag is true, the GWorld
    **      will be disposed of when the layer is disposed of.
    **  layerProc:
    **      This is nil if the default behaviors are acceptable for a particular layer.
    **      If this is non-nil, then you are responsible for implementing each layer
    **      message behavior.  (More on this later.)
    **  xferMode:
    **      This is the transfer mode for CopyBits.  The default behavior for updating simply
    **      transfers some or all of the below layer (if there is one) into the current layer.
    **      It does this with CopyBits, using the designated transfer mode.
    **  srcRect:
    **      This is initially an empty rect.  If this srcRect is empty, then the portRect of the
    **      GWorld is used as the srcRect.  This means the default srcRect is the entire GWorld.
    **      If this field is set to a non-empty rect, the default update behavior is to do a CopyBits
    **      of just the srcRect area, and not the entire GWorld.  (Remember, the CopyBits is done by
    **      the above layer, so only if the above layer uses the default update behavior does this
    **      occur automatically.)
    **      Having a srcRect smaller than the entire GWorld allows for additional effects, such as
    **      fat-bits.  If the srcRect for this layer is smaller than the dstRect of the above layer,
    **      CopyBits will transfer a small rect into a big rect.  The image will be scaled to
    **      accommodate the larger destination rect, and presto -- fat-bits!!
    **  dstRect:
    **      This field is initially an empty rect, just like srcRect.  If dstRect is set to a
    **      non-empty rect, then the default update behavior will CopyBits only into this area.
    **      This allows targeting of a specific portion of a window for offscreen updating, while
    **      the rest of the window can be used from scrollbars, or some such other thing.
    **  thisRect:
    **      This field is also initially an empty rect.  This field becomes non-empty by
    **      calling InvalLayer.  InvalLayer unions the rect passed to it into thisRect and
    **      stores the result in thisRect.  It then calls itself if there is a below layer, thus
    **      recursively changing thisRect for all layers below it in the layer hierarchy.
    **  lastRect:
    **      This field is also initially an empty rect.  This field becomes non-empty after
    **      thisRect is non-empty and then UpdateLayer is called.  Once the update is done,
    **      thisRect is copied into lastRect, and then thisRect is set empty once again.
    **      The lastRect field is use to optionally combine updating the last update with the
    **      current update.  This is particularly useful for dragging objects, as described above.
    **      In a single CopyBits, the old location and the new location need to be drawn in the
    **      window.  By setting includeLastUpdate true, this is done automatically by the default
    **      update behavior.
    **  includeLastUpdate:
    **      As just described for the lastRect field, if this field is true, then the default
    **      update behavior CopyBits includes both the last update and this update, thus generating
    **      smooth animation effects.
    **  A call to create a layer for a window (the top-most layer, most likely) might look like this:
    **      NewLayer(&windowLayer,    Layer object handle is returned here.
    **                nil,            Top layer, so there is no above layer.
    **                nil,            Uses default layer procedure.
    **                window,         Window used by the layer object.
    **                0,              Depth for offscreen 0 for screen depth).
    **                0);             Custom layer init data, if any.
    **  If NewLayer succeeds, the layer object handle is returned in windowLayer.  If it fails,
    **  nil is returned in windowLayer, plus an error is returned.  This call can hardly fail, as
    **  there is no offscreen GWorld created.  If only a minimally-sized handle can be created, it
    **  will succeed.
    **  To create a work layer below this window layer, we might make a call such as:
    **      err = NewLayer(&workLayer, windowLayer, WorkLayerProc, nil, 0, (long)&myInfo);
    **              myInfo is a struct that holds information that WorkLayerProc
    **              needs to reference for drawing the object in the new location.
    **  This call has a greater chance of failure, as an offscreen GWorld was created for it.
    **  We passed it a nil grafPort, so the default initialization behavior knows that it will
