
//¥ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ¥
//¥ Copyright © 1996 Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved
//¥     You may incorporate this sample code into your applications without
//¥     restriction, though the sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the
//¥     responsibility for its operation is 100% yours.  However, what you are
//¥     not permitted to do is to redistribute the source as "DSC Sample Code"
//¥     after having made changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source,
//¥     we require that you make it clear in the source that the code was
//¥     descended from Apple Sample Code, but that you've made changes.
//¥     Authors:
//¥         Chris De Salvo
//¥ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ¥
#ifndef __GAMEOBJECT__
#define __GAMEOBJECT__
//¥ ------------------------------  Includes
#include "Particles.h"
#include "Sprite.h"
//¥ ------------------------------  Public Definitions
typedef enum ObjectKind
} ObjectKind;
//¥ ------------------------------  Public Types
//¥ Forward declaration of this structure so we can build a link list of
//¥ them within the actual structure
struct GameObject;
typedef struct GameObject GameObject, *GameObjectPtr, **GameObjectHandle;
typedef void (*ObjectAction)(GameObjectPtr theObject);
struct GameObject
    GameObjectPtr   next;
    GameObjectPtr   prev;
    ObjectKind      kind;
    Rect            screenRect;     //¥ The area of the screen that the object was last drawn in
    Rect            oldScreenRect;  //¥ Last rect where the sprite was drawn
    SInt16          screenX;        //¥ Where the hotspots are in screen space
    SInt16          screenY;
    SInt16          velocityH;
    SInt16          velocityV;
    Rect            bounds;         //¥ The object must stay within this rectangle.  This is defined in screen space
    SInt16          frame;          //¥ Which frame of animation is being displayed
    UInt32          time;           //¥ Local time for this object
        SpritePtr   sprite;         //¥ Animation frames and hot-spots for this object
        ParticlesPtr particles;     //¥ Particle system for particle objects
    } objectData;
    ObjectAction    action;         //¥ This function controls all object actions
    UInt32          refCon;         //¥ Client-defined 32-bit scratch variable
//¥ ------------------------------  Public Variables
extern unsigned long    gNumGameObjects;
//¥ ------------------------------  Public Functions
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
extern GameObjectPtr GameObjectAllocate(void);
extern void GameObjectDispose(GameObjectPtr go);
extern void GameObjectAddToList(GameObjectPtr *list, GameObjectPtr go);
extern void GameObjectRemoveFromList(GameObjectPtr *list, GameObjectPtr go);
extern void GameObjectDisposeList(GameObjectPtr *list);
extern void GameObjectSetSprite(GameObjectPtr go, SpritePtr sprite);
extern SpritePtr GameObjectGetSprite(GameObjectPtr go);
extern void GameObjectSetParticles(GameObjectPtr go, ParticlesPtr particles);
extern ParticlesPtr GameObjectGetParticles(GameObjectPtr go);
extern void GameObjectSetBounds(GameObjectPtr go, RectPtr r);
extern RectPtr GameObjectGetBounds(GameObjectPtr go);
extern void GameObjectListAdvance(GameObjectPtr list);
extern void GameObjectListDraw(GameObjectPtr list, CGrafPtr dest);
extern UInt32 GameObjectListCount(GameObjectPtr list);
#ifdef __cplusplus