
    File:       SIResources.h
    Contains:   xxx put contents here xxx
    Version:    xxx put version here xxx
    Copyright:  © 1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
    File Ownership:
        DRI:                xxx put dri here xxx
        Other Contact:      xxx put other contact here xxx
        Technology:         xxx put technology here xxx
        (cjd)   Chris De Salvo
    Change History (most recent first):
       <SP4>     1/29/99    cjd     Added resources for new CD controller sprites
//¥ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ¥
//¥ Copyright © 1996 Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved
//¥     You may incorporate this sample code into your applications without
//¥     restriction, though the sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the
//¥     responsibility for its operation is 100% yours.  However, what you are
//¥     not permitted to do is to redistribute the source as "DSC Sample Code"
//¥     after having made changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source,
//¥     we require that you make it clear in the source that the code was
//¥     descended from Apple Sample Code, but that you've made changes.
//¥     Authors:
//¥         Chris De Salvo
//¥ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ¥
#ifndef __SIRESOURCES__
#define __SIRESOURCES__
//¥ ------------------------------  Includes
//¥ ------------------------------  Public Definitions
//¥ 'ALRT' resources
#define kALRTAboutBox               128
#define kALRTNoSoundSprocket        129
#define kALRTFatal                  2000
#define kALRTWarning                2001
#define kALRTNonFatal               2002
#define kALRTMessage                2003
//¥ 'CLUT' resources
#define kCLUTSprites                1000
#define kCLUTTwoPlanets             2000
#define kCLUTGasCloud               2001
//¥ 'MBAR' resources
#define kMBARMain                   128
//¥ 'MENU' resources
#define kMENUApple                  128
#define kMENUFile                   129
#define kMENUEdit                   130
#define kMENUOptions                131
//¥ 'PICT' resources
#define kPICTTwoPlanets             2000
#define kPICTGasCloud               2001
//¥ 'SND ' resources
#define kSND_PlayerFire             2000
#define kSND_PlayerHit              2001
#define kSND_EnemyFire              2002
#define kSND_EnemyHit               2003
//¥ 'SPRT' resources
#define kSPRTPlayer                 128
#define kSPRTPlayerShot             129
#define kSPRTPoints                 130
#define kSPRTEnemy                  131
#define kSPRTEnemyShot              132
#define kSPRTPlayer2                133
#define kSPRTPlayButton             134
#define kSPRTStopButton             135
#define kSPRTPrevButton             136
#define kSPRTSkipButton             137
//¥ 'STR#' resources
#define kSTRMessageStrings          2000
#define kSTRiFatal                  1
#define kSTRiWarning                2
#define kSTRiNonFatal               3
#define kSTRiFileError              4
//¥ 'WIND' resources
#define kWINDMain                   128
//¥ ------------------------------  Public Types
//¥ ------------------------------  Public Variables
//¥ ------------------------------  Public Functions
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#ifdef __cplusplus