    **  have to create a GWorld.  The default initialization behavior uses dstRect of the above
    **  layer as the size of the offscreen GWorld it is to create.  If dstRect is an empty rect,
    **  then it uses the portRect of the above layer instead.  So if you wanted to map the offscreen
    **  layer to just a portion of the window, you would set the dstRect for the top-most layer
    **  prior to creating the middle layer.
    **  IMPORTANT:  The default behavior automatically creates the offscreen GWorld to the described
    **              size.  We have passed NewLayer a layer procedure, so we don't automatically get
    **              the default behaviors for the middle layer.  This must be kept in mind when
    **              writing the layer procedure for the middle layer.  To get the default behavior,
    **              we simply call DefaultLayerInit when the layer procedure gets an initialization
    **              message.  Since the default initialization behavior is exactly what we want, we
    **              just call it directly.
    **  The reason that we have a layer procedure for this layer is that we want to do something
    **  different when we receive an update message.  For the update message we want to first
    **  transfer the portion of background into the middle layer, and then we want to draw the object
    **  we are dragging into the middle layer.  For the update message, we can first call
    **  DefaultLayerUpdate to do the CopyBits from the below layer into the middle layer, and then
    **  right after that we can draw the object being dragged into its new location.  The neat thing
    **  about this is that the default behavior can still commonly be used, even if there is extra
    **  stuff that we need to do.
    **  Assuming no errors, we now have a top-most layer relating to the target window, plus a middle
    **  layer for doing the offscreen drawing of the object being dragged.  We now need a background
    **  layer that has an image of the background drawn into it.  This code might look like:
    **      if (!err) err = NewLayer(&backLayer, workLayer, BackLayerProc, nil, 0, (long)&myInfo);
    **  This layer also has its own layer procedure.  The reasoning behind this is that the
    **  initialization would do the drawing into the background.  Once the layers are all set up,
    **  we want the background layer to be fully imaged.  This way there is no time spent for the
    **  background layer, which is the way a background should be.
    **  To recap, the code to create the 3 layers is as follows:
    **                      NewLayer(&windowLayer, nil, nil, window, 0, 0);
    **                err = NewLayer(&workLayer, windowLayer, WorkLayerProc, nil, 0, (long)&myInfo);
    **      if (!err) err = NewLayer(&backLayer, workLayer, BackLayerProc, nil, 0, (long)&myInfo);
    **  For dragging, we would then have some sort of loop, such as:
    **      Assume the location where the user clicked is already in mouseLoc, local coordinates.
    **      if (err) return;        No ram for the offscreen stuff.
    **      lastLoc.h = lastLoc.v = -32767;     Unclickable initial point.
    **      while (StillDown()) {
    **          if ((lastLoc.h != mouseLoc.h) || (lastLoc.v != mouseLoc.v)) {  Always true first time.
    **      = rct.bottom = mouseLoc.v;
    **              rct.left = rct.right  = mouseLoc.h;
    **              rct.bottom += myInfo.objectHeight;
    **              rct.right  += myInfo.objectWidth;
    **              InvalLayer(windowLayer, rct, true);     Update last location, as well as this one.
    **              UpdateLayer(windowLayer);
    **              lastLoc = mouseLoc;
    **          }
    **      }
    **      DisposeThisAndBelowLayers(windowLayer);
    **  As can be seen above, smoothly dragging an object can be very little code.  There are a few
    **  things not handled by the above code, such as if there isn't enough memory for the offscreen
    **  GWorlds.  It isn't really polite to do nothing, as the above code does.  For exception
    **  handling, please see the actual sample code that uses the GWLayers.c package. */
void    DetachLayer(LayerObj theLayer);
    **  ¦ Detach the layer from the layer chain.
    **  INPUT:  theLayer        This is the layer to detach.  If nil is passed in, then
    **                          no action is taken.
    **  Use this call to remove a layer from a layer hierarchy.  This call does
    **  not dispose of the layer. */
OSErr   DisposeLayer(LayerObj theLayer);
