Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
//¥ ---------------------------------------- Includes |
#include <Movies.h> |
#include "Graphics.h" |
#include "MoviePlayback.h" |
//¥ ---------------------------------------- Definitions |
//¥ ---------------------------------------- Types |
//¥ ---------------------------------------- Private Variables |
static Movie gTheMovie; |
static CGrafPtr gMovieWindow; |
static short gMovieRefNum; |
static Rect gMovieBox; |
//¥ ---------------------------------------- Private Functions |
static void CenterRectOnWindow(RectPtr theRect, CGrafPtr theWindow); |
//¥ ---------------------------------------- Public Variables |
FSSpec gMovieSpec; |
//¥ -------------------- PlaybackMovie |
void |
PlaybackMovie(void) |
{ |
GDHandle movieDevice; |
OSErr theErr; |
short movieResID = 0; |
Boolean wasChanged; |
GraphicsGetUnderlayGrafPort(&gMovieWindow, &movieDevice); |
theErr = OpenMovieFile(&gMovieSpec, &gMovieRefNum, fsRdPerm); |
if (theErr) |
return; |
theErr = NewMovieFromFile(&gTheMovie, gMovieRefNum, &movieResID, "\p", newMovieActive, &wasChanged); |
if (theErr) |
return; |
//¥ Find the dimensions of the movie and translate them to a (0, 0) base |
GetMovieBox(gTheMovie, &gMovieBox); |
OffsetRect(&gMovieBox, -gMovieBox.left,; |
CenterRectOnWindow(&gMovieBox, gMovieWindow); |
SetMovieGWorld(gTheMovie, gMovieWindow, gGameGDH); |
SetMovieBox(gTheMovie, &gMovieBox); |
//¥ Rewind the movie |
SetMovieTimeValue(gTheMovie, 0L); |
//¥ Preroll the movie and start playback |
MoviesTask(gTheMovie, 0); |
MoviesTask(gTheMovie, 0); |
StartMovie(gTheMovie); |
FlushEvents(everyEvent, 0); |
//¥ Service the movie until it is finished. Minimally look for key strokes and mouse clicks. |
MoviesTask(gTheMovie, 0); |
GraphicsSetUnderlayRectDirty(&gMovieBox); |
} |
//¥ -------------------- ServiceMoviePlayback |
void |
ServiceMoviePlayback(void) |
{ |
if (gTheMovie) |
{ |
//¥ If the movie is finished then rewind it and start the playback over again |
if (IsMovieDone(gTheMovie)) |
{ |
SetMovieTimeValue(gTheMovie, 0L); |
StartMovie(gTheMovie); |
} |
//¥ Otherwise, service the movie and update the underlay buffer |
MoviesTask(gTheMovie, 0); |
GraphicsSetUnderlayRectDirty(&gMovieBox); |
} |
} |
//¥ -------------------- ShutdownMoviePlayback |
void |
ShutdownMoviePlayback(void) |
{ |
if (gTheMovie) |
{ |
StopMovie(gTheMovie); |
DisposeMovie(gTheMovie); |
CloseMovieFile(gMovieRefNum); |
gTheMovie = 0; |
} |
} |
//¥ -------------------- CenterRectOnWindow |
static void |
CenterRectOnWindow(RectPtr theRect, CGrafPtr theWindow) |
{ |
short newH, newV; |
Rect wRect; |
wRect = theWindow->portRect; |
//¥ Zero the origin of the rects |
OffsetRect(&wRect, -wRect.left,; |
OffsetRect(theRect, -theRect->left, -theRect->top); |
//¥ Find the difference between the two rects' sizes |
newH = (wRect.right - wRect.left) - (theRect->right - theRect->left); |
newV = (wRect.bottom - - (theRect->bottom - theRect->top); |
//¥ Half the difference so that it's centered top-to-bottom and left-to-right |
newH >>= 1; |
newV >>= 1; |
//¥ Add that offset to the upper-left of the monitor |
newH += wRect.left; |
newV +=; |
//¥ Center the rect |
OffsetRect(theRect, newH, newV); |
} |
//¥ -------------------- SelectBackgroundMovie |
void |
SelectBackgroundMovie(void) |
{ |
SFTypeList typeList = { MovieFileType }; |
StandardFileReply theReply; |
StandardGetFile(nil, 1, typeList, &theReply); |
if (! theReply.sfGood) |
return; |
BlockMoveData(&theReply.sfFile, &gMovieSpec, sizeof (FSSpec)); |
} |
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