    **  ¦ Detach the layer from the layer chain, and then dispose it.
    **  INPUT:  theLayer        This is the layer to detach/dispose.  If nil is passed in,
    **                          then no action is taken.
    **  Dispose of the layer.  If the layer belongs to a hierarchy, it is first
    **  removed from that hierarchy. */
OSErr   DisposeThisAndBelowLayers(LayerObj theLayer);
    **  ¦ Dispose the layer and all layers below it from the layer chain.
    **  INPUT:  theLayer        This is the top layer to detach/dispose.  If nil is passed in,
    **                          then no action is taken.
    **  Dispose of the layer and all layers below it in the hierarchy. */
short   GetLayerPosition(LayerObj theLayer);
    **  ¦ Return the layer position in the hierarchy.
    **  INPUT:  theLayer    This is the layer to determine position for.  If nil is passed in,
    **                      then no action is taken.
    **  Return the layer position in the hierarchy.  0 is the top layer. */
LayerObj    GetTopLayer(LayerObj theLayer);
    **  ¦ Return the top layer in the hierarchy.
    **  INPUT:  theLayer    This is the layer somewhere in the chain.  If nil is passed in,
    **                      then no action is taken.
    **  Return the top layer in the hierarchy. */
LayerObj    GetBottomLayer(LayerObj theLayer);
    **  ¦ Return the bottom layer in the hierarchy.
    **  INPUT:  theLayer    This is the layer somewhere in the chain.  If nil is passed in,
    **                      then no action is taken.
    **  Return the bottom layer in the hierarchy. */
void    InsertLayer(LayerObj theLayer, LayerObj referenceLayer, short pos);
    **  ¦ Insert a layer into a hierarchy.
    **  INPUT:  theLayer        This is the layer to add to the chain.
    **          referenceLayer  This is any layer in the hierarchy theLayer is being added to.
    **          pos             This is the position in the hierarchy that theLayer is being
    **                          added as.
    **  Insert a layer into a hierarchy.  Passing a 0 for position makes the layer the top layer. */
OSErr   UpdateLayer(LayerObj theLayer);
    **  ¦ Return the bottom layer in the hierarchy.
    **  INPUT:  theLayer    This is the layer to update.  If nil is passed in,
    **                      then no action is taken.
    **  Given that a layer update has been posted, do the update.  LayerUpdate does
    **  a recursive update from theLayer down.  If there is a layer below, it calls
    **  LayerUpdate for that layer.  Once the bottom of the hierarchy is reached,
    **  the layerProc is called to do the update.  This causes the layer updates to
    **  occur from bottom up. */
Rect    GetEffectiveSrcRect(LayerObj theLayer);
    **  ¦ Get the effective (logical) source rect for the layer.
    **  INPUT:  theLayer    This is the layer to get the source rect for.  If nil is passed in,
    **                      then no action is taken.
    **  The effectiveSrcRect is srcRect or portRect of the layer.  If there is no srcRect,
    **  (srcRect is empty), then effectiveSrcRect is the layer's portRect. */
Rect    GetEffectiveDstRect(LayerObj theLayer);
    **  ¦ Get the effective (logical) destination rect for the layer.
    **  INPUT:  theLayer    This is the layer to get the destination rect for.  If nil is passed in,
    **                      then no action is taken.
    **  The effectiveDstRect is dstRect or portRect of the layer.  If there is no dstRect,
    **  (dstRect is empty), then effectiveDstRect is the layer's portRect. */
OSErr   DefaultLayerProc(LayerObj theLayer, short message);
    **  ¦ Get the effective (logical) destination rect for the layer.
    **  INPUT:  theLayer    This is the layer to take action on.  If nil is passed in,
    **                      then no action is taken.
    **  The three currently defined message definitions are:
    **  kLayerInit:     Called by NewLayer.  If layerPort is nil (which was
    **                  initialized by NewLayer), then the size/depth of the GWorld
    **                  that is created is dependent on aboveLayer.  If there is no
    **                  aboveLayer, this is an error, and paramErr is returned.
    **                  If the GWorld is successfully created, then layerOwnsPort is
    **                  set true.
    **  kLayerDispose:  Called when a layer is disposed of by either DisposeLayer or
    **                  DisposeThisAndBelowLayers.  It disposes of the GWorld if the
    **                  GWorld is owned by the layer.
    **  kLayerUpdate:   If there is a below layer, kLayerUpdate does a CopyBits from the
    **                  below layer into the current layer.  The copy is done from the
    **                  below layer's effectiveSrcRect into the current layer's
    **                  effectiveDstRect.  The transfer mode used is in xferMode, which
    **                  by default is srcCopy. */
Rect    UpdateUpdateRects(LayerObj theLayer);
    **  ¦ The rect to be updated, plus lastUpdate/thisUpdate management.
    **  INPUT:  theLayer    If nil is passed in, then no action is taken.
    **  Return the rect that is to be updated, plus manage lastUpdate/thisUpdate
    **  so that they apply to the next update. */
void    InvalLayer(LayerObj theLayer, Rect invalRect, Boolean includeLastUpdate);
    **  ¦ Invalidate a rectangle-worth of the layer.
    **  INPUT:  theLayer            The layer to invalidate.  If nil is passed in, then no
    **                              action is taken.
    **          invalRect           The area to invalidate.
    **          includeLastUpdate   If true, then union passed-in rect with last rect, thus
    **                              giving a resulting inval area large enough to enclose the
    **                              last position of an object being dragged.
    **  Post a layer update rect.  The rect is unioned into the thisUpdate for the
    **  layer and all layers below this layer.  If includeLastUpdate is true, then
    **  the field includeLastUpdate is set true for each layer, as well.  This boolean
    **  is used by the default update behavior to determine if the area last updated
    **  should be updated again.  This makes animation effects easier in the the old
    **  and new position for a player being moved are updated at the same time.  This
    **  could be handled by hand by calculating the rect to be updated to include the
    **  last position, but by passing includeLastUpdate as true, it is
    **  handled automatically. */
void    SetLayerWorld(LayerObj theLayer);
    **  ¦ Set the port (and possibly GDevice) to the layerÕs.
    **  INPUT:  theLayer        If nil is passed in, then no action is taken.
    **  This is a convenient call for setting a GWorld, while remembering what
    **  the previous GWorld was.  This should be balanced with a call to
    **  ResetLayerWorld.  A count of how many times this is called is kept
    **  so that the old GWorld is cached only if SetLayerWorld is currently
    **  in balance with ResetLayerWorld.  This keeps the oldest kept GWorld
    **  from being overwritten by subsequent calls. */
void    ResetLayerWorld(LayerObj theLayer);
    **  ¦ Reset the port (and possibly GDevice) to before the SetLayerWorld call.
    **  INPUT:  theLayer        If nil is passed in, then no action is taken.
    **  This is used to undo a call to SetLayerWorld.  Calls to ResetLayerWorld
    **  should be balanced with previous calls to SetLayerWorld. */
void    LockLayerWorld(LayerObj theLayer);
    **  ¦ Lock down the pixels for a layer's GWorld.
    **  INPUT:  theLayer        If nil is passed in, then no action is taken.
    **  This is a convenient way to lock down the pixels for a layer's GWorld.
    **  A locked count is kept to make sure that the GWorld is locked only the
    **  first time this is called.  Calls to LockLayerWorld will most likely
    **  be balanced by calls to UnlockLayerWorld, but not necessarily.  It may
    **  be desirable to keep a GWorld layer locked.  In this case, right after
    **  creating the layer (and indirectly its GWorld), call LockLayerWorld.
    **  This will initially lock it.  Subsequent calls would be balanced, and
    **  therefore there will always be one more LockLayerWorld call than
    **  UnlockLayerWorld calls.  This will keep it locked. */
void    UnlockLayerWorld(LayerObj theLayer);
    **  ¦ Unlock down the pixels for a layer's GWorld.
    **  INPUT:  theLayer        If nil is passed in, then no action is taken.
    **  This undoes what LockLayerWorld does.  Calls to UnlockLayerWorld will
    **  generally be balanced with calls to LockLayerWorld. */
RgnHandle   ScreenDepthRegion(short depth);
    **  ¦ Returns region describing area of various screens of at least designated depth.
    **  INPUT:  depth           Minimum screen depth necessary to add monitor to region.
    **  This returns a region describing the area of the various screens that is at least as deep
    **  as the value passed in.  So, if you want to find out what area of the screens has at least
    **  an 8-pixel depth, pass in an 8, and the region returned will describe that area.  If you
    **  want the screen area that is exactly 8 pixels deep, call this function with an 8, and then
    **  call it again with a 9.  Diff out the region returned when 9 was passed in.  The remaining
    **  area is the area that is exactly 8 pixels deep.  (Dispose of both regions when you are done
    **  with them.) */
CIconHandle ReadCIcon(short iconID);
    **  ¦ System 6&7-savvy GetCIcon call.
    **  INPUT:  iconID          Resource ID of 'cicn' to get.
    **  This function is for system 6/7 compatibility.  System 6 doesn't normally have color icon
    **  support, and if you call the 'cicn' functions in system 6, you will get an unimplemented
    **  trap error.  ReadCIcon calls the color QuickDraw trap GetCIcon if it is available, or it
    **  simply calls GetResource/ReleaseResource if the trap isn't available.
    **  __________
    **  Also see:   DrawCIcon, DrawCIconNoMask, DrawCIconByDepth, KillCIcon. */
void        KillCIcon(CIconHandle icon);
    **  ¦ System 6&7-savvy DisposeCIcon call.
    **  INPUT:  iconID          Resource ID of 'cicn' to dispose.
    **  This call disposes of a 'cicn' handle gotten by calling ReadCicon.
    **  __________
    **  Also see:   DrawCIcon, DrawCIconNoMask, DrawCIconByDepth, ReadCIcon. */
void        DrawCIcon(CIconHandle icon, Rect destRect);
    **  ¦ System 6&7-savvy PlotCIcon call.
    **  INPUT:  iconID          Resource ID of 'cicn' to plot.
    **  This function calls PlotCIcon if it is available, or it dereferences the 1-bit deep bitmap
    **  of the 'cicn' and does a CopyBits if it isn't.
    **  __________
    **  Also see:   DrawCIconNoMask, DrawCIconByDepth, KillCIcon, ReadCIcon. */
void        DrawCIconNoMask(CIconHandle icon, Rect destRect);
    **  ¦ System 6&7-savvy alternate PlotCIcon call.
    **  INPUT:  iconID          Resource ID of 'cicn' to plot with no mask.
    **          destRect        Location to plot 'cicn'.
    **  This function calls PlotCIcon with a temporary mask of nothing masked if it is available,
    **  or it dereferences the 1-bit deep bitmap of the 'cicn' and does a CopyMask if it isn't.
    **  __________
    **  Also see:   DrawCIcon, DrawCIconByDepth, KillCIcon, ReadCIcon. */
void        DrawCIconByDepth(CIconHandle icon, Rect destRect, short depth, Boolean useMask);
    **  ¦ System 6&7-savvy smart PlotCIcon call.
    **  INPUT:  iconID          Resource ID of 'cicn' to plot by depth.
    **          destRect        Location to plot 'cicn'.
    **          depth           Depth to plot 'cicn'.
    **          useMask         True is 'cicn' should be drawn with its mask.
    **  This call does either a CopyBits or CopyMask of the correct part of the 'cicn' resource.
    **  The correct part is determined by the depth.  If a specific depth of 1 is requested, then
    **  the bitmap portion of the 'cicn' is plotted.  If a specific depth of greater than 1 is
    **  requested, and the depth of the target is greater than 1, then the pixmap portion of the 
    **  'cicn' is plotted.
    **  __________
    **  Also see:   DrawCIcon, DrawCIconNoMask, KillCIcon, ReadCIcon. */
#ifdef __cplusplus